path: root/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/400.frag
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/400.frag')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/400.frag b/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/400.frag
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed8882c5b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/Test/400.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#version 400 core
+in vec2 c2D;
+flat in int i;
+out vec4 outp;
+uniform sampler2D arrayedSampler[5];
+uniform usampler2DRect samp2dr;
+uniform isampler2DArray isamp2DA;
+void main()
+ vec4 v;
+ v = texture(arrayedSampler[i], c2D);
+ outp.x = gl_ClipDistance[1];
+ ivec2 offsets[4];
+ const ivec2 constOffsets[4] = ivec2[4](ivec2(1,2), ivec2(3,4), ivec2(15,16), ivec2(-2,0));
+ uvec4 uv4 = textureGatherOffsets(samp2dr, c2D, offsets, 2); // ERROR, offsets not constant
+ uv4 = textureGatherOffsets(samp2dr, c2D, constOffsets, 2);
+ vec4 v4 = textureGather(arrayedSampler[0], c2D);
+ ivec4 iv4 = textureGatherOffset(isamp2DA, vec3(0.1), ivec2(1), 3);
+ iv4 = textureGatherOffset(isamp2DA, vec3(0.1), ivec2(1), i); // ERROR, last argument not const
+ iv4 = textureGatherOffset(isamp2DA, vec3(0.1), ivec2(1), 4); // ERROR, last argument out of range
+ iv4 = textureGatherOffset(isamp2DA, vec3(0.1), ivec2(1), 1+2);
+ iv4 = textureGatherOffset(isamp2DA, vec3(0.1), ivec2(i));
+ vec4 c = gl_FragCoord;
+layout(location = 4) in vec4 vl; // ERROR, not supported
+#ifdef GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
+#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
+layout(location = 6) in vec4 vl2;
+layout(location = 3) uniform vec3 uv3;
+layout(location = 5) in vec4 gl_Color; // ERROR, layout
+noperspective in float gl_ClipDistance[4]; // ERROR, can't change qualifier
+layout(origin_upper_left, pixel_center_integer) in vec4 gl_FragCoord; // ERROR, declared after use
+uniform sampler2DRectShadow u2drs;
+void foo23()
+ const ivec2[3] offsets = ivec2[3](ivec2(1,2), ivec2(3,4), ivec2(15,16));
+ textureProjGradOffset(u2drs, outp, vec2(0.0), vec2(0.0), ivec2(c2D)); // ERROR, offset not constant
+ textureProjGradOffset(u2drs, outp, vec2(0.0), vec2(0.0), offsets[1]);
+ textureProjGradOffset(u2drs, outp, vec2(0.0), vec2(0.0), offsets[2]); // ERROR, offset out of range
+ textureProjGradOffset(u2drs, outp, vec2(0.0), vec2(0.0), ivec2(-10, 20)); // ERROR, offset out of range
+patch in vec4 patchIn; // ERROR
+patch out vec4 patchOut; // ERROR
+void foo24()
+ dvec3 df, di;
+ df = modf(dvec3(, di);
+in float in1;
+in vec2 in2;
+in vec3 in3;
+in vec4 in4;
+void foodc1()
+ vec2 v2 = dFdxFine(in2); // ERROR
+ vec3 v3 = dFdyCoarse(in3); // ERROR
+ vec4 v4 = fwidthCoarse(in4) + fwidthFine(in4); // ERROR
+#extension GL_ARB_derivative_control : enable
+void foodc2()
+ vec2 v2 = dFdxFine(in2);
+ vec3 v3 = dFdyCoarse(in3);
+ vec4 v4 = fwidthCoarse(in4) + fwidthFine(in4);
+ uint u1;
+ ivec3 i3;
+ ivec2 i2;
+ v2 = frexp(v2, i2);
+ v3 = ldexp(v3, i3);
+ u1 = packUnorm4x8(v4);
+ u1 = packSnorm4x8(v4);
+ v4 = unpackUnorm4x8(u1);
+ v4 = unpackSnorm4x8(u1);
+ double d;
+ uvec2 u2;
+ d = packDouble2x32(u2);
+ u2 = unpackDouble2x32(d);
+sample in vec4 colorSampIn;
+sample out vec4 colorSampleBad; // ERROR
+noperspective in vec4 colorfsi;
+sample in vec3 sampInArray[4];
+smooth in float scalarIn;
+flat centroid in vec2 colorfc;
+struct S {
+ float x;
+in S s1;
+sample S s2;
+void interp()
+ interpolateAtCentroid(colorfc);
+ interpolateAtCentroid(colorSampIn);
+ interpolateAtCentroid(colorfsi);
+ interpolateAtCentroid(scalarIn);
+ interpolateAtCentroid(sampInArray); // ERROR
+ interpolateAtCentroid(sampInArray[2]);
+ interpolateAtCentroid(sampInArray[2].xy); // ERROR
+ interpolateAtSample(sampInArray, 1); // ERROR
+ interpolateAtSample(sampInArray[i], 0);
+ interpolateAtSample(s1.x, 2);
+ interpolateAtSample(scalarIn, 1);
+ interpolateAtOffset(sampInArray, vec2(0.2)); // ERROR
+ interpolateAtOffset(sampInArray[2], vec2(0.2));
+ interpolateAtOffset(sampInArray[2].xy, vec2(0.2)); // ERROR, no swizzle
+ interpolateAtOffset(scalarIn + scalarIn, vec2(0.2)); // ERROR, no binary ops other than dereference
+ interpolateAtOffset(s2.x, vec2(0.2)); // ERROR
+ float f;
+ interpolateAtCentroid(f); // ERROR, not interpolant
+ interpolateAtSample(outp, 0); // ERROR, not interpolant
+uniform sampler1D samp1D;
+uniform isampler2D isamp2D;
+uniform usampler3D usamp3D;
+uniform samplerCube sampCube;
+uniform isampler1DArray isamp1DA;
+uniform usampler2DArray usamp2DA;
+uniform isamplerCubeArray isampCubeA;
+uniform sampler1DShadow samp1Ds;
+uniform sampler2DShadow samp2Ds;
+uniform samplerCubeShadow sampCubes;
+uniform sampler1DArrayShadow samp1DAs;
+uniform sampler2DArrayShadow samp2DAs;
+uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow sampCubeAs;
+uniform samplerBuffer sampBuf;
+uniform sampler2DRect sampRect;
+void qlod()
+ vec2 lod;
+ float pf;
+ vec2 pf2;
+ vec3 pf3;
+ lod = textureQueryLod(samp1D, pf);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(isamp2D, pf2);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(usamp3D, pf3);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(sampCube, pf3);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(isamp1DA, pf);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(usamp2DA, pf2);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(isampCubeA, pf3);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(samp1Ds, pf);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(samp2Ds, pf2);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(sampCubes, pf3);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(samp1DAs, pf);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(samp2DAs, pf2);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(sampCubeAs, pf3);
+ lod = textureQueryLod(sampBuf, pf); // ERROR
+ lod = textureQueryLod(sampRect, pf2); // ERROR
+struct SKeyMem { int precise; } KeyMem; // ERROR, keyword can't be a member
+uniform uint uu;
+out int iout;
+void bitwiseConv()
+ iout = uu & i;
+ iout += uu ^ i;
+ iout += i | uu;