path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Net/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Net/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5252 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Net/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Net/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa41ce31d5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Net/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5252 +0,0 @@
-package Net::Telnet;
-## Copyright 1997, 2000, 2002 Jay Rogers. All rights reserved.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-## modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-## See user documentation at the end of this file. Search for =head
-use strict;
-require 5.002;
-## Module export.
-use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK);
-## Module import.
-use Exporter ();
-use Socket qw(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM inet_aton sockaddr_in);
-use Symbol qw(qualify);
-## Base classes.
-use vars qw(@ISA);
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-if (&_io_socket_include) { # successfully required module IO::Socket
- push @ISA, "IO::Socket::INET";
-else { # perl version < 5.004
- require FileHandle;
- push @ISA, "FileHandle";
-## Global variables.
-use vars qw($VERSION @Telopts);
-$VERSION = "3.03";
-########################### Public Methods ###########################
-sub new {
- my ($class) = @_;
- my (
- $errmode,
- $fh_open,
- $host,
- $self,
- %args,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Create a new object with defaults.
- $self = $class->SUPER::new;
- *$self->{net_telnet} = {
- bin_mode => 0,
- blksize => &_optimal_blksize(),
- buf => "",
- cmd_prompt => '/[\$%#>] $/',
- cmd_rm_mode => "auto",
- dumplog => '',
- eofile => 1,
- errormode => "die",
- errormsg => "",
- fdmask => '',
- host => "localhost",
- inputlog => '',
- last_line => "",
- last_prompt => "",
- maxbufsize => 1_048_576,
- num_wrote => 0,
- ofs => "",
- opened => '',
- opt_cback => '',
- opt_log => '',
- opts => {},
- ors => "\n",
- outputlog => '',
- pending_errormsg => "",
- port => 23,
- pushback_buf => "",
- rs => "\n",
- subopt_cback => '',
- telnet_mode => 1,
- time_out => 10,
- timedout => '',
- unsent_opts => "",
- };
- ## Indicate that we'll accept an offer from remote side for it to echo
- ## and suppress go aheads.
- &_opt_accept($self,
- { option => &TELOPT_ECHO,
- is_remote => 1,
- is_enable => 1 },
- { option => &TELOPT_SGA,
- is_remote => 1,
- is_enable => 1 },
- );
- ## Parse the args.
- if (@_ == 2) { # one positional arg given
- $host = $_[1];
- }
- elsif (@_ > 2) { # named args given
- ## Get the named args.
- (undef, %args) = @_;
- ## Parse all other named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $self->binmode($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?cmd_remove_mode$/i) {
- $self->cmd_remove_mode($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?dump_log$/i) {
- $self->dump_log($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = $args{$_};
- }
- elsif (/^-?fhopen$/i) {
- $fh_open = $args{$_};
- }
- elsif (/^-?host$/i) {
- $host = $args{$_};
- }
- elsif (/^-?input_log$/i) {
- $self->input_log($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?input_record_separator$/i or /^-?rs$/i) {
- $self->input_record_separator($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?option_log$/i) {
- $self->option_log($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?output_log$/i) {
- $self->output_log($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?output_record_separator$/i or /^-?ors$/i) {
- $self->output_record_separator($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?port$/i) {
- $self->port($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?prompt$/i) {
- $self->prompt($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $self->telnetmode($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $self->timeout($args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::new()");
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined $errmode) { # user wants to set errmode
- $self->errmode($errmode);
- }
- if (defined $fh_open) { # user wants us to attach to existing filehandle
- $self->fhopen($fh_open)
- or return;
- }
- elsif (defined $host) { # user wants us to open a connection to host
- $self->host($host);
- $self->open
- or return;
- }
- $self;
-} # end sub new
-sub DESTROY {
-} # end sub DESTROY
-sub binmode {
- my ($self, $mode) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{bin_mode};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $mode) {
- $mode = 0;
- }
- $s->{bin_mode} = $mode;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub binmode
-sub break {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- my $break_cmd = "\xff\xf3";
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- &_put($self, \$break_cmd, "break");
-} # end sub break
-sub buffer {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- \$s->{buf};
-} # end sub buffer
-sub buffer_empty {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my (
- $buffer,
- );
- $buffer = $self->buffer;
- $$buffer = "";
-} # end sub buffer_empty
-sub close {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{eofile} = 1;
- $s->{opened} = '';
- close $self
- if defined fileno($self);
- 1;
-} # end sub close
-sub cmd {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- my (
- $cmd_remove_mode,
- $errmode,
- $firstpos,
- $last_prompt,
- $lastpos,
- $lines,
- $ors,
- $output,
- $output_ref,
- $prompt,
- $remove_echo,
- $rs,
- $rs_len,
- $s,
- $telopt_echo,
- $timeout,
- %args,
- );
- my $cmd = "";
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $self->timed_out('');
- $self->last_prompt("");
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $output = [];
- $cmd_remove_mode = $self->cmd_remove_mode;
- $errmode = $self->errmode;
- $ors = $self->output_record_separator;
- $prompt = $self->prompt;
- $rs = $self->input_record_separator;
- $timeout = $self->timeout;
- ## Parse args.
- if (@_ == 2) { # one positional arg given
- $cmd = $_[1];
- }
- elsif (@_ > 2) { # named args given
- ## Get the named args.
- (undef, %args) = @_;
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?cmd_remove/i) {
- $cmd_remove_mode = &_parse_cmd_remove_mode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?input_record_separator$/i or /^-?rs$/i) {
- $rs = &_parse_input_record_separator($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?output$/i) {
- $output_ref = $args{$_};
- if (defined($output_ref) and ref($output_ref) eq "ARRAY") {
- $output = $output_ref;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?output_record_separator$/i or /^-?ors$/i) {
- $ors = $self->output_record_separator($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?prompt$/i) {
- $prompt = &_parse_prompt($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?string$/i) {
- $cmd = $args{$_};
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::cmd()");
- }
- }
- }
- ## Override some user settings.
- local $s->{errormode} = "return";
- local $s->{time_out} = &_endtime($timeout);
- $self->errmsg("");
- ## Send command and wait for the prompt.
- $self->put($cmd . $ors)
- and ($lines, $last_prompt) = $self->waitfor($prompt);
- ## Check for failure.
- $s->{errormode} = $errmode;
- return $self->error("command timed-out") if $self->timed_out;
- return $self->error($self->errmsg) if $self->errmsg ne "";
- ## Save the most recently matched prompt.
- $self->last_prompt($last_prompt);
- ## Split lines into an array, keeping record separator at end of line.
- $firstpos = 0;
- $rs_len = length $rs;
- while (($lastpos = index($lines, $rs, $firstpos)) > -1) {
- push(@$output,
- substr($lines, $firstpos, $lastpos - $firstpos + $rs_len));
- $firstpos = $lastpos + $rs_len;
- }
- if ($firstpos < length $lines) {
- push @$output, substr($lines, $firstpos);
- }
- ## Determine if we should remove the first line of output based
- ## on the assumption that it's an echoed back command.
- if ($cmd_remove_mode eq "auto") {
- ## See if remote side told us they'd echo.
- $telopt_echo = $self->option_state(&TELOPT_ECHO);
- $remove_echo = $telopt_echo->{remote_enabled};
- }
- else { # user explicitly told us how many lines to remove.
- $remove_echo = $cmd_remove_mode;
- }
- ## Get rid of possible echo back command.
- while ($remove_echo--) {
- shift @$output;
- }
- ## Ensure at least a null string when there's no command output - so
- ## "true" is returned in a list context.
- unless (@$output) {
- @$output = ("");
- }
- ## Return command output via named arg, if requested.
- if (defined $output_ref) {
- if (ref($output_ref) eq "SCALAR") {
- $$output_ref = join "", @$output;
- }
- elsif (ref($output_ref) eq "HASH") {
- %$output_ref = @$output;
- }
- }
- wantarray ? @$output : 1;
-} # end sub cmd
-sub cmd_remove_mode {
- my ($self, $mode) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{cmd_rm_mode};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- $s->{cmd_rm_mode} = &_parse_cmd_remove_mode($self, $mode);
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub cmd_remove_mode
-sub dump_log {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my (
- $fh,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $fh = $s->{dumplog};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $name) {
- $name = "";
- }
- $fh = &_fname_to_handle($self, $name)
- or return;
- $s->{dumplog} = $fh;
- }
- $fh;
-} # end sub dump_log
-sub eof {
- my ($self) = @_;
- *$self->{net_telnet}{eofile};
-} # end sub eof
-sub errmode {
- my ($self, $mode) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{errormode};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- $s->{errormode} = &_parse_errmode($self, $mode);
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub errmode
-sub errmsg {
- my ($self, @errmsgs) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{errormsg};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- $s->{errormsg} = join "", @errmsgs;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub errmsg
-sub error {
- my ($self, @errmsg) = @_;
- my (
- $errmsg,
- $func,
- $mode,
- $s,
- @args,
- );
- local $_;
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- ## Put error message in the object.
- $errmsg = join "", @errmsg;
- $s->{errormsg} = $errmsg;
- ## Do the error action as described by error mode.
- $mode = $s->{errormode};
- if (ref($mode) eq "CODE") {
- &$mode($errmsg);
- return;
- }
- elsif (ref($mode) eq "ARRAY") {
- ($func, @args) = @$mode;
- &$func(@args);
- return;
- }
- elsif ($mode =~ /^return$/i) {
- return;
- }
- else { # die
- if ($errmsg =~ /\n$/) {
- die $errmsg;
- }
- else {
- ## Die and append caller's line number to message.
- &_croak($self, $errmsg);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- return $s->{errormsg} ne "";
- }
-} # end sub error
-sub fhopen {
- my ($self, $fh) = @_;
- my (
- $globref,
- $s,
- );
- ## Convert given filehandle to a typeglob reference, if necessary.
- $globref = &_qualify_fh($self, $fh);
- ## Ensure filehandle is already open.
- return $self->error("fhopen filehandle isn't already open")
- unless defined($globref) and defined(fileno $globref);
- ## Ensure we're closed.
- $self->close;
- ## Save our private data.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- ## Switch ourself with the given filehandle.
- *$self = *$globref;
- ## Restore our private data.
- *$self->{net_telnet} = $s;
- ## Re-initialize ourself.
- select((select($self), $|=1)[$[]); # don't buffer writes
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{blksize} = &_optimal_blksize((stat $self)[11]);
- $s->{buf} = "";
- $s->{eofile} = '';
- $s->{errormsg} = "";
- vec($s->{fdmask}='', fileno($self), 1) = 1;
- $s->{host} = "";
- $s->{last_line} = "";
- $s->{last_prompt} = "";
- $s->{num_wrote} = 0;
- $s->{opened} = 1;
- $s->{pending_errormsg} = "";
- $s->{port} = '';
- $s->{pushback_buf} = "";
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- $s->{unsent_opts} = "";
- &_reset_options($s->{opts});
- 1;
-} # end sub fhopen
-sub get {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
- my (
- $binmode,
- $endtime,
- $errmode,
- $line,
- $s,
- $telnetmode,
- $timeout,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $timeout = $s->{time_out};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- return if $s->{eofile};
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $binmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $binmode) {
- $binmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $telnetmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $telnetmode) {
- $telnetmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::get()");
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{bin_mode} = $binmode
- if defined $binmode;
- local $s->{telnet_mode} = $telnetmode
- if defined $telnetmode;
- ## Set wall time when we time out.
- $endtime = &_endtime($timeout);
- ## Try to send any waiting option negotiation.
- if (length $s->{unsent_opts}) {
- &_flush_opts($self);
- }
- ## Try to read just the waiting data using return error mode.
- {
- local $s->{errormode} = "return";
- $s->{errormsg} = "";
- &_fillbuf($self, $s, 0);
- }
- ## We're done if we timed-out and timeout value is set to "poll".
- return $self->error($s->{errormsg})
- if ($s->{timedout} and defined($timeout) and $timeout == 0
- and !length $s->{buf});
- ## We're done if we hit an error other than timing out.
- if ($s->{errormsg} and !$s->{timedout}) {
- if (!length $s->{buf}) {
- return $self->error($s->{errormsg});
- }
- else { # error encountered but there's some data in buffer
- $s->{pending_errormsg} = $s->{errormsg};
- }
- }
- ## Clear time-out error from first read.
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- $s->{errormsg} = "";
- ## If buffer is still empty, try to read according to user's timeout.
- if (!length $s->{buf}) {
- &_fillbuf($self, $s, $endtime)
- or do {
- return if $s->{timedout};
- ## We've reached end-of-file.
- $self->close;
- return;
- };
- }
- ## Extract chars from buffer.
- $line = $s->{buf};
- $s->{buf} = "";
- $line;
-} # end sub get
-sub getline {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
- my (
- $binmode,
- $endtime,
- $errmode,
- $len,
- $line,
- $offset,
- $pos,
- $rs,
- $s,
- $telnetmode,
- $timeout,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- return if $s->{eofile};
- $rs = $s->{rs};
- $timeout = $s->{time_out};
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $binmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $binmode) {
- $binmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?input_record_separator$/i or /^-?rs$/i) {
- $rs = &_parse_input_record_separator($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $telnetmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $telnetmode) {
- $telnetmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::getline()");
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{bin_mode} = $binmode
- if defined $binmode;
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{telnet_mode} = $telnetmode
- if defined $telnetmode;
- ## Set wall time when we time out.
- $endtime = &_endtime($timeout);
- ## Try to send any waiting option negotiation.
- if (length $s->{unsent_opts}) {
- &_flush_opts($self);
- }
- ## Keep reading into buffer until end-of-line is read.
- $offset = 0;
- while (($pos = index($s->{buf}, $rs, $offset)) == -1) {
- $offset = length $s->{buf};
- &_fillbuf($self, $s, $endtime)
- or do {
- return if $s->{timedout};
- ## We've reached end-of-file.
- $self->close;
- if (length $s->{buf}) {
- return $s->{buf};
- }
- else {
- return;
- }
- };
- }
- ## Extract line from buffer.
- $len = $pos + length $rs;
- $line = substr($s->{buf}, 0, $len);
- substr($s->{buf}, 0, $len) = "";
- $line;
-} # end sub getline
-sub getlines {
- my ($self, %args) = @_;
- my (
- $binmode,
- $errmode,
- $line,
- $rs,
- $s,
- $telnetmode,
- $timeout,
- );
- my $all = 1;
- my @lines = ();
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- return if $s->{eofile};
- $timeout = $s->{time_out};
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?all$/i) {
- $all = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $all) {
- $all = '';
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $binmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $binmode) {
- $binmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?input_record_separator$/i or /^-?rs$/i) {
- $rs = &_parse_input_record_separator($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $telnetmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $telnetmode) {
- $telnetmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::getlines()");
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{bin_mode} = $binmode
- if defined $binmode;
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{rs} = $rs
- if defined $rs;
- local $s->{telnet_mode} = $telnetmode
- if defined $telnetmode;
- local $s->{time_out} = &_endtime($timeout);
- ## User requested only the currently available lines.
- if (! $all) {
- return &_next_getlines($self, $s);
- }
- ## Read lines until eof or error.
- while (1) {
- $line = $self->getline
- or last;
- push @lines, $line;
- }
- ## Check for error.
- return if ! $self->eof;
- @lines;
-} # end sub getlines
-sub host {
- my ($self, $host) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{host};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $host) {
- $host = "";
- }
- $s->{host} = $host;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub host
-sub input_log {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my (
- $fh,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $fh = $s->{inputlog};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $name) {
- $name = "";
- }
- $fh = &_fname_to_handle($self, $name)
- or return;
- $s->{inputlog} = $fh;
- }
- $fh;
-} # end sub input_log
-sub input_record_separator {
- my ($self, $rs) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{rs};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- $s->{rs} = &_parse_input_record_separator($self, $rs);
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub input_record_separator
-sub last_prompt {
- my ($self, $string) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{last_prompt};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $string) {
- $string = "";
- }
- $s->{last_prompt} = $string;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub last_prompt
-sub lastline {
- my ($self, $line) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{last_line};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $line) {
- $line = "";
- }
- $s->{last_line} = $line;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub lastline
-sub login {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my (
- $errmode,
- $error,
- $is_passwd_arg,
- $is_username_arg,
- $lastline,
- $match,
- $ors,
- $passwd,
- $prematch,
- $prompt,
- $s,
- $timeout,
- $username,
- %args,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $self->timed_out('');
- $self->last_prompt("");
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $timeout = $self->timeout;
- $ors = $self->output_record_separator;
- $prompt = $self->prompt;
- ## Parse args.
- if (@_ == 3) { # just username and passwd given
- $username = $_[1];
- $passwd = $_[2];
- $is_username_arg = 1;
- $is_passwd_arg = 1;
- }
- else { # named args given
- ## Get the named args.
- (undef, %args) = @_;
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?name$/i) {
- $username = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $username) {
- $username = "";
- }
- $is_username_arg = 1;
- }
- elsif (/^-?pass/i) {
- $passwd = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $passwd) {
- $passwd = "";
- }
- $is_passwd_arg = 1;
- }
- elsif (/^-?prompt$/i) {
- $prompt = &_parse_prompt($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given ",
- "to " . ref($self) . "::login()");
- }
- }
- }
- ## Ensure both username and password argument given.
- &_croak($self,"Name argument not given to " . ref($self) . "::login()")
- unless $is_username_arg;
- &_croak($self,"Password argument not given to " . ref($self) . "::login()")
- unless $is_passwd_arg;
- ## Override some user settings.
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{time_out} = &_endtime($timeout);
- ## Create a subroutine to generate an error.
- $error
- = sub {
- my ($errmsg) = @_;
- if ($self->timed_out) {
- return $self->error($errmsg);
- }
- elsif ($self->eof) {
- ($lastline = $self->lastline) =~ s/\n+//;
- return $self->error($errmsg, ": ", $lastline);
- }
- else {
- return $self->error($self->errmsg);
- }
- };
- return $self->error("login failed: filehandle isn't open")
- if $self->eof;
- ## Wait for login prompt.
- $self->waitfor(Match => '/login[: ]*$/i',
- Match => '/username[: ]*$/i',
- Errmode => "return")
- or do {
- return &$error("eof read waiting for login prompt")
- if $self->eof;
- return &$error("timed-out waiting for login prompt");
- };
- ## Delay sending response because of bug in Linux login program.
- &_sleep(0.01);
- ## Send login name.
- $self->put(String => $username . $ors,
- Errmode => "return")
- or return &$error("login disconnected");
- ## Wait for password prompt.
- $self->waitfor(Match => '/password[: ]*$/i',
- Errmode => "return")
- or do {
- return &$error("eof read waiting for password prompt")
- if $self->eof;
- return &$error("timed-out waiting for password prompt");
- };
- ## Delay sending response because of bug in Linux login program.
- &_sleep(0.01);
- ## Send password.
- $self->put(String => $passwd . $ors,
- Errmode => "return")
- or return &$error("login disconnected");
- ## Wait for command prompt or another login prompt.
- ($prematch, $match) = $self->waitfor(Match => '/login[: ]*$/i',
- Match => '/username[: ]*$/i',
- Match => $prompt,
- Errmode => "return")
- or do {
- return &$error("eof read waiting for command prompt")
- if $self->eof;
- return &$error("timed-out waiting for command prompt");
- };
- ## It's a bad login if we got another login prompt.
- return $self->error("login failed: bad name or password")
- if $match =~ /login[: ]*$/i or $match =~ /username[: ]*$/i;
- ## Save the most recently matched command prompt.
- $self->last_prompt($match);
- 1;
-} # end sub login
-sub max_buffer_length {
- my ($self, $maxbufsize) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- my $minbufsize = 512;
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{maxbufsize};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- ## Ensure a positive integer value.
- unless (defined $maxbufsize
- and $maxbufsize =~ /^\d+$/
- and $maxbufsize)
- {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Max_buffer_length " .
- "argument \"$maxbufsize\": it's not a positive integer");
- $maxbufsize = $prev;
- }
- ## Adjust up values that are too small.
- if ($maxbufsize < $minbufsize) {
- $maxbufsize = $minbufsize;
- }
- $s->{maxbufsize} = $maxbufsize;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub max_buffer_length
-## Make ofs() synonymous with output_field_separator().
-*ofs = \&output_field_separator;
-sub open {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my (
- $errmode,
- $errno,
- $host,
- $ip_addr,
- $port,
- $s,
- $timeout,
- %args,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $timeout = $s->{time_out};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- if (@_ == 2) { # one positional arg given
- $self->host($_[1]);
- }
- elsif (@_ > 2) { # named args given
- ## Get the named args.
- (undef, %args) = @_;
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?host$/i) {
- $self->host($args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?port$/i) {
- $self->port($args{$_})
- or return;
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given ",
- "to " . ref($self) . "::open()");
- }
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- ## Get host and port.
- $host = $self->host;
- $port = $self->port;
- ## Ensure we're already closed.
- $self->close;
- ## Connect with or without a timeout.
- if (defined($timeout) and &_have_alarm) { # use a timeout
- ## Convert possible absolute timeout to relative timeout.
- if ($timeout >= $^T) { # it's an absolute time
- $timeout = $timeout - time;
- }
- ## Ensure a valid timeout value for alarm.
- if ($timeout < 1) {
- $timeout = 1;
- }
- $timeout = int($timeout + 1.5);
- ## Connect to server, timing out if it takes too long.
- eval {
- ## Turn on timer.
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timed-out\n" };
- alarm $timeout;
- ## Lookup server's IP address.
- $ip_addr = inet_aton $host
- or die "unknown remote host: $host\n";
- ## Create a socket and attach the filehandle to it.
- socket $self, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0
- or die "problem creating socket: $!\n";
- ## Open connection to server.
- connect $self, sockaddr_in($port, $ip_addr)
- or die "problem connecting to \"$host\", port $port: $!\n";
- };
- alarm 0;
- ## Check for error.
- if ($@ =~ /^timed-out$/) { # time out failure
- $s->{timedout} = 1;
- $self->close;
- if (!$ip_addr) {
- return $self->error("unknown remote host: $host: ",
- "name lookup timed-out");
- }
- else {
- return $self->error("problem connecting to \"$host\", ",
- "port $port: connect timed-out");
- }
- }
- elsif ($@) { # hostname lookup or connect failure
- $self->close;
- chomp $@;
- return $self->error($@);
- }
- }
- else { # don't use a timeout
- $timeout = undef;
- ## Lookup server's IP address.
- $ip_addr = inet_aton $host
- or return $self->error("unknown remote host: $host");
- ## Create a socket and attach the filehandle to it.
- socket $self, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0
- or return $self->error("problem creating socket: $!");
- ## Open connection to server.
- connect $self, sockaddr_in($port, $ip_addr)
- or do {
- $errno = "$!";
- $self->close;
- return $self->error("problem connecting to \"$host\", ",
- "port $port: $errno");
- };
- }
- select((select($self), $|=1)[$[]); # don't buffer writes
- $s->{blksize} = &_optimal_blksize((stat $self)[11]);
- $s->{buf} = "";
- $s->{eofile} = '';
- $s->{errormsg} = "";
- vec($s->{fdmask}='', fileno($self), 1) = 1;
- $s->{last_line} = "";
- $s->{num_wrote} = 0;
- $s->{opened} = 1;
- $s->{pending_errormsg} = "";
- $s->{pushback_buf} = "";
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- $s->{unsent_opts} = "";
- &_reset_options($s->{opts});
- 1;
-} # end sub open
-sub option_accept {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- my (
- $arg,
- $option,
- $s,
- @opt_args,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- ## Parse the named args.
- while (($_, $arg) = splice @args, 0, 2) {
- ## Verify and save arguments.
- if (/^-?do$/i) {
- ## Make sure a callback is defined.
- return $self->error("usage: an option callback must already ",
- "be defined when enabling with $_")
- unless $s->{opt_cback};
- $option = &_verify_telopt_arg($self, $arg, $_);
- return unless defined $option;
- push @opt_args, { option => $option,
- is_remote => '',
- is_enable => 1,
- };
- }
- elsif (/^-?dont$/i) {
- $option = &_verify_telopt_arg($self, $arg, $_);
- return unless defined $option;
- push @opt_args, { option => $option,
- is_remote => '',
- is_enable => '',
- };
- }
- elsif (/^-?will$/i) {
- ## Make sure a callback is defined.
- return $self->error("usage: an option callback must already ",
- "be defined when enabling with $_")
- unless $s->{opt_cback};
- $option = &_verify_telopt_arg($self, $arg, $_);
- return unless defined $option;
- push @opt_args, { option => $option,
- is_remote => 1,
- is_enable => 1,
- };
- }
- elsif (/^-?wont$/i) {
- $option = &_verify_telopt_arg($self, $arg, $_);
- return unless defined $option;
- push @opt_args, { option => $option,
- is_remote => 1,
- is_enable => '',
- };
- }
- else {
- return $self->error('usage: $obj->option_accept(' .
- '[Do => $telopt,] ',
- '[Dont => $telopt,] ',
- '[Will => $telopt,] ',
- '[Wont => $telopt,]');
- }
- }
- ## Set "receive ok" for options specified.
- &_opt_accept($self, @opt_args);
-} # end sub option_accept
-sub option_callback {
- my ($self, $callback) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{opt_cback};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $callback and ref($callback) eq "CODE") {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring Option_callback argument because it's " .
- "not a code ref");
- $callback = $prev;
- }
- $s->{opt_cback} = $callback;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub option_callback
-sub option_log {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my (
- $fh,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $fh = $s->{opt_log};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $name) {
- $name = "";
- }
- $fh = &_fname_to_handle($self, $name)
- or return;
- $s->{opt_log} = $fh;
- }
- $fh;
-} # end sub option_log
-sub option_state {
- my ($self, $option) = @_;
- my (
- $opt_state,
- $s,
- %opt_state,
- );
- ## Ensure telnet option is non-negative integer.
- $option = &_verify_telopt_arg($self, $option);
- return unless defined $option;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- unless (defined $s->{opts}{$option}) {
- &_set_default_option($s, $option);
- }
- ## Return hashref to a copy of the values.
- $opt_state = $s->{opts}{$option};
- %opt_state = %$opt_state;
- \%opt_state;
-} # end sub option_state
-## Make ors() synonymous with output_record_separator().
-*ors = \&output_record_separator;
-sub output_field_separator {
- my ($self, $ofs) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{ofs};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $ofs) {
- $ofs = "";
- }
- $s->{ofs} = $ofs;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub output_field_separator
-sub output_log {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my (
- $fh,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $fh = $s->{outputlog};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $name) {
- $name = "";
- }
- $fh = &_fname_to_handle($self, $name)
- or return;
- $s->{outputlog} = $fh;
- }
- $fh;
-} # end sub output_log
-sub output_record_separator {
- my ($self, $ors) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{ors};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $ors) {
- $ors = "";
- }
- $s->{ors} = $ors;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub output_record_separator
-sub port {
- my ($self, $port) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- $service,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{port};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $port) {
- $port = "";
- }
- if (!$port) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Port argument \"$port\"");
- $port = $prev;
- }
- elsif ($port !~ /^\d+$/) { # port isn't all digits
- $service = $port;
- $port = getservbyname($service, "tcp");
- unless ($port) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Port argument \"$service\": " .
- "it's an unknown TCP service");
- $port = $prev;
- }
- }
- $s->{port} = $port;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub port
-sub print {
- my ($self) = shift;
- my (
- $buf,
- $fh,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- return $self->error("write error: filehandle isn't open")
- unless $s->{opened};
- ## Add field and record separators.
- $buf = join($s->{ofs}, @_) . $s->{ors};
- ## Log the output if requested.
- if ($s->{outputlog}) {
- &_log_print($s->{outputlog}, $buf);
- }
- ## Convert native newlines to CR LF.
- if (!$s->{bin_mode}) {
- $buf =~ s(\n)(\015\012)g;
- }
- ## Escape TELNET IAC and also CR not followed by LF.
- if ($s->{telnet_mode}) {
- $buf =~ s(\377)(\377\377)g;
- &_escape_cr(\$buf);
- }
- &_put($self, \$buf, "print");
-} # end sub print
-sub print_length {
- my ($self) = @_;
- *$self->{net_telnet}{num_wrote};
-} # end sub print_length
-sub prompt {
- my ($self, $prompt) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{cmd_prompt};
- ## Parse args.
- if (@_ == 2) {
- $s->{cmd_prompt} = &_parse_prompt($self, $prompt);
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub prompt
-sub put {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my (
- $binmode,
- $buf,
- $errmode,
- $is_timeout_arg,
- $s,
- $telnetmode,
- $timeout,
- %args,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- ## Parse args.
- if (@_ == 2) { # one positional arg given
- $buf = $_[1];
- }
- elsif (@_ > 2) { # named args given
- ## Get the named args.
- (undef, %args) = @_;
- ## Parse the named args.
- foreach (keys %args) {
- if (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $binmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $binmode) {
- $binmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $args{$_});
- }
- elsif (/^-?string$/i) {
- $buf = $args{$_};
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $telnetmode = $args{$_};
- unless (defined $telnetmode) {
- $telnetmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $args{$_});
- $is_timeout_arg = 1;
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given ",
- "to " . ref($self) . "::put()");
- }
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{bin_mode} = $binmode
- if defined $binmode;
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{telnet_mode} = $telnetmode
- if defined $telnetmode;
- local $s->{time_out} = $timeout
- if defined $is_timeout_arg;
- ## Check for errors.
- return $self->error("write error: filehandle isn't open")
- unless $s->{opened};
- ## Log the output if requested.
- if ($s->{outputlog}) {
- &_log_print($s->{outputlog}, $buf);
- }
- ## Convert native newlines to CR LF.
- if (!$s->{bin_mode}) {
- $buf =~ s(\n)(\015\012)g;
- }
- ## Escape TELNET IAC and also CR not followed by LF.
- if ($s->{telnet_mode}) {
- $buf =~ s(\377)(\377\377)g;
- &_escape_cr(\$buf);
- }
- &_put($self, \$buf, "print");
-} # end sub put
-## Make rs() synonymous input_record_separator().
-*rs = \&input_record_separator;
-sub suboption_callback {
- my ($self, $callback) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{subopt_cback};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $callback and ref($callback) eq "CODE") {
- &_carp($self,"ignoring Suboption_callback argument because it's " .
- "not a code ref");
- $callback = $prev;
- }
- $s->{subopt_cback} = $callback;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub suboption_callback
-sub telnetmode {
- my ($self, $mode) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{telnet_mode};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $mode) {
- $mode = 0;
- }
- $s->{telnet_mode} = $mode;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub telnetmode
-sub timed_out {
- my ($self, $value) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{timedout};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- unless (defined $value) {
- $value = "";
- }
- $s->{timedout} = $value;
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub timed_out
-sub timeout {
- my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
- my (
- $prev,
- $s,
- );
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $prev = $s->{time_out};
- if (@_ >= 2) {
- $s->{time_out} = &_parse_timeout($self, $timeout);
- }
- $prev;
-} # end sub timeout
-sub waitfor {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- my (
- $arg,
- $binmode,
- $endtime,
- $errmode,
- $len,
- $match,
- $match_op,
- $pos,
- $prematch,
- $s,
- $search,
- $search_cond,
- $telnetmode,
- $timeout,
- @match_cond,
- @match_ops,
- @search_cond,
- @string_cond,
- @warns,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{timedout} = '';
- return if $s->{eofile};
- return unless @args;
- $timeout = $s->{time_out};
- ## Code template used to build string match conditional.
- ## Values between array elements must be supplied later.
- @string_cond =
- ('if (($pos = index $s->{buf}, ', ') > -1) {
- $len = ', ';
- $prematch = substr $s->{buf}, 0, $pos;
- $match = substr $s->{buf}, $pos, $len;
- substr($s->{buf}, 0, $pos + $len) = "";
- last;
- }');
- ## Code template used to build pattern match conditional.
- ## Values between array elements must be supplied later.
- @match_cond =
- ('if ($s->{buf} =~ ', ') {
- $prematch = $`;
- $match = $&;
- substr($s->{buf}, 0, length($`) + length($&)) = "";
- last;
- }');
- ## Parse args.
- if (@_ == 2) { # one positional arg given
- $arg = $_[1];
- ## Fill in the blanks in the code template.
- push @match_ops, $arg;
- push @search_cond, join("", $match_cond[0], $arg, $match_cond[1]);
- }
- elsif (@_ > 2) { # named args given
- ## Parse the named args.
- while (($_, $arg) = splice @args, 0, 2) {
- if (/^-?binmode$/i) {
- $binmode = $arg;
- unless (defined $binmode) {
- $binmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?errmode$/i) {
- $errmode = &_parse_errmode($self, $arg);
- }
- elsif (/^-?match$/i) {
- ## Fill in the blanks in the code template.
- push @match_ops, $arg;
- push @search_cond, join("",
- $match_cond[0], $arg, $match_cond[1]);
- }
- elsif (/^-?string$/i) {
- ## Fill in the blanks in the code template.
- $arg =~ s/'/\\'/g; # quote ticks
- push @search_cond, join("",
- $string_cond[0], "'$arg'",
- $string_cond[1], length($arg),
- $string_cond[2]);
- }
- elsif (/^-?telnetmode$/i) {
- $telnetmode = $arg;
- unless (defined $telnetmode) {
- $telnetmode = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif (/^-?timeout$/i) {
- $timeout = &_parse_timeout($self, $arg);
- }
- else {
- &_croak($self, "bad named parameter \"$_\" given " .
- "to " . ref($self) . "::waitfor()");
- }
- }
- }
- ## If any args given, override corresponding instance data.
- local $s->{errormode} = $errmode
- if defined $errmode;
- local $s->{bin_mode} = $binmode
- if defined $binmode;
- local $s->{telnet_mode} = $telnetmode
- if defined $telnetmode;
- ## Check for bad match operator argument.
- foreach $match_op (@match_ops) {
- return $self->error("missing opening delimiter of match operator ",
- "in argument \"$match_op\" given to ",
- ref($self) . "::waitfor()")
- unless $match_op =~ m(^\s*/) or $match_op =~ m(^\s*m\s*\W);
- }
- ## Construct conditional to check for requested string and pattern matches.
- ## Turn subsequent "if"s into "elsif".
- $search_cond = join "\n\tels", @search_cond;
- ## Construct loop to fill buffer until string/pattern, timeout, or eof.
- $search = join "", "
- while (1) {\n\t",
- $search_cond, '
- &_fillbuf($self, $s, $endtime)
- or do {
- last if $s->{timedout};
- $self->close;
- last;
- };
- }';
- ## Set wall time when we timeout.
- $endtime = &_endtime($timeout);
- ## Run the loop.
- {
- local $^W = 1;
- local $SIG{"__WARN__"} = sub { push @warns, @_ };
- local $s->{errormode} = "return";
- $s->{errormsg} = "";
- eval $search;
- }
- ## Check for failure.
- return $self->error("pattern match timed-out") if $s->{timedout};
- return $self->error($s->{errormsg}) if $s->{errormsg} ne "";
- return $self->error("pattern match read eof") if $s->{eofile};
- ## Check for Perl syntax errors or warnings.
- if ($@ or @warns) {
- foreach $match_op (@match_ops) {
- &_match_check($self, $match_op)
- or return;
- }
- return $self->error($@) if $@;
- return $self->error(@warns) if @warns;
- }
- wantarray ? ($prematch, $match) : 1;
-} # end sub waitfor
-######################## Private Subroutines #########################
-sub _append_lineno {
- my ($obj, @msgs) = @_;
- my (
- $file,
- $line,
- $pkg,
- );
- ## Find the caller that's not in object's class or one of its base classes.
- ($pkg, $file , $line) = &_user_caller($obj);
- join("", @msgs, " at ", $file, " line ", $line, "\n");
-} # end sub _append_lineno
-sub _carp {
- warn &_append_lineno(@_);
-} # end sub _carp
-sub _croak {
- die &_append_lineno(@_);
-} # end sub _croak
-sub _endtime {
- my ($interval) = @_;
- ## Compute wall time when timeout occurs.
- if (defined $interval) {
- if ($interval >= $^T) { # it's already an absolute time
- return $interval;
- }
- elsif ($interval > 0) { # it's relative to the current time
- return int(time + 1.5 + $interval);
- }
- else { # it's a one time poll
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else { # there's no timeout
- return undef;
- }
-} # end sub _endtime
-sub _escape_cr {
- my ($string) = @_;
- my (
- $nextchar,
- );
- my $pos = 0;
- ## Convert all CR (not followed by LF) to CR NULL.
- while (($pos = index($$string, "\015", $pos)) > -1) {
- $nextchar = substr $$string, $pos + 1, 1;
- substr($$string, $pos, 1) = "\015\000"
- unless $nextchar eq "\012";
- $pos++;
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _escape_cr
-sub _fillbuf {
- my ($self, $s, $endtime) = @_;
- my (
- $msg,
- $nfound,
- $nread,
- $pushback_len,
- $read_pos,
- $ready,
- $timed_out,
- $timeout,
- $unparsed_pos,
- );
- ## If error from last read not yet reported then do it now.
- if ($s->{pending_errormsg}) {
- $msg = $s->{pending_errormsg};
- $s->{pending_errormsg} = "";
- return $self->error($msg);
- }
- return unless $s->{opened};
- while (1) {
- ## Maximum buffer size exceeded?
- return $self->error("maximum input buffer length exceeded: ",
- $s->{maxbufsize}, " bytes")
- unless length($s->{buf}) <= $s->{maxbufsize};
- ## Determine how long to wait for input ready.
- ($timed_out, $timeout) = &_timeout_interval($endtime);
- if ($timed_out) {
- $s->{timedout} = 1;
- return $self->error("read timed-out");
- }
- ## Wait for input ready.
- $nfound = select $ready=$s->{fdmask}, "", "", $timeout;
- ## Handle any errors while waiting.
- if (!defined $nfound or $nfound <= 0) { # input not ready
- if (defined $nfound and $nfound == 0) { # timed-out
- $s->{timedout} = 1;
- return $self->error("read timed-out");
- }
- else { # error waiting for input ready
- next if $! =~ /^interrupted/i;
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return $self->error("read error: $!");
- }
- }
- ## Append to buffer any partially processed telnet or CR sequence.
- $pushback_len = length $s->{pushback_buf};
- if ($pushback_len) {
- $s->{buf} .= $s->{pushback_buf};
- $s->{pushback_buf} = "";
- }
- ## Read the waiting data.
- $read_pos = length $s->{buf};
- $unparsed_pos = $read_pos - $pushback_len;
- $nread = sysread $self, $s->{buf}, $s->{blksize}, $read_pos;
- ## Handle any read errors.
- if (!defined $nread) { # read failed
- next if $! =~ /^interrupted/i; # restart interrupted syscall
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return $self->error("read error: $!");
- }
- ## Handle eof.
- if ($nread == 0) { # eof read
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return;
- }
- ## Display network traffic if requested.
- if ($s->{dumplog}) {
- &_log_dump('<', $s->{dumplog}, \$s->{buf}, $read_pos);
- }
- ## Process any telnet commands in the data stream.
- if ($s->{telnet_mode} and index($s->{buf},"\377",$unparsed_pos) > -1) {
- &_interpret_tcmd($self, $s, $unparsed_pos);
- }
- ## Process any carriage-return sequences in the data stream.
- &_interpret_cr($s, $unparsed_pos);
- ## Read again if all chars read were consumed as telnet cmds.
- next if $unparsed_pos >= length $s->{buf};
- ## Log the input if requested.
- if ($s->{inputlog}) {
- &_log_print($s->{inputlog}, substr($s->{buf}, $unparsed_pos));
- }
- ## Save the last line read.
- &_save_lastline($s);
- ## We've successfully read some data into the buffer.
- last;
- } # end while(1)
- 1;
-} # end sub _fillbuf
-sub _flush_opts {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my (
- $option_chars,
- );
- my $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- ## Get option and clear the output buf.
- $option_chars = $s->{unsent_opts};
- $s->{unsent_opts} = "";
- ## Try to send options without waiting.
- {
- local $s->{errormode} = "return";
- local $s->{time_out} = 0;
- &_put($self, \$option_chars, "telnet option negotiation")
- or do {
- ## Save chars not printed for later.
- substr($option_chars, 0, $self->print_length) = "";
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $option_chars;
- };
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _flush_opts
-sub _fname_to_handle {
- my ($self, $fh) = @_;
- my (
- $filename,
- );
- ## Ensure valid input.
- return ""
- unless defined $fh and (ref $fh or length $fh);
- ## Open a new filehandle if input is a filename.
- no strict "refs";
- if (!ref($fh) and !defined(fileno $fh)) { # fh is a filename
- $filename = $fh;
- $fh = &_new_handle();
- CORE::open $fh, "> $filename"
- or return $self->error("problem creating $filename: $!");
- }
- select((select($fh), $|=1)[$[]); # don't buffer writes
- $fh;
-} # end sub _fname_to_handle
-sub _have_alarm {
- eval {
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die };
- alarm 0;
- };
- ! $@;
-} # end sub _have_alarm
-sub _interpret_cr {
- my ($s, $pos) = @_;
- my (
- $nextchar,
- );
- while (($pos = index($s->{buf}, "\015", $pos)) > -1) {
- $nextchar = substr($s->{buf}, $pos + 1, 1);
- if ($nextchar eq "\0") {
- ## Convert CR NULL to CR when in telnet mode.
- if ($s->{telnet_mode}) {
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos + 1, 1) = "";
- }
- }
- elsif ($nextchar eq "\012") {
- ## Convert CR LF to newline when not in binary mode.
- if (!$s->{bin_mode}) {
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos, 2) = "\n";
- }
- }
- elsif (!length($nextchar) and ($s->{telnet_mode} or !$s->{bin_mode})) {
- ## Save CR in alt buffer for possible CR LF or CR NULL conversion.
- $s->{pushback_buf} .= "\015";
- chop $s->{buf};
- }
- $pos++;
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _interpret_cr
-sub _interpret_tcmd {
- my ($self, $s, $offset) = @_;
- my (
- $callback,
- $endpos,
- $nextchar,
- $option,
- $parameters,
- $pos,
- $subcmd,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Parse telnet commands in the data stream.
- $pos = $offset;
- while (($pos = index $s->{buf}, "\377", $pos) > -1) { # unprocessed IAC
- $nextchar = substr $s->{buf}, $pos + 1, 1;
- ## Save command if it's only partially read.
- if (!length $nextchar) {
- $s->{pushback_buf} .= "\377";
- chop $s->{buf};
- last;
- }
- if ($nextchar eq "\377") { # IAC is escaping "\377" char
- ## Remove escape char from data stream.
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos, 1) = "";
- $pos++;
- }
- elsif ($nextchar eq "\375" or $nextchar eq "\373" or
- $nextchar eq "\374" or $nextchar eq "\376") { # opt negotiation
- $option = substr $s->{buf}, $pos + 2, 1;
- ## Save command if it's only partially read.
- if (!length $option) {
- $s->{pushback_buf} .= "\377" . $nextchar;
- chop $s->{buf};
- chop $s->{buf};
- last;
- }
- ## Remove command from data stream.
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos, 3) = "";
- ## Handle option negotiation.
- &_negotiate_recv($self, $s, $nextchar, ord($option), $pos);
- }
- elsif ($nextchar eq "\372") { # start of subnegotiation parameters
- ## Save command if it's only partially read.
- $endpos = index $s->{buf}, "\360", $pos;
- if ($endpos == -1) {
- $s->{pushback_buf} .= substr $s->{buf}, $pos;
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos) = "";
- last;
- }
- ## Remove subnegotiation cmd from buffer.
- $subcmd = substr($s->{buf}, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1);
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1) = "";
- ## Invoke subnegotiation callback.
- if ($s->{subopt_cback} and length($subcmd) >= 5) {
- $option = unpack "C", substr($subcmd, 2, 1);
- if (length($subcmd) >= 6) {
- $parameters = substr $subcmd, 3, length($subcmd) - 5;
- }
- else {
- $parameters = "";
- }
- $callback = $s->{subopt_cback};
- &$callback($self, $option, $parameters);
- }
- }
- else { # various two char telnet commands
- ## Ignore and remove command from data stream.
- substr($s->{buf}, $pos, 2) = "";
- }
- }
- ## Try to send any waiting option negotiation.
- if (length $s->{unsent_opts}) {
- &_flush_opts($self);
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _interpret_tcmd
-sub _io_socket_include {
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- eval "require IO::Socket";
-} # end sub io_socket_include
-sub _log_dump {
- my ($direction, $fh, $data, $offset, $len) = @_;
- my (
- $addr,
- $hexvals,
- $line,
- );
- $addr = 0;
- $len = length($$data) - $offset
- if !defined $len;
- return 1 if $len <= 0;
- ## Print data in dump format.
- while ($len > 0) {
- ## Convert up to the next 16 chars to hex, padding w/ spaces.
- if ($len >= 16) {
- $line = substr $$data, $offset, 16;
- }
- else {
- $line = substr $$data, $offset, $len;
- }
- $hexvals = unpack("H*", $line);
- $hexvals .= ' ' x (32 - length $hexvals);
- ## Place in 16 columns, each containing two hex digits.
- $hexvals = sprintf("%s %s %s %s " x 4,
- unpack("a2" x 16, $hexvals));
- ## For the ASCII column, change unprintable chars to a period.
- $line =~ s/[\000-\037,\177-\237]/./g;
- ## Print the line in dump format.
- &_log_print($fh, sprintf("%s 0x%5.5lx: %s%s\n",
- $direction, $addr, $hexvals, $line));
- $addr += 16;
- $offset += 16;
- $len -= 16;
- }
- &_log_print($fh, "\n");
- 1;
-} # end sub _log_dump
-sub _log_option {
- my ($fh, $direction, $request, $option) = @_;
- my (
- $name,
- );
- if ($option >= 0 and $option <= $#Telopts) {
- $name = $Telopts[$option];
- }
- else {
- $name = $option;
- }
- &_log_print($fh, "$direction $request $name\n");
-} # end sub _log_option
-sub _log_print {
- my ($fh, $buf) = @_;
- local $\ = '';
- if (ref($fh) and ref($fh) ne "GLOB") { # fh is blessed ref
- $fh->print($buf);
- }
- else { # fh isn't blessed ref
- print $fh $buf;
- }
-} # end sub _log_print
-sub _match_check {
- my ($self, $code) = @_;
- my $error;
- my @warns = ();
- ## Use eval to check for syntax errors or warnings.
- {
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- local $SIG{"__WARN__"} = sub { push @warns, @_ };
- local $^W = 1;
- local $_ = '';
- eval "\$_ =~ $code;";
- }
- if ($@) {
- ## Remove useless lines numbers from message.
- ($error = $@) =~ s/ at \(eval \d+\) line \d+.?//;
- chomp $error;
- return $self->error("bad match operator: $error");
- }
- elsif (@warns) {
- ## Remove useless lines numbers from message.
- ($error = shift @warns) =~ s/ at \(eval \d+\) line \d+.?//;
- $error =~ s/ while "strict subs" in use//;
- chomp $error;
- return $self->error("bad match operator: $error");
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _match_check
-sub _negotiate_callback {
- my ($self, $opt, $is_remote, $is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos) = @_;
- my (
- $callback,
- $s,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Keep track of remote echo.
- if ($is_remote and $opt == &TELOPT_ECHO) { # received WILL or WONT ECHO
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- if ($is_enabled and !$was_enabled) { # received WILL ECHO
- $s->{remote_echo} = 1;
- }
- elsif (!$is_enabled and $was_enabled) { # received WONT ECHO
- $s->{remote_echo} = '';
- }
- }
- ## Invoke callback, if there is one.
- $callback = $self->option_callback;
- if ($callback) {
- &$callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _negotiate_callback
-sub _negotiate_recv {
- my ($self, $s, $opt_request, $opt, $opt_bufpos) = @_;
- ## Ensure data structure exists for this option.
- unless (defined $s->{opts}{$opt}) {
- &_set_default_option($s, $opt);
- }
- ## Process the option.
- if ($opt_request eq "\376") { # DONT
- &_negotiate_recv_disable($self, $s, $opt, "dont", $opt_bufpos,
- $s->{opts}{$opt}{local_enable_ok},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{local_enabled},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{local_state});
- }
- elsif ($opt_request eq "\375") { # DO
- &_negotiate_recv_enable($self, $s, $opt, "do", $opt_bufpos,
- $s->{opts}{$opt}{local_enable_ok},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{local_enabled},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{local_state});
- }
- elsif ($opt_request eq "\374") { # WONT
- &_negotiate_recv_disable($self, $s, $opt, "wont", $opt_bufpos,
- $s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_enable_ok},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_enabled},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_state});
- }
- elsif ($opt_request eq "\373") { # WILL
- &_negotiate_recv_enable($self, $s, $opt, "will", $opt_bufpos,
- $s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_enable_ok},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_enabled},
- \$s->{opts}{$opt}{remote_state});
- }
- else { # internal error
- die;
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _negotiate_recv
-sub _negotiate_recv_disable {
- my ($self, $s, $opt, $opt_request,
- $opt_bufpos, $enable_ok, $is_enabled, $state) = @_;
- my (
- $ack,
- $disable_cmd,
- $enable_cmd,
- $is_remote,
- $nak,
- $was_enabled,
- );
- ## What do we use to request enable/disable or respond with ack/nak.
- if ($opt_request eq "wont") {
- $enable_cmd = "\377\375" . pack("C", $opt); # do command
- $disable_cmd = "\377\376" . pack("C", $opt); # dont command
- $is_remote = 1;
- $ack = "DO";
- $nak = "DONT";
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "RCVD", "WONT", $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- }
- elsif ($opt_request eq "dont") {
- $enable_cmd = "\377\373" . pack("C", $opt); # will command
- $disable_cmd = "\377\374" . pack("C", $opt); # wont command
- $is_remote = '';
- $ack = "WILL";
- $nak = "WONT";
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "RCVD", "DONT", $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- }
- else { # internal error
- die;
- }
- ## Respond to WONT or DONT based on the current negotiation state.
- if ($$state eq "no") { # state is already disabled
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "yes") { # they're initiating disable
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "no";
- ## Send positive acknowledgment.
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $disable_cmd;
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "SENT", $nak, $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- ## Invoke callbacks.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantno") { # they sent positive ack
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "no";
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantno opposite") { # pos ack but we changed our mind
- ## Indicate disabled but now we want to enable.
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "wantyes";
- ## Send queued request.
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $enable_cmd;
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "SENT", $ack, $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantyes") { # they sent negative ack
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "no";
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantyes opposite") { # nak but we changed our mind
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "no";
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
-} # end sub _negotiate_recv_disable
-sub _negotiate_recv_enable {
- my ($self, $s, $opt, $opt_request,
- $opt_bufpos, $enable_ok, $is_enabled, $state) = @_;
- my (
- $ack,
- $disable_cmd,
- $enable_cmd,
- $is_remote,
- $nak,
- $was_enabled,
- );
- ## What we use to send enable/disable request or send ack/nak response.
- if ($opt_request eq "will") {
- $enable_cmd = "\377\375" . pack("C", $opt); # do command
- $disable_cmd = "\377\376" . pack("C", $opt); # dont command
- $is_remote = 1;
- $ack = "DO";
- $nak = "DONT";
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "RCVD", "WILL", $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- }
- elsif ($opt_request eq "do") {
- $enable_cmd = "\377\373" . pack("C", $opt); # will command
- $disable_cmd = "\377\374" . pack("C", $opt); # wont command
- $is_remote = '';
- $ack = "WILL";
- $nak = "WONT";
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "RCVD", "DO", $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- }
- else { # internal error
- die;
- }
- ## Save current enabled state.
- $was_enabled = $$is_enabled;
- ## Respond to WILL or DO based on the current negotiation state.
- if ($$state eq "no") { # they're initiating enable
- if ($enable_ok) { # we agree they/us should enable
- $$is_enabled = 1;
- $$state = "yes";
- ## Send positive acknowledgment.
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $enable_cmd;
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "SENT", $ack, $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- ## Invoke callbacks.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- else { # we disagree they/us should enable
- ## Send negative acknowledgment.
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $disable_cmd;
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "SENT", $nak, $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- }
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "yes") { # state is already enabled
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantno") { # error: our disable req answered by enable
- $$is_enabled = '';
- $$state = "no";
- ## Invoke callbacks.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantno opposite") { # err: disable req answerd by enable
- $$is_enabled = 1;
- $$state = "yes";
- ## Invoke callbacks.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantyes") { # they sent pos ack
- $$is_enabled = 1;
- $$state = "yes";
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- elsif ($$state eq "wantyes opposite") { # pos ack but we changed our mind
- ## Indicate enabled but now we want to disable.
- $$is_enabled = 1;
- $$state = "wantno";
- ## Inform other side we changed our mind.
- $s->{unsent_opts} .= $disable_cmd;
- &_log_option($s->{opt_log}, "SENT", $nak, $opt)
- if $s->{opt_log};
- ## Invoke callback.
- &_negotiate_callback($self, $opt, $is_remote,
- $$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $opt_bufpos);
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _negotiate_recv_enable
-sub _new_handle {
- if ($INC{"IO/"}) {
- return IO::Handle->new;
- }
- else {
- require FileHandle;
- return FileHandle->new;
- }
-} # end sub _new_handle
-sub _next_getlines {
- my ($self, $s) = @_;
- my (
- $len,
- $line,
- $pos,
- @lines,
- );
- ## Fill buffer and get first line.
- $line = $self->getline
- or return;
- push @lines, $line;
- ## Extract subsequent lines from buffer.
- while (($pos = index($s->{buf}, $s->{rs})) != -1) {
- $len = $pos + length $s->{rs};
- push @lines, substr($s->{buf}, 0, $len);
- substr($s->{buf}, 0, $len) = "";
- }
- @lines;
-} # end sub _next_getlines
-sub _opt_accept {
- my ($self, @args) = @_;
- my (
- $arg,
- $option,
- $s,
- );
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- foreach $arg (@args) {
- ## Ensure data structure defined for this option.
- $option = $arg->{option};
- if (!defined $s->{opts}{$option}) {
- &_set_default_option($s, $option);
- }
- ## Save whether we'll accept or reject this option.
- if ($arg->{is_remote}) {
- $s->{opts}{$option}{remote_enable_ok} = $arg->{is_enable};
- }
- else {
- $s->{opts}{$option}{local_enable_ok} = $arg->{is_enable};
- }
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _opt_accept
-sub _optimal_blksize {
- my ($blksize) = @_;
- local $^W = ''; # avoid non-numeric warning for ms-windows blksize of ""
- ## Use default when block size is invalid.
- return 8192
- unless defined $blksize and $blksize >= 1 and $blksize <= 1_048_576;
- $blksize;
-} # end sub _optimal_blksize
-sub _parse_cmd_remove_mode {
- my ($self, $mode) = @_;
- if (!defined $mode) {
- $mode = 0;
- }
- elsif ($mode =~ /^\s*auto\s*$/i) {
- $mode = "auto";
- }
- elsif ($mode !~ /^\d+$/) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Cmd_remove_mode " .
- "argument \"$mode\": it's not \"auto\" or a " .
- "non-negative integer");
- $mode = *$self->{net_telnet}{cmd_rm_mode};
- }
- $mode;
-} # end sub _parse_cmd_remove_mode
-sub _parse_errmode {
- my ($self, $errmode) = @_;
- ## Set the error mode.
- if (!defined $errmode) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring undefined Errmode argument");
- $errmode = *$self->{net_telnet}{errormode};
- }
- elsif ($errmode =~ /^\s*return\s*$/i) {
- $errmode = "return";
- }
- elsif ($errmode =~ /^\s*die\s*$/i) {
- $errmode = "die";
- }
- elsif (ref($errmode) eq "CODE") {
- }
- elsif (ref($errmode) eq "ARRAY") {
- unless (ref($errmode->[0]) eq "CODE") {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Errmode argument: " .
- "first list item isn't a code ref");
- $errmode = *$self->{net_telnet}{errormode};
- }
- }
- else {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Errmode argument \"$errmode\"");
- $errmode = *$self->{net_telnet}{errormode};
- }
- $errmode;
-} # end sub _parse_errmode
-sub _parse_input_record_separator {
- my ($self, $rs) = @_;
- unless (defined $rs and length $rs) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring null Input_record_separator argument");
- $rs = *$self->{net_telnet}{rs};
- }
- $rs;
-} # end sub _parse_input_record_separator
-sub _parse_prompt {
- my ($self, $prompt) = @_;
- unless (defined $prompt) {
- $prompt = "";
- }
- unless ($prompt =~ m(^\s*/) or $prompt =~ m(^\s*m\s*\W)) {
- &_carp($self, "ignoring bad Prompt argument \"$prompt\": " .
- "missing opening delimiter of match operator");
- $prompt = *$self->{net_telnet}{cmd_prompt};
- }
- $prompt;
-} # end sub _parse_prompt
-sub _parse_timeout {
- my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
- ## Ensure valid timeout.
- if (defined $timeout) {
- ## Test for non-numeric or negative values.
- eval {
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- local $SIG{"__WARN__"} = sub { die "non-numeric\n" };
- local $^W = 1;
- $timeout *= 1;
- };
- if ($@) { # timeout arg is non-numeric
- &_carp($self,
- "ignoring non-numeric Timeout argument \"$timeout\"");
- $timeout = *$self->{net_telnet}{time_out};
- }
- elsif ($timeout < 0) { # timeout arg is negative
- &_carp($self, "ignoring negative Timeout argument \"$timeout\"");
- $timeout = *$self->{net_telnet}{time_out};
- }
- }
- $timeout;
-} # end sub _parse_timeout
-sub _put {
- my ($self, $buf, $subname) = @_;
- my (
- $endtime,
- $len,
- $nfound,
- $nwrote,
- $offset,
- $ready,
- $s,
- $timed_out,
- $timeout,
- $zero_wrote_count,
- );
- ## Init.
- $s = *$self->{net_telnet};
- $s->{num_wrote} = 0;
- $zero_wrote_count = 0;
- $offset = 0;
- $len = length $$buf;
- $endtime = &_endtime($s->{time_out});
- return $self->error("write error: filehandle isn't open")
- unless $s->{opened};
- ## Try to send any waiting option negotiation.
- if (length $s->{unsent_opts}) {
- &_flush_opts($self);
- }
- ## Write until all data blocks written.
- while ($len) {
- ## Determine how long to wait for output ready.
- ($timed_out, $timeout) = &_timeout_interval($endtime);
- if ($timed_out) {
- $s->{timedout} = 1;
- return $self->error("$subname timed-out");
- }
- ## Wait for output ready.
- $nfound = select "", $ready=$s->{fdmask}, "", $timeout;
- ## Handle any errors while waiting.
- if (!defined $nfound or $nfound <= 0) { # output not ready
- if (defined $nfound and $nfound == 0) { # timed-out
- $s->{timedout} = 1;
- return $self->error("$subname timed-out");
- }
- else { # error waiting for output ready
- next if $! =~ /^interrupted/i;
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return $self->error("write error: $!");
- }
- }
- ## Write the data.
- $nwrote = syswrite $self, $$buf, $len, $offset;
- ## Handle any write errors.
- if (!defined $nwrote) { # write failed
- next if $! =~ /^interrupted/i; # restart interrupted syscall
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return $self->error("write error: $!");
- }
- elsif ($nwrote == 0) { # zero chars written
- ## Try ten more times to write the data.
- if ($zero_wrote_count++ <= 10) {
- &_sleep(0.01);
- next;
- }
- $s->{opened} = '';
- return $self->error("write error: zero length write: $!");
- }
- ## Display network traffic if requested.
- if ($s->{dumplog}) {
- &_log_dump('>', $s->{dumplog}, $buf, $offset, $nwrote);
- }
- ## Increment.
- $s->{num_wrote} += $nwrote;
- $offset += $nwrote;
- $len -= $nwrote;
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _put
-sub _qualify_fh {
- my ($obj, $name) = @_;
- my (
- $user_class,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Get user's package name.
- ($user_class) = &_user_caller($obj);
- ## Ensure name is qualified with a package name.
- $name = qualify($name, $user_class);
- ## If it's not already, make it a typeglob ref.
- if (!ref $name) {
- no strict;
- local $^W = 0;
- $name =~ s/^\*+//;
- $name = eval "\\*$name";
- return unless ref $name;
- }
- $name;
-} # end sub _qualify_fh
-sub _reset_options {
- my ($opts) = @_;
- my (
- $opt,
- );
- foreach $opt (keys %$opts) {
- $opts->{$opt}{remote_enabled} = '';
- $opts->{$opt}{remote_state} = "no";
- $opts->{$opt}{local_enabled} = '';
- $opts->{$opt}{local_state} = "no";
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _reset_options
-sub _save_lastline {
- my ($s) = @_;
- my (
- $firstpos,
- $lastpos,
- $len_w_sep,
- $len_wo_sep,
- $offset,
- );
- my $rs = "\n";
- if (($lastpos = rindex $s->{buf}, $rs) > -1) { # eol found
- while (1) {
- ## Find beginning of line.
- $firstpos = rindex $s->{buf}, $rs, $lastpos - 1;
- if ($firstpos == -1) {
- $offset = 0;
- }
- else {
- $offset = $firstpos + length $rs;
- }
- ## Determine length of line with and without separator.
- $len_wo_sep = $lastpos - $offset;
- $len_w_sep = $len_wo_sep + length $rs;
- ## Save line if it's not blank.
- if (substr($s->{buf}, $offset, $len_wo_sep)
- !~ /^\s*$/)
- {
- $s->{last_line} = substr($s->{buf},
- $offset,
- $len_w_sep);
- last;
- }
- last if $firstpos == -1;
- $lastpos = $firstpos;
- }
- }
- 1;
-} # end sub _save_lastline
-sub _set_default_option {
- my ($s, $option) = @_;
- $s->{opts}{$option} = {
- remote_enabled => '',
- remote_state => "no",
- remote_enable_ok => '',
- local_enabled => '',
- local_state => "no",
- local_enable_ok => '',
- };
-} # end sub _set_default_option
-sub _sleep {
- my ($secs) = @_;
- my $bitmask = "";
- local *SOCK;
- vec($bitmask, fileno(SOCK), 1) = 1;
- select $bitmask, "", "", $secs;
- CORE::close SOCK;
- 1;
-} # end sub _sleep
-sub _timeout_interval {
- my ($endtime) = @_;
- my (
- $timeout,
- );
- ## Return timed-out boolean and timeout interval.
- if (defined $endtime) {
- ## Is it a one-time poll.
- return ('', 0) if $endtime == 0;
- ## Calculate the timeout interval.
- $timeout = $endtime - time;
- ## Did we already timeout.
- return (1, 0) unless $timeout > 0;
- return ('', $timeout);
- }
- else { # there is no timeout
- return ('', undef);
- }
-} # end sub _timeout_interval
-sub _user_caller {
- my ($obj) = @_;
- my (
- $class,
- $curr_pkg,
- $file,
- $i,
- $line,
- $pkg,
- %isa,
- @isa,
- );
- local $_;
- ## Create a boolean hash to test for isa. Make sure current
- ## package and the object's class are members.
- $class = ref $obj;
- @isa = eval "\@${class}::ISA";
- push @isa, $class;
- ($curr_pkg) = caller 1;
- push @isa, $curr_pkg;
- %isa = map { $_ => 1 } @isa;
- ## Search back in call frames for a package that's not in isa.
- $i = 1;
- while (($pkg, $file, $line) = caller ++$i) {
- next if $isa{$pkg};
- return ($pkg, $file, $line);
- }
- ## If not found, choose outer most call frame.
- ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller --$i;
- return ($pkg, $file, $line);
-} # end sub _user_caller
-sub _verify_telopt_arg {
- my ($self, $option, $argname) = @_;
- ## If provided, use argument name in error message.
- if (defined $argname) {
- $argname = "for arg $argname";
- }
- else {
- $argname = "";
- }
- ## Ensure telnet option is a non-negative integer.
- eval {
- local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = "DEFAULT";
- local $SIG{"__WARN__"} = sub { die "non-numeric\n" };
- local $^W = 1;
- $option = abs(int $option);
- };
- return $self->error("bad telnet option $argname: non-numeric")
- if $@;
- return $self->error("bad telnet option $argname: option > 255")
- unless $option <= 255;
- $option;
-} # end sub _verify_telopt_arg
-######################## Exported Constants ##########################
-sub TELNET_IAC () {255}; # interpret as command:
-sub TELNET_DONT () {254}; # you are not to use option
-sub TELNET_DO () {253}; # please, you use option
-sub TELNET_WONT () {252}; # I won't use option
-sub TELNET_WILL () {251}; # I will use option
-sub TELNET_SB () {250}; # interpret as subnegotiation
-sub TELNET_GA () {249}; # you may reverse the line
-sub TELNET_EL () {248}; # erase the current line
-sub TELNET_EC () {247}; # erase the current character
-sub TELNET_AYT () {246}; # are you there
-sub TELNET_AO () {245}; # abort output--but let prog finish
-sub TELNET_IP () {244}; # interrupt process--permanently
-sub TELNET_BREAK () {243}; # break
-sub TELNET_DM () {242}; # data mark--for connect. cleaning
-sub TELNET_NOP () {241}; # nop
-sub TELNET_SE () {240}; # end sub negotiation
-sub TELNET_EOR () {239}; # end of record (transparent mode)
-sub TELNET_ABORT () {238}; # Abort process
-sub TELNET_SUSP () {237}; # Suspend process
-sub TELNET_EOF () {236}; # End of file
-sub TELNET_SYNCH () {242}; # for telfunc calls
-sub TELOPT_BINARY () {0}; # Binary Transmission
-sub TELOPT_ECHO () {1}; # Echo
-sub TELOPT_RCP () {2}; # Reconnection
-sub TELOPT_SGA () {3}; # Suppress Go Ahead
-sub TELOPT_NAMS () {4}; # Approx Message Size Negotiation
-sub TELOPT_STATUS () {5}; # Status
-sub TELOPT_TM () {6}; # Timing Mark
-sub TELOPT_RCTE () {7}; # Remote Controlled Trans and Echo
-sub TELOPT_NAOL () {8}; # Output Line Width
-sub TELOPT_NAOP () {9}; # Output Page Size
-sub TELOPT_NAOCRD () {10}; # Output Carriage-Return Disposition
-sub TELOPT_NAOHTS () {11}; # Output Horizontal Tab Stops
-sub TELOPT_NAOHTD () {12}; # Output Horizontal Tab Disposition
-sub TELOPT_NAOFFD () {13}; # Output Formfeed Disposition
-sub TELOPT_NAOVTS () {14}; # Output Vertical Tabstops
-sub TELOPT_NAOVTD () {15}; # Output Vertical Tab Disposition
-sub TELOPT_NAOLFD () {16}; # Output Linefeed Disposition
-sub TELOPT_XASCII () {17}; # Extended ASCII
-sub TELOPT_LOGOUT () {18}; # Logout
-sub TELOPT_BM () {19}; # Byte Macro
-sub TELOPT_DET () {20}; # Data Entry Terminal
-sub TELOPT_SUPDUP () {21}; # SUPDUP
-sub TELOPT_SNDLOC () {23}; # Send Location
-sub TELOPT_TTYPE () {24}; # Terminal Type
-sub TELOPT_EOR () {25}; # End of Record
-sub TELOPT_TUID () {26}; # TACACS User Identification
-sub TELOPT_OUTMRK () {27}; # Output Marking
-sub TELOPT_TTYLOC () {28}; # Terminal Location Number
-sub TELOPT_3270REGIME () {29}; # Telnet 3270 Regime
-sub TELOPT_X3PAD () {30}; # X.3 PAD
-sub TELOPT_NAWS () {31}; # Negotiate About Window Size
-sub TELOPT_TSPEED () {32}; # Terminal Speed
-sub TELOPT_LFLOW () {33}; # Remote Flow Control
-sub TELOPT_LINEMODE () {34}; # Linemode
-sub TELOPT_XDISPLOC () {35}; # X Display Location
-sub TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON () {36}; # Environment Option
-sub TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION () {37}; # Authentication Option
-sub TELOPT_ENCRYPT () {38}; # Encryption Option
-sub TELOPT_NEW_ENVIRON () {39}; # New Environment Option
-sub TELOPT_EXOPL () {255}; # Extended-Options-List
-######################## User Documentation ##########################
-## To format the following documentation into a more readable format,
-## use one of these programs: perldoc; pod2man; pod2html; pod2text.
-## For example, to nicely format this documentation for printing, you
-## may use pod2man and groff to convert to postscript:
-## pod2man Net/ | groff -man -Tps >
-=head1 NAME
-Net::Telnet - interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-C<use Net::Telnet ();>
-see METHODS section below
-Net::Telnet allows you to make client connections to a TCP port and do
-network I/O, especially to a port using the TELNET protocol. Simple
-I/O methods such as print, get, and getline are provided. More
-sophisticated interactive features are provided because connecting to
-a TELNET port ultimately means communicating with a program designed
-for human interaction. These interactive features include the ability
-to specify a time-out and to wait for patterns to appear in the input
-stream, such as the prompt from a shell.
-Other reasons to use this module than strictly with a TELNET port are:
-=over 2
-=item *
-You're not familiar with sockets and you want a simple way to make
-client connections to TCP services.
-=item *
-You want to be able to specify your own time-out while connecting,
-reading, or writing.
-=item *
-You're communicating with an interactive program at the other end of
-some socket or pipe and you want to wait for certain patterns to
-Here's an example that prints who's logged-on to the remote host
-sparky. In addition to a username and password, you must also know
-the user's shell prompt, which for this example is C<bash$>
- use Net::Telnet ();
- $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
- Prompt => '/bash\$ $/');
- $t->open("sparky");
- $t->login($username, $passwd);
- @lines = $t->cmd("who");
- print @lines;
-More examples are in the B<EXAMPLES> section below.
-Usage questions should be directed to the Usenet newsgroup
-Contact me, Jay Rogers <>, if you find any bugs or have
-suggestions for improvement.
-=head2 What To Know Before Using
-=over 2
-=item *
-All output is flushed while all input is buffered. Each object
-contains its own input buffer.
-=item *
-The output record separator for C<print()> and C<cmd()> is set to
-C<"\n"> by default, so that you don't have to append all your commands
-with a newline. To avoid printing a trailing C<"\n"> use C<put()> or
-set the I<output_record_separator> to C<"">.
-=item *
-The methods C<login()> and C<cmd()> use the I<prompt> setting in the
-object to determine when a login or remote command is complete. Those
-methods will fail with a time-out if you don't set the prompt
-=item *
-Use a combination of C<print()> and C<waitfor()> as an alternative to
-C<login()> or C<cmd()> when they don't do what you want.
-=item *
-Errors such as timing-out are handled according to the error mode
-action. The default action is to print an error message to standard
-error and have the program die. See the C<errmode()> method for more
-=item *
-When constructing the match operator argument for C<prompt()> or
-C<waitfor()>, always use single quotes instead of double quotes to
-avoid unexpected backslash interpretation (e.g. C<'/bash\$ $/'>). If
-you're constructing a DOS like file path, you'll need to use four
-backslashes to represent one (e.g. C<'/c:\\\\users\\\\billE<gt>$/i'>).
-Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like C<.>, C<[>, or
-C<$>. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor
-metacharacters C<^> and C<$> refer to positions in the input buffer.
-To avoid matching characters read that look like a prompt, it's a good
-idea to end your prompt pattern with the C<$> anchor. That way the
-prompt will only match if it's the last thing read.
-=item *
-In the input stream, each sequence of I<carriage return> and I<line
-feed> (i.e. C<"\015\012"> or CR LF) is converted to C<"\n">. In the
-output stream, each occurrence of C<"\n"> is converted to a sequence
-of CR LF. See C<binmode()> to change the behavior. TCP protocols
-typically use the ASCII sequence, carriage return and line feed to
-designate a newline.
-=item *
-Timing-out while making a connection is disabled for machines that
-don't support the C<alarm()> function. Most notably these include
-MS-Windows machines.
-=item *
-You'll need to be running at least Perl version 5.002 to use this
-module. This module does not require any libraries that don't already
-come with a standard Perl distribution.
-If you have the IO:: libraries installed (they come standard with
-perl5.004 and later) then IO::Socket::INET is used as a base class,
-otherwise FileHandle is used.
-=item *
-Contact me, Jay Rogers <>, if you find any bugs or have
-suggestions for improvement.
-=head2 Debugging
-The typical usage bug causes a time-out error because you've made
-incorrect assumptions about what the remote side actually sends. The
-easiest way to reconcile what the remote side sends with your
-expectations is to use C<input_log()> or C<dump_log()>.
-C<dump_log()> allows you to see the data being sent from the remote
-side before any translation is done, while C<input_log()> shows you
-the results after translation. The translation includes converting
-end of line characters, removing and responding to TELNET protocol
-commands in the data stream.
-=head2 Style of Named Parameters
-Two different styles of named parameters are supported. This document
-only shows the IO:: style:
- Net::Telnet->new(Timeout => 20);
-however the dash-option style is also allowed:
- Net::Telnet->new(-timeout => 20);
-=head2 Connecting to a Remote MS-Windows Machine
-By default MS-Windows doesn't come with a TELNET server. However
-third party TELNET servers are available. Unfortunately many of these
-servers falsely claim to be a TELNET server. This is especially true
-of the so-called "Microsoft Telnet Server" that comes installed with
-some newer versions MS-Windows.
-When a TELNET server first accepts a connection, it must use the ASCII
-control characters carriage-return and line-feed to start a new line
-(see RFC854). A server like the "Microsoft Telnet Server" that
-doesn't do this, isn't a TELNET server. These servers send ANSI
-terminal escape sequences to position to a column on a subsequent line
-and to even position while writing characters that are adjacent to
-each other. Worse, when sending output these servers resend
-previously sent command output in a misguided attempt to display an
-entire terminal screen.
-Connecting Net::Telnet to one of these false TELNET servers makes your
-job of parsing command output very difficult. It's better to replace
-a false TELNET server with a real TELNET server. The better TELNET
-servers for MS-Windows allow you to avoid the ANSI escapes by turning
-off something some of them call I<console mode>.
-=head1 METHODS
-In the calling sequences below, square brackets B<[]> represent
-optional parameters.
-=over 4
-=item B<new> - create a new Net::Telnet object
- $obj = new Net::Telnet ([$host]);
- $obj = new Net::Telnet ([Binmode => $mode,]
- [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]
- [Dump_Log => $filename,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Fhopen => $filehandle,]
- [Host => $host,]
- [Input_log => $file,]
- [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Option_log => $file,]
- [Ors => $chars,]
- [Output_log => $file,]
- [Output_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Port => $port,]
- [Prompt => $matchop,]
- [Rs => $chars,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This is the constructor for Net::Telnet objects. A new object is
-returned on success, the error mode action is performed on failure -
-see C<errmode()>. The optional arguments are short-cuts to methods of
-the same name.
-If the I<$host> argument is given then the object is opened by
-connecting to TCP I<$port> on I<$host>. Also see C<open()>. The new
-object returned is given the following defaults in the absence of
-corresponding named parameters:
-=over 4
-The default I<Host> is C<"localhost">
-The default I<Port> is C<23>
-The default I<Prompt> is C<'/[\$%#E<gt>] $/'>
-The default I<Timeout> is C<10>
-The default I<Errmode> is C<"die">
-The default I<Output_record_separator> is C<"\n">. Note that I<Ors>
-is synonymous with I<Output_record_separator>.
-The default I<Input_record_separator> is C<"\n">. Note that I<Rs> is
-synonymous with I<Input_record_separator>.
-The default I<Binmode> is C<0>, which means do newline translation.
-The default I<Telnetmode> is C<1>, which means respond to TELNET
-commands in the data stream.
-The default I<Cmd_remove_mode> is C<"auto">
-The defaults for I<Dump_log>, I<Input_log>, I<Option_log>, and
-I<Output_log> are C<"">, which means that logging is turned-off.
-=over 4
-=item B<binmode> - toggle newline translation
- $mode = $obj->binmode;
- $prev = $obj->binmode($mode);
-This method controls whether or not sequences of carriage returns and
-line feeds (CR LF or more specifically C<"\015\012">) are translated.
-By default they are translated (i.e. binmode is C<0>).
-If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
-If I<$mode> is C<1> then binmode is I<on> and newline translation is
-not done.
-If I<$mode> is C<0> then binmode is I<off> and newline translation is
-done. In the input stream, each sequence of CR LF is converted to
-C<"\n"> and in the output stream, each occurrence of C<"\n"> is
-converted to a sequence of CR LF.
-Note that input is always buffered. Changing binmode doesn't effect
-what's already been read into the buffer. Output is not buffered and
-changing binmode will have an immediate effect.
-=over 4
-=item B<break> - send TELNET break character
- $ok = $obj->break;
-This method sends the TELNET break character. This character is
-provided because it's a signal outside the ASCII character set which
-is currently given local meaning within many systems. It's intended
-to indicate that the Break Key or the Attention Key was hit.
-This method returns C<1> on success, or performs the error mode action
-on failure.
-=over 4
-=item B<buffer> - scalar reference to object's input buffer
- $ref = $obj->buffer;
-This method returns a scalar reference to the input buffer for
-I<$obj>. Data in the input buffer is data that has been read from the
-remote side but has yet to be read by the user. Modifications to the
-input buffer are returned by a subsequent read.
-=over 4
-=item B<buffer_empty> - discard all data in object's input buffer
- $obj->buffer_empty;
-This method removes all data in the input buffer for I<$obj>.
-=over 4
-=item B<close> - close object
- $ok = $obj->close;
-This method closes the socket, file, or pipe associated with the
-object. It always returns a value of C<1>.
-=over 4
-=item B<cmd> - issue command and retrieve output
- $ok = $obj->cmd($string);
- $ok = $obj->cmd(String => $string,
- [Output => $ref,]
- [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $mode,]
- [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Ors => $chars,]
- [Output_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Prompt => $match,]
- [Rs => $chars,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
- @output = $obj->cmd($string);
- @output = $obj->cmd(String => $string,
- [Output => $ref,]
- [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $mode,]
- [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Ors => $chars,]
- [Output_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Prompt => $match,]
- [Rs => $chars,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method sends the command I<$string>, and reads the characters
-sent back by the command up until and including the matching prompt.
-It's assumed that the program to which you're sending is some kind of
-command prompting interpreter such as a shell.
-The command I<$string> is automatically appended with the
-output_record_separator, By default that's C<"\n">. This is similar
-to someone typing a command and hitting the return key. Set the
-output_record_separator to change this behavior.
-In a scalar context, the characters read from the remote side are
-discarded and C<1> is returned on success. On time-out, eof, or other
-failures, the error mode action is performed. See C<errmode()>.
-In a list context, just the output generated by the command is
-returned, one line per element. In other words, all the characters in
-between the echoed back command string and the prompt are returned.
-If the command happens to return no output, a list containing one
-element, the empty string is returned. This is so the list will
-indicate true in a boolean context. On time-out, eof, or other
-failures, the error mode action is performed. See C<errmode()>.
-The characters that matched the prompt may be retrieved using
-Many command interpreters echo back the command sent. In most
-situations, this method removes the first line returned from the
-remote side (i.e. the echoed back command). See C<cmd_remove_mode()>
-for more control over this feature.
-Use C<dump_log()> to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you
-don't think it should.
-Consider using a combination of C<print()> and C<waitfor()> as an
-alternative to this method when it doesn't do what you want, e.g. the
-command you send prompts for input.
-The I<Output> named parameter provides an alternative method of
-receiving command output. If you pass a scalar reference, all the
-output (even if it contains multiple lines) is returned in the
-referenced scalar. If you pass an array or hash reference, the lines
-of output are returned in the referenced array or hash. You can use
-C<input_record_separator()> to change the notion of what separates a
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of cmd_remove_mode, errmode, input_record_separator, ors,
-output_record_separator, prompt, rs, and timeout. Rs is synonymous
-with input_record_separator and ors is synonymous with
-=over 4
-=item B<cmd_remove_mode> - toggle removal of echoed commands
- $mode = $obj->cmd_remove_mode;
- $prev = $obj->cmd_remove_mode($mode);
-This method controls how to deal with echoed back commands in the
-output returned by cmd(). Typically, when you send a command to the
-remote side, the first line of output returned is the command echoed
-back. Use this mode to remove the first line of output normally
-returned by cmd().
-If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
-If I<$mode> is C<0> then the command output returned from cmd() has no
-lines removed. If I<$mode> is a positive integer, then the first
-I<$mode> lines of command output are stripped.
-By default, I<$mode> is set to C<"auto">. Auto means that whether or
-not the first line of command output is stripped, depends on whether
-or not the remote side offered to echo. By default, Net::Telnet
-always accepts an offer to echo by the remote side. You can change
-the default to reject such an offer using C<option_accept()>.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that's not C<"auto"> or a non-negative integer.
-=over 4
-=item B<dump_log> - log all I/O in dump format
- $fh = $obj->dump_log;
- $fh = $obj->dump_log($fh);
- $fh = $obj->dump_log($filename);
-This method starts or stops dump format logging of all the object's
-input and output. The dump format shows the blocks read and written
-in a hexadecimal and printable character format. This method is
-useful when debugging, however you might want to first try
-C<input_log()> as it's more readable.
-If no argument is given, the current log filehandle is returned. An
-empty string indicates logging is off.
-To stop logging, use an empty string as an argument.
-If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned.
-Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file
-is opened and a filehandle to it is returned. If the file can't be
-opened for writing, the error mode action is performed.
-=over 4
-=item B<eof> - end of file indicator
- $eof = $obj->eof;
-This method returns C<1> if end of file has been read, otherwise it
-returns an empty string. Because the input is buffered this isn't the
-same thing as I<$obj> has closed. In other words I<$obj> can be
-closed but there still can be stuff in the buffer to be read. Under
-this condition you can still read but you won't be able to write.
-=over 4
-=item B<errmode> - define action to be performed on error
- $mode = $obj->errmode;
- $prev = $obj->errmode($mode);
-This method gets or sets the action used when errors are encountered
-using the object. The first calling sequence returns the current
-error mode. The second calling sequence sets it to I<$mode> and
-returns the previous mode. Valid values for I<$mode> are C<"die">
-(the default), C<"return">, a I<coderef>, or an I<arrayref>.
-When mode is C<"die"> and an error is encountered using the object,
-then an error message is printed to standard error and the program
-When mode is C<"return"> then the method generating the error places
-an error message in the object and returns an undefined value in a
-scalar context and an empty list in list context. The error message
-may be obtained using C<errmsg()>.
-When mode is a I<coderef>, then when an error is encountered
-I<coderef> is called with the error message as its first argument.
-Using this mode you may have your own subroutine handle errors. If
-I<coderef> itself returns then the method generating the error returns
-undefined or an empty list depending on context.
-When mode is an I<arrayref>, the first element of the array must be a
-I<coderef>. Any elements that follow are the arguments to I<coderef>.
-When an error is encountered, the I<coderef> is called with its
-arguments. Using this mode you may have your own subroutine handle
-errors. If the I<coderef> itself returns then the method generating
-the error returns undefined or an empty list depending on context.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that's not C<"die">, C<"return">, a I<coderef>, or an
-I<arrayref> whose first element isn't a I<coderef>.
-=over 4
-=item B<errmsg> - most recent error message
- $msg = $obj->errmsg;
- $prev = $obj->errmsg(@msgs);
-The first calling sequence returns the error message associated with
-the object. The empty string is returned if no error has been
-encountered yet. The second calling sequence sets the error message
-for the object to the concatenation of I<@msgs> and returns the
-previous error message. Normally, error messages are set internally
-by a method when an error is encountered.
-=over 4
-=item B<error> - perform the error mode action
- $obj->error(@msgs);
-This method concatenates I<@msgs> into a string and places it in the
-object as the error message. Also see C<errmsg()>. It then performs
-the error mode action. Also see C<errmode()>.
-If the error mode doesn't cause the program to die, then an undefined
-value or an empty list is returned depending on the context.
-This method is primarily used by this class or a sub-class to perform
-the user requested action when an error is encountered.
-=over 4
-=item B<fhopen> - use already open filehandle for I/O
- $ok = $obj->fhopen($fh);
-This method associates the open filehandle I<$fh> with I<$obj> for
-further I/O. Filehandle I<$fh> must already be opened.
-Suppose you want to use the features of this module to do I/O to
-something other than a TCP port, for example STDIN or a filehandle
-opened to read from a process. Instead of opening the object for I/O
-to a TCP port by using C<open()> or C<new()>, call this method
-The value C<1> is returned success, the error mode action is performed
-on failure.
-=over 4
-=item B<get> - read block of data
- $data = $obj->get([Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method reads a block of data from the object and returns it along
-with any buffered data. If no buffered data is available to return,
-it will wait for data to read using the timeout specified in the
-object. You can override that timeout using I<$secs>. Also see
-C<timeout()>. If buffered data is available to return, it also checks
-for a block of data that can be immediately read.
-On eof an undefined value is returned. On time-out or other failures,
-the error mode action is performed. To distinguish between eof or an
-error occurring when the error mode is not set to C<"die">, use
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of binmode, errmode, telnetmode, and timeout.
-=over 4
-=item B<getline> - read next line
- $line = $obj->getline([Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Rs => $chars,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method reads and returns the next line of data from the object.
-You can use C<input_record_separator()> to change the notion of what
-separates a line. The default is C<"\n">. If a line isn't
-immediately available, this method blocks waiting for a line or a
-On eof an undefined value is returned. On time-out or other failures,
-the error mode action is performed. To distinguish between eof or an
-error occurring when the error mode is not set to C<"die">, use
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of binmode, errmode, input_record_separator, rs, telnetmode,
-and timeout. Rs is synonymous with input_record_separator.
-=over 4
-=item B<getlines> - read next lines
- @lines = $obj->getlines([Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Input_record_separator => $chars,]
- [Rs => $chars,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]
- [All => $boolean,]);
-This method reads and returns all the lines of data from the object
-until end of file is read. You can use C<input_record_separator()> to
-change the notion of what separates a line. The default is C<"\n">.
-A time-out error occurs if all the lines can't be read within the
-time-out interval. See C<timeout()>.
-The behavior of this method was changed in version 3.03. Prior to
-version 3.03 this method returned just the lines available from the
-next read. To get that old behavior, use the optional named parameter
-I<All> and set I<$boolean> to C<""> or C<0>.
-If only eof is read then an empty list is returned. On time-out or
-other failures, the error mode action is performed. Use C<eof()> to
-distinguish between reading only eof or an error occurring when the
-error mode is not set to C<"die">.
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of binmode, errmode, input_record_separator, rs, telnetmode,
-and timeout. Rs is synonymous with input_record_separator.
-=over 4
-=item B<host> - name of remote host
- $host = $obj->host;
- $prev = $obj->host($host);
-This method designates the remote host for C<open()>. With no
-argument it returns the current host name set in the object. With an
-argument it sets the current host name to I<$host> and returns the
-previous host name. You may indicate the remote host using either a
-hostname or an IP address.
-The default value is C<"localhost">. It may also be set by C<open()>
-or C<new()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<input_log> - log all input
- $fh = $obj->input_log;
- $fh = $obj->input_log($fh);
- $fh = $obj->input_log($filename);
-This method starts or stops logging of input. This is useful when
-debugging. Also see C<dump_log()>. Because most command interpreters
-echo back commands received, it's likely all your output will also be
-in this log. Note that input logging occurs after newline
-translation. See C<binmode()> for details on newline translation.
-If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. An empty
-string indicates logging is off.
-To stop logging, use an empty string as an argument.
-If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned.
-Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file
-is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned. If the file
-can't be opened for writing, the error mode action is performed.
-=over 4
-=item B<input_record_separator> - input line delimiter
- $chars = $obj->input_record_separator;
- $prev = $obj->input_record_separator($chars);
-This method designates the line delimiter for input. It's used with
-C<getline()>, C<getlines()>, and C<cmd()> to determine lines in the
-With no argument this method returns the current input record
-separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the input
-record separator to I<$chars> and returns the previous value. Note
-that I<$chars> must have length.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to a string with no length.
-=over 4
-=item B<last_prompt> - last prompt read
- $string = $obj->last_prompt;
- $prev = $obj->last_prompt($string);
-With no argument this method returns the last prompt read by cmd() or
-login(). See C<prompt()>. With an argument it sets the last prompt
-read to I<$string> and returns the previous value. Normally, only
-internal methods set the last prompt.
-=over 4
-=item B<lastline> - last line read
- $line = $obj->lastline;
- $prev = $obj->lastline($line);
-This method retrieves the last line read from the object. This may be
-a useful error message when the remote side abnormally closes the
-connection. Typically the remote side will print an error message
-before closing.
-With no argument this method returns the last line read from the
-object. With an argument it sets the last line read to I<$line> and
-returns the previous value. Normally, only internal methods set the
-last line.
-=over 4
-=item B<login> - perform standard login
- $ok = $obj->login($username, $password);
- $ok = $obj->login(Name => $username,
- Password => $password,
- [Errmode => $mode,]
- [Prompt => $match,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method performs a standard login by waiting for a login prompt
-and responding with I<$username>, then waiting for the password prompt
-and responding with I<$password>, and then waiting for the command
-interpreter prompt. If any of those prompts sent by the remote side
-don't match what's expected, this method will time-out, unless timeout
-is turned off.
-Login prompt must match either of these case insensitive patterns:
- /login[: ]*$/i
- /username[: ]*$/i
-Password prompt must match this case insensitive pattern:
- /password[: ]*$/i
-The command interpreter prompt must match the current setting of
-prompt. See C<prompt()>.
-Use C<dump_log()> to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you
-don't think it should.
-Consider using a combination of C<print()> and C<waitfor()> as an
-alternative to this method when it doesn't do what you want, e.g. the
-remote host doesn't prompt for a username.
-On success, C<1> is returned. On time out, eof, or other failures,
-the error mode action is performed. See C<errmode()>.
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of errmode, prompt, and timeout.
-=over 4
-=item B<max_buffer_length> - maximum size of input buffer
- $len = $obj->max_buffer_length;
- $prev = $obj->max_buffer_length($len);
-This method designates the maximum size of the input buffer. An error
-is generated when a read causes the buffer to exceed this limit. The
-default value is 1,048,576 bytes (1MB). The input buffer can grow
-much larger than the block size when you continuously read using
-C<getline()> or C<waitfor()> and the data stream contains no newlines
-or matching waitfor patterns.
-With no argument, this method returns the current maximum buffer
-length set in the object. With an argument it sets the maximum buffer
-length to I<$len> and returns the previous value. Values of I<$len>
-smaller than 512 will be adjusted to 512.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that isn't a positive integer.
-=over 4
-=item B<ofs> - field separator for print
- $chars = $obj->ofs
- $prev = $obj->ofs($chars);
-This method is synonymous with C<output_field_separator()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<open> - connect to port on remote host
- $ok = $obj->open($host);
- $ok = $obj->open([Host => $host,]
- [Port => $port,]
- [Errmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method opens a TCP connection to I<$port> on I<$host>. If either
-argument is missing then the current value of C<host()> or C<port()>
-is used. Optional named parameters are provided to override the
-current setting of errmode and timeout.
-On success C<1> is returned. On time-out or other connection
-failures, the error mode action is performed. See C<errmode()>.
-Time-outs don't work for this method on machines that don't implement
-SIGALRM - most notably MS-Windows machines. For those machines, an
-error is returned when the system reaches its own time-out while
-trying to connect.
-A side effect of this method is to reset the alarm interval associated
-with SIGALRM.
-=over 4
-=item B<option_accept> - indicate willingness to accept a TELNET option
- $fh = $obj->option_accept([Do => $telopt,]
- [Dont => $telopt,]
- [Will => $telopt,]
- [Wont => $telopt,]);
-This method is used to indicate whether to accept or reject an offer
-to enable a TELNET option made by the remote side. If you're using
-I<Do> or I<Will> to indicate a willingness to enable, then a
-notification callback must have already been defined by a prior call
-to C<option_callback()>. See C<option_callback()> for details on
-receiving enable/disable notification of a TELNET option.
-You can give multiple I<Do>, I<Dont>, I<Will>, or I<Wont> arguments
-for different TELNET options in the same call to this method.
-The following example describes the meaning of the named parameters.
-A TELNET option, such as C<TELOPT_ECHO> used below, is an integer
-constant that you can import from Net::Telnet. See the source in file for the complete list.
-=over 4
-=over 4
-we'll accept an offer to enable the echo option on the local side
-I<Dont> => C<TELOPT_ECHO>
-=over 4
-we'll reject an offer to enable the echo option on the local side
-I<Will> => C<TELOPT_ECHO>
-=over 4
-we'll accept an offer to enable the echo option on the remote side
-I<Wont> => C<TELOPT_ECHO>
-=over 4
-we'll reject an offer to enable the echo option on the remote side
-Use C<option_send()> to send a request to the remote side to enable or
-disable a particular TELNET option.
-=over 4
-=item B<option_callback> - define the option negotiation callback
- $coderef = $obj->option_callback;
- $prev = $obj->option_callback($coderef);
-This method defines the callback subroutine that's called when a
-TELNET option is enabled or disabled. Once defined, the
-I<option_callback> may not be undefined. However, calling this method
-with a different I<$coderef> changes it.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that isn't a coderef.
-Here are the circumstances that invoke I<$coderef>:
-=over 4
-An option becomes enabled because the remote side requested an enable
-and C<option_accept()> had been used to arrange that it be accepted.
-The remote side arbitrarily decides to disable an option that is
-currently enabled. Note that Net::Telnet always accepts a request to
-disable from the remote side.
-C<option_send()> was used to send a request to enable or disable an
-option and the response from the remote side has just been received.
-Note, that if a request to enable is rejected then I<$coderef> is
-still invoked even though the option didn't change.
-Here are the arguments passed to I<&$coderef>:
- &$coderef($obj, $option, $is_remote,
- $is_enabled, $was_enabled, $buf_position);
-=over 4
-1. I<$obj> is the Net::Telnet object
-2. I<$option> is the TELNET option. Net::Telnet exports constants
-for the various TELNET options which just equate to an integer.
-3. I<$is_remote> is a boolean indicating for which side the option
-4. I<$is_enabled> is a boolean indicating the option is enabled or
-5. I<$was_enabled> is a boolean indicating the option was previously
-enabled or disabled
-6. I<$buf_position> is an integer indicating the position in the
-object's input buffer where the option takes effect. See C<buffer()>
-to access the object's input buffer.
-=over 4
-=item B<option_log> - log all TELNET options sent or received
- $fh = $obj->option_log;
- $fh = $obj->option_log($fh);
- $fh = $obj->option_log($filename);
-This method starts or stops logging of all TELNET options being sent
-or received. This is useful for debugging when you send options via
-C<option_send()> or you arrange to accept option requests from the
-remote side via C<option_accept()>. Also see C<dump_log()>.
-If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. An empty
-string indicates logging is off.
-To stop logging, use an empty string as an argument.
-If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned.
-Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file
-is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned. If the file
-can't be opened for writing, the error mode action is performed.
-=over 4
-=item B<option_send> - send TELNET option negotiation request
- $ok = $obj->option_send([Do => $telopt,]
- [Dont => $telopt,]
- [Will => $telopt,]
- [Wont => $telopt,]
- [Async => $boolean,]);
-This method is not yet implemented. Look for it in a future version.
-=over 4
-=item B<option_state> - get current state of a TELNET option
- $hashref = $obj->option_state($telopt);
-This method returns a hashref containing a copy of the current state
-of TELNET option I<$telopt>.
-Here are the values returned in the hash:
-=over 4
-=over 4
-boolean that indicates if the option is enabled on the remote side.
-=over 4
-boolean that indicates if it's ok to accept an offer to enable this
-option on the remote side.
-=over 4
-string used to hold the internal state of option negotiation for this
-option on the remote side.
-=over 4
-boolean that indicates if the option is enabled on the local side.
-=over 4
-boolean that indicates if it's ok to accept an offer to enable this
-option on the local side.
-=over 4
-string used to hold the internal state of option negotiation for this
-option on the local side.
-=over 4
-=item B<ors> - output line delimiter
- $chars = $obj->ors;
- $prev = $obj->ors($chars);
-This method is synonymous with C<output_record_separator()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<output_field_separator> - field separator for print
- $chars = $obj->output_field_separator;
- $prev = $obj->output_field_separator($chars);
-This method designates the output field separator for C<print()>.
-Ordinarily the print method simply prints out the comma separated
-fields you specify. Set this to specify what's printed between
-With no argument this method returns the current output field
-separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the output
-field separator to I<$chars> and returns the previous value.
-By default it's set to an empty string.
-=over 4
-=item B<output_log> - log all output
- $fh = $obj->output_log;
- $fh = $obj->output_log($fh);
- $fh = $obj->output_log($filename);
-This method starts or stops logging of output. This is useful when
-debugging. Also see C<dump_log()>. Because most command interpreters
-echo back commands received, it's likely all your output would also be
-in an input log. See C<input_log()>. Note that output logging occurs
-before newline translation. See C<binmode()> for details on newline
-If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. An empty
-string indicates logging is off.
-To stop logging, use an empty string as an argument.
-If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned.
-Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file
-is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned. If the file
-can't be opened for writing, the error mode action is performed.
-=over 4
-=item B<output_record_separator> - output line delimiter
- $chars = $obj->output_record_separator;
- $prev = $obj->output_record_separator($chars);
-This method designates the output line delimiter for C<print()> and
-C<cmd()>. Set this to specify what's printed at the end of C<print()>
-and C<cmd()>.
-The output record separator is set to C<"\n"> by default, so there's
-no need to append all your commands with a newline. To avoid printing
-the output_record_separator use C<put()> or set the
-output_record_separator to an empty string.
-With no argument this method returns the current output record
-separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the output
-record separator to I<$chars> and returns the previous value.
-=over 4
-=item B<port> - remote port
- $port = $obj->port;
- $prev = $obj->port($port);
-This method designates the remote TCP port. With no argument this
-method returns the current port number. With an argument it sets the
-current port number to I<$port> and returns the previous port. If
-I<$port> is a TCP service name, then it's first converted to a port
-number using the perl function C<getservbyname()>.
-The default value is C<23>. It may also be set by C<open()> or
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that's not a positive integer or a valid TCP service
-=over 4
-=item B<print> - write to object
- $ok = $obj->print(@list);
-This method writes I<@list> followed by the I<output_record_separator>
-to the open object and returns C<1> if all data was successfully
-written. On time-out or other failures, the error mode action is
-performed. See C<errmode()>.
-By default, the C<output_record_separator()> is set to C<"\n"> so all
-your commands automatically end with a newline. In most cases your
-output is being read by a command interpreter which won't accept a
-command until newline is read. This is similar to someone typing a
-command and hitting the return key. To avoid printing a trailing
-C<"\n"> use C<put()> instead or set the output_record_separator to an
-empty string.
-On failure, it's possible that some data was written. If you choose
-to try and recover from a print timing-out, use C<print_length()> to
-determine how much was written before the error occurred.
-You may also use the output field separator to print a string between
-the list elements. See C<output_field_separator()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<print_length> - number of bytes written by print
- $num = $obj->print_length;
-This returns the number of bytes successfully written by the most
-recent C<print()> or C<put()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<prompt> - pattern to match a prompt
- $matchop = $obj->prompt;
- $prev = $obj->prompt($matchop);
-This method sets the pattern used to find a prompt in the input
-stream. It must be a string representing a valid perl pattern match
-operator. The methods C<login()> and C<cmd()> try to read until
-matching the prompt. They will fail with a time-out error if the
-pattern you've chosen doesn't match what the remote side sends.
-With no argument this method returns the prompt set in the object.
-With an argument it sets the prompt to I<$matchop> and returns the
-previous value.
-The default prompt is C<'/[\$%#E<gt>] $/'>
-Always use single quotes, instead of double quotes, to construct
-I<$matchop> (e.g. C<'/bash\$ $/'>). If you're constructing a DOS like
-file path, you'll need to use four backslashes to represent one
-(e.g. C<'/c:\\\\users\\\\billE<gt>$/i'>).
-Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like C<.>, C<[>, or
-C<$>. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor
-metacharacters C<^> and C<$> refer to positions in the input buffer.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-with a match operator missing its opening delimiter.
-=over 4
-=item B<put> - write to object
- $ok = $obj->put($string);
- $ok = $obj->put(String => $string,
- [Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method writes I<$string> to the opened object and returns C<1> if
-all data was successfully written. This method is like C<print()>
-except that it doesn't write the trailing output_record_separator
-("\n" by default). On time-out or other failures, the error mode
-action is performed. See C<errmode()>.
-On failure, it's possible that some data was written. If you choose
-to try and recover from a put timing-out, use C<print_length()> to
-determine how much was written before the error occurred.
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of binmode, errmode, telnetmode, and timeout.
-=over 4
-=item B<rs> - input line delimiter
- $chars = $obj->rs;
- $prev = $obj->rs($chars);
-This method is synonymous with C<input_record_separator()>.
-=over 4
-=item B<telnetmode> - turn off/on telnet command interpretation
- $mode = $obj->telnetmode;
- $prev = $obj->telnetmode($mode);
-This method controls whether or not TELNET commands in the data stream
-are recognized and handled. The TELNET protocol uses certain
-character sequences sent in the data stream to control the session.
-If the port you're connecting to isn't using the TELNET protocol, then
-you should turn this mode off. The default is I<on>.
-If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
-If I<$mode> is C<0> then telnet mode is off. If I<$mode> is C<1> then
-telnet mode is on.
-=over 4
-=item B<timed_out> - time-out indicator
- $boolean = $obj->timed_out;
- $prev = $obj->timed_out($boolean);
-This method indicates if a previous read, write, or open method
-timed-out. Remember that timing-out is itself an error. To be able
-to invoke C<timed_out()> after a time-out error, you'd have to change
-the default error mode to something other than C<"die">. See
-With no argument this method returns C<1> if the previous method
-timed-out. With an argument it sets the indicator. Normally, only
-internal methods set this indicator.
-=over 4
-=item B<timeout> - I/O time-out interval
- $secs = $obj->timeout;
- $prev = $obj->timeout($secs);
-This method sets the timeout interval that's used when performing I/O
-or connecting to a port. When a method doesn't complete within the
-timeout interval then it's an error and the error mode action is
-A timeout may be expressed as a relative or absolute value. If
-I<$secs> is greater than or equal to the time the program started, as
-determined by $^T, then it's an absolute time value for when time-out
-occurs. The perl function C<time()> may be used to obtain an absolute
-time value. For a relative time-out value less than $^T, time-out
-happens I<$secs> from when the method begins.
-If I<$secs> is C<0> then time-out occurs if the data cannot be
-immediately read or written. Use the undefined value to turn off
-timing-out completely.
-With no argument this method returns the timeout set in the object.
-With an argument it sets the timeout to I<$secs> and returns the
-previous value. The default timeout value is C<10> seconds.
-A warning is printed to STDERR when attempting to set this attribute
-to something that's not an C<undef> or a non-negative integer.
-=over 4
-=item B<waitfor> - wait for pattern in the input
- $ok = $obj->waitfor($matchop);
- $ok = $obj->waitfor([Match => $matchop,]
- [String => $string,]
- [Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
- ($prematch, $match) = $obj->waitfor($matchop);
- ($prematch, $match) = $obj->waitfor([Match => $matchop,]
- [String => $string,]
- [Binmode => $mode,]
- [Errmode => $errmode,]
- [Telnetmode => $mode,]
- [Timeout => $secs,]);
-This method reads until a pattern match or string is found in the
-input stream. All the characters before and including the match are
-removed from the input stream.
-In a list context the characters before the match and the matched
-characters are returned in I<$prematch> and I<$match>. In a scalar
-context, the matched characters and all characters before it are
-discarded and C<1> is returned on success. On time-out, eof, or other
-failures, for both list and scalar context, the error mode action is
-performed. See C<errmode()>.
-You can specify more than one pattern or string by simply providing
-multiple I<Match> and/or I<String> named parameters. A I<$matchop>
-must be a string representing a valid Perl pattern match operator.
-The I<$string> is just a substring to find in the input stream.
-Use C<dump_log()> to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you
-don't think it should.
-An optional named parameter is provided to override the current
-setting of timeout.
-To avoid unexpected backslash interpretation, always use single quotes
-instead of double quotes to construct a match operator argument for
-C<prompt()> and C<waitfor()> (e.g. C<'/bash\$ $/'>). If you're
-constructing a DOS like file path, you'll need to use four backslashes
-to represent one (e.g. C<'/c:\\\\users\\\\billE<gt>$/i'>).
-Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like C<.>, C<[>, or
-C<$>. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor
-metacharacters C<^> and C<$> refer to positions in the input buffer.
-Optional named parameters are provided to override the current
-settings of binmode, errmode, telnetmode, and timeout.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=over 2
-=item RFC 854
-S<TELNET Protocol Specification>
-=item RFC 1143
-S<Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation>
-=item TELNET Option Assignments
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-This example gets the current weather forecast for Brainerd, Minnesota.
- my ($forecast, $t);
- use Net::Telnet ();
- $t = new Net::Telnet;
- $t->open("");
- ## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".
- $t->waitfor('/continue:.*$/');
- $t->print("");
- ## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
- $t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');
- $t->print("BRD");
- ## Read and print the first page of forecast.
- ($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');
- print $forecast;
- exit;
-This example checks a POP server to see if you have mail.
- my ($hostname, $line, $passwd, $pop, $username);
- $hostname = "your_destination_host_here";
- $username = "your_username_here";
- $passwd = "your_password_here";
- use Net::Telnet ();
- $pop = new Net::Telnet (Telnetmode => 0);
- $pop->open(Host => $hostname,
- Port => 110);
- ## Read connection message.
- $line = $pop->getline;
- die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
- ## Send user name.
- $pop->print("user $username");
- $line = $pop->getline;
- die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
- ## Send password.
- $pop->print("pass $passwd");
- $line = $pop->getline;
- die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
- ## Request status of messages.
- $pop->print("list");
- $line = $pop->getline;
- print $line;
- exit;
-Here's an example that uses the ssh program to connect to a remote
-host. Because the ssh program reads and writes to its controlling
-terminal, the IO::Pty module is used to create a new pseudo terminal
-for use by ssh. A new Net::Telnet object is then created to read and
-write to that pseudo terminal. To use the code below, substitute
-"changeme" with the actual host, user, password, and command prompt.
- ## Main program.
- {
- my ($pty, $ssh, @lines);
- my $host = "changeme";
- my $user = "changeme";
- my $password = "changeme";
- my $prompt = '/changeme:~> $/';
- ## Start ssh program.
- $pty = &spawn("ssh", "-l", $user, $host); # spawn() defined below
- ## Create a Net::Telnet object to perform I/O on ssh's tty.
- use Net::Telnet;
- $ssh = new Net::Telnet (-fhopen => $pty,
- -prompt => $prompt,
- -telnetmode => 0,
- -cmd_remove_mode => 1,
- -output_record_separator => "\r");
- ## Login to remote host.
- $ssh->waitfor(-match => '/password: ?$/i',
- -errmode => "return")
- or die "problem connecting to host: ", $ssh->lastline;
- $ssh->print($password);
- $ssh->waitfor(-match => $ssh->prompt,
- -errmode => "return")
- or die "login failed: ", $ssh->lastline;
- ## Send command, get and print its output.
- @lines = $ssh->cmd("who");
- print @lines;
- exit;
- } # end main program
- sub spawn {
- my(@cmd) = @_;
- my($pid, $pty, $tty, $tty_fd);
- ## Create a new pseudo terminal.
- use IO::Pty ();
- $pty = new IO::Pty
- or die $!;
- ## Execute the program in another process.
- unless ($pid = fork) { # child process
- die "problem spawning program: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
- ## Disassociate process from existing controlling terminal.
- use POSIX ();
- POSIX::setsid
- or die "setsid failed: $!";
- ## Associate process with a new controlling terminal.
- $tty = $pty->slave;
- $tty_fd = $tty->fileno;
- close $pty;
- ## Make stdio use the new controlling terminal.
- open STDIN, "<&$tty_fd" or die $!;
- open STDOUT, ">&$tty_fd" or die $!;
- open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die $!;
- close $tty;
- ## Execute requested program.
- exec @cmd
- or die "problem executing $cmd[0]\n";
- } # end child process
- $pty;
- } # end sub spawn
-Here's an example that changes a user's login password. Because the
-passwd program always prompts for passwords on its controlling
-terminal, the IO::Pty module is used to create a new pseudo terminal
-for use by passwd. A new Net::Telnet object is then created to read
-and write to that pseudo terminal. To use the code below, substitute
-"changeme" with the actual old and new passwords.
- my ($pty, $passwd);
- my $oldpw = "changeme";
- my $newpw = "changeme";
- ## Start passwd program.
- $pty = &spawn("passwd"); # spawn() defined above
- ## Create a Net::Telnet object to perform I/O on passwd's tty.
- use Net::Telnet;
- $passwd = new Net::Telnet (-fhopen => $pty,
- -timeout => 2,
- -output_record_separator => "\r",
- -telnetmode => 0,
- -cmd_remove_mode => 1);
- $passwd->errmode("return");
- ## Send existing password.
- $passwd->waitfor('/password: ?$/i')
- or die "no old password prompt: ", $passwd->lastline;
- $passwd->print($oldpw);
- ## Send new password.
- $passwd->waitfor('/new password: ?$/i')
- or die "bad old password: ", $passwd->lastline;
- $passwd->print($newpw);
- ## Send new password verification.
- $passwd->waitfor('/new password: ?$/i')
- or die "bad new password: ", $passwd->lastline;
- $passwd->print($newpw);
- ## Display success or failure.
- $passwd->waitfor('/changed/')
- or die "bad new password: ", $passwd->lastline;
- print $passwd->lastline;
- $passwd->close;
- exit;
-Here's an example you can use to down load a file of any type. The
-file is read from the remote host's standard output using cat. To
-prevent any output processing, the remote host's standard output is
-put in raw mode using the Bourne shell. The Bourne shell is used
-because some shells, notably tcsh, prevent changing tty modes. Upon
-completion, FTP style statistics are printed to stderr.
- my ($block, $filename, $host, $hostname, $k_per_sec, $line,
- $num_read, $passwd, $prevblock, $prompt, $size, $size_bsd,
- $size_sysv, $start_time, $total_time, $username);
- $hostname = "your_destination_host_here";
- $username = "your_username_here";
- $passwd = "your_password_here";
- $filename = "your_download_file_here";
- ## Connect and login.
- use Net::Telnet ();
- $host = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 30,
- Prompt => '/[%#>] $/');
- $host->open($hostname);
- $host->login($username, $passwd);
- ## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
- $prompt = "_funkyPrompt_";
- $host->prompt("/$prompt\$/");
- $host->cmd("set prompt = '$prompt'");
- ## Get size of file.
- ($line) = $host->cmd("/bin/ls -l $filename");
- ($size_bsd, $size_sysv) = (split ' ', $line)[3,4];
- if ($size_sysv =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $size = $size_sysv;
- }
- elsif ($size_bsd =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $size = $size_bsd;
- }
- else {
- die "$filename: no such file on $hostname";
- }
- ## Start sending the file.
- binmode STDOUT;
- $host->binmode(1);
- $host->print("/bin/sh -c 'stty raw; cat $filename'");
- $host->getline; # discard echoed back line
- ## Read file a block at a time.
- $num_read = 0;
- $prevblock = "";
- $start_time = time;
- while (($block = $host->get) and ($block !~ /$prompt$/o)) {
- if (length $block >= length $prompt) {
- print $prevblock;
- $num_read += length $prevblock;
- $prevblock = $block;
- }
- else {
- $prevblock .= $block;
- }
- }
- $host->close;
- ## Print last block without trailing prompt.
- $prevblock .= $block;
- $prevblock =~ s/$prompt$//;
- print $prevblock;
- $num_read += length $prevblock;
- die "error: expected size $size, received size $num_read\n"
- unless $num_read == $size;
- ## Print totals.
- $total_time = (time - $start_time) || 1;
- $k_per_sec = ($size / 1024) / $total_time;
- $k_per_sec = sprintf "%3.1f", $k_per_sec;
- warn("$num_read bytes received in $total_time seconds ",
- "($k_per_sec Kbytes/s)\n");
- exit;
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Jay Rogers <>
-Copyright 1997, 2000, 2002 by Jay Rogers. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.