path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1085 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Test/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Test/
deleted file mode 100644
index efb638a97c1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/Test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1085 +0,0 @@
-# Test::Reporter - sends test results to
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Adam J. Foxson.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 David A. Golden
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Ricardo Signes
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Richard Soderberg.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-package Test::Reporter;
-use strict;
-use Cwd;
-use Config;
-use Carp;
-use Net::SMTP;
-use FileHandle;
-use File::Temp;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use Time::Local ();
-use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD $Tempfile $Report $DNS $Domain $Send);
-use constant FAKE_NO_NET_DNS => 0; # for debugging only
-use constant FAKE_NO_NET_DOMAIN => 0; # for debugging only
-use constant FAKE_NO_MAIL_SEND => 0; # for debugging only
-$VERSION = '1.4002';
-local $^W = 1;
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $class = ref($type) || $type;
- my $self = {
- '_mx' => [''],
- '_address' => '',
- '_grade' => undef,
- '_distribution' => undef,
- '_report' => undef,
- '_subject' => undef,
- '_from' => undef,
- '_comments' => '',
- '_errstr' => '',
- '_via' => '',
- '_timeout' => 120,
- '_debug' => 0,
- '_dir' => '',
- '_subject_lock' => 0,
- '_report_lock' => 0,
- '_perl_version' => {
- '_archname' => $Config{archname},
- '_osvers' => $Config{osvers},
- '_myconfig' => Config::myconfig(),
- },
- '_transport' => '',
- '_transport_args' => [],
- '_mail_send_args' => '', # deprecated -> use _transport_args
- };
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->{_attr} = {
- map {$_ => 1} qw(
- _address _distribution _comments _errstr _via _timeout _debug _dir
- )
- };
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": new\n" if $self->debug();
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": new: even number of named arguments required"
- unless scalar @_ % 2 == 0;
- $self->_process_params(@_) if @_;
- $self->transport('Net::SMTP') unless $self->transport();
- $self->_get_mx(@_) if $self->_have_net_dns();
- return $self;
-sub _get_mx {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _get_mx\n" if $self->debug();
- my %params = @_;
- return if exists $params{'mx'};
- my $dom = $params{'address'} || $self->address();
- my @mx;
- $dom =~ s/^.+\@//;
- for my $mx (sort {$a->preference() <=> $b->preference()} Net::DNS::mx($dom)) {
- push @mx, $mx->exchange();
- }
- if (not @mx) {
- warn __PACKAGE__,
- ": _get_mx: unable to find MX's for $dom, using defaults\n" if
- $self->debug();
- return;
- }
- $self->mx(\@mx);
-sub _process_params {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _process_params\n" if $self->debug();
- my %params = @_;
- my @defaults = qw(
- mx address grade distribution from comments via timeout debug dir perl_version transport_args transport );
- my %defaults = map {$_ => 1} @defaults;
- for my $param (keys %params) {
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": new: parameter '$param' is invalid." unless
- exists $defaults{$param};
- }
- # XXX need to process transport_args directly rather than through
- # the following -- store array ref directly
- for my $param (keys %params) {
- $self->$param($params{$param});
- }
-sub subject {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": subject\n" if $self->debug();
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": subject: grade and distribution must first be set"
- if not defined $self->{_grade} or not defined $self->{_distribution};
- return $self->{_subject} if $self->{_subject_lock};
- my $subject = uc($self->{_grade}) . ' ' . $self->{_distribution} .
- " $self->{_perl_version}->{_archname} $self->{_perl_version}->{_osvers}";
- return $self->{_subject} = $subject;
-sub report {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": report\n" if $self->debug();
- return $self->{_report} if $self->{_report_lock};
- my $report;
- $report .= "This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers\n";
- $report .= "effort to test as many new uploads to CPAN as possible. See\n";
- $report .= "\n\n";
- if (not $self->{_comments}) {
- $report .= "\n\n--\n\n";
- }
- else {
- $report .= "\n--\n" . $self->{_comments} . "\n--\n\n";
- }
- $report .= $self->{_perl_version}->{_myconfig};
- chomp $report;
- chomp $report;
- return $self->{_report} = $report;
-sub grade {
- my ($self, $grade) = @_;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": grade\n" if $self->debug();
- my %grades = (
- 'pass' => "all tests passed",
- 'fail' => "one or more tests failed",
- 'na' => "distribution will not work on this platform",
- 'unknown' => "distribution did not include tests",
- );
- return $self->{_grade} if scalar @_ == 1;
- croak __PACKAGE__, ":grade: '$grade' is invalid, choose from: " .
- join ' ', keys %grades unless $grades{$grade};
- return $self->{_grade} = $grade;
-sub transport {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": transport\n" if $self->debug();
- return $self->{_transport} unless scalar @_;
- my $transport = shift;
- my $transport_class = "Test::Reporter::Transport::$transport";
- unless ( eval "require $transport_class; 1" ) {
- croak __PACKAGE__ . ": could not load '$transport_class'\n$@\n";
- }
- my @args = @_;
- if ( @args && $transport eq 'Mail::Send' && ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- # treat as old form of Mail::Send arguments and convert to list
- $self->transport_args(@{$args[0]});
- }
- elsif ( @args ) {
- $self->transport_args(@args);
- }
- return $self->{_transport} = $transport;
-sub edit_comments {
- my($self, %args) = @_;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": edit_comments\n" if $self->debug();
- my %tempfile_args = (
- UNLINK => 1,
- SUFFIX => '.txt',
- );
- if (exists $args{'suffix'} && defined $args{'suffix'} && length $args{'suffix'}) {
- $tempfile_args{SUFFIX} = $args{'suffix'};
- # prefix the extension with a period, if the user didn't.
- $tempfile_args{SUFFIX} =~ s/^(?!\.)(?=.)/./;
- }
- ($Tempfile, $Report) = File::Temp::tempfile(%tempfile_args);
- print $Tempfile $self->{_comments};
- $self->_start_editor();
- my $comments;
- {
- local $/;
- open FH, $Report or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't open comment file '$Report': $!";
- $comments = <FH>;
- close FH or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't close comment file '$Report': $!";
- }
- chomp $comments;
- $self->{_comments} = $comments;
- return;
-sub send {
- my ($self, @recipients) = @_;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": send\n" if $self->debug();
- $self->from();
- $self->report();
- $self->subject();
- return unless $self->_verify();
- if ($self->_is_a_perl_release($self->distribution())) {
- $self->errstr(__PACKAGE__ . ": use perlbug for reporting test " .
- "results against perl itself");
- return;
- }
- my $transport_type = $self->transport() || 'Net::SMTP';
- my $transport_class = "Test::Reporter::Transport::$transport_type";
- my $transport = $transport_class->new( $self->transport_args() );
- unless ( eval { $transport->send( $self, \@recipients ) } ) {
- $self->errstr(__PACKAGE__ . ": error from '$transport_class:'\n$@\n");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-sub write {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": write\n" if $self->debug();
- my $from = $self->from();
- my $report = $self->report();
- my $subject = $self->subject();
- my $distribution = $self->distribution();
- my $grade = $self->grade();
- my $dir = $self->dir() || cwd;
- return unless $self->_verify();
- $distribution =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+//g;
- my($fh, $file); unless ($fh = $_[0]) {
- $file = "$grade.$distribution.$self->{_perl_version}->{_archname}.$self->{_perl_version}->{_osvers}.${\(time)}.$$.rpt";
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $file = "$grade.$distribution.$self->{_perl_version}->{_archname}";
- my $ext = "$self->{_perl_version}->{_osvers}.${\(time)}.$$.rpt";
- # only 1 period in filename
- # we also only have 39.39 for filename
- $file =~ s/\./_/g;
- $ext =~ s/\./_/g;
- $file = $file . '.' . $ext;
- }
- $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
- warn $file if $self->debug();
- $fh = FileHandle->new();
- open $fh, ">$file" or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't open report file '$file': $!";
- }
- print $fh "From: $from\n";
- print $fh "Subject: $subject\n";
- print $fh "Report: $report";
- unless ($_[0]) {
- close $fh or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't close report file '$file': $!";
- warn $file if $self->debug();
- return $file;
- } else {
- return $fh;
- }
-sub read {
- my ($self, $file) = @_;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": read\n" if $self->debug();
- my $buffer;
- {
- local $/;
- open REPORT, $file or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't open report file '$file': $!";
- $buffer = <REPORT>;
- close REPORT or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't close report file '$file': $!";
- }
- if (my ($from, $subject, $report) = $buffer =~ /^From:\s(.+)Subject:\s(.+)Report:\s(.+)$/s) {
- my ($grade, $distribution) = (split /\s/, $subject)[0,1];
- $self->from($from) unless $self->from();
- $self->{_subject} = $subject;
- $self->{_report} = $report;
- $self->{_grade} = lc $grade;
- $self->{_distribution} = $distribution;
- $self->{_subject_lock} = 1;
- $self->{_report_lock} = 1;
- } else {
- die __PACKAGE__, ": Failed to parse report file '$file'\n";
- }
- return $self;
-sub _verify {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _verify\n" if $self->debug();
- my @undefined;
- for my $key (keys %{$self}) {
- push @undefined, $key unless defined $self->{$key};
- }
- $self->errstr(__PACKAGE__ . ": Missing values for: " .
- join ', ', map {$_ =~ /^_(.+)$/} @undefined) if
- scalar @undefined > 0;
- return $self->errstr() ? return 0 : return 1;
-# Courtesy of Email::MessageID
-sub message_id {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": message_id\n" if $self->debug();
- my $unique_value = 0;
- my @CHARS = ('A'..'F','a'..'f',0..9);
- my $length = 3;
- $length = rand(8) until $length > 3;
- my $pseudo_random = join '', (map $CHARS[rand $#CHARS], 0 .. $length), $unique_value++;
- my $user = join '.', time, $pseudo_random, $$;
- return '<' . $user . '@' . Sys::Hostname::hostname() . '>';
-sub from {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": from\n" if $self->debug();
- if (@_) {
- $self->{_from} = shift;
- return $self->{_from};
- }
- else {
- return $self->{_from} if defined $self->{_from} and $self->{_from};
- $self->{_from} = $self->_mailaddress();
- return $self->{_from};
- }
-sub mx {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": mx\n" if $self->debug();
- if (@_) {
- my $mx = shift;
- croak __PACKAGE__,
- ": mx: array reference required" if ref $mx ne 'ARRAY';
- $self->{_mx} = $mx;
- }
- return $self->{_mx};
-# Deprecated, but kept for backwards compatibility
-# Passes through to transport_args -- converting from array ref to list to
-# store and converting from list to array ref to get
-sub mail_send_args {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": mail_send_args\n" if $self->debug();
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": mail_send_args cannot be called unless Mail::Send is installed\n" unless $self->_have_mail_send();
- if (@_) {
- my $mail_send_args = shift;
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": mail_send_args: array reference required\n"
- if ref $mail_send_args ne 'ARRAY';
- $self->transport_args(@$mail_send_args);
- }
- return [ $self->transport_args() ];
-sub transport_args {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": transport_args\n" if $self->debug();
- if (@_) {
- $self->{_transport_args} = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [ @_ ];
- }
- return @{ $self->{_transport_args} };
-sub perl_version {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": perl_version\n" if $self->debug();
- if( @_) {
- my $perl = shift;
- my $q = ( ($^O eq "MSWin32") || ($^O eq 'VMS') ) ? '"' : "'"; # quote for command-line perl
- my $magick = int(rand(1000)); # just to check that we get a valid result back
- my $cmd = "$perl -MConfig -e$q print qq{$magick\n\$Config{archname}\n\$Config{osvers}\n},Config::myconfig();$q";
- if($^O eq 'VMS'){
- my $sh = $Config{'sh'};
- $cmd = "$sh $perl $q-MConfig$q -e$q print qq{$magick\\n\$Config{archname}\\n\$Config{osvers}\\n},Config::myconfig();$q";
- }
- my $conf = `$cmd`;
- my %conf;
- ( @conf{ qw( magick _archname _osvers _myconfig) } ) = split( /\n/, $conf, 4);
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": cannot get perl version info from $perl: $conf" if( $conf{magick} ne $magick);
- delete $conf{magick};
- $self->{_perl_version} = \%conf;
- }
- return $self->{_perl_version};
- my $self = $_[0];
- my ($package, $method) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /(.*)::(.*)/);
- return if $method =~ /^DESTROY$/;
- unless ($self->{_attr}->{"_$method"}) {
- croak __PACKAGE__, ": No such method: $method; aborting";
- }
- my $code = q{
- sub {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": METHOD\n" if $self->{_debug};
- $self->{_METHOD} = shift if @_;
- return $self->{_METHOD};
- }
- };
- $code =~ s/METHOD/$method/g;
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *$AUTOLOAD = eval $code;
- }
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
-sub _have_net_dns {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _have_net_dns\n" if $self->debug();
- return $DNS if defined $DNS;
- return 0 if FAKE_NO_NET_DNS;
- $DNS = eval {require Net::DNS};
-sub _have_net_domain {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _have_net_domain\n" if $self->debug();
- return $Domain if defined $Domain;
- return 0 if FAKE_NO_NET_DOMAIN;
- $Domain = eval {require Net::Domain};
-sub _have_mail_send {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _have_mail_send\n" if $self->debug();
- return $Send if defined $Send;
- return 0 if FAKE_NO_MAIL_SEND;
- $Send = eval {require Mail::Send};
-sub _start_editor {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _start_editor\n" if $self->debug();
- my $editor = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{EDIT}
- || ($^O eq 'VMS' and "edit/tpu")
- || ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and "notepad")
- || 'vi';
- $editor = $self->_prompt('Editor', $editor);
- die __PACKAGE__, ": The editor `$editor' could not be run" if system "$editor $Report";
- die __PACKAGE__, ": Report has disappeared; terminated" unless -e $Report;
- die __PACKAGE__, ": Empty report; terminated" unless -s $Report > 2;
-sub _prompt {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _prompt\n" if $self->debug();
- my ($label, $default) = @_;
- printf "$label%s", (" [$default]: ");
- my $input = scalar <STDIN>;
- chomp $input;
- return (length $input) ? $input : $default;
-# From Mail::Util 1.74 (c) 1995-2001 Graham Barr (c) 2002-2005 Mark Overmeer
-sub _maildomain {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _maildomain\n" if $self->debug();
- my $domain = $ENV{MAILDOMAIN};
- return $domain if defined $domain;
- local *CF;
- local $_;
- my @sendmailcf = qw(
- /etc /etc/sendmail /etc/ucblib /etc/mail /usr/lib /var/adm/sendmail
- );
- my $config = (grep(-r, map("$_/", @sendmailcf)))[0];
- if (defined $config && open(CF, $config)) {
- my %var;
- while (<CF>) {
- if (my ($v, $arg) = /^D([a-zA-Z])([\w.\$\-]+)/) {
- $arg =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z])/exists $var{$1} ? $var{$1} : '$'.$1/eg;
- $var{$v} = $arg;
- }
- }
- close(CF) || die $!;
- $domain = $var{j} if defined $var{j};
- $domain = $var{M} if defined $var{M};
- $domain = $1
- if ($domain && $domain =~ m/([A-Za-z0-9](?:[\.\-A-Za-z0-9]+))/);
- undef $domain if $^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/;
- return $domain if (defined $domain && $domain !~ /\$/);
- }
- if (open(CF, "/usr/lib/smail/config")) {
- while (<CF>) {
- if (/\A\s*hostnames?\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
- $domain = (split(/:/,$1))[0];
- undef $domain if $^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/;
- last if defined $domain and $domain;
- }
- }
- close(CF) || die $!;
- return $domain if defined $domain;
- }
- if (eval {require Net::SMTP}) {
- my $host;
- for $host (qw(mailhost localhost)) {
- my $smtp = eval {Net::SMTP->new($host)};
- if (defined $smtp) {
- $domain = $smtp->domain;
- $smtp->quit;
- undef $domain if $^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/;
- last if defined $domain and $domain;
- }
- }
- }
- unless (defined $domain) {
- if ($self->_have_net_domain()) {
- ###################################################################
- # The below statement might possibly exhibit intermittent blocking
- # behavior. Be advised!
- ###################################################################
- $domain = Net::Domain::domainname();
- undef $domain if $^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/;
- }
- }
- $domain = "localhost" unless defined $domain;
- return $domain;
-# From Mail::Util 1.74 (c) 1995-2001 Graham Barr (c) 2002-2005 Mark Overmeer
-sub _mailaddress {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _mailaddress\n" if $self->debug();
- my $mailaddress = $ENV{MAILADDRESS};
- $mailaddress ||= $ENV{USER} ||
- eval {getpwuid($>)} ||
- "postmaster";
- $mailaddress .= '@' . $self->_maildomain() unless $mailaddress =~ /\@/;
- $mailaddress =~ s/(^.*<|>.*$)//g;
- my $realname = $self->_realname();
- if ($realname) {
- $mailaddress = "$mailaddress ($realname)";
- }
- return $mailaddress;
-sub _realname {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _realname\n" if $self->debug();
- my $realname = '';
- $realname =
- eval {(split /,/, (getpwuid($>))[6])[0]} ||
- return $realname;
-sub _is_a_perl_release {
- my $self = shift;
- warn __PACKAGE__, ": _is_a_perl_release\n" if $self->debug();
- my $perl = shift;
- return $perl =~ /^perl-?\d\.\d/;
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Reporter - sends test results to
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Reporter;
- my $reporter = Test::Reporter->new();
- $reporter->grade('pass');
- $reporter->distribution('Mail-Freshmeat-1.20');
- $reporter->send() || die $reporter->errstr();
- # or
- my $reporter = Test::Reporter->new();
- $reporter->grade('fail');
- $reporter->distribution('Mail-Freshmeat-1.20');
- $reporter->comments('output of a failed make test goes here...');
- $reporter->edit_comments(); # if you want to edit comments in an editor
- $reporter->send('') || die $reporter->errstr();
- # or
- my $reporter = Test::Reporter->new(
- grade => 'fail',
- distribution => 'Mail-Freshmeat-1.20',
- from => ' (Whoever Wherever)',
- comments => 'output of a failed make test goes here...',
- via => 'CPANPLUS X.Y.Z',
- );
- $reporter->send() || die $reporter->errstr();
-Test::Reporter reports the test results of any given distribution to the CPAN
-Testers. Test::Reporter has wide support for various perl5's and platforms. For
-further information visit the below links:
-=over 4
-=item * L<>
-CPAN Testers reports (new site)
-=item * L<>
-CPAN Testers reports (old site)
-=item * L<>
-The new CPAN Testers Wiki (thanks Barbie!)
-=item * L<>
-The cpan-testers mailing list
-Test::Reporter itself--as a project--also has several links for your visiting
-=over 4
-=item * L<>
-Test::Reporter's master project page
-=item * L<>
-Discussion group for Test::Reporter
-=item * L<>
-The Wiki for Test::Reporter
-=item * L<>
-Test::Reporter's public git source code repository.
-=item * L<>
-Test::Reporter on CPAN
-=item * L<>
-Please file all bug reports and enhancement requests at our Google Code issue
-tracker. Thank you for your support and understanding.
-=item * L<>
-=item * L<>
-If you happen to--for some strange reason--be looking for primordial versions
-of Test::Reporter, you can almost certainly find them at the above 2 links.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item * B<address>
-Optional. Gets or sets the e-mail address that the reports will be
-sent to. By default, this is set to You shouldn't
-need this unless the CPAN Tester's change the e-mail address to send
-report's to.
-=item * B<comments>
-Optional. Gets or sets the comments on the test report. This is most
-commonly used for distributions that did not pass a 'make test'.
-=item * B<debug>
-Optional. Gets or sets the value that will turn debugging on or off.
-Debug messages are sent to STDERR. 1 for on, 0 for off. Debugging
-generates very verbose output and is useful mainly for finding bugs
-in Test::Reporter itself.
-=item * B<dir>
-Optional. Defaults to the current working directory. This method specifies
-the directory that write() writes test report files to.
-=item * B<distribution>
-Gets or sets the name of the distribution you're working on, for example
-Foo-Bar-0.01. There are no restrictions on what can be put here.
-=item * B<edit_comments>
-Optional. Allows one to interactively edit the comments within a text
-editor. comments() doesn't have to be first specified, but it will work
-properly if it was. Accepts an optional hash of arguments:
-=over 4
-=item * B<suffix>
-Optional. Allows one to specify the suffix ("extension") of the temp
-file used by B<edit_comments>. Defaults to '.txt'.
-=item * B<errstr>
-Returns an error message describing why something failed. You must check
-errstr() on a send() in order to be guaranteed delivery. This is optional
-if you don't intend to use Test::Reporter to send reports via e-mail,
-see 'send' below for more information.
-=item * B<from>
-Optional. Gets or sets the e-mail address of the individual submitting
-the test report, i.e. " (Adam Foxson)". This is
-mostly of use to testers running under Windows, since Test::Reporter
-will usually figure this out automatically. Alternatively, you can use
-the MAILADDRESS environmental variable to accomplish the same.
-=item * B<grade>
-Gets or sets the success or failure of the distributions's 'make test'
-result. This must be one of:
- grade meaning
- ----- -------
- pass all tests passed
- fail one or more tests failed
- na distribution will not work on this platform
- unknown distribution did not include tests
-=item * B<mail_send_args> -- DEPRECATED
-Kept for backwards compatibility. Use C<transport_args> instead.
-Optional. If you have MailTools installed and you want to have it
-behave in a non-default manner, parameters that you give this
-method will be passed directly to the constructor of
-Mail::Mailer. See L<Mail::Mailer> and L<Mail::Send> for details.
-=item * B<message_id>
-Returns an automatically generated Message ID. This Message ID will later
-be included as an outgoing mail header in the test report e-mail. This was
-included to conform to local mail policies at This method courtesy
-of Email::MessageID.
-=item * B<mx>
-Optional. Gets or sets the mail exchangers that will be used to send
-the test reports. If you override the default values make sure you
-pass in a reference to an array. By default, this contains the MX's
-known at the time of release for If you do not have
-Mail::Send installed (thus using the Net::SMTP interface) and do have
-Net::DNS installed it will dynamically retrieve the latest MX's. You
-really shouldn't need to use this unless the hardcoded MX's have
-become wrong and you don't have Net::DNS installed.
-=item * B<new>
-This constructor returns a Test::Reporter object. It will optionally accept
-named parameters for: mx, address, grade, distribution, from, comments,
-via, timeout, debug, dir, perl_version, and transport.
-=item * B<perl_version>
-Returns a hashref containing _archname, _osvers, and _myconfig based upon the
-perl that you are using. Alternatively, you may supply a different perl (path
-to the binary) as an argument, in which case the supplied perl will be used as
-the basis of the above data.
-=item * B<report>
-Returns the actual content of a report, i.e.
-"This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers...".
-'comments' must first be specified before calling this method, if you have
-comments to make and expect them to be included in the report.
-=item * B<send>
-Sends the test report to and cc's the e-mail to the
-specified recipients, if any. If you do specify recipients to be cc'd and
-you do not have Mail::Send installed be sure that you use the author's address otherwise they will not be delivered. You must check
-errstr() on a send() in order to be guaranteed delivery. Technically, this
-is optional, as you may use Test::Reporter to only obtain the 'subject' and
-'report' without sending an e-mail at all, although that would be unusual.
-=item * B<subject>
-Returns the subject line of a report, i.e.
-"PASS Mail-Freshmeat-1.20 Darwin 6.0". 'grade' and 'distribution' must
-first be specified before calling this method.
-=item * B<timeout>
-Optional. Gets or sets the timeout value for the submission of test
-reports. Default is 120 seconds.
-=item * B<transport>
-Optional. Gets or sets the transport type. The transport type argument is
-refers to a 'Test::Reporter::Transport' subclass. The default is 'Net::SMTP',
-which uses the [Test::Reporter::Transport::Net::SMTP] class.
-You can add additional arguments after the transport
-selection. These will be passed to the constructor of the lower-level
-transport. This can be used to great effect for all manner of fun and
-enjoyment. ;-) See C<transport_args>.
-If L<Net::SMTP::TLS> is used, 'Username' and 'Password' key-value transport
-arguments must be provided.
- $reporter->transport(
- 'Net::SMTP::TLS', Username => 'jdoe', Password => '123'
- );
-If the 'HTTP' transport is used, two additional arguments are required:
-a URL to a L<Test::Reporter::HTTPGateway> compatible server and an (optional)
-API key.
- $reporter->transport(
- 'HTTP', '', '123456'
- );
-This is not designed to be an extensible platform upon which to build
-transport plugins. That functionality is planned for the next-generation
-release of Test::Reporter, which will reside in the CPAN::Testers namespace.
-=item * B<transport_args>
-Optional. Gets or sets transport arguments that will used in the constructor
-for the selected transport, as appropriate.
-=item * B<via>
-Optional. Gets or sets the value that will be appended to
-X-Reported-Via, generally this is useful for distributions that use
-Test::Reporter to report test results. This would be something
-like "CPANPLUS 0.036".
-=item * B<write and read>
-These methods are used in situations where you test on a machine that has
-port 25 blocked and there is no local MTA. You use write() on the machine
-that you are testing from, transfer the written test reports from the
-testing machine to the sending machine, and use read() on the machine that
-you actually want to submit the reports from. write() will write a file in
-an internal format that contains 'From', 'Subject', and the content of the
-report. The filename will be represented as: write()
-uses the value of dir() if it was specified, else the cwd.
-On the machine you are testing from:
- my $reporter = Test::Reporter->new
- (
- grade => 'pass',
- distribution => 'Test-Reporter-1.16',
- )->write();
-On the machine you are submitting from:
- my $reporter;
- $reporter = Test::Reporter->new()->read('pass.Test-Reporter-1.16.i686-linux.')->send() || die $reporter->errstr(); # wrap in an opendir if you've a lot to submit
-write() also accepts an optional filehandle argument:
- my $fh; open $fh, '>-'; # create a STDOUT filehandle object
- $reporter->write($fh); # prints the report to STDOUT
-=head1 CAVEATS
-If you specify recipients to be cc'd while using send() (and you do not have
-Mail::Send installed) be sure that you use the author's address
-otherwise they may not be delivered, since the MX's are unlikely
-to relay for anything other than and
-If you experience a long delay sending mail with Test::Reporter, you may be
-experiencing a wait as Test::Reporter attempts to determine your email
-domain. Setting the MAILDOMAIN environment variable will avoid this delay.
- Copyright (C) 2008 David A. Golden.
- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Adam J. Foxson.
- Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Richard Soderberg.
- All rights reserved.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=over 4
-=item * L<perl>
-=item * L<Config>
-=item * L<Net::SMTP>
-=item * L<Net::SMTP::TLS>
-=item * L<File::Spec>
-=item * L<File::Temp>
-=item * L<Net::Domain>
-This is optional. If it's installed Test::Reporter will try even
-harder at guessing your mail domain.
-=item * L<Net::DNS>
-This is optional. If it's installed Test::Reporter will dynamically
-retrieve the mail exchangers for, instead of relying on the
-MX's known at the time of this release.
-=item * L<Mail::Send>
-This is optional. If it's installed Test::Reporter will use Mail::Send
-instead of Net::SMTP.
-=item * L<Test::Reporter::HTTPGateway>
-This is optional. It provides a web API for the 'HTTP' transport method.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Adam J. Foxson E<lt>F<>E<gt> and
-Richard Soderberg E<lt>F<>E<gt>, with much deserved credit to
-Kirrily "Skud" Robert E<lt>F<>E<gt>, and
-Kurt Starsinic E<lt>F<>E<gt> for predecessor versions
-(CPAN::Test::Reporter, and cpantest respectively).
-Additional contributions by David A. Golden and Ricardo Signes.