path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Thread/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Thread/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
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index abf33ae2ca7..00000000000
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-package Thread::Queue;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '2.08';
-use threads::shared 1.21;
-use Scalar::Util 1.10 qw(looks_like_number blessed reftype refaddr);
-# Carp errors from threads::shared calls should complain about caller
-our @CARP_NOT = ("threads::shared");
-# Predeclarations for internal functions
-my ($validate_count, $validate_index);
-# Create a new queue possibly pre-populated with items
-sub new
- my $class = shift;
- my @queue :shared = map { shared_clone($_) } @_;
- return bless(\@queue, $class);
-# Add items to the tail of a queue
-sub enqueue
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- push(@$queue, map { shared_clone($_) } @_)
- and cond_signal(@$queue);
-# Return a count of the number of items on a queue
-sub pending
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- return scalar(@$queue);
-# Return 1 or more items from the head of a queue, blocking if needed
-sub dequeue
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- my $count = @_ ? $validate_count->(shift) : 1;
- # Wait for requisite number of items
- cond_wait(@$queue) until (@$queue >= $count);
- cond_signal(@$queue) if (@$queue > $count);
- # Return single item
- return shift(@$queue) if ($count == 1);
- # Return multiple items
- my @items;
- push(@items, shift(@$queue)) for (1..$count);
- return @items;
-# Return items from the head of a queue with no blocking
-sub dequeue_nb
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- my $count = @_ ? $validate_count->(shift) : 1;
- # Return single item
- return shift(@$queue) if ($count == 1);
- # Return multiple items
- my @items;
- for (1..$count) {
- last if (! @$queue);
- push(@items, shift(@$queue));
- }
- return @items;
-# Return an item without removing it from a queue
-sub peek
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- my $index = @_ ? $validate_index->(shift) : 0;
- return $$queue[$index];
-# Insert items anywhere into a queue
-sub insert
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- my $index = $validate_index->(shift);
- return if (! @_); # Nothing to insert
- # Support negative indices
- if ($index < 0) {
- $index += @$queue;
- if ($index < 0) {
- $index = 0;
- }
- }
- # Dequeue items from $index onward
- my @tmp;
- while (@$queue > $index) {
- unshift(@tmp, pop(@$queue))
- }
- # Add new items to the queue
- push(@$queue, map { shared_clone($_) } @_);
- # Add previous items back onto the queue
- push(@$queue, @tmp);
- # Soup's up
- cond_signal(@$queue);
-# Remove items from anywhere in a queue
-sub extract
- my $queue = shift;
- lock(@$queue);
- my $index = @_ ? $validate_index->(shift) : 0;
- my $count = @_ ? $validate_count->(shift) : 1;
- # Support negative indices
- if ($index < 0) {
- $index += @$queue;
- if ($index < 0) {
- $count += $index;
- return if ($count <= 0); # Beyond the head of the queue
- return $queue->dequeue_nb($count); # Extract from the head
- }
- }
- # Dequeue items from $index+$count onward
- my @tmp;
- while (@$queue > ($index+$count)) {
- unshift(@tmp, pop(@$queue))
- }
- # Extract desired items
- my @items;
- unshift(@items, pop(@$queue)) while (@$queue > $index);
- # Add back any removed items
- push(@$queue, @tmp);
- # Return single item
- return $items[0] if ($count == 1);
- # Return multiple items
- return @items;
-### Internal Functions ###
-# Check value of the requested index
-$validate_index = sub {
- my $index = shift;
- if (! looks_like_number($index) || (int($index) != $index)) {
- require Carp;
- my ($method) = (caller(1))[3];
- $method =~ s/Thread::Queue:://;
- $index = 'undef' if (! defined($index));
- Carp::croak("Invalid 'index' argument ($index) to '$method' method");
- }
- return $index;
-# Check value of the requested count
-$validate_count = sub {
- my $count = shift;
- if ((! looks_like_number($count)) || (int($count) != $count) || ($count < 1)) {
- require Carp;
- my ($method) = (caller(1))[3];
- $method =~ s/Thread::Queue:://;
- $count = 'undef' if (! defined($count));
- Carp::croak("Invalid 'count' argument ($count) to '$method' method");
- }
- return $count;
-=head1 NAME
-Thread::Queue - Thread-safe queues
-=head1 VERSION
-This document describes Thread::Queue version 2.08
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use threads;
- use Thread::Queue;
- my $q = Thread::Queue->new(); # A new empty queue
- # Worker thread
- my $thr = threads->create(sub {
- while (my $item = $q->dequeue()) {
- # Do work on $item
- }
- })->detach();
- # Send work to the thread
- $q->enqueue($item1, ...);
- # Count of items in the queue
- my $left = $q->pending();
- # Non-blocking dequeue
- if (defined(my $item = $q->dequeue_nb())) {
- # Work on $item
- }
- # Get the second item in the queue without dequeuing anything
- my $item = $q->peek(1);
- # Insert two items into the queue just behind the head
- $q->insert(1, $item1, $item2);
- # Extract the last two items on the queue
- my ($item1, $item2) = $q->extract(-2, 2);
-This module provides thread-safe FIFO queues that can be accessed safely by
-any number of threads.
-Any data types supported by L<threads::shared> can be passed via queues:
-=item Ordinary scalars
-=item Array refs
-=item Hash refs
-=item Scalar refs
-=item Objects based on the above
-Ordinary scalars are added to queues as they are.
-If not already thread-shared, the other complex data types will be cloned
-(recursively, if needed, and including any C<bless>ings and read-only
-settings) into thread-shared structures before being placed onto a queue.
-For example, the following would cause L<Thread::Queue> to create a empty,
-shared array reference via C<&shared([])>, copy the elements 'foo', 'bar'
-and 'baz' from C<@ary> into it, and then place that shared reference onto
-the queue:
- my @ary = qw/foo bar baz/;
- $q->enqueue(\@ary);
-However, for the following, the items are already shared, so their references
-are added directly to the queue, and no cloning takes place:
- my @ary :shared = qw/foo bar baz/;
- $q->enqueue(\@ary);
- my $obj = &shared({});
- $$obj{'foo'} = 'bar';
- $$obj{'qux'} = 99;
- bless($obj, 'My::Class');
- $q->enqueue($obj);
-See L</"LIMITATIONS"> for caveats related to passing objects via queues.
-=item ->new()
-Creates a new empty queue.
-=item ->new(LIST)
-Creates a new queue pre-populated with the provided list of items.
-The following methods deal with queues on a FIFO basis.
-=item ->enqueue(LIST)
-Adds a list of items onto the end of the queue.
-=item ->dequeue()
-=item ->dequeue(COUNT)
-Removes the requested number of items (default is 1) from the head of the
-queue, and returns them. If the queue contains fewer than the requested
-number of items, then the thread will be blocked until the requisite number
-of items are available (i.e., until other threads <enqueue> more items).
-=item ->dequeue_nb()
-=item ->dequeue_nb(COUNT)
-Removes the requested number of items (default is 1) from the head of the
-queue, and returns them. If the queue contains fewer than the requested
-number of items, then it immediately (i.e., non-blocking) returns whatever
-items there are on the queue. If the queue is empty, then C<undef> is
-=item ->pending()
-Returns the number of items still in the queue.
-The following methods can be used to manipulate items anywhere in a queue.
-To prevent the contents of a queue from being modified by another thread
-while it is being examined and/or changed, L<lock|threads::shared/"lock
-VARIABLE"> the queue inside a local block:
- {
- lock($q); # Keep other threads from changing the queue's contents
- my $item = $q->peek();
- if ($item ...) {
- ...
- }
- }
- # Queue is now unlocked
-=item ->peek()
-=item ->peek(INDEX)
-Returns an item from the queue without dequeuing anything. Defaults to the
-the head of queue (at index position 0) if no index is specified. Negative
-index values are supported as with L<arrays|perldata/"Subscripts"> (i.e., -1
-is the end of the queue, -2 is next to last, and so on).
-If no items exists at the specified index (i.e., the queue is empty, or the
-index is beyond the number of items on the queue), then C<undef> is returned.
-Remember, the returned item is not removed from the queue, so manipulating a
-C<peek>ed at reference affects the item on the queue.
-=item ->insert(INDEX, LIST)
-Adds the list of items to the queue at the specified index position (0
-is the head of the list). Any existing items at and beyond that position are
-pushed back past the newly added items:
- $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4);
- $q->insert(1, qw/foo bar/);
- # Queue now contains: 1, foo, bar, 2, 3, 4
-Specifying an index position greater than the number of items in the queue
-just adds the list to the end.
-Negative index positions are supported:
- $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4);
- $q->insert(-2, qw/foo bar/);
- # Queue now contains: 1, 2, foo, bar, 3, 4
-Specifying a negative index position greater than the number of items in the
-queue adds the list to the head of the queue.
-=item ->extract()
-=item ->extract(INDEX)
-=item ->extract(INDEX, COUNT)
-Removes and returns the specified number of items (defaults to 1) from the
-specified index position in the queue (0 is the head of the queue). When
-called with no arguments, C<extract> operates the same as C<dequeue_nb>.
-This method is non-blocking, and will return only as many items as are
-available to fulfill the request:
- $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4);
- my $item = $q->extract(2) # Returns 3
- # Queue now contains: 1, 2, 4
- my @items = $q->extract(1, 3) # Returns (2, 4)
- # Queue now contains: 1
-Specifying an index position greater than the number of items in the
-queue results in C<undef> or an empty list being returned.
- $q->enqueue('foo');
- my $nada = $q->extract(3) # Returns undef
- my @nada = $q->extract(1, 3) # Returns ()
-Negative index positions are supported. Specifying a negative index position
-greater than the number of items in the queue may return items from the head
-of the queue (similar to C<dequeue_nb>) if the count overlaps the head of the
-queue from the specified position (i.e. if queue size + index + count is
-greater than zero):
- $q->enqueue(qw/foo bar baz/);
- my @nada = $q->extract(-6, 2); # Returns () - (3+(-6)+2) <= 0
- my @some = $q->extract(-6, 4); # Returns (foo) - (3+(-6)+4) > 0
- # Queue now contains: bar, baz
- my @rest = $q->extract(-3, 4); # Returns (bar, baz) - (2+(-3)+4) > 0
-=head1 NOTES
-Queues created by L<Thread::Queue> can be used in both threaded and
-non-threaded applications.
-Passing objects on queues may not work if the objects' classes do not support
-sharing. See L<threads::shared/"BUGS AND LIMITATIONS"> for more.
-Passing array/hash refs that contain objects may not work for Perl prior to
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Thread::Queue Discussion Forum on CPAN:
-Annotated POD for Thread::Queue:
-Source repository:
-L<threads>, L<threads::shared>
-Jerry D. Hedden, S<E<lt>jdhedden AT cpan DOT orgE<gt>>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.