# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This file is meant to be included into a target to provide a rule # to build Java aidl files in a consistent manner. # # To use this, create a gyp target with the following form: # { # 'target_name': 'aidl_aidl-file-name', # 'type': 'none', # 'variables': { # 'aidl_interface_file': '/.aidl', # 'aidl_import_include': '<(DEPTH)/', # }, # 'sources': { # '/.aidl', # '/.aidl', # ... # }, # 'includes': ['/java_aidl.gypi'], # } # # # The generated java files will be: # <(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.java/.java # <(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.java/.java # ... # # Optional variables: # aidl_import_include - This should be an absolute path to your java src folder # that contains the classes that are imported by your aidl files. # # TODO(cjhopman): dependents need to rebuild when this target's inputs have changed. { 'variables': { 'intermediate_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(_target_name)/aidl', 'aidl_import_include%': '', 'additional_aidl_arguments': [], 'additional_aidl_input_paths': [], }, 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'variables': { 'generated_src_dirs': ['<(intermediate_dir)/'], }, }, 'conditions': [ ['aidl_import_include != ""', { 'variables': { 'additional_aidl_arguments': [ '-I<(aidl_import_include)' ], 'additional_aidl_input_paths': [ '