path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize')
22 files changed, 2944 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3a4bd1bb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Trace-viewer component model.
+This module implements trace-viewer's component model.
+from py_vulcanize.generate import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
+from py_vulcanize.project import Project
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dfcb5e60bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import codecs
+import os
+import sys
+import collections
+import StringIO
+class WithableStringIO(StringIO.StringIO):
+ def __enter__(self, *args):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ pass
+class FakeFS(object):
+ def __init__(self, initial_filenames_and_contents=None):
+ self._file_contents = {}
+ if initial_filenames_and_contents:
+ for k, v in initial_filenames_and_contents.iteritems():
+ self._file_contents[k] = v
+ self._bound = False
+ self._real_codecs_open =
+ self._real_open = sys.modules['__builtin__'].open
+ self._real_abspath = os.path.abspath
+ self._real_exists = os.path.exists
+ self._real_walk = os.walk
+ self._real_listdir = os.listdir
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.Bind()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ self.Unbind()
+ def Bind(self):
+ assert not self._bound
+ = self._FakeCodecsOpen
+ sys.modules['__builtin__'].open = self._FakeOpen
+ os.path.abspath = self._FakeAbspath
+ os.path.exists = self._FakeExists
+ os.walk = self._FakeWalk
+ os.listdir = self._FakeListDir
+ self._bound = True
+ def Unbind(self):
+ assert self._bound
+ = self._real_codecs_open
+ sys.modules['__builtin__'].open = self._real_open
+ os.path.abspath = self._real_abspath
+ os.path.exists = self._real_exists
+ os.walk = self._real_walk
+ os.listdir = self._real_listdir
+ self._bound = False
+ def AddFile(self, path, contents):
+ assert path not in self._file_contents
+ path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ self._file_contents[path] = contents
+ def _FakeOpen(self, path, mode=None):
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = 'r'
+ if mode == 'r' or mode == 'rU' or mode == 'rb':
+ if path not in self._file_contents:
+ return self._real_open(path, mode)
+ return WithableStringIO(self._file_contents[path])
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _FakeCodecsOpen(self, path, mode=None,
+ encoding=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = 'r'
+ if mode == 'r' or mode == 'rU' or mode == 'rb':
+ if path not in self._file_contents:
+ return self._real_open(path, mode)
+ return WithableStringIO(self._file_contents[path])
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _FakeAbspath(self, path):
+ """Normalize the path and ensure it starts with os.path.sep.
+ The tests all assume paths start with things like '/my/project',
+ and this abspath implementaion makes that assumption work correctly
+ on Windows.
+ """
+ normpath = os.path.normpath(path)
+ if not normpath.startswith(os.path.sep):
+ normpath = os.path.sep + normpath
+ return normpath
+ def _FakeExists(self, path):
+ if path in self._file_contents:
+ return True
+ return self._real_exists(path)
+ def _FakeWalk(self, top):
+ assert os.path.isabs(top)
+ all_filenames = self._file_contents.keys()
+ pending_prefixes = collections.deque()
+ pending_prefixes.append(top)
+ visited_prefixes = set()
+ while len(pending_prefixes):
+ prefix = pending_prefixes.popleft()
+ if prefix in visited_prefixes:
+ continue
+ visited_prefixes.add(prefix)
+ if prefix.endswith(os.path.sep):
+ prefix_with_trailing_sep = prefix
+ else:
+ prefix_with_trailing_sep = prefix + os.path.sep
+ dirs = set()
+ files = []
+ for filename in all_filenames:
+ if not filename.startswith(prefix_with_trailing_sep):
+ continue
+ relative_to_prefix = os.path.relpath(filename, prefix)
+ dirpart = os.path.dirname(relative_to_prefix)
+ if len(dirpart) == 0:
+ files.append(relative_to_prefix)
+ continue
+ parts = dirpart.split(os.sep)
+ if len(parts) == 0:
+ dirs.add(dirpart)
+ else:
+ pending = os.path.join(prefix, parts[0])
+ dirs.add(parts[0])
+ pending_prefixes.appendleft(pending)
+ dirs = sorted(dirs)
+ yield prefix, dirs, files
+ def _FakeListDir(self, dirname):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08250138a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import fake_fs
+class FakeFSUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testBasic(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/blah/x', 'foobar')
+ with fs:
+ assert os.path.exists(os.path.normpath('/blah/x'))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'foobar',
+ open(os.path.normpath('/blah/x'), 'r').read())
+ def testWithableOpen(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/blah/x', 'foobar')
+ with fs:
+ with open(os.path.normpath('/blah/x'), 'r') as f:
+ self.assertEquals('foobar',
+ def testWalk(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/x/w2/w3/z3.txt', '')
+ fs.AddFile('/x/w/z.txt', '')
+ fs.AddFile('/x/y.txt', '')
+ fs.AddFile('/a.txt', 'foobar')
+ with fs:
+ gen = os.walk(os.path.normpath('/'))
+ r =
+ self.assertEquals((os.path.normpath('/'), ['x'], ['a.txt']), r)
+ r =
+ self.assertEquals((os.path.normpath('/x'), ['w', 'w2'], ['y.txt']), r)
+ r =
+ self.assertEquals((os.path.normpath('/x/w'), [], ['z.txt']), r)
+ r =
+ self.assertEquals((os.path.normpath('/x/w2'), ['w3'], []), r)
+ r =
+ self.assertEquals((os.path.normpath('/x/w2/w3'), [], ['z3.txt']), r)
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6accb4b328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from io import StringIO
+from py_vulcanize import html_generation_controller
+html_warning_message = """
+WARNING: This file is auto generated.
+ Do not edit directly.
+js_warning_message = """
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+/* WARNING: This file is auto generated.
+ *
+ * Do not edit directly.
+ */
+css_warning_message = """
+/* Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file. */
+/* WARNING: This file is auto-generated.
+ *
+ * Do not edit directly.
+ */
+def _AssertIsUTF8(f):
+ if isinstance(f, StringIO):
+ return
+ assert f.encoding == 'utf-8'
+def _MinifyJS(input_js):
+ py_vulcanize_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+ rjsmin_path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(py_vulcanize_path, 'third_party', 'rjsmin', ''))
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as _:
+ args = [
+ 'python',
+ rjsmin_path
+ ]
+ p = subprocess.Popen(args,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ res = p.communicate(input=input_js)
+ errorcode = p.wait()
+ if errorcode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('rJSmin exited with error code %d' % errorcode)
+ sys.stderr.write(res[1])
+ raise Exception('Failed to minify, omgah')
+ return res[0]
+def GenerateJS(load_sequence,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts=False,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root=None,
+ minify=False,
+ report_sizes=False):
+ f = StringIO()
+ GenerateJSToFile(f,
+ load_sequence,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root,
+ minify=minify,
+ report_sizes=report_sizes)
+ return f.getvalue()
+def GenerateJSToFile(f,
+ load_sequence,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts=False,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root=None,
+ minify=False,
+ report_sizes=False):
+ _AssertIsUTF8(f)
+ if use_include_tags_for_scripts and dir_for_include_tag_root is None:
+ raise Exception('Must provide dir_for_include_tag_root')
+ f.write(js_warning_message)
+ f.write('\n')
+ if not minify:
+ flatten_to_file = f
+ else:
+ flatten_to_file = StringIO()
+ for module in load_sequence:
+ module.AppendJSContentsToFile(flatten_to_file,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root)
+ if minify:
+ js = flatten_to_file.getvalue()
+ minified_js = _MinifyJS(js)
+ f.write(minified_js)
+ f.write('\n')
+ if report_sizes:
+ for module in load_sequence:
+ s = StringIO()
+ module.AppendJSContentsToFile(s,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root)
+ # Add minified size info.
+ js = s.getvalue()
+ min_js_size = str(len(_MinifyJS(js)))
+ # Print names for this module. Some domain-specific simplifications
+ # are included to make pivoting more obvious.
+ parts ='.')
+ if parts[:2] == ['base', 'ui']:
+ parts = ['base_ui'] + parts[2:]
+ if parts[:2] == ['tracing', 'importer']:
+ parts = ['importer'] + parts[2:]
+ tln = parts[0]
+ sln = '.'.join(parts[:2])
+ # Output
+ print('%i\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
+ len(js), min_js_size,, tln, sln))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+class ExtraScript(object):
+ def __init__(self, script_id=None, text_content=None, content_type=None):
+ if script_id is not None:
+ assert script_id[0] != '#'
+ self.script_id = script_id
+ self.text_content = text_content
+ self.content_type = content_type
+ def WriteToFile(self, output_file):
+ _AssertIsUTF8(output_file)
+ attrs = []
+ if self.script_id:
+ attrs.append('id="%s"' % self.script_id)
+ if self.content_type:
+ attrs.append('content-type="%s"' % self.content_type)
+ if len(attrs) > 0:
+ output_file.write('<script %s>\n' % ' '.join(attrs))
+ else:
+ output_file.write('<script>\n')
+ if self.text_content:
+ output_file.write(self.text_content)
+ output_file.write('</script>\n')
+def _MinifyCSS(css_text):
+ py_vulcanize_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+ rcssmin_path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(py_vulcanize_path, 'third_party', 'rcssmin', ''))
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as _:
+ rcssmin_args = ['python', rcssmin_path]
+ p = subprocess.Popen(rcssmin_args,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ res = p.communicate(input=css_text)
+ errorcode = p.wait()
+ if errorcode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write('rCSSmin exited with error code %d' % errorcode)
+ sys.stderr.write(res[1])
+ raise Exception('Failed to generate css for %s.' % css_text)
+ return res[0]
+def GenerateStandaloneHTMLAsString(*args, **kwargs):
+ f = StringIO()
+ GenerateStandaloneHTMLToFile(f, *args, **kwargs)
+ return f.getvalue()
+def GenerateStandaloneHTMLToFile(output_file,
+ load_sequence,
+ title=None,
+ flattened_js_url=None,
+ extra_scripts=None,
+ minify=False,
+ report_sizes=False,
+ output_html_head_and_body=True):
+ """Writes a HTML file with the content of all modules in a load sequence.
+ The load_sequence is a list of (HTML or JS) Module objects; the order that
+ they're inserted into the file depends on their type and position in the load
+ sequence.
+ """
+ _AssertIsUTF8(output_file)
+ extra_scripts = extra_scripts or []
+ if output_html_head_and_body:
+ output_file.write(
+ '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
+ '<html>\n'
+ ' <head i18n-values="dir:textdirection;">\n'
+ ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;'
+ 'charset=utf-8">\n')
+ if title:
+ output_file.write(' <title>%s</title>\n ' % title)
+ else:
+ assert title is None
+ loader = load_sequence[0].loader
+ written_style_sheets = set()
+ class HTMLGenerationController(
+ html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController):
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ self.module = module
+ def GetHTMLForStylesheetHRef(self, href):
+ resource = self.module.HRefToResource(
+ href, '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s">' % href)
+ style_sheet = loader.LoadStyleSheet(
+ if style_sheet in written_style_sheets:
+ return None
+ written_style_sheets.add(style_sheet)
+ text = style_sheet.contents_with_inlined_images
+ if minify:
+ text = _MinifyCSS(text)
+ return '<style>\n%s\n</style>' % text
+ for module in load_sequence:
+ controller = HTMLGenerationController(module)
+ module.AppendHTMLContentsToFile(output_file, controller, minify=minify)
+ if flattened_js_url:
+ output_file.write('<script src="%s"></script>\n' % flattened_js_url)
+ else:
+ output_file.write('<script>\n')
+ js = GenerateJS(load_sequence, minify=minify, report_sizes=report_sizes)
+ output_file.write(js)
+ output_file.write('</script>\n')
+ for extra_script in extra_scripts:
+ extra_script.WriteToFile(output_file)
+ if output_html_head_and_body:
+ output_file.write('</head>\n <body>\n </body>\n</html>\n')
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e83cb48c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import generate
+from py_vulcanize import fake_fs
+from py_vulcanize import project as project_module
+class GenerateTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ self.fs.AddFile(
+ '/x/foo/my_module.html',
+ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
+ '<link rel="import" href="/foo/other_module.html">\n'))
+ self.fs.AddFile(
+ '/x/foo/other_module.html',
+ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
+ '<script src="/foo/raw/raw_script.js"></script>\n'
+ '<script>\n'
+ ' \'use strict\';\n'
+ ' HelloWorld();\n'
+ '</script>\n'))
+ self.fs.AddFile('/x/foo/raw/raw_script.js', '\n/* raw script */\n')
+ self.fs.AddFile('/x/components/polymer/polymer.min.js', '\n')
+ self.fs.AddFile('/x/foo/external_script.js', 'External()')
+ self.fs.AddFile('/x/foo/inline_and_external_module.html',
+ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
+ '<script>Script1()</script>'
+ '<script src=/foo/external_script.js></script>'
+ '<script>Script2()</script>'))
+ self.project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/x')])
+ def testJSGeneration(self):
+ with self.fs:
+ load_sequence = self.project.CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(
+ [os.path.normpath('foo.my_module')])
+ generate.GenerateJS(load_sequence)
+ def testHTMLGeneration(self):
+ with self.fs:
+ load_sequence = self.project.CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(
+ [os.path.normpath('foo.my_module')])
+ result = generate.GenerateStandaloneHTMLAsString(load_sequence)
+ self.assertIn('HelloWorld();', result)
+ def testExtraScriptWithWriteContentsFunc(self):
+ with self.fs:
+ load_sequence = self.project.CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(
+ [os.path.normpath('foo.my_module')])
+ class ExtraScript(generate.ExtraScript):
+ def WriteToFile(self, f):
+ f.write('<script>ExtraScript!</script>')
+ result = generate.GenerateStandaloneHTMLAsString(
+ load_sequence, title='Title', extra_scripts=[ExtraScript()])
+ self.assertIn('ExtraScript', result)
+ def testScriptOrdering(self):
+ with self.fs:
+ load_sequence = self.project.CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(
+ [os.path.normpath('foo.inline_and_external_module')])
+ result = generate.GenerateStandaloneHTMLAsString(load_sequence)
+ script1_pos = result.index('Script1()')
+ script2_pos = result.index('Script2()')
+ external_pos = result.index('External()')
+ self.assertTrue(script1_pos < external_pos < script2_pos)
+ def testScriptOrderingWithIncludeTag(self):
+ with self.fs:
+ load_sequence = self.project.CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(
+ [os.path.normpath('foo.inline_and_external_module')])
+ result = generate.GenerateJS(load_sequence,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts = True,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root='/x/')
+ script1_pos = result.index('Script1()')
+ script2_pos = result.index('Script2()')
+ external_path = os.path.join('foo', 'external_script.js')
+ external_pos = result.index('<include src="{0}">'.format(external_path))
+ self.assertTrue(script1_pos < external_pos < script2_pos)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c804fe8ca3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import re
+from py_vulcanize import style_sheet
+class HTMLGenerationController(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.current_module = None
+ def GetHTMLForStylesheetHRef(self, href): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ return None
+ def GetHTMLForInlineStylesheet(self, contents):
+ if self.current_module is None:
+ if'url\(.+\)', contents):
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Default HTMLGenerationController cannot handle inline style urls')
+ return contents
+ module_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.current_module.resource.absolute_path)
+ ss = style_sheet.ParsedStyleSheet(
+ self.current_module.loader, module_dirname, contents)
+ return ss.contents_with_inlined_images
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e1c7541c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import re
+from py_vulcanize import js_utils
+from py_vulcanize import module
+from py_vulcanize import parse_html_deps
+from py_vulcanize import style_sheet
+def IsHTMLResourceTheModuleGivenConflictingResourceNames(
+ js_resource, html_resource): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ return 'polymer-element' in html_resource.contents
+class HTMLModule(module.Module):
+ @property
+ def _module_dir_name(self):
+ return os.path.dirname(self.resource.absolute_path)
+ def Parse(self, excluded_scripts):
+ try:
+ parser_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser().Parse(self.contents)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ raise Exception('While parsing %s: %s' % (, str(ex)))
+ self.dependency_metadata = Parse(self.loader,
+ self._module_dir_name,
+ self.IsThirdPartyComponent(),
+ parser_results,
+ excluded_scripts)
+ self._parser_results = parser_results
+ self.scripts = parser_results.scripts
+ def Load(self, excluded_scripts):
+ super(HTMLModule, self).Load(excluded_scripts=excluded_scripts)
+ reachable_names = set([
+ for m in self.all_dependent_modules_recursive])
+ if 'tr.exportTo' in self.contents:
+ if 'tracing.base.base' not in reachable_names:
+ raise Exception('%s: Does not have a dependency on base' %
+ os.path.relpath(self.resource.absolute_path))
+ for script in self.scripts:
+ if script.is_external:
+ if excluded_scripts and any(re.match(pattern, script.src) for
+ pattern in excluded_scripts):
+ continue
+ resource = _HRefToResource(self.loader,, self._module_dir_name,
+ script.src,
+ tag_for_err_msg='<script src="%s">' % script.src)
+ path = resource.unix_style_relative_path
+ raw_script = self.loader.LoadRawScript(path)
+ self.dependent_raw_scripts.append(raw_script)
+ script.loaded_raw_script = raw_script
+ def GetTVCMDepsModuleType(self):
+ return 'py_vulcanize.HTML_MODULE_TYPE'
+ def AppendHTMLContentsToFile(self, f, ctl, minify=False):
+ super(HTMLModule, self).AppendHTMLContentsToFile(f, ctl)
+ ctl.current_module = self
+ try:
+ for piece in self._parser_results.YieldHTMLInPieces(ctl, minify=minify):
+ f.write(piece)
+ finally:
+ ctl.current_module = None
+ def HRefToResource(self, href, tag_for_err_msg):
+ return _HRefToResource(self.loader,, self._module_dir_name,
+ href, tag_for_err_msg)
+ def AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(
+ self, dependent_filenames, include_raw_scripts=True):
+ super(HTMLModule, self).AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(
+ dependent_filenames, include_raw_scripts)
+ for contents in self._parser_results.inline_stylesheets:
+ module_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.resource.absolute_path)
+ ss = style_sheet.ParsedStyleSheet(
+ self.loader, module_dirname, contents)
+ ss.AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(dependent_filenames)
+def _HRefToResource(
+ loader, module_name, module_dir_name, href, tag_for_err_msg):
+ if href[0] == '/':
+ resource = loader.FindResourceGivenRelativePath(
+ os.path.normpath(href[1:]))
+ else:
+ abspath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(module_dir_name,
+ os.path.normpath(href)))
+ resource = loader.FindResourceGivenAbsolutePath(abspath)
+ if not resource:
+ raise module.DepsException(
+ 'In %s, the %s cannot be loaded because '
+ 'it is not in the search path' % (module_name, tag_for_err_msg))
+ try:
+ resource.contents
+ except:
+ raise module.DepsException('In %s, %s points at a nonexistent file ' % (
+ module_name, tag_for_err_msg))
+ return resource
+def Parse(loader, module_name, module_dir_name, is_component, parser_results,
+ exclude_scripts=None):
+ res = module.ModuleDependencyMetadata()
+ if is_component:
+ return res
+ # External script references.
+ for href in parser_results.scripts_external:
+ if exclude_scripts and any(re.match(pattern, href) for
+ pattern in exclude_scripts):
+ continue
+ resource = _HRefToResource(loader, module_name, module_dir_name,
+ href,
+ tag_for_err_msg='<script src="%s">' % href)
+ res.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths.append(
+ resource.unix_style_relative_path)
+ # External imports. Mostly the same as <script>, but we know its a module.
+ for href in parser_results.imports:
+ if exclude_scripts and any(re.match(pattern, href) for
+ pattern in exclude_scripts):
+ continue
+ if not href.endswith('.html'):
+ raise Exception(
+ 'In %s, the <link rel="import" href="%s"> must point at a '
+ 'file with an html suffix' % (module_name, href))
+ resource = _HRefToResource(
+ loader, module_name, module_dir_name, href,
+ tag_for_err_msg='<link rel="import" href="%s">' % href)
+ res.dependent_module_names.append(
+ # Style sheets.
+ for href in parser_results.stylesheets:
+ resource = _HRefToResource(
+ loader, module_name, module_dir_name, href,
+ tag_for_err_msg='<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s">' % href)
+ res.style_sheet_names.append(
+ return res
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb4af16c8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import unittest
+import StringIO
+from py_vulcanize import fake_fs
+from py_vulcanize import generate
+from py_vulcanize import html_generation_controller
+from py_vulcanize import html_module
+from py_vulcanize import parse_html_deps
+from py_vulcanize import project as project_module
+from py_vulcanize import resource
+from py_vulcanize import resource_loader as resource_loader
+class ResourceWithFakeContents(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, toplevel_dir, absolute_path, fake_contents):
+ """A resource with explicitly provided contents.
+ If the resource does not exist, then pass fake_contents=None. This will
+ cause accessing the resource contents to raise an exception mimicking the
+ behavior of regular resources."""
+ super(ResourceWithFakeContents, self).__init__(toplevel_dir, absolute_path)
+ self._fake_contents = fake_contents
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ if self._fake_contents is None:
+ raise Exception('File not found')
+ return self._fake_contents
+class FakeLoader(object):
+ def __init__(self, source_paths, initial_filenames_and_contents=None):
+ self._source_paths = source_paths
+ self._file_contents = {}
+ if initial_filenames_and_contents:
+ for k, v in initial_filenames_and_contents.iteritems():
+ self._file_contents[k] = v
+ def FindResourceGivenAbsolutePath(self, absolute_path):
+ candidate_paths = []
+ for source_path in self._source_paths:
+ if absolute_path.startswith(source_path):
+ candidate_paths.append(source_path)
+ if len(candidate_paths) == 0:
+ return None
+ # Sort by length. Longest match wins.
+ candidate_paths.sort(lambda x, y: len(x) - len(y))
+ longest_candidate = candidate_paths[-1]
+ return ResourceWithFakeContents(
+ longest_candidate, absolute_path,
+ self._file_contents.get(absolute_path, None))
+ def FindResourceGivenRelativePath(self, relative_path):
+ absolute_path = None
+ for script_path in self._source_paths:
+ absolute_path = os.path.join(script_path, relative_path)
+ if absolute_path in self._file_contents:
+ return ResourceWithFakeContents(script_path, absolute_path,
+ self._file_contents[absolute_path])
+ return None
+class ParseTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testValidExternalScriptReferenceToRawScript(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <script src="../foo.js">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/foo.js')] = """
+'i am just some raw script';
+ metadata = html_module.Parse(
+ FakeLoader([os.path.normpath('/tmp')], file_contents),
+ 'a.b.start',
+ '/tmp/a/b/',
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertEquals([], metadata.dependent_module_names)
+ self.assertEquals(
+ ['a/foo.js'], metadata.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths)
+ def testExternalScriptReferenceToModuleOutsideScriptPath(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <script src="/foo.js">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/foo.js')] = ''
+ def DoIt():
+ html_module.Parse(FakeLoader([os.path.normpath('/tmp')], file_contents),
+ 'a.b.start',
+ '/tmp/a/b/',
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, DoIt)
+ def testExternalScriptReferenceToFileThatDoesntExist(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <script src="/foo.js">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ def DoIt():
+ html_module.Parse(FakeLoader([os.path.normpath('/tmp')], file_contents),
+ 'a.b.start',
+ '/tmp/a/b/',
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, DoIt)
+ def testValidImportOfModule(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <link rel="import" href="../foo.html">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/foo.html')] = """
+ metadata = html_module.Parse(
+ FakeLoader([os.path.normpath('/tmp')], file_contents),
+ 'a.b.start',
+ '/tmp/a/b/',
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertEquals([''], metadata.dependent_module_names)
+ def testStyleSheetImport(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../foo.css">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/foo.css')] = """
+ metadata = html_module.Parse(
+ FakeLoader([os.path.normpath('/tmp')], file_contents),
+ 'a.b.start',
+ '/tmp/a/b/',
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertEquals([], metadata.dependent_module_names)
+ self.assertEquals([''], metadata.style_sheet_names)
+ def testUsingAbsoluteHref(self):
+ parse_results = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParserResults("""<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <script src="/foo.js">
+ """)
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/src/foo.js')] = ''
+ metadata = html_module.Parse(
+ FakeLoader([os.path.normpath("/tmp"), os.path.normpath("/src")],
+ file_contents),
+ "a.b.start",
+ "/tmp/a/b/",
+ is_component=False,
+ parser_results=parse_results)
+ self.assertEquals(['foo.js'], metadata.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths)
+class HTMLModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testBasicModuleGeneration(self):
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/b/start.html')] = """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/widget.html">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../common.css">
+<script src="/raw_script.js"></script>
+<script src="/excluded_script.js"></script>
+<dom-module id="start">
+ <template>
+ </template>
+ <script>
+ 'use strict';
+ console.log('inline script for start.html got written');
+ </script>
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize.html')] = """<!DOCTYPE html>
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/components/widget.html')] = """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/py_vulcanize.html">
+<widget name="widget.html"></widget>
+'use strict';
+console.log('inline script for widget.html');
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/common.css')] = """
+/* /tmp/a/common.css was written */
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/raw/raw_script.js')] = """
+console.log('/raw/raw_script.js was written');
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath(
+ '/raw/components/polymer/polymer.min.js')] = """
+ with fake_fs.FakeFS(file_contents):
+ project = project_module.Project(
+ [os.path.normpath('/py_vulcanize/'),
+ os.path.normpath('/tmp/'),
+ os.path.normpath('/components/'),
+ os.path.normpath('/raw/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ a_b_start_module = loader.LoadModule(
+ module_name='a.b.start', excluded_scripts=['\/excluded_script.js'])
+ load_sequence = project.CalcLoadSequenceForModules([a_b_start_module])
+ # Check load sequence names.
+ load_sequence_names = [ for x in load_sequence]
+ self.assertEquals(['py_vulcanize',
+ 'widget',
+ 'a.b.start'], load_sequence_names)
+ # Check module_deps on a_b_start_module
+ def HasDependentModule(module, name):
+ return [x for x in module.dependent_modules
+ if == name]
+ assert HasDependentModule(a_b_start_module, 'widget')
+ # Check JS generation.
+ js = generate.GenerateJS(load_sequence)
+ assert 'inline script for start.html' in js
+ assert 'inline script for widget.html' in js
+ assert '/raw/raw_script.js' in js
+ assert 'excluded_script.js' not in js
+ # Check HTML generation.
+ html = generate.GenerateStandaloneHTMLAsString(
+ load_sequence, title='', flattened_js_url='/blah.js')
+ assert '<dom-module id="start">' in html
+ assert 'inline script for widget.html' not in html
+ assert 'common.css' in html
+ def testPolymerConversion(self):
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/b/my_component.html')] = """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<dom-module id="my-component">
+ <template>
+ </template>
+ <script>
+ 'use strict';
+ Polymer ( {
+ is: "my-component"
+ });
+ </script>
+ with fake_fs.FakeFS(file_contents):
+ project = project_module.Project([
+ os.path.normpath('/py_vulcanize/'), os.path.normpath('/tmp/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ my_component = loader.LoadModule(module_name='a.b.my_component')
+ f = StringIO.StringIO()
+ my_component.AppendJSContentsToFile(
+ f,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts=False,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root=None)
+ js = f.getvalue().rstrip()
+ expected_js = """
+ 'use strict';
+ Polymer ( {
+ is: "my-component"
+ });
+ self.assertEquals(expected_js, js)
+ def testInlineStylesheetURLs(self):
+ file_contents = {}
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/b/my_component.html')] = """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+.some-rule {
+ background-image: url('../something.jpg');
+ file_contents[os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/something.jpg')] = 'jpgdata'
+ with fake_fs.FakeFS(file_contents):
+ project = project_module.Project([
+ os.path.normpath('/py_vulcanize/'), os.path.normpath('/tmp/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ my_component = loader.LoadModule(module_name='a.b.my_component')
+ computed_deps = []
+ my_component.AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(computed_deps)
+ self.assertEquals(set(computed_deps),
+ set([os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/b/my_component.html'),
+ os.path.normpath('/tmp/a/something.jpg')]))
+ f = StringIO.StringIO()
+ ctl = html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController()
+ my_component.AppendHTMLContentsToFile(f, ctl)
+ html = f.getvalue().rstrip()
+ # FIXME: This is apparently not used.
+ expected_html = """
+.some-rule {
+ background-image: url();
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e6ca9db674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+def EscapeJSIfNeeded(js):
+ return js.replace('</script>', '<\/script>')
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb8025c97db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import js_utils
+class ValidateStrictModeTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testEscapeJSIfNeeded(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<script>var foo;<\/script>',
+ js_utils.EscapeJSIfNeeded('<script>var foo;</script>'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '<script>var foo;<\/script>',
+ js_utils.EscapeJSIfNeeded('<script>var foo;<\/script>'))
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd6a68fa442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""This module contains the Module class and other classes for resources.
+The Module class represents a module in the trace viewer system. A module has
+a name, and may require a variety of other resources, such as stylesheets,
+template objects, raw JavaScript, or other modules.
+Other resources include HTML templates, raw JavaScript files, and stylesheets.
+import os
+import inspect
+import codecs
+from py_vulcanize import js_utils
+class DepsException(Exception):
+ """Exceptions related to module dependency resolution."""
+ def __init__(self, fmt, *args):
+ from py_vulcanize import style_sheet as style_sheet_module
+ context = []
+ frame = inspect.currentframe()
+ while frame:
+ frame_locals = frame.f_locals
+ module_name = None
+ if 'self' in frame_locals:
+ s = frame_locals['self']
+ if isinstance(s, Module):
+ module_name =
+ if isinstance(s, style_sheet_module.StyleSheet):
+ module_name = + '.css'
+ if not module_name:
+ if 'module' in frame_locals:
+ module = frame_locals['module']
+ if isinstance(s, Module):
+ module_name =
+ elif 'm' in frame_locals:
+ module = frame_locals['m']
+ if isinstance(s, Module):
+ module_name =
+ if module_name:
+ if len(context):
+ if context[-1] != module_name:
+ context.append(module_name)
+ else:
+ context.append(module_name)
+ frame = frame.f_back
+ context.reverse()
+ self.context = context
+ context_str = '\n'.join(' %s' % x for x in context)
+ Exception.__init__(
+ self, 'While loading:\n%s\nGot: %s' % (context_str, (fmt % args)))
+class ModuleDependencyMetadata(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dependent_module_names = []
+ self.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths = []
+ self.style_sheet_names = []
+ def AppendMetdata(self, other):
+ self.dependent_module_names += other.dependent_module_names
+ self.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths += \
+ other.dependent_raw_script_relative_paths
+ self.style_sheet_names += other.style_sheet_names
+_next_module_id = 1
+class Module(object):
+ """Represents a JavaScript module.
+ Interesting properties include:
+ name: Module name, may include a namespace, e.g. ''.
+ filename: The filename of the actual module.
+ contents: The text contents of the module.
+ dependent_modules: Other modules that this module depends on.
+ In addition to these properties, a Module also contains lists of other
+ resources that it depends on.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, loader, name, resource, load_resource=True):
+ assert isinstance(name, basestring), 'Got %s instead' % repr(name)
+ global _next_module_id
+ self._id = _next_module_id
+ _next_module_id += 1
+ self.loader = loader
+ = name
+ self.resource = resource
+ if load_resource:
+ f =, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
+ self.contents =
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ self.contents = None
+ # Dependency metadata, set up during Parse().
+ self.dependency_metadata = None
+ # Actual dependencies, set up during load().
+ self.dependent_modules = []
+ self.dependent_raw_scripts = []
+ self.scripts = []
+ self.style_sheets = []
+ # Caches.
+ self._all_dependent_modules_recursive = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def filename(self):
+ return self.resource.absolute_path
+ def IsThirdPartyComponent(self):
+ """Checks whether this module is a third-party Polymer component."""
+ if os.path.join('third_party', 'components') in self.filename:
+ return True
+ if os.path.join('third_party', 'polymer', 'components') in self.filename:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def Parse(self, excluded_scripts):
+ """Parses self.contents and fills in the module's dependency metadata."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def GetTVCMDepsModuleType(self):
+ """Returns the py_vulcanize.setModuleInfo type for this module"""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def AppendJSContentsToFile(self,
+ f,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root):
+ """Appends the js for this module to the provided file."""
+ for script in self.scripts:
+ script.AppendJSContentsToFile(f, use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root)
+ def AppendHTMLContentsToFile(self, f, ctl, minify=False):
+ """Appends the HTML for this module [without links] to the provided file."""
+ pass
+ def Load(self, excluded_scripts=None):
+ """Loads the sub-resources that this module depends on from its dependency
+ metadata.
+ Raises:
+ DepsException: There was a problem finding one of the dependencies.
+ Exception: There was a problem parsing a module that this one depends on.
+ """
+ assert, 'Module name must be set before dep resolution.'
+ assert self.filename, 'Module filename must be set before dep resolution.'
+ assert in self.loader.loaded_modules, (
+ 'Module must be registered in resource loader before loading.')
+ metadata = self.dependency_metadata
+ for name in metadata.dependent_module_names:
+ module = self.loader.LoadModule(module_name=name,
+ excluded_scripts=excluded_scripts)
+ self.dependent_modules.append(module)
+ for name in metadata.style_sheet_names:
+ style_sheet = self.loader.LoadStyleSheet(name)
+ self.style_sheets.append(style_sheet)
+ @property
+ def all_dependent_modules_recursive(self):
+ if self._all_dependent_modules_recursive:
+ return self._all_dependent_modules_recursive
+ self._all_dependent_modules_recursive = set(self.dependent_modules)
+ for dependent_module in self.dependent_modules:
+ self._all_dependent_modules_recursive.update(
+ dependent_module.all_dependent_modules_recursive)
+ return self._all_dependent_modules_recursive
+ def ComputeLoadSequenceRecursive(self, load_sequence, already_loaded_set,
+ depth=0):
+ """Recursively builds up a load sequence list.
+ Args:
+ load_sequence: A list which will be incrementally built up.
+ already_loaded_set: A set of modules that has already been added to the
+ load sequence list.
+ depth: The depth of recursion. If it too deep, that indicates a loop.
+ """
+ if depth > 32:
+ raise Exception('Include loop detected on %s',
+ for dependent_module in self.dependent_modules:
+ if in already_loaded_set:
+ continue
+ dependent_module.ComputeLoadSequenceRecursive(
+ load_sequence, already_loaded_set, depth + 1)
+ if not in already_loaded_set:
+ already_loaded_set.add(
+ load_sequence.append(self)
+ def GetAllDependentFilenamesRecursive(self, include_raw_scripts=True):
+ dependent_filenames = []
+ visited_modules = set()
+ def Get(module):
+ module.AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(
+ dependent_filenames, include_raw_scripts)
+ visited_modules.add(module)
+ for m in module.dependent_modules:
+ if m in visited_modules:
+ continue
+ Get(m)
+ Get(self)
+ return dependent_filenames
+ def AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(
+ self, dependent_filenames, include_raw_scripts=True):
+ dependent_filenames.append(self.resource.absolute_path)
+ if include_raw_scripts:
+ for raw_script in self.dependent_raw_scripts:
+ dependent_filenames.append(raw_script.resource.absolute_path)
+ for style_sheet in self.style_sheets:
+ style_sheet.AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(dependent_filenames)
+class RawScript(object):
+ """Represents a raw script resource referenced by a module via the
+ py_vulcanize.requireRawScript(xxx) directive."""
+ def __init__(self, resource):
+ self.resource = resource
+ @property
+ def filename(self):
+ return self.resource.absolute_path
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ return self.resource.contents
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'RawScript(%s)' % self.filename
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed92db35362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests for the module module, which contains Module and related classes."""
+import os
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import fake_fs
+from py_vulcanize import module
+from py_vulcanize import resource_loader
+from py_vulcanize import project as project_module
+class ModuleIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_module(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/src/x.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/y.html">
+<link rel="import" href="/z.html">
+'use strict';
+ fs.AddFile('/src/y.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/z.html">
+ fs.AddFile('/src/z.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ fs.AddFile('/src/py_vulcanize.html', '<!DOCTYPE html>')
+ with fs:
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/src/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ x_module = loader.LoadModule('x')
+ self.assertEquals([loader.loaded_modules['y'],
+ loader.loaded_modules['z']],
+ x_module.dependent_modules)
+ already_loaded_set = set()
+ load_sequence = []
+ x_module.ComputeLoadSequenceRecursive(load_sequence, already_loaded_set)
+ self.assertEquals([loader.loaded_modules['z'],
+ loader.loaded_modules['y'],
+ x_module],
+ load_sequence)
+ def testBasic(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/x/src/my_module.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/py_vulcanize/foo.html">
+ fs.AddFile('/x/py_vulcanize/foo.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/x')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ with fs:
+ my_module = loader.LoadModule(module_name='src.my_module')
+ dep_names = [ for x in my_module.dependent_modules]
+ self.assertEquals([''], dep_names)
+ def testDepsExceptionContext(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/x/src/my_module.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/py_vulcanize/foo.html">
+ fs.AddFile('/x/py_vulcanize/foo.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="missing.html">
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/x')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ with fs:
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ loader.LoadModule(module_name='src.my_module')
+ assert False, 'Expected an exception'
+ except module.DepsException as e:
+ exc = e
+ self.assertEquals(
+ ['src.my_module', ''],
+ exc.context)
+ def testGetAllDependentFilenamesRecursive(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/x/y/z/foo.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="import" href="/z/foo2.html">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="/z/foo.css">
+<script src="/bar.js"></script>
+ fs.AddFile('/x/y/z/foo.css', """
+.x .y {
+ background-image: url(foo.jpeg);
+ fs.AddFile('/x/y/z/foo.jpeg', '')
+ fs.AddFile('/x/y/z/foo2.html', """
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ fs.AddFile('/x/raw/bar.js', 'hello')
+ project = project_module.Project([
+ os.path.normpath('/x/y'), os.path.normpath('/x/raw/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ with fs:
+ my_module = loader.LoadModule(module_name='')
+ self.assertEquals(1, len(my_module.dependent_raw_scripts))
+ dependent_filenames = my_module.GetAllDependentFilenamesRecursive()
+ self.assertEquals(
+ [
+ os.path.normpath('/x/y/z/foo.html'),
+ os.path.normpath('/x/raw/bar.js'),
+ os.path.normpath('/x/y/z/foo.css'),
+ os.path.normpath('/x/y/z/foo.jpeg'),
+ os.path.normpath('/x/y/z/foo2.html'),
+ ],
+ dependent_filenames)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a0888ca1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import sys
+from py_vulcanize import js_utils
+from py_vulcanize import module
+from py_vulcanize import strip_js_comments
+from py_vulcanize import html_generation_controller
+def _AddToPathIfNeeded(path):
+ if path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0, path)
+def _InitBeautifulSoup():
+ catapult_path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir))
+ bs_path = os.path.join(catapult_path, 'third_party', 'beautifulsoup4')
+ _AddToPathIfNeeded(bs_path)
+ html5lib_path = os.path.join(catapult_path, 'third_party', 'html5lib-python')
+ _AddToPathIfNeeded(html5lib_path)
+ six_path = os.path.join(catapult_path, 'third_party', 'six')
+ _AddToPathIfNeeded(six_path)
+import bs4
+class Script(object):
+ def __init__(self, soup):
+ if not soup:
+ raise module.DepsException('Script object created without soup')
+ self._soup = soup
+ def AppendJSContentsToFile(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class InlineScript(Script):
+ def __init__(self, soup):
+ super(InlineScript, self).__init__(soup)
+ self._stripped_contents = None
+ self._open_tags = None
+ self.is_external = False
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ return unicode(self._soup.string)
+ @property
+ def stripped_contents(self):
+ if not self._stripped_contents:
+ self._stripped_contents = strip_js_comments.StripJSComments(
+ self.contents)
+ return self._stripped_contents
+ @property
+ def open_tags(self):
+ if self._open_tags:
+ return self._open_tags
+ open_tags = []
+ cur = self._soup.parent
+ while cur:
+ if isinstance(cur, bs4.BeautifulSoup):
+ break
+ open_tags.append(_Tag(, cur.attrs))
+ cur = cur.parent
+ open_tags.reverse()
+ assert open_tags[-1].tag == 'script'
+ del open_tags[-1]
+ self._open_tags = open_tags
+ return self._open_tags
+ def AppendJSContentsToFile(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
+ js = self.contents
+ escaped_js = js_utils.EscapeJSIfNeeded(js)
+ f.write(escaped_js)
+ f.write('\n')
+class ExternalScript(Script):
+ def __init__(self, soup):
+ super(ExternalScript, self).__init__(soup)
+ if 'src' not in soup.attrs:
+ raise Exception("{0} is not an external script.".format(soup))
+ self.is_external = True
+ self._loaded_raw_script = None
+ @property
+ def loaded_raw_script(self):
+ if self._loaded_raw_script:
+ return self._loaded_raw_script
+ return None
+ @loaded_raw_script.setter
+ def loaded_raw_script(self, value):
+ self._loaded_raw_script = value
+ @property
+ def src(self):
+ return self._soup.attrs['src']
+ def AppendJSContentsToFile(self,
+ f,
+ use_include_tags_for_scripts,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root):
+ raw_script = self.loaded_raw_script
+ if not raw_script:
+ return
+ if use_include_tags_for_scripts:
+ rel_filename = os.path.relpath(raw_script.filename,
+ dir_for_include_tag_root)
+ f.write("""<include src="%s">\n""" % rel_filename)
+ else:
+ f.write(js_utils.EscapeJSIfNeeded(raw_script.contents))
+ f.write('\n')
+def _CreateSoupWithoutHeadOrBody(html):
+ soupCopy = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
+ soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup()
+ soup.reset()
+ if soupCopy.head:
+ for n in soupCopy.head.contents:
+ n.extract()
+ soup.append(n)
+ if soupCopy.body:
+ for n in soupCopy.body.contents:
+ n.extract()
+ soup.append(n)
+ return soup
+class HTMLModuleParserResults(object):
+ def __init__(self, html):
+ self._soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
+ self._inline_scripts = None
+ self._scripts = None
+ @property
+ def scripts_external(self):
+ tags = self._soup.findAll('script', src=True)
+ return [t['src'] for t in tags]
+ @property
+ def inline_scripts(self):
+ if not self._inline_scripts:
+ tags = self._soup.findAll('script', src=None)
+ self._inline_scripts = [InlineScript(t.string) for t in tags]
+ return self._inline_scripts
+ @property
+ def scripts(self):
+ if not self._scripts:
+ self._scripts = []
+ script_elements = self._soup.findAll('script')
+ for element in script_elements:
+ if 'src' in element.attrs:
+ self._scripts.append(ExternalScript(element))
+ else:
+ self._scripts.append(InlineScript(element))
+ return self._scripts
+ @property
+ def imports(self):
+ tags = self._soup.findAll('link', rel='import')
+ return [t['href'] for t in tags]
+ @property
+ def stylesheets(self):
+ tags = self._soup.findAll('link', rel='stylesheet')
+ return [t['href'] for t in tags]
+ @property
+ def inline_stylesheets(self):
+ tags = self._soup.findAll('style')
+ return [unicode(t.string) for t in tags]
+ def YieldHTMLInPieces(self, controller, minify=False):
+ yield self.GenerateHTML(controller, minify)
+ def GenerateHTML(self, controller, minify=False, prettify=False):
+ soup = _CreateSoupWithoutHeadOrBody(unicode(self._soup))
+ # Remove declaration.
+ for x in soup.contents:
+ if isinstance(x, bs4.Doctype):
+ x.extract()
+ # Remove declaration.
+ for x in soup.contents:
+ if isinstance(x, bs4.Declaration):
+ x.extract()
+ # Remove all imports.
+ imports = soup.findAll('link', rel='import')
+ for imp in imports:
+ imp.extract()
+ # Remove all script links.
+ scripts_external = soup.findAll('script', src=True)
+ for script in scripts_external:
+ script.extract()
+ # Remove all in-line scripts.
+ scripts_external = soup.findAll('script', src=None)
+ for script in scripts_external:
+ script.extract()
+ # Process all in-line styles.
+ inline_styles = soup.findAll('style')
+ for style in inline_styles:
+ html = controller.GetHTMLForInlineStylesheet(unicode(style.string))
+ if html:
+ ns = soup.new_tag('style')
+ ns.append(bs4.NavigableString(html))
+ style.replaceWith(ns)
+ else:
+ style.extract()
+ # Rewrite all external stylesheet hrefs or remove, as needed.
+ stylesheet_links = soup.findAll('link', rel='stylesheet')
+ for stylesheet_link in stylesheet_links:
+ html = controller.GetHTMLForStylesheetHRef(stylesheet_link['href'])
+ if html:
+ tmp = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib').findAll('style')
+ assert len(tmp) == 1
+ stylesheet_link.replaceWith(tmp[0])
+ else:
+ stylesheet_link.extract()
+ # Remove comments if minifying.
+ if minify:
+ comments = soup.findAll(
+ text=lambda text: isinstance(text, bs4.Comment))
+ for comment in comments:
+ comment.extract()
+ if prettify:
+ return soup.prettify('utf-8').strip()
+ # We are done.
+ return unicode(soup).strip()
+ @property
+ def html_contents_without_links_and_script(self):
+ return self.GenerateHTML(
+ html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController())
+class _Tag(object):
+ def __init__(self, tag, attrs):
+ self.tag = tag
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ def __repr__(self):
+ attr_string = ' '.join('%s="%s"' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in self.attrs)
+ return '<%s %s>' % (self.tag, attr_string)
+class HTMLModuleParser():
+ def Parse(self, html):
+ if html is None:
+ html = ''
+ else:
+ if html.find('< /script>') != -1:
+ raise Exception('Escape script tags with <\/script>')
+ return HTMLModuleParserResults(html)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2a30a29b059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import re
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import parse_html_deps
+from py_vulcanize import html_generation_controller
+class ParseTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_parse_empty(self):
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse('')
+ self.assertEquals([], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.inline_scripts)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ def test_parse_none(self):
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(None)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.inline_scripts)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ def test_parse_script_src_basic(self):
+ html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <script src="polymer.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="foo.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ </body>
+ </html>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(['polymer.min.js', 'foo.js'], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.inline_scripts)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ self.assertNotIn(
+ 'DOCTYPE html',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_parse_link_rel_import(self):
+ html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <link rel="import" href="x-foo.html">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ </body>
+ </html>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.inline_scripts)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals(['x-foo.html'], module.imports)
+ def test_parse_script_inline(self):
+ html = """<polymer-element name="tk-element-proto">
+ <template>
+ </template>
+ <script>
+ py_vulcanize.require("foo");
+ py_vulcanize.require('bar');
+ </script>
+ </polymer-element>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals(1, len(module.inline_scripts))
+ self.assertEquals([], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ script0 = module.inline_scripts[0]
+ val = re.sub(r'\s+', '', script0.contents)
+ inner_script = """py_vulcanize.require("foo");py_vulcanize.require('bar');"""
+ self.assertEquals(inner_script, val)
+ self.assertEquals(3, len(script0.open_tags))
+ self.assertEquals('polymer-element', script0.open_tags[2].tag)
+ self.assertNotIn(
+ 'py_vulcanize.require("foo");',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_parse_script_inline_and_external(self):
+ html = """<polymer-element name="tk-element-proto">
+ <template>
+ </template>
+ <script>window = {}</script>
+ <script src="foo.js"></script>
+ <script>window = undefined</script>
+ </polymer-element>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(3, len(module.scripts))
+ self.assertEquals('window = {}', module.scripts[0].contents)
+ self.assertEquals("foo.js",module.scripts[1].src)
+ self.assertTrue(module.scripts[1].is_external)
+ self.assertEquals('window = undefined', module.scripts[2].contents)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ def test_parse_script_src_sripping(self):
+ html = """
+<script src="blah.js"></script>
+ module = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser().Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals('',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_parse_link_rel_stylesheet(self):
+ html = """<polymer-element name="hi">
+ <template>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="frameworkstyles.css">
+ </template>
+ </polymer-element>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.scripts_external)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.inline_scripts)
+ self.assertEquals(['frameworkstyles.css'], module.stylesheets)
+ self.assertEquals([], module.imports)
+ class Ctl(html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController):
+ def GetHTMLForStylesheetHRef(self, href):
+ if href == 'frameworkstyles.css':
+ return '<style>FRAMEWORK</style>'
+ return None
+ gen_html = module.GenerateHTML(Ctl())
+ ghtm = """<polymer-element name="hi">
+ <template>
+ <style>FRAMEWORK</style>
+ </template>
+ </polymer-element>"""
+ self.assertEquals(ghtm, gen_html)
+ def test_parse_inline_style(self):
+ html = """<style>
+ hello
+ module = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser().Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(html, module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ class Ctl(html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController):
+ def GetHTMLForInlineStylesheet(self, contents):
+ if contents == '\n hello\n':
+ return '\n HELLO\n'
+ return None
+ gen_html = module.GenerateHTML(Ctl())
+ ghtm = """<style>
+ self.assertEquals(ghtm, gen_html)
+ def test_parse_style_import(self):
+ html = """<polymer-element name="x-blink">
+ <template>
+ <style>
+ @import url(awesome.css);
+ </style>
+ </template>
+ </polymer-element>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ self.assertRaises(lambda: parser.Parse(html))
+ def test_nested_templates(self):
+ orig_html = """<template>
+ <template>
+ <div id="foo"></div>
+ </template>
+ </template>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ res = parser.Parse(orig_html)
+ html = res.html_contents_without_links_and_script
+ self.assertEquals(html, orig_html)
+ def test_html_contents_basic(self):
+ html = """<a b="c">d</a>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(html, module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_html_contents_with_entity(self):
+ html = """<a>&rarr;</a>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(u'<a>\u2192</a>',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_html_content_with_charref(self):
+ html = """<a>&#62;</a>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals('<a>&gt;</a>',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_html_content_start_end_br(self):
+ html = """<a><br /></a>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals('<a><br/></a>',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_html_content_start_end_img(self):
+ html = """<a><img src="foo.png" id="bar" /></a>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals('<a><img id="bar" src="foo.png"/></a>',
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script)
+ def test_html_contents_with_link_stripping(self):
+ html = """<a b="c">d</a>
+ <link rel="import" href="x-foo.html">"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals("""<a b="c">d</a>""",
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script.strip())
+ def test_html_contents_with_style_link_stripping(self):
+ html = """<a b="c">d</a>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="frameworkstyles.css">"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals("""<a b="c">d</a>""",
+ module.html_contents_without_links_and_script.strip())
+ def test_br_does_not_raise(self):
+ html = """<div><br/></div>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ def test_p_does_not_raises(self):
+ html = """<div></p></div>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ def test_link_endlink_does_not_raise(self):
+ html = """<link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css"></link>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ def test_link_script_does_not_raise(self):
+ html = """<link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css">
+ <script>
+ </script>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ def test_script_with_script_inside_as_js(self):
+ html = """<script>
+ var html_lines = [
+ '<script>',
+ '<\/script>',
+ ];
+ </script>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ def test_invalid_script_escaping_raises(self):
+ html = """<script>
+ var html_lines = [
+ '<script>',
+ '< /script>',
+ ];
+ </script>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ def DoIt():
+ parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception, DoIt)
+ def test_script_with_cdata(self):
+ html = """<script></h2></script>"""
+ parser = parse_html_deps.HTMLModuleParser()
+ module = parser.Parse(html)
+ self.assertEquals(1, len(module.inline_scripts))
+ self.assertEquals('</h2>', module.inline_scripts[0].contents)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b65784eb0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import collections
+import os
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from io import StringIO
+from py_vulcanize import resource_loader
+def _FindAllFilesRecursive(source_paths):
+ all_filenames = set()
+ for source_path in source_paths:
+ for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(source_path):
+ for f in filenames:
+ if f.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ x = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
+ all_filenames.add(x)
+ return all_filenames
+class AbsFilenameList(object):
+ def __init__(self, willDirtyCallback):
+ self._willDirtyCallback = willDirtyCallback
+ self._filenames = []
+ self._filenames_set = set()
+ def _WillBecomeDirty(self):
+ if self._willDirtyCallback:
+ self._willDirtyCallback()
+ def append(self, filename):
+ assert os.path.isabs(filename)
+ self._WillBecomeDirty()
+ self._filenames.append(filename)
+ self._filenames_set.add(filename)
+ def extend(self, iterable):
+ self._WillBecomeDirty()
+ for filename in iterable:
+ assert os.path.isabs(filename)
+ self._filenames.append(filename)
+ self._filenames_set.add(filename)
+ def appendRel(self, basedir, filename):
+ assert os.path.isabs(basedir)
+ self._WillBecomeDirty()
+ n = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, filename))
+ self._filenames.append(n)
+ self._filenames_set.add(n)
+ def extendRel(self, basedir, iterable):
+ self._WillBecomeDirty()
+ assert os.path.isabs(basedir)
+ for filename in iterable:
+ n = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, filename))
+ self._filenames.append(n)
+ self._filenames_set.add(n)
+ def __contains__(self, x):
+ return x in self._filenames_set
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self._filenames.__len__()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._filenames)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self._filenames)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self._filenames)
+class Project(object):
+ py_vulcanize_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+ def __init__(self, source_paths=None):
+ """
+ source_paths: A list of top-level directories in which modules and raw
+ scripts can be found. Module paths are relative to these directories.
+ """
+ self._loader = None
+ self._frozen = False
+ self.source_paths = AbsFilenameList(self._WillPartOfPathChange)
+ if source_paths is not None:
+ self.source_paths.extend(source_paths)
+ def Freeze(self):
+ self._frozen = True
+ def _WillPartOfPathChange(self):
+ if self._frozen:
+ raise Exception('The project is frozen. You cannot edit it now')
+ self._loader = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def FromDict(d):
+ return Project(d['source_paths'])
+ def AsDict(self):
+ return {
+ 'source_paths': list(self.source_paths)
+ }
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Project(%s)" % repr(self.source_paths)
+ def AddSourcePath(self, path):
+ self.source_paths.append(path)
+ @property
+ def loader(self):
+ if self._loader is None:
+ self._loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(self)
+ return self._loader
+ def ResetLoader(self):
+ self._loader = None
+ def _Load(self, filenames):
+ return [self.loader.LoadModule(module_filename=filename) for
+ filename in filenames]
+ def LoadModule(self, module_name=None, module_filename=None):
+ return self.loader.LoadModule(module_name=module_name,
+ module_filename=module_filename)
+ def CalcLoadSequenceForModuleNames(self, module_names,
+ excluded_scripts=None):
+ modules = [self.loader.LoadModule(module_name=name,
+ excluded_scripts=excluded_scripts) for
+ name in module_names]
+ return self.CalcLoadSequenceForModules(modules)
+ def CalcLoadSequenceForModules(self, modules):
+ already_loaded_set = set()
+ load_sequence = []
+ for m in modules:
+ m.ComputeLoadSequenceRecursive(load_sequence, already_loaded_set)
+ return load_sequence
+ def GetDepsGraphFromModuleNames(self, module_names):
+ modules = [self.loader.LoadModule(module_name=name) for
+ name in module_names]
+ return self.GetDepsGraphFromModules(modules)
+ def GetDepsGraphFromModules(self, modules):
+ load_sequence = self.CalcLoadSequenceForModules(modules)
+ g = _Graph()
+ for m in load_sequence:
+ g.AddModule(m)
+ for dep in m.dependent_modules:
+ g.AddEdge(m,
+ # FIXME: _GetGraph is not defined. Maybe `return g` is intended?
+ return _GetGraph(load_sequence)
+ def GetDominatorGraphForModulesNamed(self, module_names, load_sequence):
+ modules = [self.loader.LoadModule(module_name=name)
+ for name in module_names]
+ return self.GetDominatorGraphForModules(modules, load_sequence)
+ def GetDominatorGraphForModules(self, start_modules, load_sequence):
+ modules_by_id = {}
+ for m in load_sequence:
+ modules_by_id[] = m
+ module_referrers = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for m in load_sequence:
+ for dep in m.dependent_modules:
+ module_referrers[dep].append(m)
+ # Now start at the top module and reverse.
+ visited = set()
+ g = _Graph()
+ pending = collections.deque()
+ pending.extend(start_modules)
+ while len(pending):
+ cur = pending.pop()
+ g.AddModule(cur)
+ visited.add(cur)
+ for out_dep in module_referrers[cur]:
+ if out_dep in visited:
+ continue
+ g.AddEdge(out_dep, cur)
+ visited.add(out_dep)
+ pending.append(out_dep)
+ # Visited -> Dot
+ return g.GetDot()
+class _Graph(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.nodes = []
+ self.edges = []
+ def AddModule(self, m):
+ f = StringIO()
+ m.AppendJSContentsToFile(f, False, None)
+ attrs = {
+ 'label': '%s (%i)' % (, f.tell())
+ }
+ f.close()
+ attr_items = ['%s="%s"' % (x, y) for x, y in attrs.iteritems()]
+ node = 'M%i [%s];' % (, ','.join(attr_items))
+ self.nodes.append(node)
+ def AddEdge(self, mFrom, mTo):
+ edge = 'M%i -> M%i;' % (,
+ self.edges.append(edge)
+ def GetDot(self):
+ return 'digraph deps {\n\n%s\n\n%s\n}\n' % (
+ '\n'.join(self.nodes), '\n'.join(self.edges))
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""A Resource is a file and its various associated canonical names."""
+import codecs
+import os
+class Resource(object):
+ """Represents a file found via a path search."""
+ def __init__(self, toplevel_dir, absolute_path, binary=False):
+ self.toplevel_dir = toplevel_dir
+ self.absolute_path = absolute_path
+ self._contents = None
+ self._binary = binary
+ @property
+ def relative_path(self):
+ """The path to the file from the top-level directory"""
+ return os.path.relpath(self.absolute_path, self.toplevel_dir)
+ @property
+ def unix_style_relative_path(self):
+ return self.relative_path.replace(os.sep, '/')
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """The dotted name for this resource based on its relative path."""
+ return self.name_from_relative_path(self.relative_path)
+ @staticmethod
+ def name_from_relative_path(relative_path):
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(relative_path)
+ basename = os.path.basename(relative_path)
+ modname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
+ if len(dirname):
+ name = dirname.replace(os.path.sep, '.') + '.' + modname
+ else:
+ name = modname
+ return name
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ if self._contents:
+ return self._contents
+ if not os.path.exists(self.absolute_path):
+ raise Exception('%s not found.' % self.absolute_path)
+ if self._binary:
+ f = open(self.absolute_path, mode='rb')
+ else:
+ f =, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
+ self._contents =
+ f.close()
+ return self._contents
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+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""ResourceFinder is a helper class for finding resources given their name."""
+import codecs
+import os
+from py_vulcanize import module
+from py_vulcanize import style_sheet as style_sheet_module
+from py_vulcanize import resource as resource_module
+from py_vulcanize import html_module
+from py_vulcanize import strip_js_comments
+class ResourceLoader(object):
+ """Manges loading modules and their dependencies from files.
+ Modules handle parsing and the construction of their individual dependency
+ pointers. The loader deals with bookkeeping of what has been loaded, and
+ mapping names to file resources.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, project):
+ self.project = project
+ self.stripped_js_by_filename = {}
+ self.loaded_modules = {}
+ self.loaded_raw_scripts = {}
+ self.loaded_style_sheets = {}
+ self.loaded_images = {}
+ @property
+ def source_paths(self):
+ """A list of base directories to search for modules under."""
+ return self.project.source_paths
+ def FindResource(self, some_path, binary=False):
+ """Finds a Resource for the given path.
+ Args:
+ some_path: A relative or absolute path to a file.
+ Returns:
+ A Resource or None.
+ """
+ if os.path.isabs(some_path):
+ return self.FindResourceGivenAbsolutePath(some_path, binary)
+ else:
+ return self.FindResourceGivenRelativePath(some_path, binary)
+ def FindResourceGivenAbsolutePath(self, absolute_path, binary=False):
+ """Returns a Resource for the given absolute path."""
+ candidate_paths = []
+ for source_path in self.source_paths:
+ if absolute_path.startswith(source_path):
+ candidate_paths.append(source_path)
+ if len(candidate_paths) == 0:
+ return None
+ # Sort by length. Longest match wins.
+ candidate_paths.sort(lambda x, y: len(x) - len(y))
+ longest_candidate = candidate_paths[-1]
+ return resource_module.Resource(longest_candidate, absolute_path, binary)
+ def FindResourceGivenRelativePath(self, relative_path, binary=False):
+ """Returns a Resource for the given relative path."""
+ absolute_path = None
+ for script_path in self.source_paths:
+ absolute_path = os.path.join(script_path, relative_path)
+ if os.path.exists(absolute_path):
+ return resource_module.Resource(script_path, absolute_path, binary)
+ return None
+ def _FindResourceGivenNameAndSuffix(
+ self, requested_name, extension, return_resource=False):
+ """Searches for a file and reads its contents.
+ Args:
+ requested_name: The name of the resource that was requested.
+ extension: The extension for this requested resource.
+ Returns:
+ A (path, contents) pair.
+ """
+ pathy_name = requested_name.replace('.', os.sep)
+ filename = pathy_name + extension
+ resource = self.FindResourceGivenRelativePath(filename)
+ if return_resource:
+ return resource
+ if not resource:
+ return None, None
+ return _read_file(resource.absolute_path)
+ def FindModuleResource(self, requested_module_name):
+ """Finds a module javascript file and returns a Resource, or none."""
+ js_resource = self._FindResourceGivenNameAndSuffix(
+ requested_module_name, '.js', return_resource=True)
+ html_resource = self._FindResourceGivenNameAndSuffix(
+ requested_module_name, '.html', return_resource=True)
+ if js_resource and html_resource:
+ if html_module.IsHTMLResourceTheModuleGivenConflictingResourceNames(
+ js_resource, html_resource):
+ return html_resource
+ return js_resource
+ elif js_resource:
+ return js_resource
+ return html_resource
+ def LoadModule(self, module_name=None, module_filename=None,
+ excluded_scripts=None):
+ assert bool(module_name) ^ bool(module_filename), (
+ 'Must provide either module_name or module_filename.')
+ if module_filename:
+ resource = self.FindResource(module_filename)
+ if not resource:
+ raise Exception('Could not find %s in %s' % (
+ module_filename, repr(self.source_paths)))
+ module_name =
+ else:
+ resource = None # Will be set if we end up needing to load.
+ if module_name in self.loaded_modules:
+ assert self.loaded_modules[module_name].contents
+ return self.loaded_modules[module_name]
+ if not resource: # happens when module_name was given
+ resource = self.FindModuleResource(module_name)
+ if not resource:
+ raise module.DepsException('No resource for module "%s"' % module_name)
+ m = html_module.HTMLModule(self, module_name, resource)
+ self.loaded_modules[module_name] = m
+ # Fake it, this is probably either polymer.min.js or platform.js which are
+ # actually .js files....
+ if resource.absolute_path.endswith('.js'):
+ return m
+ m.Parse(excluded_scripts)
+ m.Load(excluded_scripts)
+ return m
+ def LoadRawScript(self, relative_raw_script_path):
+ resource = None
+ for source_path in self.source_paths:
+ possible_absolute_path = os.path.join(
+ source_path, os.path.normpath(relative_raw_script_path))
+ if os.path.exists(possible_absolute_path):
+ resource = resource_module.Resource(
+ source_path, possible_absolute_path)
+ break
+ if not resource:
+ raise module.DepsException(
+ 'Could not find a file for raw script %s in %s' %
+ (relative_raw_script_path, self.source_paths))
+ assert relative_raw_script_path == resource.unix_style_relative_path, (
+ 'Expected %s == %s' % (relative_raw_script_path,
+ resource.unix_style_relative_path))
+ if resource.absolute_path in self.loaded_raw_scripts:
+ return self.loaded_raw_scripts[resource.absolute_path]
+ raw_script = module.RawScript(resource)
+ self.loaded_raw_scripts[resource.absolute_path] = raw_script
+ return raw_script
+ def LoadStyleSheet(self, name):
+ if name in self.loaded_style_sheets:
+ return self.loaded_style_sheets[name]
+ resource = self._FindResourceGivenNameAndSuffix(
+ name, '.css', return_resource=True)
+ if not resource:
+ raise module.DepsException(
+ 'Could not find a file for stylesheet %s' % name)
+ style_sheet = style_sheet_module.StyleSheet(self, name, resource)
+ style_sheet.load()
+ self.loaded_style_sheets[name] = style_sheet
+ return style_sheet
+ def LoadImage(self, abs_path):
+ if abs_path in self.loaded_images:
+ return self.loaded_images[abs_path]
+ if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
+ raise module.DepsException("url('%s') did not exist" % abs_path)
+ res = self.FindResourceGivenAbsolutePath(abs_path, binary=True)
+ if res is None:
+ raise module.DepsException("url('%s') was not in search path" % abs_path)
+ image = style_sheet_module.Image(res)
+ self.loaded_images[abs_path] = image
+ return image
+ def GetStrippedJSForFilename(self, filename, early_out_if_no_py_vulcanize):
+ if filename in self.stripped_js_by_filename:
+ return self.stripped_js_by_filename[filename]
+ with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+ contents =
+ if early_out_if_no_py_vulcanize and ('py_vulcanize' not in contents):
+ return None
+ s = strip_js_comments.StripJSComments(contents)
+ self.stripped_js_by_filename[filename] = s
+ return s
+def _read_file(absolute_path):
+ """Reads a file and returns a (path, contents) pair.
+ Args:
+ absolute_path: Absolute path to a file.
+ Raises:
+ Exception: The given file doesn't exist.
+ IOError: There was a problem opening or reading the file.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(absolute_path):
+ raise Exception('%s not found.' % absolute_path)
+ f =, mode='r', encoding='utf-8')
+ contents =
+ f.close()
+ return absolute_path, contents
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4da23556f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import resource
+class ResourceUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testBasic(self):
+ r = resource.Resource('/a', '/a/b/c.js')
+ self.assertEquals('b.c',
+ self.assertEquals(os.path.join('b', 'c.js'), r.relative_path)
+ self.assertEquals('b/c.js', r.unix_style_relative_path)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d63c667531a
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Utility function for stripping comments out of JavaScript source code."""
+import re
+def _TokenizeJS(text):
+ """Splits source code text into segments in preparation for comment stripping.
+ Note that this doesn't tokenize for parsing. There is no notion of statements,
+ variables, etc. The only tokens of interest are comment-related tokens.
+ Args:
+ text: The contents of a JavaScript file.
+ Yields:
+ A succession of strings in the file, including all comment-related symbols.
+ """
+ rest = text
+ tokens = ['//', '/*', '*/', '\n']
+ next_tok = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in tokens))
+ while len(rest):
+ m =
+ if not m:
+ # end of string
+ yield rest
+ return
+ min_index = m.start()
+ end_index = m.end()
+ if min_index > 0:
+ yield rest[:min_index]
+ yield rest[min_index:end_index]
+ rest = rest[end_index:]
+def StripJSComments(text):
+ """Strips comments out of JavaScript source code.
+ Args:
+ text: JavaScript source text.
+ Returns:
+ JavaScript source text with comments stripped out.
+ """
+ result_tokens = []
+ token_stream = _TokenizeJS(text).__iter__()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ t =
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ if t == '//':
+ while True:
+ try:
+ t2 =
+ if t2 == '\n':
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ elif t == '/*':
+ nesting = 1
+ while True:
+ try:
+ t2 =
+ if t2 == '/*':
+ nesting += 1
+ elif t2 == '*/':
+ nesting -= 1
+ if nesting == 0:
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ else:
+ result_tokens.append(t)
+ return ''.join(result_tokens)
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..685cb824a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests for strip_js_comments module."""
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import strip_js_comments
+# This test case tests a protected method.
+# pylint: disable=W0212
+class JavaScriptStripCommentTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test case for _strip_js_comments and _TokenizeJS."""
+ def test_strip_comments(self):
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'A ', strip_js_comments.StripJSComments('A // foo'))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'A bar', strip_js_comments.StripJSComments('A // foo\nbar'))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'A b', strip_js_comments.StripJSComments('A /* foo */ b'))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ 'A b', strip_js_comments.StripJSComments('A /* foo\n */ b'))
+ def test_tokenize_empty(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS(''))
+ self.assertEquals([], tokens)
+ def test_tokenize_nl(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS('\n'))
+ self.assertEquals(['\n'], tokens)
+ def test_tokenize_slashslash_comment(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS('A // foo'))
+ self.assertEquals(['A ', '//', ' foo'], tokens)
+ def test_tokenize_slashslash_comment_then_newline(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS('A // foo\nbar'))
+ self.assertEquals(['A ', '//', ' foo', '\n', 'bar'], tokens)
+ def test_tokenize_cstyle_comment_one_line(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS('A /* foo */'))
+ self.assertEquals(['A ', '/*', ' foo ', '*/'], tokens)
+ def test_tokenize_cstyle_comment_multi_line(self):
+ tokens = list(strip_js_comments._TokenizeJS('A /* foo\n*bar\n*/'))
+ self.assertEquals(['A ', '/*', ' foo', '\n', '*bar', '\n', '*/'], tokens)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import base64
+import os
+import re
+class Image(object):
+ def __init__(self, resource):
+ self.resource = resource
+ self.aliases = []
+ @property
+ def relative_path(self):
+ return self.resource.relative_path
+ @property
+ def absolute_path(self):
+ return self.resource.absolute_path
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ return self.resource.contents
+class ParsedStyleSheet(object):
+ def __init__(self, loader, containing_dirname, contents):
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.contents = contents
+ self._images = None
+ self._Load(containing_dirname)
+ @property
+ def images(self):
+ return self._images
+ def AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(self, dependent_filenames):
+ for i in self.images:
+ dependent_filenames.append(i.resource.absolute_path)
+ @property
+ def contents_with_inlined_images(self):
+ images_by_url = {}
+ for i in self.images:
+ for a in i.aliases:
+ images_by_url[a] = i
+ def InlineUrl(m):
+ url ='url')
+ image = images_by_url[url]
+ ext = os.path.splitext(image.absolute_path)[1]
+ data = base64.standard_b64encode(image.contents)
+ return 'url(data:image/%s;base64,%s)' % (ext[1:], data)
+ # I'm assuming we only have url()'s associated with images
+ return re.sub('url\((?P<quote>"|\'|)(?P<url>[^"\'()]*)(?P=quote)\)',
+ InlineUrl, self.contents)
+ def AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(self, dependent_filenames):
+ for i in self.images:
+ dependent_filenames.append(i.resource.absolute_path)
+ def _Load(self, containing_dirname):
+ if self.contents.find('@import') != -1:
+ raise Exception('@imports are not supported')
+ matches = re.findall(
+ 'url\((?:["|\']?)([^"\'()]*)(?:["|\']?)\)',
+ self.contents)
+ def resolve_url(url):
+ if os.path.isabs(url):
+ # FIXME: module is used here, but py_vulcanize.module is never imported.
+ # However, py_vulcanize.module cannot be imported since py_vulcanize.module may import
+ # style_sheet, leading to an import loop.
+ raise module.DepsException('URL references must be relative')
+ # URLS are relative to this module's directory
+ abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(containing_dirname, url))
+ image = self.loader.LoadImage(abs_path)
+ image.aliases.append(url)
+ return image
+ self._images = [resolve_url(x) for x in matches]
+class StyleSheet(object):
+ """Represents a stylesheet resource referenced by a module via the
+ base.requireStylesheet(xxx) directive."""
+ def __init__(self, loader, name, resource):
+ self.loader = loader
+ = name
+ self.resource = resource
+ self._parsed_style_sheet = None
+ @property
+ def filename(self):
+ return self.resource.absolute_path
+ @property
+ def contents(self):
+ return self.resource.contents
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'StyleSheet(%s)' %
+ @property
+ def images(self):
+ self._InitParsedStyleSheetIfNeeded()
+ return self._parsed_style_sheet.images
+ def AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(self, dependent_filenames):
+ self._InitParsedStyleSheetIfNeeded()
+ dependent_filenames.append(self.resource.absolute_path)
+ self._parsed_style_sheet.AppendDirectlyDependentFilenamesTo(
+ dependent_filenames)
+ @property
+ def contents_with_inlined_images(self):
+ self._InitParsedStyleSheetIfNeeded()
+ return self._parsed_style_sheet.contents_with_inlined_images
+ def load(self):
+ self._InitParsedStyleSheetIfNeeded()
+ def _InitParsedStyleSheetIfNeeded(self):
+ if self._parsed_style_sheet:
+ return
+ module_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.resource.absolute_path)
+ self._parsed_style_sheet = ParsedStyleSheet(
+ self.loader, module_dirname, self.contents)
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ebc71d5651
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+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/common/py_vulcanize/py_vulcanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import base64
+import os
+import unittest
+from py_vulcanize import project as project_module
+from py_vulcanize import resource_loader
+from py_vulcanize import fake_fs
+from py_vulcanize import module
+class StyleSheetUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testImages(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/src/foo/x.css', """
+.x .y {
+ background-image: url(../images/bar.jpeg);
+ fs.AddFile('/src/images/bar.jpeg', 'hello world')
+ with fs:
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/src/')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ foo_x = loader.LoadStyleSheet('foo.x')
+ self.assertEquals(1, len(foo_x.images))
+ r0 = foo_x.images[0]
+ self.assertEquals(os.path.normpath('/src/images/bar.jpeg'),
+ r0.absolute_path)
+ inlined = foo_x.contents_with_inlined_images
+ self.assertEquals("""
+.x .y {
+ background-image: url(data:image/jpeg;base64,%s);
+""" % base64.standard_b64encode('hello world'), inlined)
+ def testURLResolveFails(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/src/foo/x.css', """
+.x .y {
+ background-image: url(../images/missing.jpeg);
+ with fs:
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/src')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ self.assertRaises(module.DepsException,
+ lambda: loader.LoadStyleSheet('foo.x'))
+ def testImportsCauseFailure(self):
+ fs = fake_fs.FakeFS()
+ fs.AddFile('/src/foo/x.css', """
+@import url(awesome.css);
+ with fs:
+ project = project_module.Project([os.path.normpath('/src')])
+ loader = resource_loader.ResourceLoader(project)
+ self.assertRaises(Exception,
+ lambda: loader.LoadStyleSheet('foo.x'))