path: root/chromium/tools/site_compare/utils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/site_compare/utils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/site_compare/utils/ b/chromium/tools/site_compare/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 596b475cdcb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/tools/site_compare/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utility to use a browser to visit multiple URLs.
- 1. The command_line package from tools/site_compare
- 2. Either the IE BHO or Firefox extension (or both)
- 1. Build the IE BHO, or call regsvr32 on a prebuilt binary
- 2. Add a file called "" to
- the default Firefox profile directory under extensions, containing
- the path to the Firefox extension root
-Invoke with the command line arguments as documented within
-the command line.
-import command_line
-import scrapers
-import socket
-import time
-from drivers import windowing
-# Constants
-MAX_URL = 1024
-PORT = 42492
-def SetupIterationCommandLine(cmd):
- """Adds the necessary flags for iteration to a command.
- Args:
- cmd: an object created by cmdline.AddCommand
- """
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-b", "--browser"], "Browser to use (ie, firefox, chrome)",
- type="string", required=True)
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-b1v", "--browserver"], "Version of browser", metaname="VERSION")
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-p", "--browserpath"], "Path to browser.",
- type="string", required=False)
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-u", "--url"], "URL to visit")
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-l", "--list"], "File containing list of URLs to visit", type="readfile")
- cmd.AddMutualExclusion(["--url", "--list"])
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-s", "--startline"], "First line of URL list", type="int")
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-e", "--endline"], "Last line of URL list (exclusive)", type="int")
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-c", "--count"], "Number of lines of URL file to use", type="int")
- cmd.AddDependency("--startline", "--list")
- cmd.AddRequiredGroup(["--url", "--list"])
- cmd.AddDependency("--endline", "--list")
- cmd.AddDependency("--count", "--list")
- cmd.AddMutualExclusion(["--count", "--endline"])
- cmd.AddDependency("--count", "--startline")
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-t", "--timeout"], "Amount of time (seconds) to wait for browser to "
- "finish loading",
- type="int", default=300)
- cmd.AddArgument(
- ["-sz", "--size"], "Browser window size", default=(800, 600), type="coords")
-def Iterate(command, iteration_func):
- """Iterates over a list of URLs, calling a function on each.
- Args:
- command: the command line containing the iteration flags
- iteration_func: called for each URL with (proc, wnd, url, result)
- """
- # Retrieve the browser scraper to use to invoke the browser
- scraper = scrapers.GetScraper((command["--browser"], command["--browserver"]))
- def AttachToBrowser(path, timeout):
- """Invoke the browser process and connect to the socket."""
- (proc, frame, wnd) = scraper.GetBrowser(path)
- if not wnd: raise ValueError("Could not invoke browser.")
- # Try to connect the socket. If it fails, wait and try
- # again. Do this for ten seconds
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
- for attempt in xrange(10):
- try:
- s.connect(("localhost", PORT))
- except socket.error:
- time.sleep(1)
- continue
- break
- try:
- s.getpeername()
- except socket.error:
- raise ValueError("Could not connect to browser")
- if command["--size"]:
- # Resize and reposition the frame
- windowing.MoveAndSizeWindow(frame, (0, 0), command["--size"], wnd)
- s.settimeout(timeout)
- Iterate.proc = proc
- Iterate.wnd = wnd
- Iterate.s = s
- def DetachFromBrowser():
- """Close the socket and kill the process if necessary."""
- if Iterate.s:
- Iterate.s.close()
- Iterate.s = None
- if Iterate.proc:
- if not windowing.WaitForProcessExit(Iterate.proc, 0):
- try:
- windowing.EndProcess(Iterate.proc)
- windowing.WaitForProcessExit(Iterate.proc, 0)
- except pywintypes.error:
- # Exception here most likely means the process died on its own
- pass
- Iterate.proc = None
- if command["--browserpath"]:
- browser = command["--browserpath"]
- else:
- browser = None
- # Read the URLs from the file
- if command["--url"]:
- url_list = [command["--url"]]
- else:
- startline = command["--startline"]
- if command["--count"]:
- endline = startline+command["--count"]
- else:
- endline = command["--endline"]
- url_list = []
- file = open(command["--list"], "r")
- for line in xrange(startline-1):
- file.readline()
- for line in xrange(endline-startline):
- url_list.append(file.readline().strip())
- timeout = command["--timeout"]
- # Loop through the URLs and send them through the socket
- Iterate.s = None
- Iterate.proc = None
- Iterate.wnd = None
- for url in url_list:
- # Invoke the browser if necessary
- if not Iterate.proc:
- AttachToBrowser(browser, timeout)
- # Send the URL and wait for a response
- Iterate.s.send(url + "\n")
- response = ""
- while (response.find("\n") < 0):
- try:
- recv = Iterate.s.recv(MAX_URL)
- response = response + recv
- # Workaround for an oddity: when Firefox closes
- # gracefully, somehow Python doesn't detect it.
- # (Telnet does)
- if not recv:
- raise socket.error
- except socket.timeout:
- response = url + ",hang\n"
- DetachFromBrowser()
- except socket.error:
- # If there was a socket error, it's probably a crash
- response = url + ",crash\n"
- DetachFromBrowser()
- # If we received a timeout response, restart the browser
- if response[-9:] == ",timeout\n":
- DetachFromBrowser()
- # Invoke the iteration function
- iteration_func(url, Iterate.proc, Iterate.wnd, response)
- # We're done
- DetachFromBrowser()