#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Adds Android SDK tools and related helpers to PATH, useful for development. # Not used on bots, nor required for any commands to succeed. # Use like: source build/android/envsetup.sh # Make sure we're being sourced. if [[ -n "$BASH_VERSION" && "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}" == "$0" ]]; then echo "ERROR: envsetup must be sourced." exit 1 fi # This only exists to set local variables. Don't call this manually. android_envsetup_main() { local SCRIPT_PATH="$1" local SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_PATH")" local CHROME_SRC="$(readlink -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../../")" # Some tools expect these environmental variables. export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="${CHROME_SRC}/third_party/android_sdk/public" # ANDROID_HOME is deprecated, but generally means the same thing as # ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and shouldn't hurt to set it. export ANDROID_HOME="$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" # Set up PATH to point to SDK-provided (and other) tools, such as 'adb'. export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platform-tools export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/ export PATH=$PATH:${CHROME_SRC}/build/android } # In zsh, $0 is the name of the file being sourced. android_envsetup_main "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}" unset -f android_envsetup_main