path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b4bf9bc99c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-package Fatal;
-use 5.006_001;
-use Carp;
-use strict;
-our($AUTOLOAD, $Debug, $VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.06;
-$Debug = 0 unless defined $Debug;
-sub import {
- my $self = shift(@_);
- my($sym, $pkg);
- my $void = 0;
- $pkg = (caller)[0];
- foreach $sym (@_) {
- if ($sym eq ":void") {
- $void = 1;
- }
- else {
- &_make_fatal($sym, $pkg, $void);
- }
- }
- my $cmd = $AUTOLOAD;
- $cmd =~ s/.*:://;
- &_make_fatal($cmd, (caller)[0]);
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
-sub fill_protos {
- my $proto = shift;
- my ($n, $isref, @out, @out1, $seen_semi) = -1;
- while ($proto =~ /\S/) {
- $n++;
- push(@out1,[$n,@out]) if $seen_semi;
- push(@out, $1 . "{\$_[$n]}"), next if $proto =~ s/^\s*\\([\@%\$\&])//;
- push(@out, "\$_[$n]"), next if $proto =~ s/^\s*([_*\$&])//;
- push(@out, "\@_[$n..\$#_]"), last if $proto =~ s/^\s*(;\s*)?\@//;
- $seen_semi = 1, $n--, next if $proto =~ s/^\s*;//; # XXXX ????
- die "Unknown prototype letters: \"$proto\"";
- }
- push(@out1,[$n+1,@out]);
- @out1;
-sub write_invocation {
- my ($core, $call, $name, $void, @argvs) = @_;
- if (@argvs == 1) { # No optional arguments
- my @argv = @{$argvs[0]};
- shift @argv;
- return "\t" . one_invocation($core, $call, $name, $void, @argv) . ";\n";
- } else {
- my $else = "\t";
- my (@out, @argv, $n);
- while (@argvs) {
- @argv = @{shift @argvs};
- $n = shift @argv;
- push @out, "$ {else}if (\@_ == $n) {\n";
- $else = "\t} els";
- push @out,
- "\t\treturn " . one_invocation($core, $call, $name, $void, @argv) . ";\n";
- }
- push @out, <<EOC;
- }
- die "$name(\@_): Do not expect to get ", scalar \@_, " arguments";
- return join '', @out;
- }
-sub one_invocation {
- my ($core, $call, $name, $void, @argv) = @_;
- local $" = ', ';
- if ($void) {
- return qq/(defined wantarray)?$call(@argv):
- $call(@argv) || croak "Can't $name(\@_)/ .
- ($core ? ': $!' : ', \$! is \"$!\"') . '"'
- } else {
- return qq{$call(@argv) || croak "Can't $name(\@_)} .
- ($core ? ': $!' : ', \$! is \"$!\"') . '"';
- }
-sub _make_fatal {
- my($sub, $pkg, $void) = @_;
- my($name, $code, $sref, $real_proto, $proto, $core, $call);
- my $ini = $sub;
- $sub = "${pkg}::$sub" unless $sub =~ /::/;
- $name = $sub;
- $name =~ s/.*::// or $name =~ s/^&//;
- print "# _make_fatal: sub=$sub pkg=$pkg name=$name void=$void\n" if $Debug;
- croak "Bad subroutine name for Fatal: $name" unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;
- if (defined(&$sub)) { # user subroutine
- $sref = \&$sub;
- $proto = prototype $sref;
- $call = '&$sref';
- } elsif ($sub eq $ini && $sub !~ /^CORE::GLOBAL::/) {
- # Stray user subroutine
- die "$sub is not a Perl subroutine"
- } else { # CORE subroutine
- $proto = eval { prototype "CORE::$name" };
- die "$name is neither a builtin, nor a Perl subroutine"
- if $@;
- die "Cannot make the non-overridable builtin $name fatal"
- if not defined $proto;
- $core = 1;
- $call = "CORE::$name";
- }
- if (defined $proto) {
- $real_proto = " ($proto)";
- } else {
- $real_proto = '';
- $proto = '@';
- }
- $code = <<EOS;
-sub$real_proto {
- local(\$", \$!) = (', ', 0);
- my @protos = fill_protos($proto);
- $code .= write_invocation($core, $call, $name, $void, @protos);
- $code .= "}\n";
- print $code if $Debug;
- {
- no strict 'refs'; # to avoid: Can't use string (...) as a symbol ref ...
- $code = eval("package $pkg; use Carp; $code");
- die if $@;
- no warnings; # to avoid: Subroutine foo redefined ...
- *{$sub} = $code;
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Fatal - replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Fatal qw(open close);
- sub juggle { . . . }
- import Fatal 'juggle';
-C<Fatal> provides a way to conveniently replace functions which normally
-return a false value when they fail with equivalents which raise exceptions
-if they are not successful. This lets you use these functions without
-having to test their return values explicitly on each call. Exceptions
-can be caught using C<eval{}>. See L<perlfunc> and L<perlvar> for details.
-The do-or-die equivalents are set up simply by calling Fatal's
-C<import> routine, passing it the names of the functions to be
-replaced. You may wrap both user-defined functions and overridable
-CORE operators (except C<exec>, C<system> which cannot be expressed
-via prototypes) in this way.
-If the symbol C<:void> appears in the import list, then functions
-named later in that import list raise an exception only when
-these are called in void context--that is, when their return
-values are ignored. For example
- use Fatal qw/:void open close/;
- # properly checked, so no exception raised on error
- if(open(FH, "< /bogotic") {
- warn "bogo file, dude: $!";
- }
- # not checked, so error raises an exception
- close FH;
-=head1 BUGS
-You should not fatalize functions that are called in list context, because this
-module tests whether a function has failed by testing the boolean truth of its
-return value in scalar context.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Lionel Cons (CERN).
-Prototype updates by Ilya Zakharevich <>.