path: root/chromium/ui/base/ime/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ui/base/ime/ b/chromium/ui/base/ime/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a33a1128c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/ui/base/ime/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "ui/base/ime/input_method_imm32.h"
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "ui/base/ime/composition_text.h"
-#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_client.h"
-#include "ui/base/ime/win/tsf_input_scope.h"
-namespace ui {
-InputMethodIMM32::InputMethodIMM32(internal::InputMethodDelegate* delegate,
- HWND toplevel_window_handle)
- : InputMethodWin(delegate, toplevel_window_handle),
- enabled_(false), is_candidate_popup_open_(false),
- composing_window_handle_(NULL) {
- // In non-Aura environment, appropriate callbacks to OnFocus() and OnBlur()
- // are not implemented yet. To work around this limitation, here we use
- // "always focused" model.
- // TODO(ime): Fix the caller of OnFocus() and OnBlur() so that appropriate
- // focus event will be passed.
- InputMethodWin::OnFocus();
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnFocus() {
- // Ignore OnFocus event for "always focused" model. See the comment in the
- // constructor.
- // TODO(ime): Implement OnFocus once the callers are fixed.
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnBlur() {
- // Ignore OnBlur event for "always focused" model. See the comment in the
- // constructor.
- // TODO(ime): Implement OnFocus once the callers are fixed.
-bool InputMethodIMM32::OnUntranslatedIMEMessage(
- const base::NativeEvent& event, InputMethod::NativeEventResult* result) {
- LRESULT original_result = 0;
- BOOL handled = FALSE;
- switch (event.message) {
- original_result = OnImeSetContext(
- event.hwnd, event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnImeStartComposition(
- event.hwnd, event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnImeComposition(
- event.hwnd, event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnImeEndComposition(
- event.hwnd, event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnImeRequest(
- event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- case WM_CHAR:
- case WM_SYSCHAR:
- original_result = OnChar(
- event.hwnd, event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnDeadChar(
- event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- original_result = OnImeNotify(
- event.message, event.wParam, event.lParam, &handled);
- break;
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown IME message:" << event.message;
- break;
- }
- if (result)
- *result = original_result;
- return !!handled;
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnTextInputTypeChanged(const TextInputClient* client) {
- if (IsTextInputClientFocused(client) && IsWindowFocused(client)) {
- imm32_manager_.CancelIME(GetAttachedWindowHandle(client));
- UpdateIMEState();
- }
- InputMethodWin::OnTextInputTypeChanged(client);
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnCaretBoundsChanged(const TextInputClient* client) {
- if (!enabled_ || !IsTextInputClientFocused(client) ||
- !IsWindowFocused(client)) {
- return;
- }
- // The current text input type should not be NONE if |client| is focused.
- DCHECK(!IsTextInputTypeNone());
- gfx::Rect screen_bounds(GetTextInputClient()->GetCaretBounds());
- HWND attached_window = GetAttachedWindowHandle(client);
- // TODO(ime): see comment in TextInputClient::GetCaretBounds(), this
- // conversion shouldn't be necessary.
- RECT r = {};
- GetClientRect(attached_window, &r);
- POINT window_point = { screen_bounds.x(), screen_bounds.y() };
- ScreenToClient(attached_window, &window_point);
- gfx::Rect caret_rect(gfx::Point(window_point.x, window_point.y),
- screen_bounds.size());
- imm32_manager_.UpdateCaretRect(attached_window, caret_rect);
-void InputMethodIMM32::CancelComposition(const TextInputClient* client) {
- if (enabled_ && IsTextInputClientFocused(client))
- imm32_manager_.CancelIME(GetAttachedWindowHandle(client));
-bool InputMethodIMM32::IsCandidatePopupOpen() const {
- return is_candidate_popup_open_;
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnWillChangeFocusedClient(
- TextInputClient* focused_before,
- TextInputClient* focused) {
- if (IsWindowFocused(focused_before)) {
- ConfirmCompositionText();
- }
-void InputMethodIMM32::OnDidChangeFocusedClient(TextInputClient* focused_before,
- TextInputClient* focused) {
- if (IsWindowFocused(focused)) {
- // Force to update the input type since client's TextInputStateChanged()
- // function might not be called if text input types before the client loses
- // focus and after it acquires focus again are the same.
- OnTextInputTypeChanged(focused);
- UpdateIMEState();
- // Force to update caret bounds, in case the client thinks that the caret
- // bounds has not changed.
- OnCaretBoundsChanged(focused);
- }
- InputMethodWin::OnDidChangeFocusedClient(focused_before, focused);
-LRESULT InputMethodIMM32::OnImeSetContext(HWND window_handle,
- UINT message,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam,
- BOOL* handled) {
- if (!!wparam)
- imm32_manager_.CreateImeWindow(window_handle);
- OnInputMethodChanged();
- return imm32_manager_.SetImeWindowStyle(
- window_handle, message, wparam, lparam, handled);
-LRESULT InputMethodIMM32::OnImeStartComposition(HWND window_handle,
- UINT message,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam,
- BOOL* handled) {
- // We have to prevent WTL from calling ::DefWindowProc() because the function
- // calls ::ImmSetCompositionWindow() and ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() to
- // over-write the position of IME windows.
- *handled = TRUE;
- // Reset the composition status and create IME windows.
- composing_window_handle_ = window_handle;
- imm32_manager_.CreateImeWindow(window_handle);
- imm32_manager_.ResetComposition(window_handle);
- return 0;
-LRESULT InputMethodIMM32::OnImeComposition(HWND window_handle,
- UINT message,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam,
- BOOL* handled) {
- // We have to prevent WTL from calling ::DefWindowProc() because we do not
- // want for the IMM (Input Method Manager) to send WM_IME_CHAR messages.
- *handled = TRUE;
- // At first, update the position of the IME window.
- imm32_manager_.UpdateImeWindow(window_handle);
- // Retrieve the result string and its attributes of the ongoing composition
- // and send it to a renderer process.
- ui::CompositionText composition;
- if (imm32_manager_.GetResult(window_handle, lparam, &composition.text)) {
- if (!IsTextInputTypeNone())
- GetTextInputClient()->InsertText(composition.text);
- imm32_manager_.ResetComposition(window_handle);
- // Fall though and try reading the composition string.
- // Japanese IMEs send a message containing both GCS_RESULTSTR and
- // GCS_COMPSTR, which means an ongoing composition has been finished
- // by the start of another composition.
- }
- // Retrieve the composition string and its attributes of the ongoing
- // composition and send it to a renderer process.
- if (imm32_manager_.GetComposition(window_handle, lparam, &composition) &&
- !IsTextInputTypeNone())
- GetTextInputClient()->SetCompositionText(composition);
- return 0;
-LRESULT InputMethodIMM32::OnImeEndComposition(HWND window_handle,
- UINT message,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam,
- BOOL* handled) {
- // Let WTL call ::DefWindowProc() and release its resources.
- *handled = FALSE;
- composing_window_handle_ = NULL;
- if (!IsTextInputTypeNone() && GetTextInputClient()->HasCompositionText())
- GetTextInputClient()->ClearCompositionText();
- imm32_manager_.ResetComposition(window_handle);
- imm32_manager_.DestroyImeWindow(window_handle);
- return 0;
-LRESULT InputMethodIMM32::OnImeNotify(UINT message,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam,
- BOOL* handled) {
- *handled = FALSE;
- bool previous_state = is_candidate_popup_open_;
- // Update |is_candidate_popup_open_|, whether a candidate window is open.
- switch (wparam) {
- is_candidate_popup_open_ = true;
- if (!previous_state)
- OnCandidateWindowShown();
- break;
- is_candidate_popup_open_ = false;
- if (previous_state)
- OnCandidateWindowHidden();
- break;
- // TODO(kochi): The IME API expects this event to notify window size change,
- // while this may fire more often without window resize. There is no generic
- // way to get bounds of candidate window.
- OnCandidateWindowUpdated();
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-void InputMethodIMM32::ConfirmCompositionText() {
- if (composing_window_handle_)
- imm32_manager_.CleanupComposition(composing_window_handle_);
- if (!IsTextInputTypeNone()) {
- // Though above line should confirm the client's composition text by sending
- // a result text to us, in case the input method and the client are in
- // inconsistent states, we check the client's composition state again.
- if (GetTextInputClient()->HasCompositionText())
- GetTextInputClient()->ConfirmCompositionText();
- }
-void InputMethodIMM32::UpdateIMEState() {
- // Use switch here in case we are going to add more text input types.
- // We disable input method in password field.
- const HWND window_handle = GetAttachedWindowHandle(GetTextInputClient());
- const TextInputType text_input_type = GetTextInputType();
- const TextInputMode text_input_mode = GetTextInputMode();
- switch (text_input_type) {
- imm32_manager_.DisableIME(window_handle);
- enabled_ = false;
- break;
- default:
- imm32_manager_.EnableIME(window_handle);
- enabled_ = true;
- break;
- }
- imm32_manager_.SetTextInputMode(window_handle, text_input_mode);
- tsf_inputscope::SetInputScopeForTsfUnawareWindow(
- window_handle, text_input_type, text_input_mode);
-} // namespace ui