path: root/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/310.comp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/310.comp')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/310.comp b/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/310.comp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..143053ba633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/310.comp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#version 310 es
+layout(local_size_x = 2) in;
+layout(local_size_x = 16) in; // ERROR, changing
+layout(local_size_z = 4096) in; // ERROR, too large
+layout(local_size_x = 2) in;
+const int total = gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupCount.y
+ + gl_MaxComputeUniformComponents
+ + gl_MaxComputeTextureImageUnits
+ + gl_MaxComputeImageUniforms
+ + gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounters
+ + gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers;
+buffer ShaderStorageBlock
+ int value;
+ float values[];
+buffer InvalidShaderStorageBlock
+ float values[]; // ERROR
+ int value;
+} invalid;
+void main()
+ barrier();
+ memoryBarrier();
+ memoryBarrierAtomicCounter();
+ memoryBarrierBuffer();
+ memoryBarrierShared();
+ memoryBarrierImage();
+ groupMemoryBarrier();
+ value = int(values[gl_LocalInvocationIndex]);
+layout(location = 2) in vec3 v3; // ERROR
+in float f; // ERROR
+out float fo; // ERROR
+shared vec4 s;
+layout(location = 2) shared vec4 sl; // ERROR
+shared float fs = 4.2; // ERROR
+layout(local_size_x = 2, local_size_y = 3, local_size_z = 4) out; // ERROR
+int arrX[gl_WorkGroupSize.x];
+int arrY[gl_WorkGroupSize.y];
+int arrZ[gl_WorkGroupSize.z];
+readonly buffer roblock
+ int value;
+ float values[];
+} ro;
+void foo()
+ ro.values[2] = 4.7; // ERROR, readonly
+ ro.values.length();
+ ++s;
+buffer vec4 v; // ERROR
+uniform usampler2D us2dbad; // ERROR, default precision
+precision highp usampler2D;
+precision highp iimage2DArray;
+precision highp iimage2D;
+uniform usampler2D us2d;
+uniform iimage2DArray ii2dabad; // ERROR, not writeonly
+uniform writeonly iimage2DArray ii2da;
+layout(r32i) uniform iimage2D iimg2D;
+layout(rgba32i) uniform readonly iimage2D iimg2Drgba;
+layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D img2Drgba;
+layout(r32ui) uniform uimage2D uimg2D;
+void qux()
+ int i = 4;
+ imageAtomicCompSwap(iimg2D, ivec2(i,i), i, i);// ERROR no longer in 310
+ imageAtomicAdd(uimg2D, ivec2(i,i), uint(i)); // ERROR no longer in 310
+ imageAtomicMin(iimg2Drgba, ivec2(i,i), i); // ERROR no longer in 310 // ERROR iimg2Drgba does not have r32i layout
+ imageAtomicMax(img2Drgba, ivec2(i,i), i); // ERROR no longer in 310 // ERROR img2Drgba is not integer image
+ ivec4 pos = imageLoad(iimg2D, ivec2(i,i));
+ imageStore(ii2da, ivec3(i,i,i), ivec4(0));
+ imageLoad(img2Drgba, ivec2(i,i));
+ imageLoad(ii2da, ivec3(i,i,i)); // ERROR, drops writeonly
+volatile float vol; // ERROR, not an image
+readonly int vol2; // ERROR, not an image
+void passr(coherent readonly iimage2D image)
+layout(r32i) coherent readonly uniform iimage2D qualim1;
+layout(r32i) coherent restrict readonly uniform iimage2D qualim2;
+void passrc()
+ passr(qualim1);
+ passr(qualim2); // ERROR, drops restrict
+ passr(iimg2D);
+layout(rg8i) uniform readonly uimage2D i1bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(rgba32i) uniform readonly image2D i2bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly uimage2D i3bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(r8_snorm) uniform readonly iimage2D i4bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(rgba32ui) uniform readonly iimage2D i5bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(r8ui) uniform readonly iimage2D i6bad; // ERROR, type mismatch
+layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter;
+uint func(atomic_uint c)
+ return atomicCounterIncrement(c);
+uint func2(out atomic_uint c) // ERROR, output
+ return counter; // ERROR, type mismatch
+ return atomicCounter(counter);
+void mainAC()
+ atomic_uint non_uniform_counter; // ERROR
+ uint val = atomicCounter(counter);
+ atomicCounterDecrement(counter);
+layout(binding = 1) uniform mediump atomic_uint counterBad; // ERROR, not highp
+layout(binding = 2, offset = 4) uniform atomic_uint countArr[4];
+uniform int i;
+void opac()
+ int a[3];
+ a[counter]; // ERROR, non-integer
+ countArr[2];
+ countArr[i];
+shared int atomi;
+shared uint atomu;
+void atoms()
+ int origi = atomicAdd(atomi, 3);
+ uint origu = atomicAnd(atomu, 7u);
+ origi = atomicExchange(atomi, 4);
+ origu = atomicCompSwap(atomu, 10u, 8u);
+precision highp atomic_uint;
+precision lowp atomic_uint; // ERROR
+precise int pfoo; // ERROR, reserved
+dmat2x4 dm; // ERROR
+uniform samplerCubeArray sca; // ERROR
+uniform iimage2DRect i2dr; // ERROR
+uniform image2DMS i2dms; // ERROR
+uniform uimage2DMSArray u2dmsa; // ERROR
+layout(r32f) coherent volatile restrict readonly writeonly uniform image2D okay1;
+layout(r32i) coherent volatile restrict readonly uniform iimage2D okay2;
+layout(r32ui) coherent volatile restrict writeonly uniform uimage2D okay3;
+layout(r32f) coherent volatile restrict uniform image2D okay4;
+layout(rgba32f) coherent volatile restrict uniform image2D badQ1; // ERROR, bad qualifiers
+layout(rgba8i) coherent volatile restrict uniform iimage2D badQ2; // ERROR, bad qualifiers
+layout(rgba16ui) coherent volatile restrict uniform uimage2D badQ3; // ERROR, bad qualifiers
+writeonly buffer woblock
+ int value;
+ float values[];
+} wo;
+void foowo()
+ float g;
+ g = wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ float f = wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ ++wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ wo.values[2]--; // ERROR, writeonly
+ f + wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ wo.values[2] - f; // ERROR, writeonly
+ bool b;
+ b ? f : wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ b ? wo.values[2] : f; // ERROR, writeonly
+ if (f == wo.values[2]) // ERROR, writeonly
+ ++f;
+ if (f >= wo.values[2]) // ERROR, writeonly
+ ++f;
+ f = vec3(wo.values[2]).x; // ERROR, writeonly
+ ~wo.value; // ERROR, writeonly
+ wo.values[2] = 3.4;
+buffer multioblock
+ readonly int value;
+ writeonly float values[];
+} multio;
+void foomultio()
+ float g;
+ g = wo.values[2]; // ERROR, writeonly
+ ~wo.value;
+ wo.values[2] = 3.4;
+ wo.value = 2; // ERROR, readonly
+in inb { // ERROR
+ int a;
+} inbi;
+out outb { // ERROR
+ int a;
+} outbi;
+float t__; // ERROR, no __ until revision 310
+ // ERROR, no __ until revision 310
+#define __D
+shared vec4 arr[2][3][4];