// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. 'use strict'; if ((typeof mojo === 'undefined') || !mojo.bindingsLibraryInitialized) { loadScript('mojo_bindings'); } mojo.config.autoLoadMojomDeps = false; loadScript('chrome/common/media_router/mojom/media_controller.mojom'); loadScript('chrome/common/media_router/mojom/media_router.mojom'); loadScript('chrome/common/media_router/mojom/media_status.mojom'); loadScript('components/mirroring/mojom/cast_message_channel.mojom'); loadScript('components/mirroring/mojom/mirroring_service_host.mojom'); loadScript('components/mirroring/mojom/session_observer.mojom'); loadScript('components/mirroring/mojom/session_parameters.mojom'); loadScript('extensions/common/mojom/keep_alive.mojom'); loadScript('media/mojo/mojom/mirror_service_remoting.mojom'); loadScript('media/mojo/mojom/remoting_common.mojom'); loadScript('mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom'); loadScript('mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom'); loadScript('net/interfaces/ip_address.mojom'); loadScript('net/interfaces/ip_endpoint.mojom'); loadScript('url/mojom/origin.mojom'); loadScript('url/mojom/url.mojom'); // The following adapter classes preserve backward compatibility for the media // router component extension. // TODO(crbug.com/787128): Remove these adapters. function assignFields(object, fields) { for(var field in fields) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(field)) object[field] = fields[field]; } } /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.DialMediaSink. * @constructor */ function DialMediaSinkAdapter(fields) { this.ip_address = null; this.model_name = null; this.app_url = null; assignFields(this, fields); } DialMediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new DialMediaSinkAdapter({ 'ip_address': IPAddressAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.ipAddress), 'model_name': other.modelName, 'app_url': other.appUrl, }); }; DialMediaSinkAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new mediaRouter.mojom.DialMediaSink({ 'ipAddress' : this.ip_address.toNewVersion(), 'modelName' : this.model_name, 'appUrl' : this.app_url, }); }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.CastMediaSink. * @constructor */ function CastMediaSinkAdapter(fields) { this.ip_endpoint = null; this.model_name = null; this.capabilities = 0; this.cast_channel_id = 0; assignFields(this, fields); } CastMediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new CastMediaSinkAdapter({ 'ip_endpoint': IPEndpointAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.ipEndpoint), 'model_name': other.modelName, 'capabilities': other.capabilities, 'cast_channel_id': other.castChannelId, }); }; CastMediaSinkAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new mediaRouter.mojom.CastMediaSink({ 'ipEndpoint': this.ip_endpoint.toNewVersion(), 'modelName': this.model_name, 'capabilities': this.capabilities, 'castChannelId': this.cast_channel_id, }); }; /** * Adapter for net.interfaces.IPAddress. * @constructor */ function IPAddressAdapter(fields) { this.address_bytes = null; assignFields(this, fields); } IPAddressAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new IPAddressAdapter({ 'address_bytes': other.addressBytes, }); }; IPAddressAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new net.interfaces.IPAddress({ 'addressBytes': this.address_bytes, }); }; /** * Adapter for net.interfaces.IPEndpoint. * @constructor */ function IPEndpointAdapter(fields) { this.address = null; this.port = 0; assignFields(this, fields); } IPEndpointAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new IPEndpointAdapter({ 'address': IPAddressAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.address), 'port': other.port, }); }; IPEndpointAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new net.interfaces.IPEndpoint({ 'address': this.address.toNewVersion(), 'port': this.port, }); }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatus. * @constructor */ function MediaStatusAdapter(fields) { this.title = null; this.can_play_pause = false; this.can_mute = false; this.can_set_volume = false; this.can_seek = false; this.can_skip_to_next_track = false; this.can_skip_to_previous_track = false; this.is_muted = false; this.play_state = 0; this.volume = 0; this.duration = null; this.current_time = null; this.images = null; assignFields(this, fields); } MediaStatusAdapter.PlayState = mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatus.PlayState; MediaStatusAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatus({ 'title': this.title, 'canPlayPause': this.can_play_pause, 'canMute': this.can_mute, 'canSetVolume': this.can_set_volume, 'canSeek': this.can_seek, 'canSkipToNextTrack': this.can_skip_to_next_track, 'canSkipToPreviousTrack': this.can_skip_to_previous_track, 'isMuted': this.is_muted, 'playState': this.play_state, 'volume': this.volume, 'duration': this.duration, 'currentTime': this.current_time, 'images': this.images || [], }); }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.RemotingSinkMetadata. * @constructor */ function RemotingSinkMetadataAdapter(fields) { this.features = null; this.audio_capabilities = null; this.video_capabilities = null; this.friendly_name = null; assignFields(this, fields); } RemotingSinkMetadataAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new RemotingSinkMetadataAdapter({ 'features': other.features, 'audio_capabilities': other.audioCapabilities, 'video_capabilities': other.videoCapabilities, 'friendly_name': other.friendlyName, }); }; RemotingSinkMetadataAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new media.mojom.RemotingSinkMetadata({ 'features': this.features, 'audioCapabilities': this.audio_capabilities, 'videoCapabilities': this.video_capabilities, 'friendlyName': this.friendly_name, }); }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSink. * @constructor */ function MediaSinkAdapter(fields) { this.sink_id = null; this.name = null; this.description = null; this.domain = null; this.icon_type = 0; this.extra_data = null; assignFields(this, fields); } MediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { return new MediaSinkAdapter({ 'sink_id': other.sinkId, 'name': other.name, 'description': other.description, 'domain': other.domain, 'icon_type': other.iconType, 'extra_data': other.extraData && MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.extraData), }); }; MediaSinkAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSink({ 'sinkId': this.sink_id, 'name': this.name, 'description': this.description, 'domain': this.domain, 'iconType': this.icon_type, 'extraData': this.extra_data && this.extra_data.toNewVersion(), }); }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSinkExtraData. * @constructor */ function MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter(value) { this.$data = null; this.$tag = undefined; if (value == undefined) { return; } var keys = Object.keys(value); if (keys.length == 0) { return; } if (keys.length > 1) { throw new TypeError('You may set only one member on a union.'); } var fields = [ 'dial_media_sink', 'cast_media_sink', ]; if (fields.indexOf(keys[0]) < 0) { throw new ReferenceError(keys[0] + ' is not a MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter member.'); } this[keys[0]] = value[keys[0]]; } MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags = { dial_media_sink: 0, cast_media_sink: 1, }; Object.defineProperty(MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.prototype, 'dial_media_sink', { get: function() { if (this.$tag != MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags.dial_media_sink) { throw new ReferenceError( 'MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.dial_media_sink is not currently set.'); } return this.$data; }, set: function(value) { this.$tag = MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags.dial_media_sink; this.$data = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.prototype, 'cast_media_sink', { get: function() { if (this.$tag != MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags.cast_media_sink) { throw new ReferenceError( 'MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.cast_media_sink is not currently set.'); } return this.$data; }, set: function(value) { this.$tag = MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags.cast_media_sink; this.$data = value; } }); MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.fromNewVersion = function(other) { if (other.$tag == mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSinkExtraData.Tags.dialMediaSink) { return new MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter({ 'dial_media_sink': DialMediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.dialMediaSink), }); } else { return new MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter({ 'cast_media_sink': CastMediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion(other.castMediaSink), }); } }; MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.prototype.toNewVersion = function() { if (this.$tag == MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter.Tags.dial_media_sink) { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSinkExtraData({ 'dialMediaSink': this.dial_media_sink.toNewVersion(), }); } else { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSinkExtraData({ 'castMediaSink': this.cast_media_sink.toNewVersion(), }); } }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoterPtr. * @constructor */ function MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter(handleOrPtrInfo) { this.ptr = new mojo.InterfacePtrController(MirrorServiceRemoterAdapter, handleOrPtrInfo); } MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter.prototype = Object.create(media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoterPtr.prototype); MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter.prototype.constructor = MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter; MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter.prototype.startDataStreams = function() { return MirrorServiceRemoterProxy.prototype.startDataStreams .apply(this.ptr.getProxy(), arguments).then(function(response) { return Promise.resolve({ 'audio_stream_id': response.audioStreamId, 'video_stream_id': response.videoStreamId, }); }); }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter.stubclass. * @constructor */ function MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter(delegate) { this.delegate_ = delegate; } MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter.prototype = Object.create( media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter.stubClass.prototype); MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter.prototype.constructor = MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter; MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter.prototype.startDataStreams = function(hasAudio, hasVideo) { return this.delegate_ && this.delegate_.startDataStreams && this.delegate_.startDataStreams(hasAudio, hasVideo).then( function(response) { return { 'audioStreamId': response.audio_stream_id, 'videoStreamId': response.video_stream_id, }; }); }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter. */ var MirrorServiceRemoterAdapter = { name: 'media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter', kVersion: 0, ptrClass: MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter, proxyClass: media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter.proxyClass, stubClass: MirrorServiceRemoterStubAdapter, validateRequest: media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter.validateRequest, validateResponse: media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoter.validateResponse, }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtr. * @constructor */ function MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter(handleOrPtrInfo) { this.ptr = new mojo.InterfacePtrController(MirrorServiceRemotingSourceAdapter, handleOrPtrInfo); } MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter.prototype = Object.create(media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtr.prototype); MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter.prototype.constructor = MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter; MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter.prototype.onSinkAvailable = function(metadata) { return this.ptr.getProxy().onSinkAvailable(metadata.toNewVersion()); }; /** * Adapter for media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSource. */ var MirrorServiceRemotingSourceAdapter = { name: 'media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSource', kVersion: 0, ptrClass: MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter, proxyClass: media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSource.proxyClass, stubClass: null, validateRequest: media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemotingSource.validateRequest, validateResponse: null, }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserver. * @constructor */ function MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter(handleOrPtrInfo) { this.ptr = new mojo.InterfacePtrController(MediaStatusObserverAdapter, handleOrPtrInfo); } MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter.prototype = Object.create(mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserverPtr.prototype); MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter.prototype.constructor = MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter; MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter.prototype.onMediaStatusUpdated = function(status) { return this.ptr.getProxy().onMediaStatusUpdated(status.toNewVersion()); }; /** * Adapter for mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserver. */ var MediaStatusObserverAdapter = { name: 'mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserver', kVersion: 0, ptrClass: MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter, proxyClass: mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserver.proxyClass, stubClass: null, validateRequest: mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserver.validateRequest, validateResponse: null, }; /** * Converts a media sink to a MediaSink Mojo object. * @param {!MediaSink} sink A media sink. * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSink} A Mojo MediaSink object. */ function sinkToMojo_(sink) { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSink({ 'name': sink.friendlyName, 'description': sink.description, 'domain': sink.domain, 'sinkId': sink.id, 'iconType': sinkIconTypeToMojo(sink.iconType), 'providerId': mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider.Id.EXTENSION, }); } /** * Converts a media sink's icon type to a MediaSink.IconType Mojo object. * @param {!MediaSink.IconType} type A media sink's icon type. * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaSink.IconType} A Mojo MediaSink.IconType * object. */ function sinkIconTypeToMojo(type) { switch (type) { case 'cast': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.CAST; case 'cast_audio_group': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.CAST_AUDIO_GROUP; case 'cast_audio': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.CAST_AUDIO; case 'meeting': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.MEETING; case 'hangout': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.HANGOUT; case 'education': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.EDUCATION; case 'generic': return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.GENERIC; default: console.error('Unknown sink icon type : ' + type); return mediaRouter.mojom.SinkIconType.GENERIC; } } /** * Returns a Mojo MediaRoute object given a MediaRoute and a * media sink name. * @param {!MediaRoute} route * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRoute} */ function routeToMojo_(route) { return new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRoute({ 'mediaRouteId': route.id, 'mediaSource': route.mediaSource, 'mediaSinkId': route.sinkId, 'description': route.description, 'iconUrl': route.iconUrl, 'isLocal': route.isLocal, 'forDisplay': route.forDisplay, 'isIncognito': route.offTheRecord, 'isLocalPresentation': route.isOffscreenPresentation, 'controllerType': route.controllerType, // Begin newly added properties, followed by the milestone they were // added. The guard should be safe to remove N+2 milestones later. 'presentationId': route.presentationId || '' // M64 }); } /** * Converts a route message to a RouteMessage Mojo object. * @param {!RouteMessage} message * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.RouteMessage} A Mojo RouteMessage object. */ function messageToMojo_(message) { if ("string" == typeof message.message) { return new mediaRouter.mojom.RouteMessage({ 'type': mediaRouter.mojom.RouteMessage.Type.TEXT, 'message': message.message, }); } else { return new mediaRouter.mojom.RouteMessage({ 'type': mediaRouter.mojom.RouteMessage.Type.BINARY, 'data': message.message, }); } } /** * Converts presentation connection state to Mojo enum value. * @param {!string} state * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.PresentationConnectionState} */ function presentationConnectionStateToMojo_(state) { var PresentationConnectionState = mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.PresentationConnectionState; switch (state) { case 'connecting': return PresentationConnectionState.CONNECTING; case 'connected': return PresentationConnectionState.CONNECTED; case 'closed': return PresentationConnectionState.CLOSED; case 'terminated': return PresentationConnectionState.TERMINATED; default: console.error('Unknown presentation connection state: ' + state); return PresentationConnectionState.TERMINATED; } } /** * Converts presentation connection close reason to Mojo enum value. * @param {!string} reason * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.PresentationConnectionCloseReason} */ function presentationConnectionCloseReasonToMojo_(reason) { var PresentationConnectionCloseReason = mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.PresentationConnectionCloseReason; switch (reason) { case 'error': return PresentationConnectionCloseReason.CONNECTION_ERROR; case 'closed': return PresentationConnectionCloseReason.CLOSED; case 'went_away': return PresentationConnectionCloseReason.WENT_AWAY; default: console.error('Unknown presentation connection close reason : ' + reason); return PresentationConnectionCloseReason.CONNECTION_ERROR; } } /** * Converts string to Mojo origin. * @param {string|!url.mojom.Origin} origin * @return {!url.mojom.Origin} */ function stringToMojoOrigin_(origin) { if (origin instanceof url.mojom.Origin) { return origin; } var originUrl = new URL(origin); var mojoOrigin = {}; mojoOrigin.scheme = originUrl.protocol.replace(':', ''); mojoOrigin.host = originUrl.hostname; var port = originUrl.port ? Number.parseInt(originUrl.port) : 0; switch (mojoOrigin.scheme) { case 'http': mojoOrigin.port = port || 80; break; case 'https': mojoOrigin.port = port || 443; break; default: throw new Error('Scheme must be http or https'); } mojoOrigin.suborigin = ''; return new url.mojom.Origin(mojoOrigin); } /** * Parses the given route request Error object and converts it to the * corresponding result code. * @param {!Error} error * @return {!mediaRouter.mojom.RouteRequestResultCode} */ function getRouteRequestResultCode_(error) { return error.errorCode ? error.errorCode : mediaRouter.mojom.RouteRequestResultCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Creates and returns a successful route response from given route. * @param {!MediaRoute} route * @return {!Object} */ function toSuccessRouteResponse_(route) { return { route: routeToMojo_(route), resultCode: mediaRouter.mojom.RouteRequestResultCode.OK }; } /** * Creates and returns a error route response from given Error object. * @param {!Error} error * @return {!Object} */ function toErrorRouteResponse_(error) { return { errorText: error.message, resultCode: getRouteRequestResultCode_(error) }; } /** * Creates a new MediaRouter. * Converts a route struct to its Mojo form. * @param {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouterPtr} service * @constructor */ function MediaRouter(service) { /** * The Mojo service proxy. Allows extension code to call methods that reside * in the browser. * @type {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouterPtr} */ this.service_ = service; /** * The provider manager service delegate. Its methods are called by the * browser-resident Mojo service. * @type {!MediaRouter} */ this.mrpm_ = new MediaRouteProvider(this); /** * Handle to a KeepAlive service object, which prevents the extension from * being suspended as long as it remains in scope. * @type {boolean} */ this.keepAlive_ = null; /** * The bindings to bind the service delegate to the Mojo interface. * Object must remain in scope for the lifetime of the connection to * prevent the connection from closing automatically. * @type {!mojo.Binding} */ this.mediaRouteProviderBinding_ = new mojo.Binding( mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider, this.mrpm_); } /** * Returns definitions of Mojo core and generated Mojom classes that can be * used directly by the component. * @return {!Object} * TODO(imcheng): We should export these along with MediaRouter. This requires * us to modify the component to handle multiple exports. When that logic is * baked in for a couple of milestones, we should be able to remove this * method. * TODO(imcheng): We should stop exporting mojo bindings classes that the * Media Router extension doesn't directly use, such as * mojo.AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo, mojo.InterfacePtrController and * mojo.interfaceControl. */ MediaRouter.prototype.getMojoExports = function() { return { AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo: mojo.AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo, Binding: mojo.Binding, DialMediaSink: DialMediaSinkAdapter, CastMediaSink: CastMediaSinkAdapter, IPAddress: IPAddressAdapter, IPEndpoint: IPEndpointAdapter, InterfacePtrController: mojo.InterfacePtrController, InterfacePtrInfo: mojo.InterfacePtrInfo, InterfaceRequest: mojo.InterfaceRequest, MediaController: mediaRouter.mojom.MediaController, MediaStatus: MediaStatusAdapter, MediaStatusObserverPtr: mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserverPtr, MirroringCastMessage: mirroring.mojom.CastMessage, MirroringCastMessageChannel: mirroring.mojom.CastMessageChannel, MirroringCastMessageChannelPtr: mirroring.mojom.CastMessageChannelPtr, MirroringServiceHostPtr: mirroring.mojom.MirroringServiceHostPtr, MirroringSessionError: mirroring.mojom.SessionError, MirroringSessionObserver: mirroring.mojom.SessionObserver, MirroringSessionObserverPtr: mirroring.mojom.SessionObserverPtr, MirroringSessionParameters: mirroring.mojom.SessionParameters, MirroringSessionType: mirroring.mojom.SessionType, MirroringRemotingNamespace: mirroring.mojom.REMOTING_NAMESPACE, MirroringWebRtcNamespace: mirroring.mojom.WEB_RTC_NAMESPACE, MirrorServiceRemoter: MirrorServiceRemoterAdapter, MirrorServiceRemoterPtr: MirrorServiceRemoterPtrAdapter, MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtr: MirrorServiceRemotingSourcePtrAdapter, RemotingStopReason: media.mojom.RemotingStopReason, RemotingStartFailReason: media.mojom.RemotingStartFailReason, RemotingSinkFeature: media.mojom.RemotingSinkFeature, RemotingSinkAudioCapability: media.mojom.RemotingSinkAudioCapability, RemotingSinkVideoCapability: media.mojom.RemotingSinkVideoCapability, RemotingSinkMetadata: RemotingSinkMetadataAdapter, RouteControllerType: mediaRouter.mojom.RouteControllerType, Origin: url.mojom.Origin, Sink: MediaSinkAdapter, SinkExtraData: MediaSinkExtraDataAdapter, TimeDelta: mojoBase.mojom.TimeDelta, Url: url.mojom.Url, interfaceControl: mojo.interfaceControl, makeRequest: mojo.makeRequest, }; }; /** * Registers the Media Router Provider Manager with the Media Router. * @return {!Promise} Instance ID and config for the Media Router. */ MediaRouter.prototype.start = function() { return this.service_.registerMediaRouteProvider( mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider.Id.EXTENSION, this.mediaRouteProviderBinding_.createInterfacePtrAndBind()).then( function(response) { return { 'instance_id': response.instanceId, 'config': { 'enable_dial_discovery': response.config.enableDialDiscovery, 'enable_cast_discovery': response.config.enableCastDiscovery, 'enable_dial_sink_query': response.config.enableDialSinkQuery, 'enable_cast_sink_query': response.config.enableCastSinkQuery, 'use_mirroring_service': response.config.useMirroringService, } }; }); } /** * Sets the service delegate methods. * @param {Object} handlers */ MediaRouter.prototype.setHandlers = function(handlers) { this.mrpm_.setHandlers(handlers); } /** * The keep alive status. * @return {boolean} */ MediaRouter.prototype.getKeepAlive = function() { return this.keepAlive_ != null; }; /** * Called by the provider manager when a sink list for a given source is * updated. * @param {!string} sourceUrn * @param {!Array} sinks * @param {!Array} origins */ MediaRouter.prototype.onSinksReceived = function(sourceUrn, sinks, origins) { // |origins| is a string array if the Media Router component extension version // is 59 or older. Without the stringToMojoOrigin_() conversion, clients using // those extension versions would see a crash shown in // https://crbug.com/787427. this.service_.onSinksReceived( mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider.Id.EXTENSION, sourceUrn, sinks.map(sinkToMojo_), origins.map(stringToMojoOrigin_)); }; /** * Called by the provider manager when a sink is found to notify the MR of the * sink's ID. The actual sink will be returned through the normal sink list * update process, so this helps the MR identify the search result in the * list. * @param {string} pseudoSinkId ID of the pseudo sink that started the * search. * @param {string} sinkId ID of the newly-found sink. */ MediaRouter.prototype.onSearchSinkIdReceived = function( pseudoSinkId, sinkId) { this.service_.onSearchSinkIdReceived(pseudoSinkId, sinkId); }; /** * Called by the provider manager to keep the extension from suspending * if it enters a state where suspension is undesirable (e.g. there is an * active MediaRoute.) * If keepAlive is true, the extension is kept alive. * If keepAlive is false, the extension is allowed to suspend. * @param {boolean} keepAlive */ MediaRouter.prototype.setKeepAlive = function(keepAlive) { if (keepAlive === false && this.keepAlive_) { this.keepAlive_.ptr.reset(); this.keepAlive_ = null; } else if (keepAlive === true && !this.keepAlive_) { this.keepAlive_ = new extensions.KeepAlivePtr; Mojo.bindInterface(extensions.KeepAlive.name, mojo.makeRequest(this.keepAlive_).handle); } }; /** * Called by the provider manager to send an issue from a media route * provider to the Media Router, to show the user. * @param {!Object} issue The issue object. */ MediaRouter.prototype.onIssue = function(issue) { function issueSeverityToMojo_(severity) { switch (severity) { case 'fatal': return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.Severity.FATAL; case 'warning': return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.Severity.WARNING; case 'notification': return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.Severity.NOTIFICATION; default: console.error('Unknown issue severity: ' + severity); return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.Severity.NOTIFICATION; } } function issueActionToMojo_(action) { switch (action) { case 'dismiss': return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.ActionType.DISMISS; case 'learn_more': return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.ActionType.LEARN_MORE; default: console.error('Unknown issue action type : ' + action); return mediaRouter.mojom.Issue.ActionType.OK; } } var secondaryActions = (issue.secondaryActions || []).map(issueActionToMojo_); this.service_.onIssue(new mediaRouter.mojom.Issue({ 'routeId': issue.routeId || '', 'severity': issueSeverityToMojo_(issue.severity), 'title': issue.title, 'message': issue.message || '', 'defaultAction': issueActionToMojo_(issue.defaultAction), 'secondaryActions': secondaryActions, 'helpPageId': issue.helpPageId, 'isBlocking': issue.isBlocking, 'sinkId': issue.sinkId || '' })); }; /** * Called by the provider manager when the set of active routes * has been updated. * @param {!Array} routes The active set of media routes. * @param {string=} sourceUrn The sourceUrn associated with this route * query. * @param {Array=} joinableRouteIds The active set of joinable * media routes. */ MediaRouter.prototype.onRoutesUpdated = function( routes, sourceUrn = '', joinableRouteIds = []) { this.service_.onRoutesUpdated( mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider.Id.EXTENSION, routes.map(routeToMojo_), sourceUrn, joinableRouteIds); }; /** * Called by the provider manager when sink availability has been updated. * @param {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.SinkAvailability} availability * The new sink availability. */ MediaRouter.prototype.onSinkAvailabilityUpdated = function(availability) { this.service_.onSinkAvailabilityUpdated( mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouteProvider.Id.EXTENSION, availability); }; /** * Called by the provider manager when the state of a presentation connected * to a route has changed. * @param {string} routeId * @param {string} state */ MediaRouter.prototype.onPresentationConnectionStateChanged = function(routeId, state) { this.service_.onPresentationConnectionStateChanged( routeId, presentationConnectionStateToMojo_(state)); }; /** * Called by the provider manager when the state of a presentation connected * to a route has closed. * @param {string} routeId * @param {string} reason * @param {string} message */ MediaRouter.prototype.onPresentationConnectionClosed = function(routeId, reason, message) { this.service_.onPresentationConnectionClosed( routeId, presentationConnectionCloseReasonToMojo_(reason), message); }; /** * @param {string} routeId * @param {!Array} mesages */ MediaRouter.prototype.onRouteMessagesReceived = function(routeId, messages) { this.service_.onRouteMessagesReceived( routeId, messages.map(messageToMojo_)); }; /** * @param {number} tabId * @param {!media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoterPtr} remoter * @param {!mojo.InterfaceRequest} remotingSource */ MediaRouter.prototype.onMediaRemoterCreated = function(tabId, remoter, remotingSource) { this.service_.onMediaRemoterCreated( tabId, new media.mojom.MirrorServiceRemoterPtr(remoter.ptr.passInterface()), remotingSource); } /** * Returns current status of media sink service in JSON format. * @return {!Promise} */ MediaRouter.prototype.getMediaSinkServiceStatus = function() { return this.service_.getMediaSinkServiceStatus(); } /** * @param {int32} target_tab_id * @param {!mojo.InterfaceRequest} request */ MediaRouter.prototype.getMirroringServiceHostForTab = function( target_tab_id, request) { this.service_.getMirroringServiceHostForTab(target_tab_id, request); } /** * @param {int32} initiator_tab_id * @param {!string} desktop_stream_id * @param {!mojo.InterfaceRequest} request */ MediaRouter.prototype.getMirroringServiceHostForDesktop = function( initiator_tab_id, desktop_stream_id, request) { this.service_.getMirroringServiceHostForDesktop(initiator_tab_id, desktop_stream_id, request); } /** * @param {!url.mojom.Url} presentation_url * @param {!string} presentation_id * @param {!mojo.InterfaceRequest} request */ MediaRouter.prototype.getMirroringServiceHostForOffscreenTab = function( presentation_url, presentation_id, request) { this.service_.getMirroringServiceHostForOffscreenTab(presentation_url, presentation_id, request); } /** * Object containing callbacks set by the provider manager. * * @constructor * @struct */ function MediaRouterHandlers() { /** * @type {function(!string, !string, !string, !string, !number)} */ this.createRoute = null; /** * @type {function(!string, !string, !string, !number)} */ this.joinRoute = null; /** * @type {function(string): Promise} */ this.terminateRoute = null; /** * @type {function(string)} */ this.startObservingMediaSinks = null; /** * @type {function(string)} */ this.stopObservingMediaSinks = null; /** * @type {function(string, string): Promise} */ this.sendRouteMessage = null; /** * @type {function(string, Uint8Array): Promise} */ this.sendRouteBinaryMessage = null; /** * @type {function(string)} */ this.startListeningForRouteMessages = null; /** * @type {function(string)} */ this.stopListeningForRouteMessages = null; /** * @type {function(string)} */ this.detachRoute = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.startObservingMediaRoutes = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.stopObservingMediaRoutes = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.connectRouteByRouteId = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.enableMdnsDiscovery = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.updateMediaSinks = null; /** * @type {function(string, string, !SinkSearchCriteria): string} */ this.searchSinks = null; /** * @type {function()} */ this.provideSinks = null; /** * @type {function(string, !mojo.InterfaceRequest, * !mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserverPtr): !Promise} */ this.createMediaRouteController = null; }; /** * Routes calls from Media Router to the provider manager extension. * Registered with the MediaRouter stub. * @param {!MediaRouter} MediaRouter proxy to call into the * Media Router mojo interface. * @constructor */ function MediaRouteProvider(mediaRouter) { /** * Object containing JS callbacks into Provider Manager code. * @type {!MediaRouterHandlers} */ this.handlers_ = new MediaRouterHandlers(); /** * Proxy class to the browser's Media Router Mojo service. * @type {!MediaRouter} */ this.mediaRouter_ = mediaRouter; } /* * Sets the callback handler used to invoke methods in the provider manager. * * @param {!MediaRouterHandlers} handlers */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.setHandlers = function(handlers) { this.handlers_ = handlers; var requiredHandlers = [ 'stopObservingMediaRoutes', 'startObservingMediaRoutes', 'sendRouteMessage', 'sendRouteBinaryMessage', 'startListeningForRouteMessages', 'stopListeningForRouteMessages', 'detachRoute', 'terminateRoute', 'joinRoute', 'createRoute', 'stopObservingMediaSinks', 'startObservingMediaRoutes', 'connectRouteByRouteId', 'enableMdnsDiscovery', 'updateMediaSinks', 'searchSinks', 'provideSinks', 'createMediaRouteController', 'onBeforeInvokeHandler' ]; requiredHandlers.forEach(function(nextHandler) { if (handlers[nextHandler] === undefined) { console.error(nextHandler + ' handler not registered.'); } }); } /** * Starts querying for sinks capable of displaying the media source * designated by |sourceUrn|. Results are returned by calling * OnSinksReceived. * @param {!string} sourceUrn */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.startObservingMediaSinks = function(sourceUrn) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.startObservingMediaSinks(sourceUrn); }; /** * Stops querying for sinks capable of displaying |sourceUrn|. * @param {!string} sourceUrn */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.stopObservingMediaSinks = function(sourceUrn) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.stopObservingMediaSinks(sourceUrn); }; /** * Requests that |sinkId| render the media referenced by |sourceUrn|. If the * request is from the Presentation API, then origin and tabId will * be populated. * @param {!string} sourceUrn Media source to render. * @param {!string} sinkId Media sink ID. * @param {!string} presentationId Presentation ID from the site * requesting presentation. TODO(mfoltz): Remove. * @param {!url.mojom.Origin} origin Origin of site requesting presentation. * @param {!number} tabId ID of tab requesting presentation. * @param {!mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta} timeout If positive, the timeout * duration for the request. Otherwise, the default duration will be used. * @param {!boolean} incognito If true, the route is being requested by * an incognito profile. * @return {!Promise.} A Promise resolving to an object describing * the newly created media route, or rejecting with an error message on * failure. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.createRoute = function(sourceUrn, sinkId, presentationId, origin, tabId, timeout, incognito) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.createRoute( sourceUrn, sinkId, presentationId, origin, tabId, Math.floor(timeout.microseconds / 1000), incognito) .then(function(route) { return toSuccessRouteResponse_(route); }, function(err) { return toErrorRouteResponse_(err); }); }; /** * Handles a request via the Presentation API to join an existing route given * by |sourceUrn| and |presentationId|. |origin| and |tabId| are used for * validating same-origin/tab scope. * @param {!string} sourceUrn Media source to render. * @param {!string} presentationId Presentation ID to join. * @param {!url.mojom.Origin} origin Origin of site requesting join. * @param {!number} tabId ID of tab requesting join. * @param {!mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta} timeout If positive, the timeout * duration for the request. Otherwise, the default duration will be used. * @param {!boolean} incognito If true, the route is being requested by * an incognito profile. * @return {!Promise.} A Promise resolving to an object describing * the newly created media route, or rejecting with an error message on * failure. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.joinRoute = function(sourceUrn, presentationId, origin, tabId, timeout, incognito) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.joinRoute( sourceUrn, presentationId, origin, tabId, Math.floor(timeout.microseconds / 1000), incognito) .then(function(route) { return toSuccessRouteResponse_(route); }, function(err) { return toErrorRouteResponse_(err); }); }; /** * Handles a request via the Presentation API to join an existing route given * by |sourceUrn| and |routeId|. |origin| and |tabId| are used for * validating same-origin/tab scope. * @param {!string} sourceUrn Media source to render. * @param {!string} routeId Route ID to join. * @param {!string} presentationId Presentation ID to join. * @param {!url.mojom.Origin} origin Origin of site requesting join. * @param {!number} tabId ID of tab requesting join. * @param {!mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta} timeout If positive, the timeout * duration for the request. Otherwise, the default duration will be used. * @param {!boolean} incognito If true, the route is being requested by * an incognito profile. * @return {!Promise.} A Promise resolving to an object describing * the newly created media route, or rejecting with an error message on * failure. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.connectRouteByRouteId = function(sourceUrn, routeId, presentationId, origin, tabId, timeout, incognito) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.connectRouteByRouteId( sourceUrn, routeId, presentationId, origin, tabId, Math.floor(timeout.microseconds / 1000), incognito) .then(function(route) { return toSuccessRouteResponse_(route); }, function(err) { return toErrorRouteResponse_(err); }); }; /** * Terminates the route specified by |routeId|. * @param {!string} routeId * @return {!Promise} A Promise resolving to an object describing * the result of the terminate operation, or rejecting with an error * message and code if the operation failed. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.terminateRoute = function(routeId) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.terminateRoute(routeId).then( () => ({resultCode: mediaRouter.mojom.RouteRequestResultCode.OK}), (err) => toErrorRouteResponse_(err)); }; /** * Posts a message to the route designated by |routeId|. * @param {!string} routeId * @param {!string} message */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.sendRouteMessage = function( routeId, message) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.sendRouteMessage(routeId, message); }; /** * Sends a binary message to the route designated by |routeId|. * @param {!string} routeId * @param {!Array} data */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.sendRouteBinaryMessage = function( routeId, data) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.sendRouteBinaryMessage(routeId, new Uint8Array(data)); }; /** * Listen for messages from a route. * @param {!string} routeId */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.startListeningForRouteMessages = function( routeId) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.startListeningForRouteMessages(routeId); }; /** * @param {!string} routeId */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.stopListeningForRouteMessages = function( routeId) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.stopListeningForRouteMessages(routeId); }; /** * Indicates that the presentation connection that was connected to |routeId| * is no longer connected to it. * @param {!string} routeId */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.detachRoute = function( routeId) { this.handlers_.detachRoute(routeId); }; /** * Requests that the provider manager start sending information about active * media routes to the Media Router. * @param {!string} sourceUrn */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.startObservingMediaRoutes = function(sourceUrn) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.startObservingMediaRoutes(sourceUrn); }; /** * Requests that the provider manager stop sending information about active * media routes to the Media Router. * @param {!string} sourceUrn */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.stopObservingMediaRoutes = function(sourceUrn) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.stopObservingMediaRoutes(sourceUrn); }; /** * Enables mDNS device discovery. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.enableMdnsDiscovery = function() { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.enableMdnsDiscovery(); }; /** * Requests that the provider manager update media sinks. * @param {!string} sourceUrn */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.updateMediaSinks = function(sourceUrn) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.updateMediaSinks(sourceUrn); }; /** * Requests that the provider manager search its providers for a sink matching * |searchCriteria| that is compatible with |sourceUrn|. If a sink is found * that can be used immediately for route creation, its ID is returned. * Otherwise the empty string is returned. * * @param {string} sinkId Sink ID of the pseudo sink generating the request. * @param {string} sourceUrn Media source to be used with the sink. * @param {!SinkSearchCriteria} searchCriteria Search criteria for the route * providers. * @return {!Promise.} A Promise resolving to either the * sink ID of the sink found by the search that can be used for route * creation, or the empty string if no route can be immediately created. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.searchSinks = function( sinkId, sourceUrn, searchCriteria) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.searchSinks(sinkId, sourceUrn, searchCriteria).then( sinkId => { return { 'sinkId': sinkId }; }, () => { return { 'sinkId': '' }; }); }; /** * Notifies the provider manager that MediaRouter has discovered a list of * sinks. * @param {string} providerName * @param {!Array} sinks */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.provideSinks = function(providerName, sinks) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); this.handlers_.provideSinks(providerName, sinks.map(MediaSinkAdapter.fromNewVersion)); }; /** * Creates a controller for the given route and binds the given * InterfaceRequest to it, and registers an observer for media status updates * for the route. * @param {string} routeId * @param {!mojo.InterfaceRequest} controllerRequest * @param {!mediaRouter.mojom.MediaStatusObserverPtr} observer * @return {!Promise} Resolves to true if a controller * is created. Resolves to false if a controller cannot be created, or if * the controller is already bound. */ MediaRouteProvider.prototype.createMediaRouteController = function( routeId, controllerRequest, observer) { this.handlers_.onBeforeInvokeHandler(); return this.handlers_.createMediaRouteController( routeId, controllerRequest, new MediaStatusObserverPtrAdapter(observer.ptr.passInterface())).then( () => ({success: true}), e => ({success: false})); }; var ptr = new mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouterPtr; Mojo.bindInterface(mediaRouter.mojom.MediaRouter.name, mojo.makeRequest(ptr).handle); exports.$set('returnValue', new MediaRouter(ptr));