path: root/chromium/tools/cygprofile/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/cygprofile/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/cygprofile/ b/chromium/tools/cygprofile/
deleted file mode 100755
index 694ae54f9b0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/cygprofile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Symbolize log file produced by cypgofile instrumentation.
-Given a log file and the binary being profiled (e.g. executable, shared
-library), the script can produce three different outputs: 1) symbols for the
-addresses, 2) function and line numbers for the addresses, or 3) an order file.
-import optparse
-import os
-import string
-import subprocess
-import sys
-def ParseLogLines(log_file_lines):
- """Parse a log file produced by the profiled run of clank.
- Args:
- log_file_lines: array of lines in log file produced by profiled run
- lib_name: library or executable containing symbols
- Below is an example of a small log file:
- 5086e000-52e92000 r-xp 00000000 b3:02 51276
- secs msecs pid:threadid func
- 1314897086 795828 3587:1074648168 0x509e105c
- 1314897086 795874 3587:1074648168 0x509e0eb4
- 1314897086 796326 3587:1074648168 0x509e0e3c
- 1314897086 796552 3587:1074648168 0x509e07bc
- Returns:
- call_info list with list of tuples of the format (sec, msec, call id,
- function address called)
- """
- call_lines = []
- has_started = False
- vm_start = 0
- line = log_file_lines[0]
- assert("r-xp" in line)
- end_index = line.find('-')
- vm_start = int(line[:end_index], 16)
- for line in log_file_lines[2:]:
- # print hex(vm_start)
- fields = line.split()
- if len(fields) == 4:
- call_lines.append(fields)
- # Convert strings to int in fields.
- call_info = []
- for call_line in call_lines:
- (sec_timestamp, msec_timestamp) = map(int, call_line[0:2])
- callee_id = call_line[2]
- addr = int(call_line[3], 16)
- if vm_start < addr:
- addr -= vm_start
- call_info.append((sec_timestamp, msec_timestamp, callee_id, addr))
- return call_info
-def ParseLibSymbols(lib_file):
- """Get output from running nm and greping for text symbols.
- Args:
- lib_file: the library or executable that contains the profiled code
- Returns:
- list of sorted unique addresses and corresponding size of function symbols
- in lib_file and map of addresses to all symbols at a particular address
- """
- cmd = ['nm', '-S', '-n', lib_file]
- nm_p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output = nm_p.communicate()[0]
- nm_lines = output.split('\n')
- nm_symbols = []
- for nm_line in nm_lines:
- if any(str in nm_line for str in (' t ', ' W ', ' T ')):
- nm_symbols.append(nm_line)
- nm_index = 0
- unique_addrs = []
- address_map = {}
- while nm_index < len(nm_symbols):
- # If the length of the split line is not 4, then it does not contain all the
- # information needed to symbolize (i.e. address, size and symbol name).
- if len(nm_symbols[nm_index].split()) == 4:
- (addr, size) = [int(x, 16) for x in nm_symbols[nm_index].split()[0:2]]
- # Multiple symbols may be at the same address. This is do to aliasing
- # done by the compiler. Since there is no way to be sure which one was
- # called in profiled run, we will symbolize to include all symbol names at
- # a particular address.
- fnames = []
- while (nm_index < len(nm_symbols) and
- addr == int(nm_symbols[nm_index].split()[0], 16)):
- if len(nm_symbols[nm_index].split()) == 4:
- fnames.append(nm_symbols[nm_index].split()[3])
- nm_index += 1
- address_map[addr] = fnames
- unique_addrs.append((addr, size))
- else:
- nm_index += 1
- return (unique_addrs, address_map)
-class SymbolNotFoundException(Exception):
- def __init__(self,value):
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
-def BinarySearchAddresses(addr, start, end, arr):
- """Find starting address of a symbol at a particular address.
- The reason we can not directly use the address provided by the log file is
- that the log file may give an address after the start of the symbol. The
- logged address is often one byte after the start. By using this search
- function rather than just subtracting one from the logged address allows
- the logging instrumentation to log any address in a function.
- Args:
- addr: the address being searched for
- start: the starting index for the binary search
- end: the ending index for the binary search
- arr: the list being searched containing tuple of address and size
- Returns:
- the starting address of the symbol at address addr
- Raises:
- Exception: if address not found. Functions expects all logged addresses
- to be found
- """
- # print "addr: " + str(addr) + " start: " + str(start) + " end: " + str(end)
- if start >= end or start == end - 1:
- # arr[i] is a tuple of address and size. Check if addr inside range
- if addr >= arr[start][0] and addr < arr[start][0] + arr[start][1]:
- return arr[start][0]
- elif addr >= arr[end][0] and addr < arr[end][0] + arr[end][1]:
- return arr[end][0]
- else:
- raise SymbolNotFoundException(addr)
- else:
- halfway = (start + end) / 2
- (nm_addr, size) = arr[halfway]
- # print "nm_addr: " + str(nm_addr) + " halfway: " + str(halfway)
- if addr >= nm_addr and addr < nm_addr + size:
- return nm_addr
- elif addr < nm_addr:
- return BinarySearchAddresses(addr, start, halfway-1, arr)
- else:
- # Condition (addr >= nm_addr + size) must be true.
- return BinarySearchAddresses(addr, halfway+1, end, arr)
-def FindFunctions(addr, unique_addrs, address_map):
- """Find function symbol names at address addr."""
- return address_map[BinarySearchAddresses(addr, 0, len(unique_addrs) - 1,
- unique_addrs)]
-def AddrToLine(addr, lib_file):
- """Use addr2line to determine line info of a particular address."""
- cmd = ['addr2line', '-f', '-e', lib_file, hex(addr)]
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output = (p.communicate()[0]).split('\n')
- line = output[0]
- index = 1
- while index < len(output):
- line = line + ':' + output[index]
- index += 1
- return line
-def main():
- """Write output for profiled run to standard out.
- The format of the output depends on the output type specified as the third
- command line argument. The default output type is to symbolize the addresses
- of the functions called.
- """
- parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] log_file lib_file')
- parser.add_option('-t', '--outputType', dest='output_type',
- default='symbolize', type='string',
- help='lineize or symbolize or orderfile')
- # Option for output type. The log file and lib file arguments are required
- # by the script and therefore are not options.
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 2:
- parser.error('expected 2 args: log_file lib_file')
- (log_file, lib_file) = args
- output_type = options.output_type
- lib_name = lib_file.split('/')[-1].strip()
- log_file_lines = map(string.rstrip, open(log_file).readlines())
- call_info = ParseLogLines(log_file_lines)
- (unique_addrs, address_map) = ParseLibSymbols(lib_file)
- # Check for duplicate addresses in the log file, and print a warning if
- # duplicates are found. The instrumentation that produces the log file
- # should only print the first time a function is entered.
- addr_list = []
- for call in call_info:
- addr = call[3]
- if addr not in addr_list:
- addr_list.append(addr)
- else:
- print('WARNING: Address ' + hex(addr) + ' (line= ' +
- AddrToLine(addr, lib_file) + ') already profiled.')
- for call in call_info:
- if output_type == 'lineize':
- symbol = AddrToLine(call[3], lib_file)
- print(str(call[0]) + ' ' + str(call[1]) + '\t' + str(call[2]) + '\t'
- + symbol)
- elif output_type == 'orderfile':
- try:
- symbols = FindFunctions(call[3], unique_addrs, address_map)
- for symbol in symbols:
- print '.text.' + symbol
- print ''
- except SymbolNotFoundException as e:
- sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Did not find function in binary. addr: '
- + hex(addr) + '\n')
- else:
- try:
- symbols = FindFunctions(call[3], unique_addrs, address_map)
- print(str(call[0]) + ' ' + str(call[1]) + '\t' + str(call[2]) + '\t'
- + symbols[0])
- first_symbol = True
- for symbol in symbols:
- if not first_symbol:
- print '\t\t\t\t\t' + symbol
- else:
- first_symbol = False
- except SymbolNotFoundException as e:
- sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Did not find function in binary. addr: '
- + hex(addr) + '\n')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()