path: root/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1022 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/ b/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e2b829f8d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/cygwin/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Net/DNS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
-package Net::DNS::RR;
-# $Id: 705 2008-02-06 21:59:18Z olaf $
-use strict;
- eval { require bytes; }
-use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD %rrsortfunct );
-use Carp;
-use Net::DNS;
-use Net::DNS::RR::Unknown;
-$VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 705 $)[1];
-=head1 NAME
-Net::DNS::RR - DNS Resource Record class
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-C<use Net::DNS::RR>
-C<Net::DNS::RR> is the base class for DNS Resource Record (RR) objects.
-See also the manual pages for each RR type.
-=head1 METHODS
-B<WARNING!!!> Don't assume the RR objects you receive from a query
-are of a particular type -- always check an object's type before calling
-any of its methods. If you call an unknown method, you'll get a nasty
-warning message and C<Net::DNS::RR> will return C<undef> to the caller.
-#' Stupid Emacs (I Don't even USE emacs!) '
-# %RR needs to be available within the scope of the BEGIN block.
-# $RR_REGEX is a global just to be on the safe side.
-# %_LOADED is used internally for autoloading the RR subclasses.
-use vars qw(%RR %_LOADED $RR_REGEX);
- %RR = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
- A
- MB
- MG
- MR
- MX
- NS
- PX
- RP
- RT
- X25
- );
- # Only load DNSSEC if available
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::SIG;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'SIG'} = 1;
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::NXT;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'NXT'} = 1;
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::KEY;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'KEY'} = 1;
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::DS;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'DS'} = 1;
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'RRSIG'} = 1;
- # If RRSIG is available so should the other DNSSEC types
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::NSEC;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'NSEC'} = 1;
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::DNSKEY;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'DNSKEY'} = 1;
- } else {
- die $@;
- }
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::DLV;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'DLV'} =1;
- } else {
- # Die only if we are dealing with a version for which DLV is
- # available
- die $@ if defined ($Net::DNS::SEC::HAS_DLV) ;
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'NSEC3'} =1;
- } else {
- # Die only if we are dealing with a version for which NSEC3 is # available
- die $@ if defined ($Net::DNS::SEC::HAS_NSEC3);
- }
- eval {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'DEFAULT';
- require Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3PARAM;
- };
- unless ($@) {
- $RR{'NSEC3PARAM'} =1;
- } else {
- # Die only if we are dealing with a version for which NSEC3 is
- # available
- die $@ if defined($Net::DNS::SEC::SVNVERSION) && $Net::DNS::SEC::SVNVERSION > 619; # In the code since. (for users of the SVN trunk)
- }
- }
-sub build_regex {
- my $classes = join('|', keys %Net::DNS::classesbyname, 'CLASS\\d+');
- # Longest ones go first, so the regex engine will match AAAA before A.
- my $types = join('|', sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %Net::DNS::typesbyname);
- $types .= '|TYPE\\d+';
- $RR_REGEX = " ^
- \\s*
- (\\S+) # name anything non-space will do
- \\s*
- (\\d+)?
- \\s*
- ($classes)?
- \\s*
- ($types)?
- \\s*
- (.*)
- \$";
-# print STDERR "Regex: $RR_REGEX\n";
-=head2 new (from string)
- $a = Net::DNS::RR->new(" 86400 A");
- $mx = Net::DNS::RR->new(" 7200 MX 10");
- $cname = Net::DNS::RR->new(" 300 IN CNAME");
- $txt = Net::DNS::RR->new(' 3600 HS TXT "text record"');
-Returns a C<Net::DNS::RR> object of the appropriate type and
-initialized from the string passed by the user. The format of the
-string is that used in zone files, and is compatible with the string
-returned by C<< Net::DNS::RR->string >>.
-The name and RR type are required; all other information is optional.
-If omitted, the TTL defaults to 0 and the RR class defaults to IN.
-Omitting the optional fields is useful for creating the empty RDATA
-sections required for certain dynamic update operations. See the
-C<Net::DNS::Update> manual page for additional examples.
-All names must be fully qualified. The trailing dot (.) is optional.
-=head2 new (from hash)
- $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new(
- name => "",
- ttl => 86400,
- class => "IN",
- type => "A",
- address => "",
- );
- $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new(
- name => "",
- type => "A",
- );
-Returns an RR object of the appropriate type, or a C<Net::DNS::RR>
-object if the type isn't implemented. See the manual pages for
-each RR type to see what fields the type requires.
-The C<Name> and C<Type> fields are required; all others are optional.
-If omitted, C<TTL> defaults to 0 and C<Class> defaults to IN. Omitting
-the optional fields is useful for creating the empty RDATA sections
-required for certain dynamic update operations.
-The fields are case-insensitive, but starting each with uppercase
-is recommended.
-#' Stupid Emacs
-sub new {
- return new_from_string(@_) if @_ == 2;
- return new_from_string(@_) if @_ == 3;
- return new_from_hash(@_);
-sub new_from_data {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($name, $rrtype, $rrclass, $ttl, $rdlength, $data, $offset) = @_;
- my $self = { name => $name,
- type => $rrtype,
- class => $rrclass,
- ttl => $ttl,
- rdlength => $rdlength,
- rdata => substr($$data, $offset, $rdlength)
- };
- if ($RR{$rrtype}) {
- my $subclass = $class->_get_subclass($rrtype);
- return $subclass->new($self, $data, $offset);
- } else {
- return Net::DNS::RR::Unknown->new($self, $data, $offset);
- }
-sub new_from_string {
- my ($class, $rrstring, $update_type) = @_;
- build_regex() unless $RR_REGEX;
- # strip out comments
- # Test for non escaped ";" by means of the look-behind assertion
- # (the backslash is escaped)
- $rrstring =~ s/(?<!\\);.*//og;
- ($rrstring =~ m/$RR_REGEX/xso) ||
- confess qq|qInternal Error: "$rrstring" did not match RR pat.\nPlease report this to the author!\n|;
- my $name = $1;
- my $ttl = $2 || 0;
- my $rrclass = $3 || '';
- my $rrtype = $4 || '';
- my $rdata = $5 || '';
- $rdata =~ s/\s+$//o if $rdata;
- $name =~ s/\.$//o if $name;
- # RFC3597 tweaks
- # This converts to known class and type if specified as TYPE###
- $rrtype = Net::DNS::typesbyval(Net::DNS::typesbyname($rrtype)) if $rrtype =~ m/^TYPE\d+/o;
- $rrclass = Net::DNS::classesbyval(Net::DNS::classesbyname($rrclass)) if $rrclass =~ m/^CLASS\d+/o;
- if (!$rrtype && $rrclass && $rrclass eq 'ANY') {
- $rrtype = 'ANY';
- $rrclass = 'IN';
- } elsif (!$rrclass) {
- $rrclass = 'IN';
- }
- $rrtype ||= 'ANY';
- if ($update_type) {
- $update_type = lc $update_type;
- if ($update_type eq 'yxrrset') {
- $ttl = 0;
- $rrclass = 'ANY' unless $rdata;
- } elsif ($update_type eq 'nxrrset') {
- $ttl = 0;
- $rrclass = 'NONE';
- $rdata = '';
- } elsif ($update_type eq 'yxdomain') {
- $ttl = 0;
- $rrclass = 'ANY';
- $rrtype = 'ANY';
- $rdata = '';
- } elsif ($update_type eq 'nxdomain') {
- $ttl = 0;
- $rrclass = 'NONE';
- $rrtype = 'ANY';
- $rdata = '';
- } elsif ($update_type =~ /^(rr_)?add$/o) {
- $ttl = 86400 unless $ttl;
- } elsif ($update_type =~ /^(rr_)?del(ete)?$/o) {
- $ttl = 0;
- $rrclass = $rdata ? 'NONE' : 'ANY';
- }
- }
- # We used to check if $rrtype was defined at this point. However,
- # we just defaulted it to ANY earlier....
- my $self = {
- 'name' => $name,
- 'type' => $rrtype,
- 'class' => $rrclass,
- 'ttl' => $ttl,
- 'rdlength' => 0,
- 'rdata' => '',
- };
- if ($RR{$rrtype} && $rdata !~ m/^\s*\\#/o ) {
- my $subclass = $class->_get_subclass($rrtype);
- return $subclass->new_from_string($self, $rdata);
- } elsif ($RR{$rrtype}) { # A RR type known to Net::DNS starting with \#
- $rdata =~ m/\\\#\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$/o;
- my $rdlength = $1;
- my $hexdump = $2;
- $hexdump =~ s/\s*//og;
- die "$rdata is inconsistent; length does not match content"
- if length($hexdump) != $rdlength*2;
- $rdata = pack('H*', $hexdump);
- return Net::DNS::RR->new_from_data(
- $name,
- $rrtype,
- $rrclass,
- $ttl,
- $rdlength,
- \$rdata,
- length($rdata) - $rdlength
- );
- } elsif ($rdata=~/\s*\\\#\s+\d+\s+/o) {
- #We are now dealing with the truly unknown.
- die 'Expected RFC3597 representation of RDATA'
- unless $rdata =~ m/\\\#\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$/o;
- my $rdlength = $1;
- my $hexdump = $2;
- $hexdump =~ s/\s*//og;
- die "$rdata is inconsistent; length does not match content"
- if length($hexdump) != $rdlength*2;
- $rdata = pack('H*', $hexdump);
- return Net::DNS::RR->new_from_data(
- $name,
- $rrtype,
- $rrclass,
- $ttl,
- $rdlength,
- \$rdata,
- length($rdata) - $rdlength
- );
- } else {
- #God knows how to handle these... bless them in the RR class.
- bless $self, $class;
- return $self
- }
-sub new_from_hash {
- my $class = shift;
- my %keyval = @_;
- my $self = {};
- while ( my ($key, $val) = each %keyval ) {
- ( $self->{lc $key} = $val ) =~ s/\.+$// if defined $val;
- }
- croak('RR name not specified') unless defined $self->{name};
- croak('RR type not specified') unless defined $self->{type};
- $self->{'ttl'} ||= 0;
- $self->{'class'} ||= 'IN';
- $self->{'rdlength'} = length $self->{'rdata'}
- if $self->{'rdata'};
- if ($RR{$self->{'type'}}) {
- my $subclass = $class->_get_subclass($self->{'type'});
- if (uc $self->{'type'} ne 'OPT') {
- bless $self, $subclass;
- return $self;
- } else {
- # Special processing of OPT. Since TTL and CLASS are
- # set by other variables. See Net::DNS::RR::OPT
- # documentation
- return $subclass->new_from_hash($self);
- }
- } elsif ($self->{'type'} =~ /TYPE\d+/o) {
- bless $self, 'Net::DNS::RR::Unknown';
- return $self;
- } else {
- bless $self, $class;
- return $self;
- }
-=head2 parse
- ($rrobj, $offset) = Net::DNS::RR->parse(\$data, $offset);
-Parses a DNS resource record at the specified location within a DNS packet.
-The first argument is a reference to the packet data.
-The second argument is the offset within the packet where the resource record begins.
-Returns a Net::DNS::RR object and the offset of the next location in the packet.
-Parsing is aborted if the object could not be created (e.g., corrupt or insufficient data).
-use constant PACKED_LENGTH => length pack 'n2 N n', (0)x4;
-sub parse {
- my ($objclass, $data, $offset) = @_;
- my ($name, $index) = Net::DNS::Packet::dn_expand($data, $offset);
- die 'Exception: corrupt or incomplete data' unless $index;
- my $rdindex = $index + PACKED_LENGTH;
- die 'Exception: incomplete data' if length $$data < $rdindex;
- my ($type, $class, $ttl, $rdlength) = unpack("\@$index n2 N n", $$data);
- my $next = $rdindex + $rdlength;
- die 'Exception: incomplete data' if length $$data < $next;
- $type = Net::DNS::typesbyval($type) || $type;
- # Special case for OPT RR where CLASS should be
- # interpreted as 16 bit unsigned (RFC2671, 4.3)
- if ($type ne 'OPT') {
- $class = Net::DNS::classesbyval($class) || $class;
- }
- # else just retain numerical value
- my $self = $objclass->new_from_data($name, $type, $class, $ttl, $rdlength, $data, $rdindex);
- die 'Exception: corrupt or incomplete RR subtype data' unless defined $self;
- return wantarray ? ($self, $next) : $self;
-# Some people have reported that Net::DNS dies because AUTOLOAD picks up
-# calls to DESTROY.
-sub DESTROY {}
-=head2 print
- $rr->print;
-Prints the record to the standard output. Calls the
-B<string> method to get the RR's string representation.
-#' someone said that emacs gets screwy here. Who am I to claim otherwise...
-sub print { print &string, "\n"; }
-=head2 string
- print $rr->string, "\n";
-Returns a string representation of the RR. Calls the
-B<rdatastr> method to get the RR-specific data.
-sub string {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = $self->rdatastr || '; no data';
- join "\t", "$self->{name}.", $self->{ttl}, $self->{class}, $self->{type}, $data;
-=head2 rdatastr
- $s = $rr->rdatastr;
-Returns a string containing RR-specific data. Subclasses will need
-to implement this method.
-sub rdatastr {
- my $self = shift;
- return exists $self->{'rdlength'}
- ? "; rdlength = $self->{'rdlength'}"
- : '';
-=head2 name
- $name = $rr->name;
-Returns the record's domain name.
-=head2 type
- $type = $rr->type;
-Returns the record's type.
-=head2 class
- $class = $rr->class;
-Returns the record's class.
-# Used to AUTOLOAD this, but apparently some versions of Perl (specifically
-# 5.003_07, included with some Linux distributions) would return the
-# class the object was blessed into, instead of the RR's class.
-sub class {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- $self->{'class'} = shift;
- } elsif (!exists $self->{'class'}) {
- Carp::carp('class: no such method');
- return undef;
- }
- return $self->{'class'};
-=head2 ttl
- $ttl = $rr->ttl;
-Returns the record's time-to-live (TTL).
-=head2 rdlength
- $rdlength = $rr->rdlength;
-Returns the length of the record's data section.
-=head2 rdata
- $rdata = $rr->rdata
-Returns the record's data section as binary data.
-sub rdata {
- my $self = shift;
- my $retval = undef;
- if (@_ == 2) {
- my ($packet, $offset) = @_;
- $retval = $self->rr_rdata($packet, $offset);
- }
- elsif (exists $self->{'rdata'}) {
- $retval = $self->{'rdata'};
- }
- return $retval;
-sub rr_rdata {
- my $self = shift;
- return exists $self->{'rdata'} ? $self->{'rdata'} : '';
-# sub data
-# This method is called by Net::DNS::Packet->data to get the binary
-# representation of an RR.
-sub data {
- my ($self, $packet, $offset) = @_;
- my $data;
- # Don't compress TSIG or TKEY names and don't mess with EDNS0 packets
- if (uc($self->{'type'}) eq 'TSIG' || uc($self->{'type'}) eq 'TKEY') {
- my $tmp_packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new();
- $data = $tmp_packet->dn_comp($self->{'name'}, 0);
- return undef unless defined $data;
- } elsif (uc($self->{'type'}) eq 'OPT') {
- my $tmp_packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new();
- $data = $tmp_packet->dn_comp('', 0);
- } else {
- $data = $packet->dn_comp($self->{'name'}, $offset);
- return undef unless defined $data;
- }
- my $qtype = uc($self->{'type'});
- my $qtype_val = ($qtype =~ m/^\d+$/o) ? $qtype : Net::DNS::typesbyname($qtype);
- $qtype_val = 0 if !defined($qtype_val);
- my $qclass = uc($self->{'class'});
- my $qclass_val = ($qclass =~ m/^\d+$/o) ? $qclass : Net::DNS::classesbyname($qclass);
- $qclass_val = 0 if !defined($qclass_val);
- $data .= pack('n', $qtype_val);
- # If the type is OPT then class will need to contain a decimal number
- # containing the UDP payload size. (RFC2671 section 4.3)
- if (uc($self->{'type'}) ne 'OPT') {
- $data .= pack('n', $qclass_val);
- } else {
- $data .= pack('n', $self->{'class'});
- }
- $data .= pack('N', $self->{'ttl'});
- $offset += length($data) + &Net::DNS::INT16SZ; # allow for rdlength
- my $rdata = $self->rdata($packet, $offset);
- $data .= pack('n', length $rdata);
- $data.=$rdata;
- return $data;
-# This method is called by SIG objects verify method.
-# It is almost the same as data but needed to get an representation of the
-# packets in wire format withoud domain name compression.
-# It is essential to DNSSEC RFC 2535 section 8
-sub _canonicaldata {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data='';
- {
- my $name=$self->{'name'};
- my @dname=Net::DNS::name2labels($name);
- for (my $i=0;$i<@dname;$i++){
- $data .= pack ('C',length $dname[$i] );
- $data .= lc($dname[$i] );
- }
- $data .= pack ('C','0');
- }
- $data .= pack('n', Net::DNS::typesbyname(uc($self->{'type'})));
- $data .= pack('n', Net::DNS::classesbyname(uc($self->{'class'})));
- $data .= pack('N', $self->{'ttl'});
- my $rdata = $self->_canonicalRdata;
- $data .= pack('n', length $rdata);
- $data .= $rdata;
- return $data;
-# These are methods that are used in the DNSSEC context... Some RR
-# have domain names in them. Verification works only on RRs with
-# uncompressed domain names. (Canonical format as in sect 8 of
-# RFC2535) _canonicalRdata is overwritten in those RR objects that
-# have domain names in the RDATA and _name2wire is used to convert a
-# domain name to "wire format"
-sub _canonicalRdata {
- my $self=shift;
- my $packet=Net::DNS::Packet->new();
- my $rdata = $self->rr_rdata($packet,0);
- return $rdata;
-sub _name2wire {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my $rdata="";
- my $compname = "";
- my @dname = Net::DNS::name2labels($name);
- for (@dname) {
- $rdata .= pack('C', length $_);
- $rdata .= $_ ;
- }
- $rdata .= pack('C', '0');
- return $rdata;
- my ($self) = @_; # If we do shift here, it will mess up the goto below.
- my ($name) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/^.*::(.*)$/o;
- if ($name =~ /set_rrsort_func/){
- return Net::DNS::RR::set_rrsort_func(@_);
- }
- if ($name =~ /get_rrsort_func/){
- return Net::DNS::RR::get_rrsort_func(@_);
- }
- # XXX -- We should test that we do in fact carp on unknown methods.
- unless (exists $self->{$name}) {
- my $rr_string = $self->string;
- Carp::carp(<<"AMEN");
-*** WARNING!!! The program has attempted to call the method
-*** "$name" for the following RR object:
-*** $rr_string
-*** This object does not have a method "$name". THIS IS A BUG
-*** IN THE CALLING SOFTWARE, which has incorrectly assumed that
-*** the object would be of a particular type. The calling
-*** software should check the type of each RR object before
-*** calling any of its methods.
-*** Net::DNS has returned undef to the caller.
- }
- no strict q/refs/;
- # Build a method in the class.
- *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
- my ($self, $new_val) = @_;
- if (defined $new_val) {
- $self->{$name} = $new_val;
- }
- return $self->{$name};
- };
- # And jump over to it.
- goto &{$AUTOLOAD};
-# Net::DNS::RR->_get_subclass($type)
-# Return a subclass, after loading a subclass (if needed)
-sub _get_subclass {
- my ($class, $type) = @_;
- return unless $type and $RR{$type};
- my $subclass = join('::', $class, $type);
- unless ($_LOADED{$subclass}) {
- eval "require $subclass";
- die $@ if $@;
- $_LOADED{$subclass}++;
- }
- return $subclass;
-=head1 Sorting of RR arrays
-As of version 0.55 there is functionality to help you sort RR
-arrays. The sorting is done by Net::DNS::rrsort(), see the
-L<Net::DNS> documentation. This package provides class methods to set
-the sorting functions used for a particular RR based on a particular
-=head2 set_rrsort_func
- sub {
- my ($a,$b)=($Net::DNS::a,$Net::DNS::b);
- $a->priority <=> $b->priority
- ||
- $b->weight <=> $a->weight
- }
- sub {
- my ($a,$b)=($Net::DNS::a,$Net::DNS::b);
- $a->priority <=> $b->priority
- ||
- $b->weight <=> $a->weight
- }
-set_rrsort_func needs to be called as a class method. The first
-argument is the attribute name on which the sorting will need to take
-place. If you specify "default_sort" than that is the sort algorithm
-that will be used in the case that rrsort() is called without an RR
-attribute as argument.
-The second argument is a reference to a function that uses the
-variables $a and $b global to the C<from Net::DNS>(!!)package for the
-sorting. During the sorting $a and $b will contain references to
-objects from the class you called the set_prop_sort from. In other
-words, you can rest assured that the above sorting function will only
-get Net::DNS::RR::SRV objects.
-The above example is the sorting function that actually is implemented in
-sub set_rrsort_func{
- my $class=shift;
- my $attribute=shift;
- my $funct=shift;
-# print "Using ".__PACKAGE__."set_rrsort: $class\n";
- my ($type) = $class =~ m/^.*::(.*)$/o;
- $Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}{$attribute}=$funct;
-sub get_rrsort_func {
- my $class=shift;
- my $attribute=shift; #can be undefined.
- my $sortsub;
- my ($type) = $class =~ m/^.*::(.*)$/o;
-# print "Using ".__PACKAGE__." get_rrsort: $class ($type,$attribute)\n";
-# use Data::Dumper;
-# print Dumper %Net::DNS::rrsortfunct;
- if (defined($attribute) &&
- exists($Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}) &&
- exists($Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}{$attribute})
- ){
- # The default overwritten by the class variable in Net::DNS
- return $Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}{$attribute};
- }elsif(
- ! defined($attribute) &&
- exists($Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}) &&
- exists($Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}{'default_sort'})
- ){
- # The default overwritten by the class variable in Net::DNS
- return $Net::DNS::RR::rrsortfunct{$type}{'default_sort'};
- }
- elsif( defined($attribute) ){
- return sub{
- my ($a,$b)=($Net::DNS::a,$Net::DNS::b);
- ( exists($a->{$attribute}) &&
- $a->{$attribute} <=> $b->{$attribute})
- ||
- $a->_canonicaldata() cmp $b->_canonicaldata()
- };
- }else{
- return sub{
- my ($a,$b)=($Net::DNS::a,$Net::DNS::b);
- $a->_canonicaldata() cmp $b->_canonicaldata()
- };
- }
- return $sortsub;
-sub STORABLE_freeze {
- my ($self, $cloning) = @_;
- return if $cloning;
- return ('', {%$self});
-sub STORABLE_thaw {
- my ($self, $cloning, undef, $data) = @_;
- %{$self} = %{$data};
- __PACKAGE__->_get_subclass($self->{'type'});
- return $self;
-=head1 BUGS
-This version of C<Net::DNS::RR> does little sanity checking on user-created
-RR objects.
-Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr.
-Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt.
-Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Olaf Kolkman
-Portions Copyright (c) 2007 Dick Franks
-All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute
-it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-EDNS0 extensions by Olaf Kolkman.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<perl(1)>, L<Net::DNS>, L<Net::DNS::Resolver>, L<Net::DNS::Packet>,
-L<Net::DNS::Update>, L<Net::DNS::Header>, L<Net::DNS::Question>,
-RFC 1035 Section 4.1.3