path: root/src/buildtools/config/common.pri
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/buildtools/config/common.pri')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/src/buildtools/config/common.pri b/src/buildtools/config/common.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 85781d251..000000000
--- a/src/buildtools/config/common.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Shared configuration for all our supported platforms
-QT_FOR_CONFIG += buildtools-private webenginecore webenginecore-private
-gn_args += \
- use_qt=true \
- init_stack_vars=false \
- is_component_build=false \
- is_shared=true \
- enable_debugallocation=false \
- enable_media_remoting=false \
- enable_message_center=false \
- enable_nacl=false \
- enable_remoting=false \
- enable_reporting=false \
- enable_resource_whitelist_generation=false \
- enable_swiftshader=false \
- angle_enable_swiftshader=false \
- enable_web_auth=true \
- enable_web_speech=false \
- enable_widevine=true \
- forbid_non_component_debug_builds=false \
- has_native_accessibility=false \
- safe_browsing_mode=0 \
- toolkit_views=false \
- treat_warnings_as_errors=false \
- use_allocator_shim=false \
- use_allocator=\"none\" \
- use_custom_libcxx=false
-# No closure compile supported at this time
-gn_args += \
- closure_compile=false \
- optimize_webui=false
-# We always embed v8 startup data currently
-gn_args += \
- v8_use_external_startup_data=false
-# Uses special flags for clang not available on xcode, and messes up gdb debugging too.
-gn_args += \
- strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols=false
- gn_args += \
- use_jumbo_build=true \
- jumbo_file_merge_limit=$$QMAKE_JUMBO_MERGE_LIMIT
-!greaterThan(QMAKE_JUMBO_MERGE_LIMIT,8) {
- gn_args += jumbo_build_excluded="[\"browser\"]"
-precompile_header {
- gn_args += enable_precompiled_headers=true
-} else {
- gn_args += enable_precompiled_headers=false
-CONFIG(release, debug|release):!qtConfig(webengine-developer-build) {
- gn_args += is_official_build=true
-} else {
- gn_args += is_official_build=false
- !qtConfig(webengine-developer-build): gn_args += is_unsafe_developer_build=false
- # Just doesn't work in many configurations:
- gn_args += from_here_uses_location_builtins=false
-CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
- gn_args += is_debug=false
- force_debug_info {
- # Level 1 is not enough to generate all Chromium debug symbols on Windows
- msvc: gn_args += symbol_level=2
- else: gn_args += symbol_level=1
- } else {
- gn_args += symbol_level=0
- }
-CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
- gn_args += is_debug=true
- gn_args += use_debug_fission=false
- # MSVC requires iterator debug to always match and Qt leaves it default on.
- msvc: gn_args += enable_iterator_debugging=true
- # We also can not have optimized V8 binaries for MSVC as iterator debugging
- # would mismatch.
- msvc|v8base_debug: gn_args += v8_optimized_debug=false
-!webcore_debug: gn_args += blink_symbol_level=0
-!v8base_debug: gn_args += remove_v8base_debug_symbols=true
-# Compiling with -Os makes a huge difference in binary size
-optimize_size: gn_args += optimize_for_size=true
-# We don't want to apply sanitizer options to the build tools (GN, dict convert, etc).
-!host_build {
- sanitize_address: gn_args += is_asan=true
- sanitize_thread: gn_args += is_tsan=true
- sanitize_memory: gn_args += is_msan=true
- sanitize_undefined: gn_args += is_ubsan=true is_ubsan_vptr=true
-ccache {
- gn_args += cc_wrapper=\"ccache\"
-qtConfig(force_asserts): gn_args += dcheck_always_on=true