path: root/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/trace_model/counter_series.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/trace_model/counter_series.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/trace_model/counter_series.js b/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/trace_model/counter_series.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ab5ac13e3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/trace-viewer/src/tracing/trace_model/counter_series.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the CounterSeries class.
- */
-base.exportTo('tracing.trace_model', function() {
- var CounterSample = tracing.trace_model.CounterSample;
- function CounterSeries(name, color) {
- this.guid_ = base.GUID.allocate();
- this.name_ = name;
- this.color_ = color;
- this.timestamps_ = [];
- this.samples_ = [];
- // Set by counter.addSeries
- this.counter = undefined;
- this.seriesIndex = undefined;
- }
- CounterSeries.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- toJSON: function() {
- var obj = new Object();
- var keys = Object.keys(this);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var key = keys[i];
- if (typeof this[key] == 'function')
- continue;
- if (key == 'counter') {
- obj[key] = this[key].guid;
- continue;
- }
- obj[key] = this[key];
- }
- return obj;
- },
- get length() {
- return this.timestamps_.length;
- },
- get name() {
- return this.name_;
- },
- get color() {
- return this.color_;
- },
- get samples() {
- return this.samples_;
- },
- get timestamps() {
- return this.timestamps_;
- },
- getSample: function(idx) {
- return this.samples_[idx];
- },
- getTimestamp: function(idx) {
- return this.timestamps_[idx];
- },
- addSample: function(ts, val) {
- this.timestamps_.push(ts);
- var sample = new CounterSample(this, ts, val);
- this.samples_.push(sample);
- return sample;
- },
- getStatistics: function(sampleIndices) {
- var sum = 0;
- var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
- var max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = 0; i < sampleIndices.length; ++i) {
- var sample = this.getSample(sampleIndices[i]).value;
- sum += sample;
- min = Math.min(sample, min);
- max = Math.max(sample, max);
- }
- return {
- min: min,
- max: max,
- avg: (sum / sampleIndices.length),
- start: this.getSample(sampleIndices[0]).value,
- end: this.getSample(sampleIndices.length - 1).value
- };
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.timestamps_.length; ++i) {
- this.timestamps_[i] += amount;
- this.samples_[i].timestamp = this.timestamps_[i];
- }
- },
- iterateAllEvents: function(callback) {
- this.samples_.forEach(callback);
- }
- };
- return {
- CounterSeries: CounterSeries
- };