path: root/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/analysis/analysis_results.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/analysis/analysis_results.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/analysis/analysis_results.js b/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/analysis/analysis_results.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 292ff7022c7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/analysis/analysis_results.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-'use strict';
-base.exportTo('tracing.analysis', function() {
- var AnalysisResults = ui.define('div');
- AnalysisResults.prototype = {
- __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
- decorate: function() {
- this.className = 'analysis-results';
- },
- get requiresTallView() {
- return false;
- },
- clear: function() {
- this.textContent = '';
- },
- createSelectionChangingLink: function(text, selectionGenerator,
- opt_tooltip) {
- var el = this.ownerDocument.createElement('a');
- tracing.analysis.AnalysisLink.decorate(el);
- el.textContent = text;
- el.selectionGenerator = selectionGenerator;
- if (opt_tooltip)
- el.title = opt_tooltip;
- return el;
- },
- appendElement_: function(parent, tagName, opt_text) {
- var n = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(tagName);
- parent.appendChild(n);
- if (opt_text != undefined)
- n.textContent = opt_text;
- return n;
- },
- appendText_: function(parent, text) {
- var textElement = parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text);
- parent.appendChild(textNode);
- return textNode;
- },
- appendTableCell_: function(table, row, cellnum, text) {
- var td = this.appendElement_(row, 'td', text);
- td.className = table.className + '-col-' + cellnum;
- return td;
- },
- /**
- * Creates and append a table cell at the end of the given row.
- */
- appendTableCell: function(table, row, text) {
- return this.appendTableCell_(table, row, row.children.length, text);
- },
- appendTableCellWithTooltip_: function(table, row, cellnum, text, tooltip) {
- if (tooltip) {
- var td = this.appendElement_(row, 'td');
- td.className = table.className + '-col-' + cellnum;
- var span = this.appendElement_(td, 'span', text);
- span.className = 'tooltip';
- span.title = tooltip;
- return td;
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, cellnum, text);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a section header element.
- */
- appendHeader: function(label) {
- var header = this.appendElement_(this, 'span', label);
- header.className = 'analysis-header';
- return header;
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a info element of the format "<b>label</b>value".
- */
- appendInfo: function(label, value) {
- var div = this.appendElement_(this, 'div');
- div.label = this.appendElement_(div, 'b', label);
- div.value = this.appendElement_(div, 'span', value);
- return div;
- },
- /**
- * Adds a table with the given className.
- *
- * @return {HTMLTableElement} The newly created table.
- */
- appendTable: function(className, numColumns) {
- var table = this.appendElement_(this, 'table');
- table.className = className + ' analysis-table';
- table.numColumns = numColumns;
- return table;
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a |tr| in |thead|, if |thead| does not exist, create
- * it as well.
- */
- appendHeadRow: function(table) {
- if (table.headerRow)
- throw new Error('Only one header row allowed.');
- if (table.tbody || table.tfoot)
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot add a header row after data rows have been added.');
- table.headerRow = this.appendElement_(
- this.appendElement_(table, 'thead'), 'tr');
- table.headerRow.className = 'analysis-table-header';
- return table.headerRow;
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a |tr| in |tbody|, if |tbody| does not exist, create
- * it as well.
- */
- appendBodyRow: function(table) {
- if (table.tfoot)
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot add a tbody row after footer rows have been added.');
- if (!table.tbody)
- table.tbody = this.appendElement_(table, 'tbody');
- var row = this.appendElement_(table.tbody, 'tr');
- if (table.headerRow)
- row.className = 'analysis-table-row';
- else
- row.className = 'analysis-table-row-inverted';
- return row;
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a |tr| in |tfoot|, if |tfoot| does not exist, create
- * it as well.
- */
- appendFootRow: function(table) {
- if (!table.tfoot) {
- table.tfoot = this.appendElement_(table, 'tfoot');
- table.tfoot.rowsClassName = (
- (table.headerRow ? 1 : 0) +
- (table.tbody ? table.tbody.rows.length : 0)) % 2 ?
- 'analysis-table-row' : 'analysis-table-row-inverted';
- }
- var row = this.appendElement_(table.tfoot, 'tr');
- row.className = table.tfoot.rowsClassName;
- return row;
- },
- /**
- * Adds a spacing row to spread out results.
- */
- appendSpacingRow: function(table, opt_inFoot) {
- if (table.tfoot || opt_inFoot)
- var row = this.appendFootRow(table);
- else
- var row = this.appendBodyRow(table);
- for (var i = 0; i < table.numColumns; i++)
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, i, ' ');
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a row to |table| with a left-aligned |label] in the
- * first column and an optional |opt_value| in the second column.
- */
- appendInfoRow: function(table, label, opt_value, opt_inFoot) {
- if (table.tfoot || opt_inFoot)
- var row = this.appendFootRow(table);
- else
- var row = this.appendBodyRow(table);
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 0, label);
- if (opt_value !== undefined) {
- var objectView = new tracing.analysis.GenericObjectView();
- objectView.object = opt_value;
- objectView.classList.add('analysis-table-col-1');
- = 'table-cell';
- row.appendChild(objectView);
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 1, '');
- }
- for (var i = 2; i < table.numColumns; i++)
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, i, '');
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a row to |table| with a left-aligned |label] in the
- * first column and a millisecond |time| value in the second column.
- */
- appendInfoRowTime: function(table, label, time, opt_inFoot) {
- if (table.tfoot || opt_inFoot)
- var row = this.appendFootRow(table);
- else
- var row = this.appendBodyRow(table);
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 0, label);
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 1,
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(time) + ' ms');
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a row to |table| that summarizes a single slice or a
- * single counter. The row has a left-aligned |start| in the first column,
- * the |duration| of the data in the second, the number of |occurrences| in
- * the third.
- *
- * @param {object=} opt_statistics May be undefined, or an object which
- * contains calculated staistics containing min/max/avg for slices,
- * or min/max/avg/start/end for counters.
- */
- appendDetailsRow: function(table, start, duration, selfTime, args,
- opt_selectionGenerator, opt_threadDuration) {
- var row = this.appendBodyRow(table);
- if (opt_selectionGenerator) {
- var labelEl = this.appendTableCell(table, row,
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(start));
- labelEl.textContent = '';
- labelEl.appendChild(this.createSelectionChangingLink(
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(start),
- opt_selectionGenerator, ''));
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell(table, row, tracing.analysis.tsRound(start));
- }
- this.appendTableCell(table, row, tracing.analysis.tsRound(duration));
- if (opt_threadDuration)
- this.appendTableCell(table, row,
- opt_threadDuration != '' ?
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_threadDuration) :
- '');
- this.appendTableCell(table, row, tracing.analysis.tsRound(selfTime));
- var argsCell = this.appendTableCell(table, row, '');
- var n = 0;
- for (var argName in args) {
- n += 1;
- }
- if (n > 0) {
- for (var argName in args) {
- var argVal = args[argName];
- var objectView = new tracing.analysis.GenericObjectView();
- objectView.object = argVal;
- var argsRow = this.appendElement_(
- this.appendElement_(argsCell, 'table'), 'tr');
- this.appendElement_(argsRow, 'td', argName + ':');
- this.appendElement_(argsRow, 'td').appendChild(objectView);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Creates and appends a row to |table| that summarizes one or more slices,
- * or one or more counters. The row has a left-aligned |label| in the first
- * column, the |duration| of the data in the second, the number of
- * |occurrences| in the third.
- *
- * @param {object=} opt_statistics May be undefined, or an object which
- * contains calculated staistics containing min/max/avg for slices,
- * or min/max/avg/start/end for counters.
- */
- appendDataRow: function(
- table, label, opt_duration, opt_threadDuration, opt_selfTime,
- opt_occurences, opt_statistics, opt_selectionGenerator, opt_inFoot) {
- var tooltip = undefined;
- if (opt_statistics) {
- tooltip = 'Min Duration:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.min) +
- ' ms \u000DMax Duration:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.max) +
- ' ms \u000DAvg Duration:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.avg) +
- ' ms (\u03C3 = ' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.avg_stddev) + ')';
- if (opt_statistics.start) {
- tooltip += '\u000DStart Time:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.start) + ' ms';
- }
- if (opt_statistics.end) {
- tooltip += '\u000DEnd Time:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.end) + ' ms';
- }
- if (opt_statistics.frequency && opt_statistics.frequency_stddev) {
- tooltip += '\u000DFrequency:\u0009' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.frequency) +
- ' occurrences/s (\u03C3 = ' +
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_statistics.frequency_stddev) + ')';
- }
- }
- if (table.tfoot || opt_inFoot)
- var row = this.appendFootRow(table);
- else
- var row = this.appendBodyRow(table);
- if (!opt_selectionGenerator) {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 0, label, tooltip);
- } else {
- var labelEl = this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(
- table, row, 0, label, tooltip);
- labelEl.textContent = '';
- labelEl.appendChild(
- this.createSelectionChangingLink(label, opt_selectionGenerator,
- tooltip));
- }
- if (opt_duration) {
- if (opt_duration instanceof Array) {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 1,
- '[' + opt_duration.join(', ') + ']', tooltip);
- } else {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 1,
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_duration), tooltip);
- }
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 1, '');
- }
- if (opt_threadDuration !== null) {
- if (opt_threadDuration != '') {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 2,
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_threadDuration), tooltip);
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 2, '');
- }
- }
- if (opt_selfTime) {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 2,
- tracing.analysis.tsRound(opt_selfTime), tooltip);
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 2, '');
- }
- if (opt_occurences) {
- this.appendTableCellWithTooltip_(table, row, 2,
- String(opt_occurences), tooltip);
- } else {
- this.appendTableCell_(table, row, 2, '');
- }
- }
- };
- return {
- AnalysisResults: AnalysisResults
- };