path: root/chromium/webkit/browser/appcache/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/webkit/browser/appcache/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 717 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/webkit/browser/appcache/ b/chromium/webkit/browser/appcache/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed7783d7f6..00000000000
--- a/chromium/webkit/browser/appcache/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stack>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/pickle.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
-#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_response.h"
-#include "webkit/browser/appcache/mock_appcache_service.h"
-using net::IOBuffer;
-using net::WrappedIOBuffer;
-namespace appcache {
-static const int kNumBlocks = 4;
-static const int kBlockSize = 1024;
-static const int kNoSuchResponseId = 123;
-class AppCacheResponseTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- // Test Harness -------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helper class used to verify test results
- class MockStorageDelegate : public AppCacheStorage::Delegate {
- public:
- explicit MockStorageDelegate(AppCacheResponseTest* test)
- : loaded_info_id_(0), test_(test) {
- }
- virtual void OnResponseInfoLoaded(AppCacheResponseInfo* info,
- int64 response_id) OVERRIDE {
- loaded_info_ = info;
- loaded_info_id_ = response_id;
- test_->ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- scoped_refptr<AppCacheResponseInfo> loaded_info_;
- int64 loaded_info_id_;
- AppCacheResponseTest* test_;
- };
- // Helper callback to run a test on our io_thread. The io_thread is spun up
- // once and reused for all tests.
- template <class Method>
- void MethodWrapper(Method method) {
- SetUpTest();
- (this->*method)();
- }
- static void SetUpTestCase() {
- io_thread_.reset(new base::Thread("AppCacheResponseTest Thread"));
- base::Thread::Options options(base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, 0);
- io_thread_->StartWithOptions(options);
- }
- static void TearDownTestCase() {
- io_thread_.reset(NULL);
- }
- AppCacheResponseTest() {}
- template <class Method>
- void RunTestOnIOThread(Method method) {
- test_finished_event_ .reset(new base::WaitableEvent(false, false));
- io_thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::MethodWrapper<Method>,
- base::Unretained(this), method));
- test_finished_event_->Wait();
- }
- void SetUpTest() {
- DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current() == io_thread_->message_loop());
- DCHECK(task_stack_.empty());
- storage_delegate_.reset(new MockStorageDelegate(this));
- service_.reset(new MockAppCacheService());
- expected_read_result_ = 0;
- expected_write_result_ = 0;
- written_response_id_ = 0;
- should_delete_reader_in_completion_callback_ = false;
- should_delete_writer_in_completion_callback_ = false;
- reader_deletion_count_down_ = 0;
- writer_deletion_count_down_ = 0;
- read_callback_was_called_ = false;
- write_callback_was_called_ = false;
- }
- void TearDownTest() {
- DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current() == io_thread_->message_loop());
- while (!task_stack_.empty())
- task_stack_.pop();
- reader_.reset();
- read_buffer_ = NULL;
- read_info_buffer_ = NULL;
- writer_.reset();
- write_buffer_ = NULL;
- write_info_buffer_ = NULL;
- storage_delegate_.reset();
- service_.reset();
- }
- void TestFinished() {
- // We unwind the stack prior to finishing up to let stack
- // based objects get deleted.
- DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current() == io_thread_->message_loop());
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::TestFinishedUnwound,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- void TestFinishedUnwound() {
- TearDownTest();
- test_finished_event_->Signal();
- }
- void PushNextTask(const base::Closure& task) {
- task_stack_.push(std::pair<base::Closure, bool>(task, false));
- }
- void PushNextTaskAsImmediate(const base::Closure& task) {
- task_stack_.push(std::pair<base::Closure, bool>(task, true));
- }
- void ScheduleNextTask() {
- DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current() == io_thread_->message_loop());
- if (task_stack_.empty()) {
- TestFinished();
- return;
- }
- base::Closure task =;
- bool immediate =;
- task_stack_.pop();
- if (immediate)
- task.Run();
- else
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task);
- }
- // Wrappers to call AppCacheResponseReader/Writer Read and Write methods
- void WriteBasicResponse() {
- static const char kHttpHeaders[] =
- "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\0Content-Length: 5\0\0";
- static const char* kHttpBody = "Hello";
- scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> body(new WrappedIOBuffer(kHttpBody));
- std::string raw_headers(kHttpHeaders, arraysize(kHttpHeaders));
- WriteResponse(
- MakeHttpResponseInfo(raw_headers), body.get(), strlen(kHttpBody));
- }
- int basic_response_size() { return 5; } // should match kHttpBody above
- void WriteResponse(net::HttpResponseInfo* head,
- IOBuffer* body, int body_len) {
- DCHECK(body);
- scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> body_ref(body);
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteResponseBody,
- base::Unretained(this), body_ref, body_len));
- WriteResponseHead(head);
- }
- void WriteResponseHead(net::HttpResponseInfo* head) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(writer_->IsWritePending());
- expected_write_result_ = GetHttpResponseInfoSize(head);
- write_info_buffer_ = new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(head);
- writer_->WriteInfo(write_info_buffer_.get(),
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnWriteInfoComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- void WriteResponseBody(scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> io_buffer, int buf_len) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(writer_->IsWritePending());
- write_buffer_ = io_buffer;
- expected_write_result_ = buf_len;
- writer_->WriteData(write_buffer_.get(),
- buf_len,
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnWriteComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- void ReadResponseBody(scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> io_buffer, int buf_len) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- read_buffer_ = io_buffer;
- expected_read_result_ = buf_len;
- reader_->ReadData(read_buffer_.get(),
- buf_len,
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnReadComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- // AppCacheResponseReader / Writer completion callbacks
- void OnWriteInfoComplete(int result) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(writer_->IsWritePending());
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_write_result_, result);
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void OnWriteComplete(int result) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(writer_->IsWritePending());
- write_callback_was_called_ = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_write_result_, result);
- if (should_delete_writer_in_completion_callback_ &&
- --writer_deletion_count_down_ == 0) {
- writer_.reset();
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void OnReadInfoComplete(int result) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_read_result_, result);
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void OnReadComplete(int result) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- read_callback_was_called_ = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_read_result_, result);
- if (should_delete_reader_in_completion_callback_ &&
- --reader_deletion_count_down_ == 0) {
- reader_.reset();
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- // Helpers to work with HttpResponseInfo objects
- net::HttpResponseInfo* MakeHttpResponseInfo(const std::string& raw_headers) {
- net::HttpResponseInfo* info = new net::HttpResponseInfo;
- info->request_time = base::Time::Now();
- info->response_time = base::Time::Now();
- info->was_cached = false;
- info->headers = new net::HttpResponseHeaders(raw_headers);
- return info;
- }
- int GetHttpResponseInfoSize(const net::HttpResponseInfo* info) {
- Pickle pickle;
- return PickleHttpResonseInfo(&pickle, info);
- }
- bool CompareHttpResponseInfos(const net::HttpResponseInfo* info1,
- const net::HttpResponseInfo* info2) {
- Pickle pickle1;
- Pickle pickle2;
- PickleHttpResonseInfo(&pickle1, info1);
- PickleHttpResonseInfo(&pickle2, info2);
- return (pickle1.size() == pickle2.size()) &&
- (0 == memcmp(,, pickle1.size()));
- }
- int PickleHttpResonseInfo(Pickle* pickle, const net::HttpResponseInfo* info) {
- const bool kSkipTransientHeaders = true;
- const bool kTruncated = false;
- info->Persist(pickle, kSkipTransientHeaders, kTruncated);
- return pickle->size();
- }
- // Helpers to fill and verify blocks of memory with a value
- void FillData(char value, char* data, int data_len) {
- memset(data, value, data_len);
- }
- bool CheckData(char value, const char* data, int data_len) {
- for (int i = 0; i < data_len; ++i, ++data) {
- if (*data != value)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Individual Tests ---------------------------------------------------------
- // Most of the individual tests involve multiple async steps. Each test
- // is delineated with a section header.
- // ReadNonExistentResponse -------------------------------------------
- void ReadNonExistentResponse() {
- // 1. Attempt to ReadInfo
- // 2. Attempt to ReadData
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, kNoSuchResponseId));
- // Push tasks in reverse order
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadNonExistentData,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadNonExistentInfo,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadNonExistentInfo() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- read_info_buffer_ = new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer();
- reader_->ReadInfo(read_info_buffer_.get(),
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnReadInfoComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- expected_read_result_ = net::ERR_CACHE_MISS;
- }
- void ReadNonExistentData() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- read_buffer_ = new IOBuffer(kBlockSize);
- reader_->ReadData(read_buffer_.get(),
- kBlockSize,
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnReadComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- expected_read_result_ = net::ERR_CACHE_MISS;
- }
- // LoadResponseInfo_Miss ----------------------------------------------------
- void LoadResponseInfo_Miss() {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::LoadResponseInfo_Miss_Verify,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- service_->storage()->LoadResponseInfo(GURL(), 0, kNoSuchResponseId,
- storage_delegate_.get());
- }
- void LoadResponseInfo_Miss_Verify() {
- EXPECT_EQ(kNoSuchResponseId, storage_delegate_->loaded_info_id_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!storage_delegate_->loaded_info_.get());
- TestFinished();
- }
- // LoadResponseInfo_Hit ----------------------------------------------------
- void LoadResponseInfo_Hit() {
- // This tests involves multiple async steps.
- // 1. Write a response headers and body to storage
- // a. headers
- // b. body
- // 2. Use LoadResponseInfo to read the response headers back out
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::LoadResponseInfo_Hit_Step2,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- writer_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(GURL(), 0));
- written_response_id_ = writer_->response_id();
- WriteBasicResponse();
- }
- void LoadResponseInfo_Hit_Step2() {
- writer_.reset();
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::LoadResponseInfo_Hit_Verify,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- service_->storage()->LoadResponseInfo(GURL(), 0, written_response_id_,
- storage_delegate_.get());
- }
- void LoadResponseInfo_Hit_Verify() {
- EXPECT_EQ(written_response_id_, storage_delegate_->loaded_info_id_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(storage_delegate_->loaded_info_.get());
- EXPECT_TRUE(CompareHttpResponseInfos(
- write_info_buffer_->http_info.get(),
- storage_delegate_->loaded_info_->http_response_info()));
- EXPECT_EQ(basic_response_size(),
- storage_delegate_->loaded_info_->response_data_size());
- TestFinished();
- }
- // AmountWritten ----------------------------------------------------
- void AmountWritten() {
- static const char kHttpHeaders[] =
- "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\0\0";
- std::string raw_headers(kHttpHeaders, arraysize(kHttpHeaders));
- net::HttpResponseInfo* head = MakeHttpResponseInfo(raw_headers);
- int expected_amount_written =
- GetHttpResponseInfoSize(head) + kNumBlocks * kBlockSize;
- // Push tasks in reverse order.
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::Verify_AmountWritten,
- base::Unretained(this), expected_amount_written));
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), kNumBlocks - i));
- }
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteResponseHead,
- base::Unretained(this), head));
- writer_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(GURL(), 0));
- written_response_id_ = writer_->response_id();
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void Verify_AmountWritten(int expected_amount_written) {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_amount_written, writer_->amount_written());
- TestFinished();
- }
- // WriteThenVariouslyReadResponse -------------------------------------------
- void WriteThenVariouslyReadResponse() {
- // This tests involves multiple async steps.
- // 1. First, write a large body using multiple writes, we don't bother
- // with a response head for this test.
- // 2. Read the entire body, using multiple reads
- // 3. Read the entire body, using one read.
- // 4. Attempt to read beyond the EOF.
- // 5. Read just a range.
- // 6. Attempt to read beyond EOF of a range.
- // Push tasks in reverse order
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadRangeFullyBeyondEOF,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadRangePartiallyBeyondEOF,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadPastEOF,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadRange,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadPastEOF,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadAllAtOnce,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadInBlocks,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOutBlocks,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- // Get them going.
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void WriteOutBlocks() {
- writer_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(GURL(), 0));
- written_response_id_ = writer_->response_id();
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), kNumBlocks - i));
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void WriteOneBlock(int block_number) {
- scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> io_buffer(
- new IOBuffer(kBlockSize));
- FillData(block_number, io_buffer->data(), kBlockSize);
- WriteResponseBody(io_buffer, kBlockSize);
- }
- void ReadInBlocks() {
- writer_.reset();
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), kNumBlocks - i));
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadOneBlock(int block_number) {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), block_number));
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kBlockSize), kBlockSize);
- }
- void VerifyOneBlock(int block_number) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(CheckData(block_number, read_buffer_->data(), kBlockSize));
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadAllAtOnce() {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyAllAtOnce,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- int big_size = kNumBlocks * kBlockSize;
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(big_size), big_size);
- }
- void VerifyAllAtOnce() {
- char* p = read_buffer_->data();
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i, p += kBlockSize)
- EXPECT_TRUE(CheckData(i + 1, p, kBlockSize));
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadPastEOF() {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- read_buffer_ = new IOBuffer(kBlockSize);
- expected_read_result_ = 0;
- reader_->ReadData(read_buffer_.get(),
- kBlockSize,
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::OnReadComplete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- }
- void ReadRange() {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyRange,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- reader_->SetReadRange(kBlockSize, kBlockSize);
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kBlockSize), kBlockSize);
- }
- void VerifyRange() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(CheckData(2, read_buffer_->data(), kBlockSize));
- ScheduleNextTask(); // ReadPastEOF is scheduled next
- }
- void ReadRangePartiallyBeyondEOF() {
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyRangeBeyondEOF,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- reader_->SetReadRange(kBlockSize, kNumBlocks * kBlockSize);
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kNumBlocks * kBlockSize),
- kNumBlocks * kBlockSize);
- expected_read_result_ = (kNumBlocks - 1) * kBlockSize;
- }
- void VerifyRangeBeyondEOF() {
- // Just verify the first 1k
- VerifyRange();
- }
- void ReadRangeFullyBeyondEOF() {
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- reader_->SetReadRange((kNumBlocks * kBlockSize) + 1, kBlockSize);
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kBlockSize), kBlockSize);
- expected_read_result_ = 0;
- }
- // IOChaining -------------------------------------------
- void IOChaining() {
- // 1. Write several blocks out initiating the subsequent write
- // from within the completion callback of the previous write.
- // 2. Read and verify several blocks in similarly chaining reads.
- // Push tasks in reverse order
- PushNextTaskAsImmediate(
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadInBlocksImmediately,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTaskAsImmediate(
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOutBlocksImmediately,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- // Get them going.
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void WriteOutBlocksImmediately() {
- writer_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(GURL(), 0));
- written_response_id_ = writer_->response_id();
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) {
- PushNextTaskAsImmediate(
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), kNumBlocks - i));
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadInBlocksImmediately() {
- writer_.reset();
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- for (int i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) {
- PushNextTaskAsImmediate(
- base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadOneBlockImmediately,
- base::Unretained(this),
- kNumBlocks - i));
- }
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadOneBlockImmediately(int block_number) {
- PushNextTaskAsImmediate(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyOneBlock,
- base::Unretained(this), block_number));
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kBlockSize), kBlockSize);
- }
- // DeleteWithinCallbacks -------------------------------------------
- void DeleteWithinCallbacks() {
- // 1. Write out a few blocks normally, and upon
- // completion of the last write, delete the writer.
- // 2. Read in a few blocks normally, and upon completion
- // of the last read, delete the reader.
- should_delete_reader_in_completion_callback_ = true;
- reader_deletion_count_down_ = kNumBlocks;
- should_delete_writer_in_completion_callback_ = true;
- writer_deletion_count_down_ = kNumBlocks;
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadInBlocks,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOutBlocks,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- // DeleteWithIOPending -------------------------------------------
- void DeleteWithIOPending() {
- // 1. Write a few blocks normally.
- // 2. Start a write, delete with it pending.
- // 3. Start a read, delete with it pending.
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadThenDelete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteThenDelete,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- PushNextTask(base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteOutBlocks,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void WriteThenDelete() {
- write_callback_was_called_ = false;
- WriteOneBlock(5);
- EXPECT_TRUE(writer_->IsWritePending());
- writer_.reset();
- ScheduleNextTask();
- }
- void ReadThenDelete() {
- read_callback_was_called_ = false;
- reader_.reset(service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(
- GURL(), 0, written_response_id_));
- ReadResponseBody(new IOBuffer(kBlockSize), kBlockSize);
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader_->IsReadPending());
- reader_.reset();
- // Wait a moment to verify no callbacks.
- base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
- FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AppCacheResponseTest::VerifyNoCallbacks,
- base::Unretained(this)),
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
- }
- void VerifyNoCallbacks() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(!write_callback_was_called_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!read_callback_was_called_);
- TestFinished();
- }
- // Data members
- scoped_ptr<base::WaitableEvent> test_finished_event_;
- scoped_ptr<MockStorageDelegate> storage_delegate_;
- scoped_ptr<MockAppCacheService> service_;
- std::stack<std::pair<base::Closure, bool> > task_stack_;
- scoped_ptr<AppCacheResponseReader> reader_;
- scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> read_info_buffer_;
- scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> read_buffer_;
- int expected_read_result_;
- bool should_delete_reader_in_completion_callback_;
- int reader_deletion_count_down_;
- bool read_callback_was_called_;
- int64 written_response_id_;
- scoped_ptr<AppCacheResponseWriter> writer_;
- scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> write_info_buffer_;
- scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> write_buffer_;
- int expected_write_result_;
- bool should_delete_writer_in_completion_callback_;
- int writer_deletion_count_down_;
- bool write_callback_was_called_;
- static scoped_ptr<base::Thread> io_thread_;
-// static
-scoped_ptr<base::Thread> AppCacheResponseTest::io_thread_;
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, ReadNonExistentResponse) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::ReadNonExistentResponse);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, LoadResponseInfo_Miss) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::LoadResponseInfo_Miss);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, LoadResponseInfo_Hit) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::LoadResponseInfo_Hit);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, AmountWritten) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::AmountWritten);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, WriteThenVariouslyReadResponse) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::WriteThenVariouslyReadResponse);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, IOChaining) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::IOChaining);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, DeleteWithinCallbacks) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::DeleteWithinCallbacks);
-TEST_F(AppCacheResponseTest, DeleteWithIOPending) {
- RunTestOnIOThread(&AppCacheResponseTest::DeleteWithIOPending);
-} // namespace appcache