path: root/chromium/third_party/node/node_modules/@babel/types/scripts/generators/docs.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/node/node_modules/@babel/types/scripts/generators/docs.js')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/node/node_modules/@babel/types/scripts/generators/docs.js b/chromium/third_party/node/node_modules/@babel/types/scripts/generators/docs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7b82e56d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/node/node_modules/@babel/types/scripts/generators/docs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+import util from "util";
+import stringifyValidator from "../utils/stringifyValidator.js";
+import toFunctionName from "../utils/toFunctionName.js";
+import t from "../../lib/index.js";
+const readme = [
+ `---
+id: babel-types
+title: @babel/types
+<!-- Do not modify! This file is automatically generated by
+ !-->
+> This module contains methods for building ASTs manually and for checking the types of AST nodes.
+## Install
+npm install --save-dev @babel/types
+## API`,
+const customTypes = {
+ ClassMethod: {
+ key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`",
+ },
+ Identifier: {
+ name: "`string`",
+ },
+ MemberExpression: {
+ property: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier`",
+ },
+ ObjectMethod: {
+ key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`",
+ },
+ ObjectProperty: {
+ key: "if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal`",
+ },
+ ClassPrivateMethod: {
+ computed: "'false'",
+ },
+ ClassPrivateProperty: {
+ computed: "'false'",
+ },
+const APIHistory = {
+ ClassProperty: [["v7.6.0", "Supports `static`"]],
+function formatHistory(historyItems) {
+ const lines =
+ item => "| `" + item[0] + "` | " + item[1] + " |"
+ );
+ return [
+ "<details>",
+ " <summary>History</summary>",
+ "| Version | Changes |",
+ "| --- | --- |",
+ ...lines,
+ "</details>",
+ ];
+function printAPIHistory(key, readme) {
+ if (APIHistory[key]) {
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push(...formatHistory(APIHistory[key]));
+ }
+function printNodeFields(key, readme) {
+ if (Object.keys(t.NODE_FIELDS[key]).length > 0) {
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push("AST Node `" + key + "` shape:");
+ Object.keys(t.NODE_FIELDS[key])
+ .sort(function (fieldA, fieldB) {
+ const indexA = t.BUILDER_KEYS[key].indexOf(fieldA);
+ const indexB = t.BUILDER_KEYS[key].indexOf(fieldB);
+ if (indexA === indexB) return fieldA < fieldB ? -1 : 1;
+ if (indexA === -1) return 1;
+ if (indexB === -1) return -1;
+ return indexA - indexB;
+ })
+ .forEach(function (field) {
+ const defaultValue = t.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].default;
+ const fieldDescription = ["`" + field + "`"];
+ const validator = t.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].validate;
+ if (customTypes[key] && customTypes[key][field]) {
+ fieldDescription.push(`: ${customTypes[key][field]}`);
+ } else if (validator) {
+ try {
+ fieldDescription.push(
+ ": `" + stringifyValidator(validator, "") + "`"
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex.code === "UNEXPECTED_VALIDATOR_TYPE") {
+ console.log(
+ "Unrecognised validator type for " + key + "." + field
+ );
+ console.dir(ex.validator, { depth: 10, colors: true });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defaultValue !== null || t.NODE_FIELDS[key][field].optional) {
+ fieldDescription.push(
+ " (default: `" + util.inspect(defaultValue) + "`"
+ );
+ if (t.BUILDER_KEYS[key].indexOf(field) < 0) {
+ fieldDescription.push(", excluded from builder function");
+ }
+ fieldDescription.push(")");
+ } else {
+ fieldDescription.push(" (required)");
+ }
+ readme.push("- " + fieldDescription.join(""));
+ });
+ }
+function printAliasKeys(key, readme) {
+ if (t.ALIAS_KEYS[key] && t.ALIAS_KEYS[key].length) {
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push(
+ "Aliases: " +
+ t.ALIAS_KEYS[key]
+ .map(function (key) {
+ return "[`" + key + "`](#" + key.toLowerCase() + ")";
+ })
+ .join(", ")
+ );
+ }
+readme.push("### Node Builders");
+ .sort()
+ .forEach(function (key) {
+ readme.push("#### " + toFunctionName(key));
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push("```javascript");
+ readme.push(
+ "t." + toFunctionName(key) + "(" + t.BUILDER_KEYS[key].join(", ") + ");"
+ );
+ readme.push("```");
+ printAPIHistory(key, readme);
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push(
+ "See also `" +
+ key +
+ "(node, opts)` and `t.assert" +
+ key +
+ "(node, opts)`."
+ );
+ printNodeFields(key, readme);
+ printAliasKeys(key, readme);
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push("---");
+ readme.push("");
+ });
+function generateMapAliasToNodeTypes() {
+ const result = new Map();
+ for (const nodeType of Object.keys(t.ALIAS_KEYS)) {
+ const aliases = t.ALIAS_KEYS[nodeType];
+ if (!aliases) continue;
+ for (const alias of aliases) {
+ if (!result.has(alias)) {
+ result.set(alias, []);
+ }
+ const nodeTypes = result.get(alias);
+ nodeTypes.push(nodeType);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+const aliasDescriptions = {
+ Binary:
+ "A cover of BinaryExpression and LogicalExpression, which share the same AST shape.",
+ Block: "Deprecated. Will be removed in Babel 8.",
+ BlockParent:
+ "A cover of AST nodes that start an execution context with new [LexicalEnvironment]( In other words, they define the scope of `let` and `const` declarations.",
+ Class:
+ "A cover of ClassExpression and ClassDeclaration, which share the same AST shape.",
+ CompletionStatement:
+ "A statement that indicates the [completion records]( In other words, they define the control flow of the program, such as when should a loop break or an action throws critical errors.",
+ Conditional:
+ "A cover of ConditionalExpression and IfStatement, which share the same AST shape.",
+ Declaration:
+ "A cover of any [Declaration](",
+ EnumBody: "A cover of Flow enum bodies.",
+ EnumMember: "A cover of Flow enum membors.",
+ ExportDeclaration:
+ "A cover of any [ExportDeclaration](",
+ Expression:
+ "A cover of any [Expression](",
+ ExpressionWrapper:
+ "A wrapper of expression that does not have runtime semantics.",
+ Flow: "A cover of AST nodes defined for Flow.",
+ FlowBaseAnnotation: "A cover of primary Flow type annotations.",
+ FlowDeclaration: "A cover of Flow declarations.",
+ FlowPredicate: "A cover of Flow predicates.",
+ FlowType: "A cover of Flow type annotations.",
+ For: "A cover of [ForStatement]( and [ForXStatement](#forxstatement)s.",
+ ForXStatement:
+ "A cover of [ForInStatements and ForOfStatements](",
+ Function:
+ "A cover of functions and [method](#method)s, the must have `body` and `params`. Note: `Function` is different to `FunctionParent`.",
+ FunctionParent:
+ "A cover of AST nodes that start an execution context with new [VariableEnvironment]( In other words, they define the scope of `var` declarations. FunctionParent did not include `Program` since Babel 7.",
+ Immutable:
+ "A cover of immutable objects and JSX elements. An object is [immutable]( if no other properties can be defined once created.",
+ JSX: "A cover of AST nodes defined for [JSX](",
+ LVal: "A cover of left hand side expressions used in the `left` of assignment expressions and [ForXStatement](#forxstatement)s. ",
+ Literal:
+ "A cover of [Literal](, [Regular Expression Literal]( and [Template Literal](",
+ Loop: "A cover of loop statements.",
+ Method: "A cover of object methods and class methods.",
+ ModuleDeclaration:
+ "A cover of ImportDeclaration and [ExportDeclaration](#exportdeclaration)",
+ ModuleSpecifier:
+ "A cover of import and export specifiers. Note: It is _not_ the [ModuleSpecifier]( defined in the spec.",
+ ObjectMember:
+ "A cover of [members]( in an object literal.",
+ Pattern:
+ "A cover of [BindingPattern]( except Identifiers.",
+ PatternLike:
+ "A cover of [BindingPattern]( ",
+ Private: "A cover of private class elements and private identifiers.",
+ Property: "A cover of object properties and class properties.",
+ Pureish:
+ "A cover of AST nodes which do not have side-effects. In other words, there is no observable behaviour changes if they are evaluated more than once.",
+ Scopable:
+ "A cover of [FunctionParent](#functionparent) and [BlockParent](#blockparent).",
+ Statement:
+ "A cover of any [Statement](",
+ TSBaseType: "A cover of primary TypeScript type annotations.",
+ TSEntityName: "A cover of ts entities.",
+ TSType: "A cover of TypeScript type annotations.",
+ TSTypeElement: "A cover of TypeScript type declarations.",
+ Terminatorless:
+ "A cover of AST nodes whose semantic will change when a line terminator is inserted between the operator and the operand.",
+ UnaryLike: "A cover of UnaryExpression and SpreadElement.",
+ UserWhitespacable: "Deprecated. Will be removed in Babel 8.",
+ While:
+ "A cover of DoWhileStatement and WhileStatement, which share the same AST shape.",
+const mapAliasToNodeTypes = generateMapAliasToNodeTypes();
+readme.push("### Aliases");
+for (const alias of [...mapAliasToNodeTypes.keys()].sort()) {
+ const nodeTypes = mapAliasToNodeTypes.get(alias);
+ nodeTypes.sort();
+ if (!(alias in aliasDescriptions)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Missing alias descriptions of "' +
+ alias +
+ ", which covers " +
+ nodeTypes.join(",")
+ );
+ }
+ readme.push("#### " + alias);
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push(aliasDescriptions[alias]);
+ readme.push("```javascript");
+ readme.push("" + alias + "(node);");
+ readme.push("```");
+ readme.push("");
+ readme.push("Covered nodes: ");
+ for (const nodeType of nodeTypes) {
+ readme.push("- [`" + nodeType + "`](#" + nodeType.toLowerCase() + ")");
+ }
+ readme.push("");