// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('identity_internals', function() { 'use strict'; /** * Creates an identity token item. * @param {!Object} tokenInfo Object containing token information. * @constructor */ function TokenListItem(tokenInfo) { const el = cr.doc.createElement('div'); el.data_ = tokenInfo; el.__proto__ = TokenListItem.prototype; el.decorate(); return el; } TokenListItem.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype, /** @override */ decorate: function() { this.textContent = ''; this.id = this.data_.accessToken; const table = this.ownerDocument.createElement('table'); const tbody = this.ownerDocument.createElement('tbody'); tbody.appendChild(this.createEntry_( 'Access Token', this.data_.accessToken, 'access-token')); tbody.appendChild(this.createEntry_( 'Extension Name', this.data_.extensionName, 'extension-name')); tbody.appendChild(this.createEntry_( 'Extension Id', this.data_.extensionId, 'extension-id')); tbody.appendChild( this.createEntry_('Token Status', this.data_.status, 'token-status')); tbody.appendChild(this.createEntry_( 'Expiration Time', this.data_.expirationTime, 'expiration-time')); tbody.appendChild(this.createEntryForScopes_()); table.appendChild(tbody); const tfoot = this.ownerDocument.createElement('tfoot'); tfoot.appendChild(this.createButtons_()); table.appendChild(tfoot); this.appendChild(table); }, /** * Creates an entry for a single property of the token. * @param {string} label A label of the token's property name. * @param {string} value A value of the token property. * @param {string} accessor Additional class to tag the field for testing. * @return {HTMLElement} An HTML element with the property name and value. */ createEntry_: function(label, value, accessor) { const row = this.ownerDocument.createElement('tr'); const labelField = this.ownerDocument.createElement('td'); labelField.classList.add('label'); labelField.textContent = label; row.appendChild(labelField); const valueField = this.ownerDocument.createElement('td'); valueField.classList.add('value'); valueField.classList.add(accessor); valueField.textContent = value; row.appendChild(valueField); return row; }, /** * Creates an entry for a list of token scopes. * @return {!HTMLElement} An HTML element with scopes. */ createEntryForScopes_: function() { const row = this.ownerDocument.createElement('tr'); const labelField = this.ownerDocument.createElement('td'); labelField.classList.add('label'); labelField.textContent = 'Scopes'; row.appendChild(labelField); const valueField = this.ownerDocument.createElement('td'); valueField.classList.add('value'); valueField.classList.add('scope-list'); this.data_.scopes.forEach(function(scope) { valueField.appendChild(this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(scope)); valueField.appendChild(this.ownerDocument.createElement('br')); }, this); row.appendChild(valueField); return row; }, /** * Creates buttons for the token. * @return {HTMLElement} An HTML element with actionable buttons for the * token. */ createButtons_: function() { const row = this.ownerDocument.createElement('tr'); const buttonHolder = this.ownerDocument.createElement('td'); buttonHolder.colSpan = 2; buttonHolder.classList.add('token-actions'); buttonHolder.appendChild(this.createRevokeButton_()); row.appendChild(buttonHolder); return row; }, /** * Creates a revoke button with an event sending a revoke token message * to the controller. * @return {!HTMLButtonElement} The created revoke button. * @private */ createRevokeButton_: function() { const revokeButton = this.ownerDocument.createElement('button'); revokeButton.classList.add('revoke-button'); revokeButton.addEventListener('click', function() { chrome.send( 'identityInternalsRevokeToken', [this.data_.extensionId, this.data_.accessToken]); }.bind(this)); revokeButton.textContent = 'Revoke'; return revokeButton; }, }; /** * Creates a new list of identity tokens. * @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties. * @constructor * @extends {cr.ui.div} */ const TokenList = cr.ui.define('div'); TokenList.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype, /** @override */ decorate: function() { this.textContent = ''; this.showTokenNodes_(); }, /** * Populates the list of tokens. */ showTokenNodes_: function() { this.data_.forEach(function(tokenInfo) { this.appendChild(new TokenListItem(tokenInfo)); }, this); }, /** * Removes a token node related to the specifed token ID from both the * internals data source as well as the user internface. * @param {string} accessToken The id of the token to remove. * @private */ removeTokenNode_: function(accessToken) { let tokenIndex; for (let index = 0; index < this.data_.length; index++) { if (this.data_[index].accessToken == accessToken) { tokenIndex = index; break; } } // Remove from the data_ source if token found. if (tokenIndex) { this.data_.splice(tokenIndex, 1); } // Remove from the user interface. const tokenNode = $(accessToken); if (tokenNode) { this.removeChild(tokenNode); } }, }; let tokenList; /** * Initializes the UI by asking the contoller for list of identity tokens. */ function initialize() { chrome.send('identityInternalsGetTokens'); tokenList = $('token-list'); tokenList.data_ = []; tokenList.__proto__ = TokenList.prototype; tokenList.decorate(); } /** * Callback function accepting a list of tokens to be displayed. * @param {!Token[]} tokens A list of tokens to be displayed */ function returnTokens(tokens) { tokenList.data_ = tokens; tokenList.showTokenNodes_(); } /** * Callback function that removes a token from UI once it has been revoked. * @param {!Array} accessTokens Array with a single element, which is * an access token to be removed. */ function tokenRevokeDone(accessTokens) { assert(accessTokens.length > 0); tokenList.removeTokenNode_(accessTokens[0]); } // Return an object with all of the exports. return { initialize: initialize, returnTokens: returnTokens, tokenRevokeDone: tokenRevokeDone, }; }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', identity_internals.initialize);