structDeref.frag WARNING: 0:4: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release Shader version: 130 0:? Sequence 0:41 Function Definition: main( (global void) 0:41 Function Parameters: 0:? Sequence 0:51 Test condition and select (temp void) 0:51 Condition 0:51 Compare Greater Than (temp bool) 0:51 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:51 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 s2_1: direct index for structure (global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 'foo3' (uniform structure{global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1} s2_1, global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 9 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 true case 0:52 Sequence 0:52 move second child to first child (temp float) 0:52 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:52 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:52 Constant: 0:52 1 (const int) 0:52 Constant: 0:52 1.000000 0:53 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:53 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:53 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:53 Constant: 0:53 2 (const int) 0:53 Constant: 0:53 0 (const int) 0:53 1.000000 0:53 0 (const int) 0:54 move second child to first child (temp 6-element array of float) 0:54 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:54 Constant: 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:55 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 Constant: 0:55 6 (const int) 0:55 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:56 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:56 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:56 Constant: 0:56 0 (const int) 0:57 move second child to first child (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:57 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:57 Constant: 0:57 0 (const int) 0:51 false case 0:59 Sequence 0:59 move second child to first child (temp float) 0:59 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:59 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:59 Constant: 0:59 1 (const int) 0:59 direct index (temp float) 0:59 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:59 Constant: 0:59 0 (const int) 0:60 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 2 (const int) 0:60 Construct structure (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 1 (const int) 0:60 direct index (temp float) 0:60 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 1 (const int) 0:60 'foo0' (uniform structure{global int i}) 0:61 move second child to first child (temp 6-element array of float) 0:61 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:61 Constant: 0:61 0.000000 0:61 1.000000 0:61 2.000000 0:61 3.000000 0:61 4.000000 0:61 5.000000 0:62 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 Constant: 0:62 6 (const int) 0:62 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:62 Constant: 0:62 2 (const int) 0:63 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:63 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:63 s0_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i}) 0:63 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:63 Constant: 0:63 2 (const int) 0:64 move second child to first child (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:64 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:64 'foo00' (uniform structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:67 Test condition and select (temp void) 0:67 Condition 0:67 Compare Greater Than (temp bool) 0:67 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:67 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:67 Constant: 0:67 0 (const int) 0:67 Constant: 0:67 5 (const int) 0:67 true case 0:68 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:68 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:68 s0_0: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i}) 0:68 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:68 Constant: 0:68 0 (const int) 0:70 move second child to first child (temp 4-component vector of float) 0:70 'gl_FragColor' (fragColor 4-component vector of float FragColor) 0:70 vector-scale (temp 4-component vector of float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 Convert int to float (temp float) 0:70 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:70 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 0 (const int) 0:70 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:70 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 6 (const int) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 1 (const int) 0:70 direct index (temp float) 0:70 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 3 (const int) 0:70 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:70 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 2 (const int) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 1 (const int) 0:70 texture (global 4-component vector of float) 0:70 'sampler' (uniform sampler2D) 0:70 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'sampler' (uniform sampler2D) 0:? 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'foo0' (uniform structure{global int i}) 0:? 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:? 'foo2' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:? 'foo3' (uniform structure{global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1} s2_1, global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:? 'foo00' (uniform structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) Linked fragment stage: Shader version: 130 0:? Sequence 0:41 Function Definition: main( (global void) 0:41 Function Parameters: 0:? Sequence 0:51 Test condition and select (temp void) 0:51 Condition 0:51 Compare Greater Than (temp bool) 0:51 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:51 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 s2_1: direct index for structure (global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 'foo3' (uniform structure{global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1} s2_1, global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 9 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 Constant: 0:51 0 (const int) 0:51 true case 0:52 Sequence 0:52 move second child to first child (temp float) 0:52 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:52 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:52 Constant: 0:52 1 (const int) 0:52 Constant: 0:52 1.000000 0:53 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:53 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:53 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:53 Constant: 0:53 2 (const int) 0:53 Constant: 0:53 0 (const int) 0:53 1.000000 0:53 0 (const int) 0:54 move second child to first child (temp 6-element array of float) 0:54 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:54 Constant: 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:54 0.000000 0:55 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:55 Constant: 0:55 6 (const int) 0:55 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:56 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:56 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:56 Constant: 0:56 0 (const int) 0:57 move second child to first child (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:57 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:57 Constant: 0:57 0 (const int) 0:51 false case 0:59 Sequence 0:59 move second child to first child (temp float) 0:59 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:59 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:59 Constant: 0:59 1 (const int) 0:59 direct index (temp float) 0:59 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:59 Constant: 0:59 0 (const int) 0:60 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 2 (const int) 0:60 Construct structure (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 1 (const int) 0:60 direct index (temp float) 0:60 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:60 Constant: 0:60 1 (const int) 0:60 'foo0' (uniform structure{global int i}) 0:61 move second child to first child (temp 6-element array of float) 0:61 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:61 Constant: 0:61 0.000000 0:61 1.000000 0:61 2.000000 0:61 3.000000 0:61 4.000000 0:61 5.000000 0:62 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 Constant: 0:62 6 (const int) 0:62 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:62 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:62 Constant: 0:62 2 (const int) 0:63 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:63 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:63 s0_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i}) 0:63 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:63 Constant: 0:63 2 (const int) 0:64 move second child to first child (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:64 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:64 'foo00' (uniform structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:67 Test condition and select (temp void) 0:67 Condition 0:67 Compare Greater Than (temp bool) 0:67 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:67 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:67 Constant: 0:67 0 (const int) 0:67 Constant: 0:67 5 (const int) 0:67 true case 0:68 move second child to first child (temp structure{global int i}) 0:68 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:68 s0_0: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i}) 0:68 'locals00' (temp structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0}) 0:68 Constant: 0:68 0 (const int) 0:70 move second child to first child (temp 4-component vector of float) 0:70 'gl_FragColor' (fragColor 4-component vector of float FragColor) 0:70 vector-scale (temp 4-component vector of float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 add (temp float) 0:70 Convert int to float (temp float) 0:70 i: direct index for structure (global int) 0:70 'locals0' (temp structure{global int i}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 0 (const int) 0:70 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:70 direct index (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 'locals1Array' (temp 10-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 6 (const int) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 1 (const int) 0:70 direct index (temp float) 0:70 'fArray' (temp 6-element array of float) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 3 (const int) 0:70 f: direct index for structure (global float) 0:70 s1_1: direct index for structure (global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:70 'locals2' (temp structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 2 (const int) 0:70 Constant: 0:70 1 (const int) 0:70 texture (global 4-component vector of float) 0:70 'sampler' (uniform sampler2D) 0:70 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:? Linker Objects 0:? 'sampler' (uniform sampler2D) 0:? 'coord' (smooth in 2-component vector of float) 0:? 'foo0' (uniform structure{global int i}) 0:? 'foo1' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1}) 0:? 'foo2' (uniform structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:? 'foo3' (uniform structure{global 12-element array of structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1} s2_1, global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i, global float f, global structure{global int i} s0_1} s1_1}) 0:? 'foo00' (uniform structure{global structure{global int i} s0_0})