path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 749 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
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index 9aabcac01e4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
-package Net::DNS::Packet;
-# $Id: 704 2008-02-06 21:30:59Z olaf $
-use strict;
- eval { require bytes; }
-use Carp;
-use Net::DNS ;
-use Net::DNS::Question;
-use Net::DNS::RR;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(dn_expand);
-$VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 704 $)[1];
-=head1 NAME
-Net::DNS::Packet - DNS packet object class
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-C<use Net::DNS::Packet;>
-A C<Net::DNS::Packet> object represents a DNS packet.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new
- $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new("");
- $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new("", "MX", "IN");
- $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$data);
- $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$data, 1); # set debugging
- ($packet, $err) = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$data);
- $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new();
-If passed a domain, type, and class, C<new> creates a packet
-object appropriate for making a DNS query for the requested
-information. The type and class can be omitted; they default
-to A and IN.
-If passed a reference to a scalar containing DNS packet data,
-C<new> creates a packet object from that data. A second argument
-can be passed to turn on debugging output for packet parsing.
-If called in array context, returns a packet object and an
-error string. The error string will only be defined if the
-packet object is undefined (i.e., couldn't be created).
-Returns B<undef> if unable to create a packet object (e.g., if
-the packet data is truncated).
-If called with an empty argument list, C<new> creates an empty packet.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($data) = @_;
- return $class->parse(@_) if ref $data;
- my %self = ( header => Net::DNS::Header->new,
- question => [],
- answer => [],
- authority => [],
- additional => [] );
- push @{$self{question}}, Net::DNS::Question->new(@_) if @_;
- bless \%self, $class;
-sub parse {
- my $class = shift;
- my $data = shift;
- my $debug = shift || 0;
- my %self = ( question => [],
- answer => [],
- authority => [],
- additional => [],
- answersize => length $$data,
- buffer => $data );
- my $self = eval {
- # Parse header section
- my ($header, $offset) = Net::DNS::Header->parse($data);
- $self{header} = $header;
- # Parse question/zone section
- for ( 1 .. $header->qdcount ) {
- my $qd;
- ($qd, $offset) = Net::DNS::Question->parse($data, $offset);
- push(@{$self{question}}, $qd);
- }
- # Retain offset for on-demand parse of remaining data
- $self{offset} = $offset;
- bless \%self, $class;
- };
- ($self || die $@)->print if $debug;
- return wantarray ? ($self, $@) : $self;
-=head2 data
- $data = $packet->data;
-Returns the packet data in binary format, suitable for sending to
-a nameserver.
-sub data {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = '';
- my $header = $self->{header};
- # Default question for empty packet
- $self->push('question', Net::DNS::Question->new('','ANY','ANY'))
- unless @{$self->{question}};
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set record counts in packet header
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $header->qdcount( scalar @{$self->{question}} );
- $header->ancount( scalar @{$self->{answer}} );
- $header->nscount( scalar @{$self->{authority}} );
- $header->arcount( scalar @{$self->{additional}} );
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Get the data for each section in the packet
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $self->{compnames} = {};
- foreach my $component ( $header,
- @{$self->{question}},
- @{$self->{answer}},
- @{$self->{authority}},
- @{$self->{additional}} ) {
- $data .= $component->data($self, length $data);
- }
- return $data;
-=head2 header
- $header = $packet->header;
-Returns a C<Net::DNS::Header> object representing the header section
-of the packet.
-sub header {
- return shift->{header};
-=head2 question, zone
- @question = $packet->question;
-Returns a list of C<Net::DNS::Question> objects representing the
-question section of the packet.
-In dynamic update packets, this section is known as C<zone> and
-specifies the zone to be updated.
-sub question {
- return @{shift->{question}};
-sub zone { &question }
-=head2 answer, pre, prerequisite
- @answer = $packet->answer;
-Returns a list of C<Net::DNS::RR> objects representing the answer
-section of the packet.
-In dynamic update packets, this section is known as C<pre> or
-C<prerequisite> and specifies the RRs or RRsets which must or
-must not preexist.
-sub answer {
- my @rr = eval { &_answer };
- carp "$@ caught" if $@;
- return @rr;
-sub _answer {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @rr = @{$self->{answer}};
- return @rr if @rr; # return if already parsed
- my $data = $self->{buffer}; # parse answer data
- my $offset = $self->{offset} || return;
- undef $self->{offset};
- my $ancount = $self->{header}->ancount;
- my $rr;
- while ( $ancount-- ) {
- ($rr, $offset) = Net::DNS::RR->parse($data, $offset);
- push(@rr, $rr);
- }
- $self->{offset} = $offset; # index next section
- @{$self->{answer}} = @rr;
-sub pre { &answer }
-sub prerequisite { &answer }
-=head2 authority, update
- @authority = $packet->authority;
-Returns a list of C<Net::DNS::RR> objects representing the authority
-section of the packet.
-In dynamic update packets, this section is known as C<update> and
-specifies the RRs or RRsets to be added or deleted.
-sub authority {
- my @rr = eval { &_authority };
- carp "$@ caught" if $@;
- return @rr;
-sub _authority {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @rr = @{$self->{authority}};
- return @rr if @rr; # return if already parsed
- &_answer unless @{$self->{answer}}; # parse answer data
- my $data = $self->{buffer}; # parse authority data
- my $offset = $self->{offset} || return;
- undef $self->{offset};
- my $nscount = $self->{header}->nscount;
- my $rr;
- while ( $nscount-- ) {
- ($rr, $offset) = Net::DNS::RR->parse($data, $offset);
- push(@rr, $rr);
- }
- $self->{offset} = $offset; # index next section
- @{$self->{authority}} = @rr;
-sub update { &authority }
-=head2 additional
- @additional = $packet->additional;
-Returns a list of C<Net::DNS::RR> objects representing the additional
-section of the packet.
-sub additional {
- my @rr = eval { &_additional };
- carp "$@ caught" if $@;
- return @rr;
-sub _additional {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @rr = @{$self->{additional}};
- return @rr if @rr; # return if already parsed
- &_authority unless @{$self->{authority}}; # parse authority data
- my $data = $self->{buffer}; # parse additional data
- undef $self->{buffer}; # discard raw data after use
- my $offset = $self->{offset} || return;
- undef $self->{offset};
- my $arcount = $self->{header}->arcount;
- my $rr;
- while ( $arcount-- ) {
- ($rr, $offset) = Net::DNS::RR->parse($data, $offset);
- push(@rr, $rr);
- }
- @{$self->{additional}} = @rr;
-=head2 print
- $packet->print;
-Prints the packet data on the standard output in an ASCII format
-similar to that used in DNS zone files.
-sub print { print &string; }
-=head2 string
- print $packet->string;
-Returns a string representation of the packet.
-sub string {
- my $self = shift;
- my $header = $self->{header};
- my $update = $header->opcode eq 'UPDATE';
- my $server = $self->{answerfrom};
- my $string = $server ? ";; Answer received from $server ($self->{answersize} bytes)\n" : "";
- $string .= ";; HEADER SECTION\n".$header->string;
- my $question = $update ? 'ZONE' : 'QUESTION';
- my @question = map{$_->string} $self->question;
- my $qdcount = @question;
- my $qds = $qdcount != 1 ? 's' : '';
- $string .= join "\n;; ", "\n;; $question SECTION ($qdcount record$qds)", @question;
- my $answer = $update ? 'PREREQUISITE' : 'ANSWER';
- my @answer = map{$_->string} $self->answer;
- my $ancount = @answer;
- my $ans = $ancount != 1 ? 's' : '';
- $string .= join "\n", "\n\n;; $answer SECTION ($ancount record$ans)", @answer;
- my $authority = $update ? 'UPDATE' : 'AUTHORITY';
- my @authority = map{$_->string} $self->authority;
- my $nscount = @authority;
- my $nss = $nscount != 1 ? 's' : '';
- $string .= join "\n", "\n\n;; $authority SECTION ($nscount record$nss)", @authority;
- my @additional = map{$_->string} $self->additional;
- my $arcount = @additional;
- my $ars = $arcount != 1 ? 's' : '';
- $string .= join "\n", "\n\n;; ADDITIONAL SECTION ($arcount record$ars)", @additional;
- return $string."\n\n";
-=head2 answerfrom
- print "packet received from ", $packet->answerfrom, "\n";
-Returns the IP address from which we received this packet. User-created
-packets will return undef for this method.
-sub answerfrom {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{answerfrom} = shift if @_;
- return $self->{answerfrom};
-=head2 answersize
- print "packet size: ", $packet->answersize, " bytes\n";
-Returns the size of the packet in bytes as it was received from a
-nameserver. User-created packets will return undef for this method
-(use C<< length $packet->data >> instead).
-sub answersize {
- return shift->{answersize};
-=head2 push
- $ancount = $packet->push(pre => $rr);
- $nscount = $packet->push(update => $rr);
- $arcount = $packet->push(additional => $rr);
- $nscount = $packet->push(update => $rr1, $rr2, $rr3);
- $nscount = $packet->push(update => @rr);
-Adds RRs to the specified section of the packet.
-Returns the number of resource records in the specified section.
-sub push {
- my $self = shift;
- my $section = lc shift || '';
- my @rr = map{ref $_ ? $_ : ()} @_;
- my $hdr = $self->{header};
- for ( $section ) {
- return $hdr->qdcount(push(@{$self->{question}}, @rr)) if /^question/;
- if ( $hdr->opcode eq 'UPDATE' ) {
- my ($zone) = $self->zone;
- my $zclass = $zone->zclass;
- foreach ( @rr ) {
- $_->class($zclass) unless $_->class =~ /ANY|NONE/;
- }
- }
- return $hdr->ancount(push(@{$self->{answer}}, @rr)) if /^ans|^pre/;
- return $hdr->nscount(push(@{$self->{authority}}, @rr)) if /^auth|^upd/;
- return $hdr->adcount(push(@{$self->{additional}}, @rr)) if /^add/;
- }
- carp qq(invalid section "$section");
- return undef; # undefined record count
-=head2 unique_push
- $ancount = $packet->unique_push(pre => $rr);
- $nscount = $packet->unique_push(update => $rr);
- $arcount = $packet->unique_push(additional => $rr);
- $nscount = $packet->unique_push(update => $rr1, $rr2, $rr3);
- $nscount = $packet->unique_push(update => @rr);
-Adds RRs to the specified section of the packet provided that
-the RRs do not already exist in the packet.
-Returns the number of resource records in the specified section.
-sub unique_push {
- my $self = shift;
- my $section = shift;
- my @rr = map{ref $_ ? $_ : ()} @_;
- my @unique = map{$self->{seen}->{ (lc $_->name) . $_->class . $_->type . $_->rdatastr }++ ? () : $_} @rr;
- return $self->push($section, @unique);
-=head2 safe_push
-A deprecated name for C<unique_push()>.
-sub safe_push {
- carp('safe_push() is deprecated, use unique_push() instead,');
- &unique_push;
-=head2 pop
- my $rr = $packet->pop("pre");
- my $rr = $packet->pop("update");
- my $rr = $packet->pop("additional");
- my $rr = $packet->pop("question");
-Removes RRs from the specified section of the packet.
-sub pop {
- my $self = shift;
- my $section = lc shift || '';
- for ( $section ) {
- return pop(@{$self->{answer}}) if /^ans|^pre/;
- return pop(@{$self->{question}}) if /^question/;
- $self->additional if $self->{buffer}; # parse remaining data
- return pop(@{$self->{authority}}) if /^auth|^upd/;
- return pop(@{$self->{additional}}) if /^add/;
- }
- carp qq(invalid section "$section");
- return undef;
-=head2 dn_comp
- $compname = $packet->dn_comp("", $offset);
-Returns a domain name compressed for a particular packet object, to
-be stored beginning at the given offset within the packet data. The
-name will be added to a running list of compressed domain names for
-future use.
-sub dn_comp {
- my ($self, $name, $offset) = @_;
- # The Exporter module does not seem to catch this baby...
- my @names=Net::DNS::name2labels($name);
- my $namehash = $self->{compnames};
- my $compname='';
- while (@names) {
- my $dname = join('.', @names);
- if ( my $pointer = $namehash->{$dname} ) {
- $compname .= pack('n', 0xc000 | $pointer);
- last;
- }
- $namehash->{$dname} = $offset;
- my $label = shift @names;
- my $length = length $label || next; # skip if null
- if ( $length > 63 ) {
- $length = 63;
- $label = substr($label, 0, $length);
- carp "\n$label...\ntruncated to $length octets (RFC1035 2.3.1)";
- }
- $compname .= pack('C a*', $length, $label);
- $offset += $length + 1;
- }
- $compname .= pack('C', 0) unless @names;
- return $compname;
-=head2 dn_expand
- use Net::DNS::Packet qw(dn_expand);
- ($name, $nextoffset) = dn_expand(\$data, $offset);
- ($name, $nextoffset) = Net::DNS::Packet::dn_expand(\$data, $offset);
-Expands the domain name stored at a particular location in a DNS
-packet. The first argument is a reference to a scalar containing
-the packet data. The second argument is the offset within the
-packet where the (possibly compressed) domain name is stored.
-Returns the domain name and the offset of the next location in the
-Returns B<(undef)> if the domain name couldn't be expanded.
-# '
-# This is very hot code, so we try to keep things fast. This makes for
-# odd style sometimes.
-sub dn_expand {
-#FYI my ($packet, $offset) = @_;
- return dn_expand_XS(@_) if $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS;
-# warn "USING PURE PERL dn_expand()\n";
- return dn_expand_PP(@_, {} ); # $packet, $offset, anonymous hash
-sub dn_expand_PP {
- my ($packet, $offset, $visited) = @_;
- my $packetlen = length $$packet;
- my $name = '';
- while ( $offset < $packetlen ) {
- unless ( my $length = unpack("\@$offset C", $$packet) ) {
- $name =~ s/\.$//o;
- return ($name, ++$offset);
- } elsif ( ($length & 0xc0) == 0xc0 ) { # pointer
- my $point = 0x3fff & unpack("\@$offset n", $$packet);
- die 'Exception: unbounded name expansion' if $visited->{$point}++;
- my ($suffix) = dn_expand_PP($packet, $point, $visited);
- return ($name.$suffix, $offset+2) if defined $suffix;
- } else {
- my $element = substr($$packet, ++$offset, $length);
- $name .= Net::DNS::wire2presentation($element).'.';
- $offset += $length;
- }
- }
- return undef;
-=head2 sign_tsig
- $key_name = "tsig-key";
- $key = "awwLOtRfpGE+rRKF2+DEiw==";
- $update = Net::DNS::Update->new("");
- $update->push("update", rr_add(" A"));
- $update->sign_tsig($key_name, $key);
- $response = $res->send($update);
-Signs a packet with a TSIG resource record (see RFC 2845). Uses the
-following defaults:
- algorithm = HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT
- time_signed = current time
- fudge = 300 seconds
-If you wish to customize the TSIG record, you'll have to create it
-yourself and call the appropriate Net::DNS::RR::TSIG methods. The
-following example creates a TSIG record and sets the fudge to 60
- $key_name = "tsig-key";
- $key = "awwLOtRfpGE+rRKF2+DEiw==";
- $tsig = Net::DNS::RR->new("$key_name TSIG $key");
- $tsig->fudge(60);
- $query = Net::DNS::Packet->new("");
- $query->sign_tsig($tsig);
- $response = $res->send($query);
-You shouldn't modify a packet after signing it; otherwise authentication
-will probably fail.
-sub sign_tsig {
- my $self = shift;
- my $tsig = shift || return undef;
- unless ( ref $tsig && ($tsig->type eq "TSIG") ) {
- my $key = shift || return undef;
- $tsig = Net::DNS::RR->new("$tsig TSIG $key");
- }
- $self->push('additional', $tsig) if $tsig;
- return $tsig;
-=head2 sign_sig0
-SIG0 support is provided through the Net::DNS::RR::SIG class. This class is not part
-of the default Net::DNS distribution but resides in the Net::DNS::SEC distribution.
- $update = Net::DNS::Update->new("");
- $update->push("update", rr_add(" A"));
- $update->sign_sig0("");
-SIG0 support is experimental see Net::DNS::RR::SIG for details.
-The method will call C<Carp::croak()> if Net::DNS::RR::SIG cannot be found.
-sub sign_sig0 {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arg = shift || return undef;
- my $sig0;
- croak('sign_sig0() is only available when Net::DNS::SEC is installed')
- unless $Net::DNS::DNSSEC;
- if ( ref $arg ) {
- if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'Net::DNS::RR::SIG') ) {
- $sig0 = $arg;
- } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'Net::DNS::SEC::Private') ) {
- $sig0 = Net::DNS::RR::SIG->create('', $arg);
- } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'Net::DNS::RR::SIG::Private') ) {
- carp ref($arg).' is deprecated - use Net::DNS::SEC::Private instead';
- $sig0 = Net::DNS::RR::SIG->create('', $arg);
- } else {
- croak 'Incompatible class as argument to sign_sig0: '.ref($arg);
- }
- } else {
- $sig0 = Net::DNS::RR::SIG->create('', $arg);
- }
- $self->push('additional', $sig0) if $sig0;
- return $sig0;
-Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr.
-Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt.
-Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Olaf Kolkman
-Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Dick Franks
-All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<perl(1)>, L<Net::DNS>, L<Net::DNS::Resolver>, L<Net::DNS::Update>,
-L<Net::DNS::Header>, L<Net::DNS::Question>, L<Net::DNS::RR>,
-RFC 1035 Section 4.1, RFC 2136 Section 2, RFC 2845