path: root/chromium/ui/base/ime/input_method_chromeos.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ui/base/ime/input_method_chromeos.h')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ui/base/ime/input_method_chromeos.h b/chromium/ui/base/ime/input_method_chromeos.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98b42aed445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ui/base/ime/input_method_chromeos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "ui/base/ime/chromeos/character_composer.h"
+#include "ui/base/ime/chromeos/ime_bridge.h"
+#include "ui/base/ime/composition_text.h"
+#include "ui/base/ime/input_method_base.h"
+namespace ui {
+// A ui::InputMethod implementation based on IBus.
+class UI_BASE_EXPORT InputMethodChromeOS
+ : public InputMethodBase,
+ public chromeos::IMEInputContextHandlerInterface {
+ public:
+ explicit InputMethodChromeOS(internal::InputMethodDelegate* delegate);
+ virtual ~InputMethodChromeOS();
+ // Overridden from InputMethod:
+ virtual void OnFocus() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnBlur() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool OnUntranslatedIMEMessage(const base::NativeEvent& event,
+ NativeEventResult* result) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool DispatchKeyEvent(const ui::KeyEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnTextInputTypeChanged(const TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnCaretBoundsChanged(const TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void CancelComposition(const TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnInputLocaleChanged() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual std::string GetInputLocale() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsActive() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool IsCandidatePopupOpen() const OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ // Converts |text| into CompositionText.
+ void ExtractCompositionText(const chromeos::CompositionText& text,
+ uint32 cursor_position,
+ CompositionText* out_composition) const;
+ // Process a key returned from the input method.
+ virtual void ProcessKeyEventPostIME(const ui::KeyEvent& event,
+ bool handled);
+ // Resets context and abandon all pending results and key events.
+ void ResetContext();
+ private:
+ class PendingKeyEvent;
+ // Overridden from InputMethodBase:
+ virtual void OnWillChangeFocusedClient(TextInputClient* focused_before,
+ TextInputClient* focused) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnDidChangeFocusedClient(TextInputClient* focused_before,
+ TextInputClient* focused) OVERRIDE;
+ // Asks the client to confirm current composition text.
+ void ConfirmCompositionText();
+ // Checks the availability of focused text input client and update focus
+ // state.
+ void UpdateContextFocusState();
+ // Processes a key event that was already filtered by the input method.
+ // A VKEY_PROCESSKEY may be dispatched to the focused View.
+ void ProcessFilteredKeyPressEvent(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
+ // Processes a key event that was not filtered by the input method.
+ void ProcessUnfilteredKeyPressEvent(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
+ // Sends input method result caused by the given key event to the focused text
+ // input client.
+ void ProcessInputMethodResult(const ui::KeyEvent& event, bool filtered);
+ // Checks if the pending input method result needs inserting into the focused
+ // text input client as a single character.
+ bool NeedInsertChar() const;
+ // Checks if there is pending input method result.
+ bool HasInputMethodResult() const;
+ // Sends a fake key event for IME composing without physical key events.
+ void SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(bool pressed) const;
+ // Abandons all pending key events. It usually happends when we lose keyboard
+ // focus, the text input type is changed or we are destroyed.
+ void AbandonAllPendingKeyEvents();
+ // Passes keyevent and executes character composition if necessary. Returns
+ // true if character composer comsumes key event.
+ bool ExecuteCharacterComposer(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
+ // chromeos::IMEInputContextHandlerInterface overrides:
+ virtual void CommitText(const std::string& text) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void UpdateCompositionText(const chromeos::CompositionText& text,
+ uint32 cursor_pos,
+ bool visible) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void DeleteSurroundingText(int32 offset, uint32 length) OVERRIDE;
+ // Hides the composition text.
+ void HidePreeditText();
+ // Callback function for IMEEngineHandlerInterface::ProcessKeyEvent.
+ void ProcessKeyEventDone(uint32 id, ui::KeyEvent* event, bool is_handled);
+ // Returns whether an input field is focused. Note that password field is not
+ // considered as an input field.
+ bool IsInputFieldFocused();
+ // All pending key events. Note: we do not own these object, we just save
+ // pointers to these object so that we can abandon them when necessary.
+ // They will be deleted in ProcessKeyEventDone().
+ std::set<uint32> pending_key_events_;
+ // Pending composition text generated by the current pending key event.
+ // It'll be sent to the focused text input client as soon as we receive the
+ // processing result of the pending key event.
+ CompositionText composition_;
+ // Pending result text generated by the current pending key event.
+ // It'll be sent to the focused text input client as soon as we receive the
+ // processing result of the pending key event.
+ base::string16 result_text_;
+ base::string16 previous_surrounding_text_;
+ gfx::Range previous_selection_range_;
+ // Indicates if there is an ongoing composition text.
+ bool composing_text_;
+ // Indicates if the composition text is changed or deleted.
+ bool composition_changed_;
+ // The latest id of key event.
+ uint32 current_keyevent_id_;
+ // An object to compose a character from a sequence of key presses
+ // including dead key etc.
+ CharacterComposer character_composer_;
+ // Used for making callbacks.
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<InputMethodChromeOS> weak_ptr_factory_;
+} // namespace ui