// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview The NavigationBehavior is in charge of manipulating and * watching window.history.state changes. The page is using the history * state object to remember state instead of changing the URL directly, * because the flow requires that users can use browser-back/forward to * navigate between steps, without being able to go directly or copy an URL * that points at a specific step. Using history.state object allows adding * or popping history state without actually changing the path. */ cr.define('welcome', function() { 'use strict'; /** * Valid route pathnames. * @enum {string} */ const Routes = { LANDING: 'landing', NEW_USER: 'new-user', RETURNING_USER: 'returning-user', }; /** * Regular expression that captures the leading slash, the content and the * trailing slash in three different groups. * @const {!RegExp} */ const CANONICAL_PATH_REGEX = /(^\/)([\/-\w]+)(\/$)/; const path = location.pathname.replace(CANONICAL_PATH_REGEX, '$1$2'); // Sets up history state based on the url path, unless it's already set (e.g. // when user uses browser-back button to get back on chrome://welcome/...). if (!history.state || !history.state.route || !history.state.step) { switch (path) { case `/${Routes.NEW_USER}`: history.replaceState({route: Routes.NEW_USER, step: 1}, '', path); break; case `/${Routes.RETURNING_USER}`: history.replaceState({route: Routes.RETURNING_USER, step: 1}, '', path); break; default: history.replaceState( {route: Routes.LANDING, step: Routes.LANDING}, '', '/'); } } /** @type {!Set} */ const routeObservers = new Set(); /** @type {?PolymerElement} */ let currentRouteElement; // Notifies all the elements that extended NavigationBehavior. function notifyObservers() { if (currentRouteElement) { (/** @type {{onRouteExit: Function}} */ (currentRouteElement)) .onRouteExit(); currentRouteElement = null; } const route = /** @type {!welcome.Routes} */ (history.state.route); const step = history.state.step; routeObservers.forEach(observer => { (/** @type {{onRouteChange: Function}} */ (observer)) .onRouteChange(route, step); // Modules are only attached to DOM if they're for the current route, so // as long as the id of an element matches up to the current step, it // means that element is for the current route. if (observer.id == `step-${step}`) { currentRouteElement = observer; } }); // If currentRouteElement is not null, it means there was a new route. if (currentRouteElement) { (/** @type {{onRouteEnter: Function}} */ (currentRouteElement)) .onRouteEnter(); (/** @type {{updateFocusForA11y: Function}} */ (currentRouteElement)) .updateFocusForA11y(); } } // Notifies all elements when browser history is popped. window.addEventListener('popstate', notifyObservers); // Notify the active element before unload. window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { if (currentRouteElement) { (/** @type {{onRouteUnload: Function}} */ (currentRouteElement)) .onRouteUnload(); } }); function navigateToNextStep() { history.pushState( { route: history.state.route, step: history.state.step + 1, }, '', `/${history.state.route}`); notifyObservers(); } /** * @param {!welcome.Routes} route * @param {number} step */ function navigateTo(route, step) { assert([ Routes.LANDING, Routes.NEW_USER, Routes.RETURNING_USER, ].includes(route)); history.pushState( { route: route, step: step, }, '', '/' + (route === Routes.LANDING ? '' : route)); notifyObservers(); } /** * Elements can override onRoute(Change|Enter|Exit) to handle route changes. * Order of hooks being called: * 1) onRouteExit() on the old route * 2) onRouteChange() on all subscribed routes * 3) onRouteEnter() on the new route * * @polymerBehavior */ const NavigationBehavior = { /** @override */ attached: function() { assert(!routeObservers.has(this)); routeObservers.add(this); const route = /** @type {!welcome.Routes} */ (history.state.route); const step = history.state.step; // history state was set when page loaded, so when the element first // attaches, call the route-change handler to initialize first. this.onRouteChange(route, step); // Modules are only attached to DOM if they're for the current route, so // as long as the id of an element matches up to the current step, it // means that element is for the current route. if (this.id == `step-${step}`) { currentRouteElement = this; this.onRouteEnter(); this.updateFocusForA11y(); } }, /** Called to update focus when progressing through the modules. */ updateFocusForA11y: function() { const header = this.$$('h1'); if (header) { Polymer.RenderStatus.afterNextRender(this, () => header.focus()); } }, /** @override */ detached: function() { assert(routeObservers.delete(this)); }, /** * @param {!welcome.Routes} route * @param {number} step */ onRouteChange: function(route, step) {}, onRouteEnter: function() {}, onRouteExit: function() {}, onRouteUnload: function() {}, }; return { NavigationBehavior: NavigationBehavior, navigateTo: navigateTo, navigateToNextStep: navigateToNextStep, Routes: Routes, }; });