path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/i686-cygwin/threads/
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diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/i686-cygwin/threads/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/5.10/i686-cygwin/threads/
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-package threads::shared;
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Scalar::Util qw(reftype refaddr blessed);
-our $VERSION = '1.21';
-# Declare that we have been loaded
-$threads::shared::threads_shared = 1;
-# Load the XS code, if applicable
-if ($threads::threads) {
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load('threads::shared', $XS_VERSION);
- *is_shared = \&_id;
-} else {
- # String eval is generally evil, but we don't want these subs to
- # exist at all if 'threads' is not loaded successfully.
- # Vivifying them conditionally this way saves on average about 4K
- # of memory per thread.
- eval <<'_MARKER_';
- sub share (\[$@%]) { return $_[0] }
- sub is_shared (\[$@%]) { undef }
- sub cond_wait (\[$@%];\[$@%]) { undef }
- sub cond_timedwait (\[$@%]$;\[$@%]) { undef }
- sub cond_signal (\[$@%]) { undef }
- sub cond_broadcast (\[$@%]) { undef }
-### Export ###
-sub import
- # Exported subroutines
- my @EXPORT = qw(share is_shared cond_wait cond_timedwait
- cond_signal cond_broadcast shared_clone);
- if ($threads::threads) {
- push(@EXPORT, 'bless');
- }
- # Export subroutine names
- my $caller = caller();
- foreach my $sym (@EXPORT) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$caller.'::'.$sym} = \&{$sym};
- }
-# Predeclarations for internal functions
-my ($make_shared);
-### Methods, etc. ###
-sub threads::shared::tie::SPLICE
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak('Splice not implemented for shared arrays');
-# Create a thread-shared clone of a complex data structure or object
-sub shared_clone
- if (@_ != 1) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak('Usage: shared_clone(REF)');
- }
- return $make_shared->(shift, {});
-### Internal Functions ###
-# Used by shared_clone() to recursively clone
-# a complex data structure or object
-$make_shared = sub {
- my ($item, $cloned) = @_;
- # Just return the item if:
- # 1. Not a ref;
- # 2. Already shared; or
- # 3. Not running 'threads'.
- return $item if (! ref($item) || is_shared($item) || ! $threads::threads);
- # Check for previously cloned references
- # (this takes care of circular refs as well)
- my $addr = refaddr($item);
- if (exists($cloned->{$addr})) {
- # Return the already existing clone
- return $cloned->{$addr};
- }
- # Make copies of array, hash and scalar refs and refs of refs
- my $copy;
- my $ref_type = reftype($item);
- # Copy an array ref
- if ($ref_type eq 'ARRAY') {
- # Make empty shared array ref
- $copy = &share([]);
- # Add to clone checking hash
- $cloned->{$addr} = $copy;
- # Recursively copy and add contents
- push(@$copy, map { $make_shared->($_, $cloned) } @$item);
- }
- # Copy a hash ref
- elsif ($ref_type eq 'HASH') {
- # Make empty shared hash ref
- $copy = &share({});
- # Add to clone checking hash
- $cloned->{$addr} = $copy;
- # Recursively copy and add contents
- foreach my $key (keys(%{$item})) {
- $copy->{$key} = $make_shared->($item->{$key}, $cloned);
- }
- }
- # Copy a scalar ref
- elsif ($ref_type eq 'SCALAR') {
- $copy = \do{ my $scalar = $$item; };
- share($copy);
- # Clone READONLY flag
- if (Internals::SvREADONLY($$item)) {
- Internals::SvREADONLY($$copy, 1);
- }
- # Add to clone checking hash
- $cloned->{$addr} = $copy;
- }
- # Copy of a ref of a ref
- elsif ($ref_type eq 'REF') {
- # Special handling for $x = \$x
- if ($addr == refaddr($$item)) {
- $copy = \$copy;
- share($copy);
- $cloned->{$addr} = $copy;
- } else {
- my $tmp;
- $copy = \$tmp;
- share($copy);
- # Add to clone checking hash
- $cloned->{$addr} = $copy;
- # Recursively copy and add contents
- $tmp = $make_shared->($$item, $cloned);
- }
- } else {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Unsupported ref type: ", $ref_type);
- }
- # If input item is an object, then bless the copy into the same class
- if (my $class = blessed($item)) {
- bless($copy, $class);
- }
- # Clone READONLY flag
- if (Internals::SvREADONLY($item)) {
- Internals::SvREADONLY($copy, 1);
- }
- return $copy;
-=head1 NAME
-threads::shared - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
-=head1 VERSION
-This document describes threads::shared version 1.21
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use threads;
- use threads::shared;
- my $var :shared;
- my %hsh :shared;
- my @ary :shared;
- my ($scalar, @array, %hash);
- share($scalar);
- share(@array);
- share(%hash);
- $var = $scalar_value;
- $var = $shared_ref_value;
- $var = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
- $var = shared_clone({'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]});
- $hsh{'foo'} = $scalar_value;
- $hsh{'bar'} = $shared_ref_value;
- $hsh{'baz'} = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
- $hsh{'quz'} = shared_clone([1..3]);
- $ary[0] = $scalar_value;
- $ary[1] = $shared_ref_value;
- $ary[2] = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
- $ary[3] = shared_clone([ {}, [] ]);
- { lock(%hash); ... }
- cond_wait($scalar);
- cond_timedwait($scalar, time() + 30);
- cond_broadcast(@array);
- cond_signal(%hash);
- my $lockvar :shared;
- # condition var != lock var
- cond_wait($var, $lockvar);
- cond_timedwait($var, time()+30, $lockvar);
-By default, variables are private to each thread, and each newly created
-thread gets a private copy of each existing variable. This module allows you
-to share variables across different threads (and pseudo-forks on Win32). It
-is used together with the L<threads> module.
-This module supports the sharing of the following data types only: scalars
-and scalar refs, arrays and array refs, and hashes and hash refs.
-=head1 EXPORT
-The following functions are exported by this module: C<share>,
-C<shared_clone>, C<is_shared>, C<cond_wait>, C<cond_timedwait>, C<cond_signal>
-and C<cond_broadcast>
-Note that if this module is imported when L<threads> has not yet been loaded,
-then these functions all become no-ops. This makes it possible to write
-modules that will work in both threaded and non-threaded environments.
-=over 4
-=item share VARIABLE
-C<share> takes a variable and marks it as shared:
- my ($scalar, @array, %hash);
- share($scalar);
- share(@array);
- share(%hash);
-C<share> will return the shared rvalue, but always as a reference.
-Variables can also be marked as shared at compile time by using the
-C<:shared> attribute:
- my ($var, %hash, @array) :shared;
-Shared variables can only store scalars, refs of shared variables, or
-refs of shared data (discussed in next section):
- my ($var, %hash, @array) :shared;
- my $bork;
- # Storing scalars
- $var = 1;
- $hash{'foo'} = 'bar';
- $array[0] = 1.5;
- # Storing shared refs
- $var = \%hash;
- $hash{'ary'} = \@array;
- $array[1] = \$var;
- # The following are errors:
- # $var = \$bork; # ref of non-shared variable
- # $hash{'bork'} = []; # non-shared array ref
- # push(@array, { 'x' => 1 }); # non-shared hash ref
-=item shared_clone REF
-C<shared_clone> takes a reference, and returns a shared version of its
-argument, preforming a deep copy on any non-shared elements. Any shared
-elements in the argument are used as is (i.e., they are not cloned).
- my $cpy = shared_clone({'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]});
-Object status (i.e., the class an object is blessed into) is also cloned.
- my $obj = {'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]};
- bless($obj, 'Foo');
- my $cpy = shared_clone($obj);
- print(ref($cpy), "\n"); # Outputs 'Foo'
-For cloning empty array or hash refs, the following may also be used:
- $var = &share([]); # Same as $var = share_clone([]);
- $var = &share({}); # Same as $var = share_clone({});
-=item is_shared VARIABLE
-C<is_shared> checks if the specified variable is shared or not. If shared,
-returns the variable's internal ID (similar to
-L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR">). Otherwise, returns C<undef>.
- if (is_shared($var)) {
- print("\$var is shared\n");
- } else {
- print("\$var is not shared\n");
- }
-=item lock VARIABLE
-C<lock> places a lock on a variable until the lock goes out of scope. If the
-variable is locked by another thread, the C<lock> call will block until it's
-available. Multiple calls to C<lock> by the same thread from within
-dynamically nested scopes are safe -- the variable will remain locked until
-the outermost lock on the variable goes out of scope.
-Locking a container object, such as a hash or array, doesn't lock the elements
-of that container. For example, if a thread does a C<lock(@a)>, any other
-thread doing a C<lock($a[12])> won't block.
-C<lock()> follows references exactly I<one> level. C<lock(\$a)> is equivalent
-to C<lock($a)>, while C<lock(\\$a)> is not.
-Note that you cannot explicitly unlock a variable; you can only wait for the
-lock to go out of scope. This is most easily accomplished by locking the
-variable inside a block.
- my $var :shared;
- {
- lock($var);
- # $var is locked from here to the end of the block
- ...
- }
- # $var is now unlocked
-If you need more fine-grained control over shared variable access, see
-=item cond_wait VARIABLE
-=item cond_wait CONDVAR, LOCKVAR
-The C<cond_wait> function takes a B<locked> variable as a parameter, unlocks
-the variable, and blocks until another thread does a C<cond_signal> or
-C<cond_broadcast> for that same locked variable. The variable that
-C<cond_wait> blocked on is relocked after the C<cond_wait> is satisfied. If
-there are multiple threads C<cond_wait>ing on the same variable, all but one
-will re-block waiting to reacquire the lock on the variable. (So if you're only
-using C<cond_wait> for synchronisation, give up the lock as soon as possible).
-The two actions of unlocking the variable and entering the blocked wait state
-are atomic, the two actions of exiting from the blocked wait state and
-re-locking the variable are not.
-In its second form, C<cond_wait> takes a shared, B<unlocked> variable followed
-by a shared, B<locked> variable. The second variable is unlocked and thread
-execution suspended until another thread signals the first variable.
-It is important to note that the variable can be notified even if no thread
-C<cond_signal> or C<cond_broadcast> on the variable. It is therefore
-important to check the value of the variable and go back to waiting if the
-requirement is not fulfilled. For example, to pause until a shared counter
-drops to zero:
- { lock($counter); cond_wait($count) until $counter == 0; }
-=item cond_timedwait VARIABLE, ABS_TIMEOUT
-=item cond_timedwait CONDVAR, ABS_TIMEOUT, LOCKVAR
-In its two-argument form, C<cond_timedwait> takes a B<locked> variable and an
-absolute timeout as parameters, unlocks the variable, and blocks until the
-timeout is reached or another thread signals the variable. A false value is
-returned if the timeout is reached, and a true value otherwise. In either
-case, the variable is re-locked upon return.
-Like C<cond_wait>, this function may take a shared, B<locked> variable as an
-additional parameter; in this case the first parameter is an B<unlocked>
-condition variable protected by a distinct lock variable.
-Again like C<cond_wait>, waking up and reacquiring the lock are not atomic,
-and you should always check your desired condition after this function
-returns. Since the timeout is an absolute value, however, it does not have to
-be recalculated with each pass:
- lock($var);
- my $abs = time() + 15;
- until ($ok = desired_condition($var)) {
- last if !cond_timedwait($var, $abs);
- }
- # we got it if $ok, otherwise we timed out!
-=item cond_signal VARIABLE
-The C<cond_signal> function takes a B<locked> variable as a parameter and
-unblocks one thread that's C<cond_wait>ing on that variable. If more than one
-thread is blocked in a C<cond_wait> on that variable, only one (and which one
-is indeterminate) will be unblocked.
-If there are no threads blocked in a C<cond_wait> on the variable, the signal
-is discarded. By always locking before signaling, you can (with care), avoid
-signaling before another thread has entered cond_wait().
-C<cond_signal> will normally generate a warning if you attempt to use it on an
-unlocked variable. On the rare occasions where doing this may be sensible, you
-can suppress the warning with:
- { no warnings 'threads'; cond_signal($foo); }
-=item cond_broadcast VARIABLE
-The C<cond_broadcast> function works similarly to C<cond_signal>.
-C<cond_broadcast>, though, will unblock B<all> the threads that are blocked in
-a C<cond_wait> on the locked variable, rather than only one.
-=head1 OBJECTS
-L<threads::shared> exports a version of L<bless()|perlfunc/"bless REF"> that
-works on shared objects such that I<blessings> propagate across threads.
- # Create a shared 'Foo' object
- my $foo :shared = shared_clone({});
- bless($foo, 'Foo');
- # Create a shared 'Bar' object
- my $bar :shared = shared_clone({});
- bless($bar, 'Bar');
- # Put 'bar' inside 'foo'
- $foo->{'bar'} = $bar;
- # Rebless the objects via a thread
- threads->create(sub {
- # Rebless the outer object
- bless($foo, 'Yin');
- # Cannot directly rebless the inner object
- #bless($foo->{'bar'}, 'Yang');
- # Retrieve and rebless the inner object
- my $obj = $foo->{'bar'};
- bless($obj, 'Yang');
- $foo->{'bar'} = $obj;
- })->join();
- print(ref($foo), "\n"); # Prints 'Yin'
- print(ref($foo->{'bar'}), "\n"); # Prints 'Yang'
- print(ref($bar), "\n"); # Also prints 'Yang'
-=head1 NOTES
-L<threads::shared> is designed to disable itself silently if threads are not
-available. This allows you to write modules and packages that can be used
-in both threaded and non-threaded applications.
-If you want access to threads, you must C<use threads> before you
-C<use threads::shared>. L<threads> will emit a warning if you use it after
-When C<share> is used on arrays, hashes, array refs or hash refs, any data
-they contain will be lost.
- my @arr = qw(foo bar baz);
- share(@arr);
- # @arr is now empty (i.e., == ());
- # Create a 'foo' object
- my $foo = { 'data' => 99 };
- bless($foo, 'foo');
- # Share the object
- share($foo); # Contents are now wiped out
- print("ERROR: \$foo is empty\n")
- if (! exists($foo->{'data'}));
-Therefore, populate such variables B<after> declaring them as shared. (Scalar
-and scalar refs are not affected by this problem.)
-It is often not wise to share an object unless the class itself has been
-written to support sharing. For example, an object's destructor may get
-called multiple times, once for each thread's scope exit. Another danger is
-that the contents of hash-based objects will be lost due to the above
-mentioned limitation. See F<examples/> (in the CPAN distribution of
-this module) for how to create a class that supports object sharing.
-Does not support C<splice> on arrays!
-Taking references to the elements of shared arrays and hashes does not
-autovivify the elements, and neither does slicing a shared array/hash over
-non-existent indices/keys autovivify the elements.
-C<share()> allows you to C<< share($hashref->{key}) >> without giving any
-error message. But the C<< $hashref->{key} >> is B<not> shared, causing the
-error "locking can only be used on shared values" to occur when you attempt to
-C<< lock($hasref->{key}) >>.
-Using L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR">) is unreliable for testing
-whether or not two shared references are equivalent (e.g., when testing for
-circular references). Use L<is_shared()/"is_shared VARIABLE">, instead:
- use threads;
- use threads::shared;
- use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
- # If ref is shared, use threads::shared's internal ID.
- # Otherwise, use refaddr().
- my $addr1 = is_shared($ref1) || refaddr($ref1);
- my $addr2 = is_shared($ref2) || refaddr($ref2);
- if ($addr1 == $addr2) {
- # The refs are equivalent
- }
-View existing bug reports at, and submit any new bugs, problems, patches, etc.
-to: L<>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<threads::shared> Discussion Forum on CPAN:
-Annotated POD for L<threads::shared>:
-Source repository:
-L<threads>, L<perlthrtut>
-L<> and
-Perl threads mailing list:
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Artur Bergman E<lt>sky AT crucially DOT netE<gt>
-threads::shared is released under the same license as Perl.
-Documentation borrowed from the old
-CPAN version produced by Jerry D. Hedden E<lt>jdhedden AT cpan DOT orgE<gt>.