path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Tie/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Tie/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Tie/
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--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/Tie/
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-package Tie::RefHash;
-use vars qw/$VERSION/;
-$VERSION = "1.38";
-use 5.005;
-=head1 NAME
-Tie::RefHash - use references as hash keys
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- require 5.004;
- use Tie::RefHash;
- tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash', LIST;
- tie HASHVARIABLE, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable', LIST;
-This module provides the ability to use references as hash keys if you
-first C<tie> the hash variable to this module. Normally, only the
-keys of the tied hash itself are preserved as references; to use
-references as keys in hashes-of-hashes, use Tie::RefHash::Nestable,
-included as part of Tie::RefHash.
-It is implemented using the standard perl TIEHASH interface. Please
-see the C<tie> entry in perlfunc(1) and perltie(1) for more information.
-The Nestable version works by looking for hash references being stored
-and converting them to tied hashes so that they too can have
-references as keys. This will happen without warning whenever you
-store a reference to one of your own hashes in the tied hash.
-=head1 EXAMPLE
- use Tie::RefHash;
- tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash';
- $a = [];
- $b = {};
- $c = \*main;
- $d = \"gunk";
- $e = sub { 'foo' };
- %h = ($a => 1, $b => 2, $c => 3, $d => 4, $e => 5);
- $a->[0] = 'foo';
- $b->{foo} = 'bar';
- for (keys %h) {
- print ref($_), "\n";
- }
- tie %h, 'Tie::RefHash::Nestable';
- $h{$a}->{$b} = 1;
- for (keys %h, keys %{$h{$a}}) {
- print ref($_), "\n";
- }
-L<Tie::RefHash> fully supports threading using the C<CLONE> method.
-L<Storable> hooks are provided for semantically correct serialization and
-cloning of tied refhashes.
-This version of Tie::RefHash seems to no longer work with 5.004. This has not
-been throughly investigated. Patches welcome ;-)
-Yuval Kogman E<lt>nothingmuch@woobling.orgE<gt>
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Gurusamy Sarathy
-'Nestable' by Ed Avis
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), perlfunc(1), perltie(1)
-use Tie::Hash;
-use vars '@ISA';
-@ISA = qw(Tie::Hash);
-use strict;
-use Carp qw/croak/;
- local $@;
- # determine whether we need to take care of threads
- use Config ();
- my $usethreads = $Config::Config{usethreads}; # && exists $INC{""}
- *_HAS_THREADS = $usethreads ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
- *_HAS_SCALAR_UTIL = eval { require Scalar::Util; 1 } ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
- *_HAS_WEAKEN = defined(&Scalar::Util::weaken) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 };
- # create a refaddr function
- local $@;
- if ( _HAS_SCALAR_UTIL ) {
- Scalar::Util->import("refaddr");
- } else {
- require overload;
- *refaddr = sub {
- if ( overload::StrVal($_[0]) =~ /\( 0x ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) \)$/x) {
- return $1;
- } else {
- die "couldn't parse StrVal: " . overload::StrVal($_[0]);
- }
- };
- }
-my (@thread_object_registry, $count); # used by the CLONE method to rehash the keys after their refaddr changed
-sub TIEHASH {
- my $c = shift;
- my $s = [];
- bless $s, $c;
- while (@_) {
- $s->STORE(shift, shift);
- }
- if (_HAS_THREADS ) {
- if ( _HAS_WEAKEN ) {
- # remember the object so that we can rekey it on CLONE
- push @thread_object_registry, $s;
- # but make this a weak reference, so that there are no leaks
- Scalar::Util::weaken( $thread_object_registry[-1] );
- if ( ++$count > 1000 ) {
- # this ensures we don't fill up with a huge array dead weakrefs
- @thread_object_registry = grep { defined } @thread_object_registry;
- $count = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $count++; # used in the warning
- }
- }
- return $s;
-my $storable_format_version = join("/", __PACKAGE__, "0.01");
-sub STORABLE_freeze {
- my ( $self, $is_cloning ) = @_;
- my ( $refs, $reg ) = @$self;
- return ( $storable_format_version, [ values %$refs ], $reg );
-sub STORABLE_thaw {
- my ( $self, $is_cloning, $version, $refs, $reg ) = @_;
- croak "incompatible versions of Tie::RefHash between freeze and thaw"
- unless $version eq $storable_format_version;
- @$self = ( {}, $reg );
- $self->_reindex_keys( $refs );
-sub CLONE {
- my $pkg = shift;
- if ( $count and not _HAS_WEAKEN ) {
- warn "Tie::RefHash is not threadsafe without Scalar::Util::weaken";
- }
- # when the thread has been cloned all the objects need to be updated.
- # dead weakrefs are undefined, so we filter them out
- @thread_object_registry = grep { defined && do { $_->_reindex_keys; 1 } } @thread_object_registry;
- $count = 0; # we just cleaned up
-sub _reindex_keys {
- my ( $self, $extra_keys ) = @_;
- # rehash all the ref keys based on their new StrVal
- %{ $self->[0] } = map { refaddr($_->[0]) => $_ } (values(%{ $self->[0] }), @{ $extra_keys || [] });
-sub FETCH {
- my($s, $k) = @_;
- if (ref $k) {
- my $kstr = refaddr($k);
- if (defined $s->[0]{$kstr}) {
- $s->[0]{$kstr}[1];
- }
- else {
- undef;
- }
- }
- else {
- $s->[1]{$k};
- }
-sub STORE {
- my($s, $k, $v) = @_;
- if (ref $k) {
- $s->[0]{refaddr($k)} = [$k, $v];
- }
- else {
- $s->[1]{$k} = $v;
- }
- $v;
-sub DELETE {
- my($s, $k) = @_;
- (ref $k)
- ? (delete($s->[0]{refaddr($k)}) || [])->[1]
- : delete($s->[1]{$k});
-sub EXISTS {
- my($s, $k) = @_;
- (ref $k) ? exists($s->[0]{refaddr($k)}) : exists($s->[1]{$k});
- my $s = shift;
- keys %{$s->[0]}; # reset iterator
- keys %{$s->[1]}; # reset iterator
- $s->[2] = 0; # flag for iteration, see NEXTKEY
- $s->NEXTKEY;
-sub NEXTKEY {
- my $s = shift;
- my ($k, $v);
- if (!$s->[2]) {
- if (($k, $v) = each %{$s->[0]}) {
- return $v->[0];
- }
- else {
- $s->[2] = 1;
- }
- }
- return each %{$s->[1]};
-sub CLEAR {
- my $s = shift;
- $s->[2] = 0;
- %{$s->[0]} = ();
- %{$s->[1]} = ();
-package Tie::RefHash::Nestable;
-use vars '@ISA';
-@ISA = 'Tie::RefHash';
-sub STORE {
- my($s, $k, $v) = @_;
- if (ref($v) eq 'HASH' and not tied %$v) {
- my @elems = %$v;
- tie %$v, ref($s), @elems;
- }
- $s->SUPER::STORE($k, $v);