path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/CPAN/Reporter/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/CPAN/Reporter/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 764 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/CPAN/Reporter/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/CPAN/Reporter/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb97dd100da..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/CPAN/Reporter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-package CPAN::Reporter::Config;
-use strict;
-use vars qw/$VERSION/;
-$VERSION = '1.13';
-use Config::Tiny ();
-use File::HomeDir ();
-use File::Path (qw/mkpath/);
-use File::Spec ();
-use IO::File ();
-use CPAN (); # for printing warnings
-# Back-compatibility checks -- just once per load
-# 0.28_51 changed Mac OS X config file location -- if old directory is found,
-# move it to the new location
-if ( $^O eq 'darwin' ) {
- my $old = File::Spec->catdir(File::HomeDir->my_documents,".cpanreporter");
- my $new = File::Spec->catdir(File::HomeDir->my_home,".cpanreporter");
- if ( ( -d $old ) && (! -d $new ) ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn( << "HERE");
-CPAN::Reporter: since CPAN::Reporter 0.28_51, the Mac OSX config directory
-has changed.
- Old: $old
- New: $new
-Your existing configuration file will be moved automatically.
- mkpath($new);
- my $OLD_CONFIG = IO::File->new(
- File::Spec->catfile($old, "config.ini"), "<"
- ) or die $!;
- my $NEW_CONFIG = IO::File->new(
- File::Spec->catfile($new, "config.ini"), ">"
- ) or die $!;
- $NEW_CONFIG->print( do { local $/; <$OLD_CONFIG> } );
- $OLD_CONFIG->close;
- $NEW_CONFIG->close;
- unlink File::Spec->catfile($old, "config.ini") or die $!;
- rmdir($old) or die $!;
- }
-# Public
-sub _configure {
- my $config_dir = _get_config_dir();
- my $config_file = _get_config_file();
- mkpath $config_dir if ! -d $config_dir;
- if ( ! -d $config_dir ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: couldn't create configuration directory '$config_dir': $!"
- );
- return;
- }
- my $config;
- my $existing_options;
- # explain grade:action pairs
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint( _grade_action_prompt() );
- # read or create
- if ( -f $config_file ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: found your CPAN::Reporter config file at:\n$config_file\n"
- );
- $config = _open_config_file();
- # if we can't read it, bail out
- if ( ! $config ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("\n
- CPAN::Reporter: configuration will not be changed\n");
- return;
- }
- # clone what's in the config file
- $existing_options = { %{$config->{_}} } if $config;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: Updating your CPAN::Reporter configuration settings:\n"
- );
- }
- else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: no config file found; creating a new one.\n"
- );
- $config = Config::Tiny->new();
- }
- my %spec = _config_spec();
- for my $k ( _config_order() ) {
- my $option_data = $spec{$k};
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint( "\n" . $option_data->{info}. "\n");
- # options with defaults are mandatory
- if ( defined $option_data->{default} ) {
- # if we have a default, always show as a sane recommendation
- if ( length $option_data->{default} ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "(Recommended: '$option_data->{default}')\n\n"
- );
- }
- # repeat until validated
- while ( defined (
- my $answer = CPAN::Shell::colorable_makemaker_prompt(
- "$k?",
- $existing_options->{$k} || $option_data->{default}
- )
- )) {
- if ( ! $option_data->{validate} ||
- $option_data->{validate}->($k, $answer)
- ) {
- $config->{_}{$k} = $answer;
- last PROMPT;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- # only initialize options without default if
- # answer matches non white space and validates,
- # otherwise reset it
- my $answer = CPAN::Shell::colorable_makemaker_prompt(
- "$k?",
- $existing_options->{$k} || q{}
- );
- if ( $answer =~ /\S/ ) {
- $config->{_}{$k} = $answer;
- }
- else {
- delete $config->{_}{$k};
- }
- }
- # delete existing as we proceed so we know what's left
- delete $existing_options->{$k};
- }
- # initialize remaining existing options
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nYour CPAN::Reporter config file also contains these advanced " .
- "options:\n\n") if keys %$existing_options;
- for my $k ( keys %$existing_options ) {
- $config->{_}{$k} = CPAN::Shell::colorable_makemaker_prompt(
- "$k?", $existing_options->{$k}
- );
- }
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: writing config file to '$config_file'.\n"
- );
- if ( $config->write( $config_file ) ) {
- return $config->{_};
- }
- else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn( "\nCPAN::Reporter: error writing config file to '$config_file':\n"
- . Config::Tiny->errstr(). "\n");
- return;
- }
-# Private
-# _config_order -- determines order of interactive config. Only items
-# in interactive config will be written to a starter config file
-sub _config_order {
- return qw(
- email_from
- smtp_server
- edit_report
- send_report
- );
-# _config_spec -- returns configuration options information
-# Keys include
-# default -- recommended value, used in prompts and as a fallback
-# if an options is not set; mandatory if defined
-# prompt -- short prompt for EU::MM prompting
-# info -- long description shown before prompting
-# validate -- CODE ref; return normalized option or undef if invalid
-my %option_specs = (
- email_from => {
- default => '',
- prompt => 'What email address will be used for sending reports?',
- info => <<'HERE',
-CPAN::Reporter requires a valid email address as the return address
-for test reports sent to cpan-testers\ Either provide just
-an email address, or put your real name in double-quote marks followed
-by your email address in angle marks, e.g. "John Doe" <>.
-Note: unless this email address is subscribed to the cpan-testers mailing
-list, your test reports will not appear until manually reviewed.
- },
- smtp_server => {
- default => undef, # optional
- info => <<'HERE',
-If your computer is behind a firewall or your ISP blocks
-outbound mail traffic, CPAN::Reporter will not be able to send
-test reports unless you provide an alternate outbound (SMTP)
-email server. Enter the full name of your outbound mail server
-(e.g. or leave this blank to send mail
-directly to Use a space character to reset this value
-to sending to
- },
- edit_report => {
- default => 'default:ask/no pass/na:no',
- prompt => "Do you want to review or edit the test report?",
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- info => <<'HERE',
-Before test reports are sent, you may want to review or edit the test
-report and add additional comments about the result or about your system
-or Perl configuration. By default, CPAN::Reporter will ask after
-each report is generated whether or not you would like to edit the
-report. This option takes "grade:action" pairs.
- },
- send_report => {
- default => 'default:ask/yes pass/na:yes',
- prompt => "Do you want to send the report?",
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- info => <<'HERE',
-By default, CPAN::Reporter will prompt you for confirmation that
-the test report should be sent before actually emailing the
-report. This gives the opportunity to bypass sending particular
-reports if you need to (e.g. if you caused the failure).
-This option takes "grade:action" pairs.
- },
- cc_author => {
- default => 'default:yes pass/na:no',
- prompt => "Do you want to CC the module author ", # ( added dynamically
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- info => <<'HERE',
-If you would like, CPAN::Reporter will copy the module author with
-the results of your tests. By default, authors are copied only on
-failed/unknown results. This option takes "grade:action" pairs.
- },
- send_duplicates => {
- default => 'default:no',
- prompt => "This report is identical to a previous one. Send it anyway?",
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- info => <<'HERE',
-CPAN::Reporter records tests grades for each distribution, version and
-platform. By default, duplicates of previous results will not be sent at
-all, regardless of the value of the "send_report" option. This option takes
-"grade:action" pairs.
- },
- send_PL_report => {
- prompt => "Do you want to send the PL report?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- },
- send_make_report => {
- prompt => "Do you want to send the make/Build report?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- },
- send_test_report => {
- prompt => "Do you want to send the test report?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_grade_action_pair,
- },
- send_skipfile => {
- prompt => "What file has patterns for things that shouldn't be reported?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_skipfile,
- },
- cc_skipfile => {
- prompt => "What file has patterns for things that shouldn't CC to authors?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_skipfile,
- },
- command_timeout => {
- prompt => "If no timeout is set by CPAN, halt system commands after how many seconds?",
- default => undef,
- validate => \&_validate_seconds,
- },
- email_to => {
- default => undef,
- },
- editor => {
- default => undef,
- },
- transport => {
- default => undef,
- },
- debug => {
- default => undef,
- },
-sub _config_spec { return %option_specs }
-# _get_config_dir
-sub _get_config_dir {
- if ( defined $ENV{PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_DIR} ) {
- }
- else {
- return ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' )
- ? File::Spec->catdir(File::HomeDir->my_documents, ".cpanreporter")
- : File::Spec->catdir(File::HomeDir->my_home, ".cpanreporter") ;
- }
-# _get_config_file
-sub _get_config_file {
- if ( defined $ENV{PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_CONFIG} ) {
- }
- else {
- return File::Spec->catdir( _get_config_dir, "config.ini" );
- }
-# _get_config_options
-sub _get_config_options {
- my $config = shift;
- # extract and return valid options, with fallback to defaults
- my %spec = CPAN::Reporter::Config::_config_spec();
- my %active;
- OPTION: for my $option ( keys %spec ) {
- if ( exists $config->{_}{$option} ) {
- my $val = $config->{_}{$option};
- if ( $spec{$option}{validate} &&
- ! $spec{$option}{validate}->($option, $val)
- ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn( "\nCPAN::Reporter: invalid option '$val' in '$option'. Using default instead.\n\n" );
- $active{$option} = $spec{$option}{default};
- next OPTION;
- }
- $active{$option} = $val;
- }
- else {
- $active{$option} = $spec{$option}{default}
- if defined $spec{$option}{default};
- }
- }
- return \%active;
-# _grade_action_prompt -- describes grade action pairs
-sub _grade_action_prompt {
- return << 'HERE';
-Some of the following configuration options require one or more "grade:action"
-pairs that determine what grade-specific action to take for that option.
-These pairs should be space-separated and are processed left-to-right. See
-CPAN::Reporter documentation for more details.
- ------- ------- --------
- pass yes default:no
- fail no default:yes pass:no
- unknown ask/no default:ask/no pass:yes fail:no
- na ask/yes
- default
-# _is_valid_action
-my @valid_actions = qw{ yes no ask/yes ask/no ask };
-sub _is_valid_action {
- my $action = shift;
- return grep { $action eq $_ } @valid_actions;
-# _is_valid_grade
-my @valid_grades = qw{ pass fail unknown na default };
-sub _is_valid_grade {
- my $grade = shift;
- return grep { $grade eq $_ } @valid_grades;
-# _open_config_file
-sub _open_config_file {
- my $config_file = _get_config_file();
- my $config = Config::Tiny->read( $config_file )
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("CPAN::Reporter: couldn't read configuration file " .
- "'$config_file': \n" . Config::Tiny->errstr() . "\n");
- return $config;
-# _validate
-# anything is OK if there is no validation subroutine
-sub _validate {
- my ($name, $value) = @_;
- return 1 if ! exists $option_specs{$name}{validate};
- return $option_specs{$name}{validate}->($name, $value);
-# _validate_grade_action
-# returns hash of grade => action
-# returns undef
-sub _validate_grade_action_pair {
- my ($name, $option) = @_;
- $option ||= "no";
- my %ga_map; # grade => action
- PAIR: for my $grade_action ( split q{ }, $option ) {
- my ($grade_list,$action);
- if ( $grade_action =~ m{.:.} ) {
- # parse pair for later check
- ($grade_list, $action) = $grade_action =~ m{\A([^:]+):(.+)\z};
- }
- elsif ( _is_valid_action($grade_action) ) {
- # action by itself
- $ga_map{default} = $grade_action;
- next PAIR;
- }
- elsif ( _is_valid_grade($grade_action) ) {
- # grade by itself
- $ga_map{$grade_action} = "yes";
- next PAIR;
- }
- elsif( $grade_action =~ m{./.} ) {
- # gradelist by itself, so setup for later check
- $grade_list = $grade_action;
- $action = "yes";
- }
- else {
- # something weird, so warn and skip
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: ignoring invalid grade:action '$grade_action' for '$name'.\n\n"
- );
- next PAIR;
- }
- # check gradelist
- my %grades = map { ($_,1) } split( "/", $grade_list);
- for my $g ( keys %grades ) {
- if ( ! _is_valid_grade($g) ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: ignoring invalid grade '$g' in '$grade_action' for '$name'.\n\n"
- );
- delete $grades{$g};
- }
- }
- # check action
- if ( ! _is_valid_action($action) ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(
- "\nCPAN::Reporter: ignoring invalid action '$action' in '$grade_action' for '$name'.\n\n"
- );
- next PAIR;
- }
- # otherwise, it all must be OK
- $ga_map{$_} = $action for keys %grades;
- }
- return scalar(keys %ga_map) ? \%ga_map : undef;
-sub _validate_seconds {
- my ($name, $option) = @_;
- return unless defined($option) && length($option)
- && ($option =~ /^\d/) && $option >= 0;
- return $option;
-sub _validate_skipfile {
- my ($name, $option) = @_;
- return unless $option;
- my $skipfile = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $option )
- ? $option : File::Spec->catfile( _get_config_dir(), $option );
- return -r $skipfile ? $skipfile : undef;
-=begin wikidoc
-CPAN::Reporter::Config - Config file options for CPAN::Reporter
-This documentation refers to version %%VERSION%%
-From the CPAN shell:
- cpan> o conf init test_report
-Default options for CPAN::Reporter are read from a configuration file
-{.cpanreporter/config.ini} in the user's home directory (Unix and OS X)
-or "My Documents" directory (Windows).
-The configuration file is in "ini" format, with the option name and value
-separated by an "=" sign
- email_from = "John Doe" <>
- cc_author = no
-Interactive configuration of email address, mail server and common
-action prompts may be repeated at any time from the CPAN shell.
- cpan> o conf init test_report
-If a configuration file does not exist, it will be created the first
-time interactive configuration is performed.
-Subsequent interactive configuration will also include any advanced
-options that have been added manually to the configuration file.
-== Email Address (required)
-CPAN::Reporter requires users to provide an email address that will be used
-in the "From" header of the email to
-* {email_from = <email address>} -- email address of the user sending the
-test report; it should be a valid address format, e.g.:
- user@domain
- John Doe <user@domain>
- "John Q. Public" <user@domain>
-Because {cpan-testers} uses a mailing list to collect test reports, it is
-helpful if the email address provided is subscribed to the list. Otherwise,
-test reports will be held until manually reviewed and approved.
-Subscribing an account to the cpan-testers list is as easy as sending a blank
-email to and replying to the confirmation
-== Mail Server
-By default, Test::Reporter attempts to send mail directly to mail
-servers. This may fail if a user's computer is behind a network firewall
-that blocks outbound email. In this case, the following option should
-be set to the outbound mail server (i.e., SMTP server) as provided by
-the user's Internet service provider (ISP):
-* {smtp_server = <server list>} -- one or more alternate outbound mail servers
-if the default mail servers cannot be reached; multiple servers may be
-given, separated with a space (none by default)
-In at least one reported case, an ISP's outbound mail servers also refused
-to forward mail unless the {email_from} was from the ISP-given email address.
-== Action Prompts
-Several steps in the generation of a test report are optional. Configuration
-options control whether an action should be taken automatically or whether
-CPAN::Reporter should prompt the user for the action to take. The action
-to take may be different for each report grade.
-Valid actions, and their associated meaning, are as follows:
-* {yes} -- automatic yes
-* {no} -- automatic no
-* {ask/no} or just {ask} -- ask each time, but default to no
-* {ask/yes} -- ask each time, but default to yes
-For "ask" prompts, the default will be used if return is pressed immediately at
-the prompt or if the {PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} environment variable is set to a
-true value.
-Action prompt options take one or more space-separated "grade:action" pairs,
-which are processed left to right.
- edit_report = fail:ask/yes pass:no
-An action by itself is taken as a default to be used for any grade which does
-not have a grade-specific action. A default action may also be set by using
-the word "default" in place of a grade.
- edit_report = ask/no
- edit_report = default:ask/no
-A grade by itself is taken to have the action "yes" for that grade.
- edit_report = default:no fail
-Multiple grades may be specified together by separating them with a slash.
- edit_report = pass:no fail/na/unknown:ask/yes
-The action prompt options included in interactive configuration are:
-* {edit_report = <grade:action> ...} -- edit the test report before sending?
-(default:ask/no pass/na:no)
-* {send_report = <grade:action> ...} -- should test reports be sent at all?
-(default:ask/yes pass/na:yes)
-Note that if {send_report} is set to "no", CPAN::Reporter will still go through
-the motions of preparing a report, but will discard it rather than send it.
-A better way to disable CPAN::Reporter temporarily is with the CPAN option
- cpan> o conf test_report 0
-These additional options are only necessary in special cases, for example if
-the default editor cannot be found or if reports shouldn't be sent in
-certain situations or for automated testing, and so on.
-* {cc_author = <grade:action> ...} -- should module authors should be sent a
-copy of the test report at their {} address?
-(default:yes pass/na:no)
-* {cc_skipfile = <skipfile>} -- filename containing regular expressions (one
-per line) to match against the distribution ID (e.g.
-'AUTHOR/Dist-Name-0.01.tar.gz'); the author will not be copied if a match is
-found regardless of cc_author; non-absolute filename must be in the .cpanreporter
-config directory;
-* {command_timeout} -- if greater than zero and the CPAN config is
-{inactivity_timeout} is not set, then any commands executed by CPAN::Reporter
-will be halted after this many seconds; useful for unattended smoke testing
-to stop after some amount of time; generally, this should be large --
-900 seconds or more -- as some distributions' tests take quite a long time to
-run. On MSWin32, [Win32::Job] is a needed and trying to kill a processes may
-actually deadlock in some situations -- so use at your own risk
-* {editor = <editor>} -- editor to use to edit the test report; if not set,
-Test::Reporter will use environment variables {VISUAL}, {EDITOR} or {EDIT}
-(in that order) to find an editor
-* {send_duplicates = <grade:action> ...} -- should duplicates of previous
-reports be sent, regardless of {send_report}? (default:no)
-* {send_PL_report = <grade:action> ...} -- if defined, used in place of
-{send_report} during the PL phase
-* {send_make_report = <grade:action> ...} -- if defined, used in place of
-{send_report} during the make phase
-* {send_test_report = <grade:action> ...} -- if defined, used in place of
-{send_report} during the test phase
-* {send_skipfile = <skipfile>} -- like {cc_skipfile} but no report will be
-sent at all if a match is found
-* {transport = <transport>} -- if defined, passed to the {transport()}
-method of [Test::Reporter]. Valid options are 'Net::SMTP' or
-'Mail::Send'. (CPAN::Reporter uses Net::SMTP for this by default.)
-If these options are manually added to the configuration file, they will
-be included (and preserved) in subsequent interactive configuration.
-== Skipfile regular expressions
-Skip files are expected to have one regular expression per line and will be
-matched against the distribution ID, composed of the author's CPAN ID and the
-distribution tarball name.
- DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Reporter-1.00.tar.gz
-Lines that begin with a sharp (#) are considered comments and will not be
-matched. All regular expressionss will be matched case insensitive and will
-not be anchored unless you provide one.
-As the format of a distribution ID is "AUTHOR/tarball", anchoring at the
-start of the line with a caret (^) will match the author and with a slash (/)
-will match the distribution.
- # any distributions by JOHNDOE
- # any distributions starting with Win32
- /Win32
- # a particular very specific distribution
- ^JOHNDOE/Foo-Bar-3.14
-These options are useful for debugging only:
-* {debug = <boolean>} -- turns debugging on/off
-* {email_to = <email address>} -- alternate destination for reports instead of
-{}; used for testing
-The following environment variables may be set to alter the default locations
-for CPAN::Reporter files:
-* {PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_DIR} -- if set, this directory is used in place of
-the default .cpanreporter directory; this will affect not only the location
-of the default {config.ini}, but also the location of the
-[CPAN::Reporter::History] database and any other files that live in that
-* {PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_CONFIG} -- if set, this file is used in place of
-the default {config.ini} file; it may be in any directory, regardless of the
-choice of configuration directory
-* [CPAN::Reporter]
-* [CPAN::Reporter::History]
-* [CPAN::Reporter::FAQ]
-David A. Golden (DAGOLDEN)
-Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 by David A. Golden
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-=end wikidoc