path: root/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/')
1 files changed, 931 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/ b/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f82644cbc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/audio_decoder_impl.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "webrtc/common_audio/resampler/include/resampler.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/celt/include/celt_interface.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/g711/include/g711_interface.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/g722/include/g722_interface.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/interface/ilbc.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/fix/interface/isacfix.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/interface/isac.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/interface/opus_interface.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/pcm16b/include/pcm16b.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/data_log.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class AudioDecoderTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderTest()
+ : input_fp_(NULL),
+ input_(NULL),
+ encoded_(NULL),
+ decoded_(NULL),
+ frame_size_(0),
+ data_length_(0),
+ encoded_bytes_(0),
+ channels_(1),
+ decoder_(NULL) {
+ input_file_ = webrtc::test::ProjectRootPath() +
+ "resources/audio_coding/testfile32kHz.pcm";
+ }
+ virtual ~AudioDecoderTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ // Create arrays.
+ ASSERT_GT(data_length_, 0u) << "The test must set data_length_ > 0";
+ input_ = new int16_t[data_length_];
+ encoded_ = new uint8_t[data_length_ * 2];
+ decoded_ = new int16_t[data_length_ * channels_];
+ // Open input file.
+ input_fp_ = fopen(input_file_.c_str(), "rb");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(input_fp_ != NULL) << "Failed to open file " << input_file_;
+ // Read data to |input_|.
+ ASSERT_EQ(data_length_,
+ fread(input_, sizeof(int16_t), data_length_, input_fp_)) <<
+ "Could not read enough data from file";
+ // Logging to view input and output in Matlab.
+ // Use 'gyp -Denable_data_logging=1' to enable logging.
+ DataLog::CreateLog();
+ DataLog::AddTable("CodecTest");
+ DataLog::AddColumn("CodecTest", "input", 1);
+ DataLog::AddColumn("CodecTest", "output", 1);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ delete decoder_;
+ decoder_ = NULL;
+ // Close input file.
+ fclose(input_fp_);
+ // Delete arrays.
+ delete [] input_;
+ input_ = NULL;
+ delete [] encoded_;
+ encoded_ = NULL;
+ delete [] decoded_;
+ decoded_ = NULL;
+ // Close log.
+ DataLog::ReturnLog();
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() { }
+ // This method must be implemented for all tests derived from this class.
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len,
+ uint8_t* output) = 0;
+ // Encodes and decodes audio. The absolute difference between the input and
+ // output is compared vs |tolerance|, and the mean-squared error is compared
+ // with |mse|. The encoded stream should contain |expected_bytes|. For stereo
+ // audio, the absolute difference between the two channels is compared vs
+ // |channel_diff_tolerance|.
+ void EncodeDecodeTest(size_t expected_bytes, int tolerance, double mse,
+ int delay = 0, int channel_diff_tolerance = 0) {
+ ASSERT_GE(tolerance, 0) << "Test must define a tolerance >= 0";
+ ASSERT_GE(channel_diff_tolerance, 0) <<
+ "Test must define a channel_diff_tolerance >= 0";
+ size_t processed_samples = 0u;
+ encoded_bytes_ = 0u;
+ InitEncoder();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->Init());
+ while (processed_samples + frame_size_ <= data_length_) {
+ size_t enc_len = EncodeFrame(&input_[processed_samples], frame_size_,
+ &encoded_[encoded_bytes_]);
+ AudioDecoder::SpeechType speech_type;
+ size_t dec_len = decoder_->Decode(&encoded_[encoded_bytes_], enc_len,
+ &decoded_[processed_samples *
+ channels_],
+ &speech_type);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_ * channels_, dec_len);
+ encoded_bytes_ += enc_len;
+ processed_samples += frame_size_;
+ }
+ // For some codecs it doesn't make sense to check expected number of bytes,
+ // since the number can vary for different platforms. Opus and iSAC are
+ // such codecs. In this case expected_bytes is set to 0.
+ if (expected_bytes) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_bytes, encoded_bytes_);
+ }
+ CompareInputOutput(processed_samples, tolerance, delay);
+ if (channels_ == 2)
+ CompareTwoChannels(processed_samples, channel_diff_tolerance);
+ EXPECT_LE(MseInputOutput(processed_samples, delay), mse);
+ }
+ // The absolute difference between the input and output (the first channel) is
+ // compared vs |tolerance|. The parameter |delay| is used to correct for codec
+ // delays.
+ virtual void CompareInputOutput(size_t num_samples, int tolerance,
+ int delay) const {
+ assert(num_samples <= data_length_);
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < num_samples - delay; ++n) {
+ ASSERT_NEAR(input_[n], decoded_[channels_ * n + delay], tolerance) <<
+ "Exit test on first diff; n = " << n;
+ DataLog::InsertCell("CodecTest", "input", input_[n]);
+ DataLog::InsertCell("CodecTest", "output", decoded_[channels_ * n]);
+ DataLog::NextRow("CodecTest");
+ }
+ }
+ // The absolute difference between the two channels in a stereo is compared vs
+ // |tolerance|.
+ virtual void CompareTwoChannels(size_t samples_per_channel,
+ int tolerance) const {
+ assert(samples_per_channel <= data_length_);
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < samples_per_channel; ++n)
+ ASSERT_NEAR(decoded_[channels_ * n], decoded_[channels_ * n + 1],
+ tolerance) << "Stereo samples differ.";
+ }
+ // Calculates mean-squared error between input and output (the first channel).
+ // The parameter |delay| is used to correct for codec delays.
+ virtual double MseInputOutput(size_t num_samples, int delay) const {
+ assert(num_samples <= data_length_);
+ if (num_samples == 0) return 0.0;
+ double squared_sum = 0.0;
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < num_samples - delay; ++n) {
+ squared_sum += (input_[n] - decoded_[channels_ * n + delay]) *
+ (input_[n] - decoded_[channels_ * n + delay]);
+ }
+ return squared_sum / (num_samples - delay);
+ }
+ // Encodes a payload and decodes it twice with decoder re-init before each
+ // decode. Verifies that the decoded result is the same.
+ void ReInitTest() {
+ uint8_t* encoded = encoded_;
+ uint8_t* encoded_copy = encoded_ + 2 * frame_size_;
+ int16_t* output1 = decoded_;
+ int16_t* output2 = decoded_ + frame_size_;
+ InitEncoder();
+ size_t enc_len = EncodeFrame(input_, frame_size_, encoded);
+ size_t dec_len;
+ // Copy payload since iSAC fix destroys it during decode.
+ // Issue:
+ // TODO(hlundin): Remove if the iSAC bug gets fixed.
+ memcpy(encoded_copy, encoded, enc_len);
+ AudioDecoder::SpeechType speech_type1, speech_type2;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->Init());
+ dec_len = decoder_->Decode(encoded, enc_len, output1, &speech_type1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_ * channels_, dec_len);
+ // Re-init decoder and decode again.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->Init());
+ dec_len = decoder_->Decode(encoded_copy, enc_len, output2, &speech_type2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_ * channels_, dec_len);
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < frame_size_; ++n) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(output1[n], output2[n]) << "Exit test on first diff; n = " << n;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(speech_type1, speech_type2);
+ }
+ // Call DecodePlc and verify that the correct number of samples is produced.
+ void DecodePlcTest() {
+ InitEncoder();
+ size_t enc_len = EncodeFrame(input_, frame_size_, encoded_);
+ AudioDecoder::SpeechType speech_type;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->Init());
+ size_t dec_len =
+ decoder_->Decode(encoded_, enc_len, decoded_, &speech_type);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_ * channels_, dec_len);
+ // Call DecodePlc and verify that we get one frame of data.
+ // (Overwrite the output from the above Decode call, but that does not
+ // matter.)
+ dec_len = decoder_->DecodePlc(1, decoded_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_ * channels_, dec_len);
+ }
+ std::string input_file_;
+ FILE* input_fp_;
+ int16_t* input_;
+ uint8_t* encoded_;
+ int16_t* decoded_;
+ size_t frame_size_;
+ size_t data_length_;
+ size_t encoded_bytes_;
+ size_t channels_;
+ AudioDecoder* decoder_;
+class AudioDecoderPcmUTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderPcmUTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 160;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderPcmU;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcG711_EncodeU(NULL, const_cast<int16_t*>(input),
+ static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_EQ(input_len_samples, static_cast<size_t>(enc_len_bytes));
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+class AudioDecoderPcmATest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderPcmATest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 160;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderPcmA;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcG711_EncodeA(NULL, const_cast<int16_t*>(input),
+ static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_EQ(input_len_samples, static_cast<size_t>(enc_len_bytes));
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+class AudioDecoderPcm16BTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderPcm16BTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 160;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderPcm16B(kDecoderPCM16B);
+ assert(decoder_);
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ int enc_len_bytes = WebRtcPcm16b_EncodeW16(
+ const_cast<int16_t*>(input), static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2 * input_len_samples, static_cast<size_t>(enc_len_bytes));
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+class AudioDecoderIlbcTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderIlbcTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 240;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderIlbc;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_EncoderCreate(&encoder_);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderIlbcTest() {
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_EncoderFree(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIlbcfix_EncoderInit(encoder_, 30)); // 30 ms.
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_EQ(50, enc_len_bytes);
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ // Overload the default test since iLBC's function WebRtcIlbcfix_NetEqPlc does
+ // not return any data. It simply resets a few states and returns 0.
+ void DecodePlcTest() {
+ InitEncoder();
+ size_t enc_len = EncodeFrame(input_, frame_size_, encoded_);
+ AudioDecoder::SpeechType speech_type;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->Init());
+ size_t dec_len =
+ decoder_->Decode(encoded_, enc_len, decoded_, &speech_type);
+ EXPECT_EQ(frame_size_, dec_len);
+ // Simply call DecodePlc and verify that we get 0 as return value.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder_->DecodePlc(1, decoded_));
+ }
+ iLBC_encinst_t* encoder_;
+class AudioDecoderIsacFloatTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderIsacFloatTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ input_size_ = 160;
+ frame_size_ = 480;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderIsac;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcIsac_Create(&encoder_);
+ WebRtcIsac_SetEncSampRate(encoder_, 16000);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderIsacFloatTest() {
+ WebRtcIsac_Free(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_EncoderInit(encoder_, 1)); // Fixed mode.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Control(encoder_, 32000, 30)); // 32 kbps, 30 ms.
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ // Insert 3 * 10 ms. Expect non-zero output on third call.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_GT(enc_len_bytes, 0);
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ ISACStruct* encoder_;
+ int input_size_;
+class AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ input_size_ = 320;
+ frame_size_ = 960;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderIsacSwb;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcIsac_Create(&encoder_);
+ WebRtcIsac_SetEncSampRate(encoder_, 32000);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest() {
+ WebRtcIsac_Free(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_EncoderInit(encoder_, 1)); // Fixed mode.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Control(encoder_, 32000, 30)); // 32 kbps, 30 ms.
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ // Insert 3 * 10 ms. Expect non-zero output on third call.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcIsac_Encode(encoder_, input, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_GT(enc_len_bytes, 0);
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ ISACStruct* encoder_;
+ int input_size_;
+// This test is identical to AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest, except that it creates
+// an AudioDecoderIsacFb decoder object.
+class AudioDecoderIsacFbTest : public AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderIsacFbTest() : AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest() {
+ // Delete the |decoder_| that was created by AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest and
+ // create an AudioDecoderIsacFb object instead.
+ delete decoder_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderIsacFb;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ }
+class AudioDecoderIsacFixTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderIsacFixTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ input_size_ = 160;
+ frame_size_ = 480;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderIsacFix;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcIsacfix_Create(&encoder_);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderIsacFixTest() {
+ WebRtcIsacfix_Free(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsacfix_EncoderInit(encoder_, 1)); // Fixed mode.
+ WebRtcIsacfix_Control(encoder_, 32000, 30)); // 32 kbps, 30 ms.
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ // Insert 3 * 10 ms. Expect non-zero output on third call.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsacfix_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, WebRtcIsacfix_Encode(encoder_, input,
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output)));
+ input += input_size_;
+ int enc_len_bytes = WebRtcIsacfix_Encode(
+ encoder_, input, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_GT(enc_len_bytes, 0);
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ ISACFIX_MainStruct* encoder_;
+ int input_size_;
+class AudioDecoderG722Test : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderG722Test() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 160;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderG722;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcG722_CreateEncoder(&encoder_);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderG722Test() {
+ WebRtcG722_FreeEncoder(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcG722_EncoderInit(encoder_));
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcG722_Encode(encoder_, const_cast<int16_t*>(input),
+ static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(output));
+ EXPECT_EQ(80, enc_len_bytes);
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ G722EncInst* encoder_;
+class AudioDecoderG722StereoTest : public AudioDecoderG722Test {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderG722StereoTest() : AudioDecoderG722Test() {
+ channels_ = 2;
+ // Delete the |decoder_| that was created by AudioDecoderG722Test and
+ // create an AudioDecoderG722Stereo object instead.
+ delete decoder_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderG722Stereo;
+ assert(decoder_);
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ uint8_t* temp_output = new uint8_t[data_length_ * 2];
+ // Encode a mono payload using the base test class.
+ int mono_enc_len_bytes =
+ AudioDecoderG722Test::EncodeFrame(input, input_len_samples,
+ temp_output);
+ // The bit-stream consists of 4-bit samples:
+ // +--------+--------+--------+
+ // | s0 s1 | s2 s3 | s4 s5 |
+ // +--------+--------+--------+
+ //
+ // Duplicate them to the |output| such that the stereo stream becomes:
+ // +--------+--------+--------+
+ // | s0 s0 | s1 s1 | s2 s2 |
+ // +--------+--------+--------+
+ EXPECT_LE(mono_enc_len_bytes * 2, static_cast<int>(data_length_ * 2));
+ uint8_t* output_ptr = output;
+ for (int i = 0; i < mono_enc_len_bytes; ++i) {
+ *output_ptr = (temp_output[i] & 0xF0) + (temp_output[i] >> 4);
+ ++output_ptr;
+ *output_ptr = (temp_output[i] << 4) + (temp_output[i] & 0x0F);
+ ++output_ptr;
+ }
+ delete [] temp_output;
+ return mono_enc_len_bytes * 2;
+ }
+class AudioDecoderCeltTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ static const int kEncodingRateBitsPerSecond = 64000;
+ AudioDecoderCeltTest() : AudioDecoderTest(), encoder_(NULL) {
+ frame_size_ = 640;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = AudioDecoder::CreateAudioDecoder(kDecoderCELT_32);
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcCelt_CreateEnc(&encoder_, static_cast<int>(channels_));
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderCeltTest() {
+ WebRtcCelt_FreeEnc(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ assert(encoder_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcCelt_EncoderInit(
+ encoder_, static_cast<int>(channels_), kEncodingRateBitsPerSecond));
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ assert(encoder_);
+ return WebRtcCelt_Encode(encoder_, input, output);
+ }
+ CELT_encinst_t* encoder_;
+class AudioDecoderCeltStereoTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ static const int kEncodingRateBitsPerSecond = 64000;
+ AudioDecoderCeltStereoTest() : AudioDecoderTest(), encoder_(NULL) {
+ channels_ = 2;
+ frame_size_ = 640;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = AudioDecoder::CreateAudioDecoder(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch);
+ assert(decoder_);
+ stereo_input_ = new int16_t[frame_size_ * channels_];
+ WebRtcCelt_CreateEnc(&encoder_, static_cast<int>(channels_));
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderCeltStereoTest() {
+ delete [] stereo_input_;
+ WebRtcCelt_FreeEnc(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {
+ assert(encoder_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, WebRtcCelt_EncoderInit(
+ encoder_, static_cast<int>(channels_), kEncodingRateBitsPerSecond));
+ }
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ assert(encoder_);
+ assert(stereo_input_);
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < frame_size_; ++n) {
+ stereo_input_[n * 2] = stereo_input_[n * 2 + 1] = input[n];
+ }
+ return WebRtcCelt_Encode(encoder_, stereo_input_, output);
+ }
+ int16_t* stereo_input_;
+ CELT_encinst_t* encoder_;
+class AudioDecoderOpusTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderOpusTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ frame_size_ = 320;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderOpus(kDecoderOpus);
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcOpus_EncoderCreate(&encoder_, 1);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderOpusTest() {
+ WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {}
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ // Upsample from 32 to 48 kHz.
+ Resampler rs;
+ rs.Reset(32000, 48000, kResamplerSynchronous);
+ const int max_resamp_len_samples = static_cast<int>(input_len_samples) *
+ 3 / 2;
+ int16_t* resamp_input = new int16_t[max_resamp_len_samples];
+ int resamp_len_samples;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, rs.Push(input, static_cast<int>(input_len_samples),
+ resamp_input, max_resamp_len_samples,
+ resamp_len_samples));
+ EXPECT_EQ(max_resamp_len_samples, resamp_len_samples);
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcOpus_Encode(encoder_, resamp_input, resamp_len_samples,
+ static_cast<int>(data_length_), output);
+ EXPECT_GT(enc_len_bytes, 0);
+ delete [] resamp_input;
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ OpusEncInst* encoder_;
+class AudioDecoderOpusStereoTest : public AudioDecoderTest {
+ protected:
+ AudioDecoderOpusStereoTest() : AudioDecoderTest() {
+ channels_ = 2;
+ frame_size_ = 320;
+ data_length_ = 10 * frame_size_;
+ decoder_ = new AudioDecoderOpus(kDecoderOpus_2ch);
+ assert(decoder_);
+ WebRtcOpus_EncoderCreate(&encoder_, 2);
+ }
+ ~AudioDecoderOpusStereoTest() {
+ WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(encoder_);
+ }
+ virtual void InitEncoder() {}
+ virtual int EncodeFrame(const int16_t* input, size_t input_len_samples,
+ uint8_t* output) {
+ // Create stereo by duplicating each sample in |input|.
+ const int input_stereo_samples = static_cast<int>(input_len_samples) * 2;
+ int16_t* input_stereo = new int16_t[input_stereo_samples];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input_len_samples; i++)
+ input_stereo[i * 2] = input_stereo[i * 2 + 1] = input[i];
+ // Upsample from 32 to 48 kHz.
+ Resampler rs;
+ rs.Reset(32000, 48000, kResamplerSynchronousStereo);
+ const int max_resamp_len_samples = input_stereo_samples * 3 / 2;
+ int16_t* resamp_input = new int16_t[max_resamp_len_samples];
+ int resamp_len_samples;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, rs.Push(input_stereo, input_stereo_samples, resamp_input,
+ max_resamp_len_samples, resamp_len_samples));
+ EXPECT_EQ(max_resamp_len_samples, resamp_len_samples);
+ int enc_len_bytes =
+ WebRtcOpus_Encode(encoder_, resamp_input, resamp_len_samples / 2,
+ static_cast<int16_t>(data_length_), output);
+ EXPECT_GT(enc_len_bytes, 0);
+ delete [] resamp_input;
+ delete [] input_stereo;
+ return enc_len_bytes;
+ }
+ OpusEncInst* encoder_;
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderPcmUTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 251;
+ double mse = 1734.0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMu));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(data_length_, tolerance, mse);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderPcmATest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 308;
+ double mse = 1931.0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMa));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(data_length_, tolerance, mse);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderPcm16BTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 0;
+ double mse = 0.0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16B));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bwb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb32kHz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb48kHz));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(2 * data_length_, tolerance, mse);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderIlbcTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 6808;
+ double mse = 2.13e6;
+ int delay = 80; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderILBC));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(500, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderIsacFloatTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 3399;
+ double mse = 434951.0;
+ int delay = 48; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISAC));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(0, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderIsacSwbTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 19757;
+ double mse = 8.18e6;
+ int delay = 160; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISACswb));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(0, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderIsacFbTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 19757;
+ double mse = 8.18e6;
+ int delay = 160; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISACswb));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(0, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderIsacFixTest, DISABLED_EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 11034;
+ double mse = 3.46e6;
+ int delay = 54; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISAC));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(735, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderG722Test, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 6176;
+ double mse = 238630.0;
+ int delay = 22; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderG722));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(data_length_ / 2, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderG722StereoTest, CreateAndDestroy) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderG722_2ch));
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderG722StereoTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 6176;
+ int channel_diff_tolerance = 0;
+ double mse = 238630.0;
+ int delay = 22; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderG722_2ch));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(data_length_, tolerance, mse, delay, channel_diff_tolerance);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderOpusTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 6176;
+ double mse = 238630.0;
+ int delay = 22; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderOpus));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(0, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderOpusStereoTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 6176;
+ int channel_diff_tolerance = 0;
+ double mse = 238630.0;
+ int delay = 22; // Delay from input to output.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderOpus_2ch));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(0, tolerance, mse, delay, channel_diff_tolerance);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+// In the two following CELT tests, the low amplitude of the test signal allow
+// us to have such low error thresholds, i.e. |tolerance|, |mse|. Furthermore,
+// in general, stereo signals with identical channels do not result in identical
+// encoded channels.
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderCeltTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 20;
+ double mse = 17.0;
+ int delay = 80; // Delay from input to output in samples.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(1600, tolerance, mse, delay);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST_F(AudioDecoderCeltStereoTest, EncodeDecode) {
+ int tolerance = 20;
+ // If both channels are identical, CELT not necessarily decodes identical
+ // channels. However, for this input this is the case.
+ int channel_diff_tolerance = 0;
+ double mse = 20.0;
+ // Delay from input to output in samples, accounting for stereo.
+ int delay = 160;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch));
+ EncodeDecodeTest(1600, tolerance, mse, delay, channel_diff_tolerance);
+ ReInitTest();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_->HasDecodePlc());
+ DecodePlcTest();
+TEST(AudioDecoder, CodecSampleRateHz) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCMu));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCMa));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCMu_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCMa_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderILBC));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderISAC));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderISACswb));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderISACfb));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16B));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bwb));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bswb32kHz));
+ EXPECT_EQ(48000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bswb48kHz));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16B_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bwb_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bswb32kHz_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(48000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16Bswb48kHz_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderPCM16B_5ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderG722));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderG722_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderRED));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderAVT));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCNGnb));
+ EXPECT_EQ(16000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCNGwb));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCNGswb32kHz));
+ // TODO(tlegrand): Change 32000 to 48000 below once ACM has 48 kHz support.
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCNGswb48kHz));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderArbitrary));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderOpus));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderOpus_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCELT_32));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32000, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCELT_32));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, AudioDecoder::CodecSampleRateHz(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch));
+TEST(AudioDecoder, CodecSupported) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMu));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMa));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMu_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCMa_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderILBC));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISAC));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISACswb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderISACfb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16B));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bwb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb32kHz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb48kHz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16B_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bwb_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb32kHz_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16Bswb48kHz_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderPCM16B_5ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderG722));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderG722_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderRED));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderAVT));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCNGnb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCNGwb));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCNGswb32kHz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCNGswb48kHz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderArbitrary));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderOpus));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderOpus_2ch));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(AudioDecoder::CodecSupported(kDecoderCELT_32_2ch));
+} // namespace webrtc