path: root/src/webenginewidgets/doc/src/qwebengineview_lgpl.qdoc
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+ Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
+ Copyright (C) 2009 Girish Ramakrishnan <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// The documentation in this file was imported from QtWebKit and is thus constrained
+// by its LGPL license. Documentation written from scratch for new methods should be
+// placed inline in the code as usual.
+ \class QWebView
+ \since 4.4
+ \brief The QWebView class provides a widget that is used to view and edit
+ web documents.
+ \ingroup advanced
+ \inmodule QtWebKit
+ QWebView is the main widget component of the Qt WebKit web browsing module.
+ It can be used in various applications to display web content live from the
+ Internet.
+ The image below shows QWebView previewed in \QD with a Nokia website.
+ \image qwebview-url.png
+ A web site can be loaded onto QWebView with the load() function. Like all
+ Qt widgets, the show() function must be invoked in order to display
+ QWebView. The snippet below illustrates this:
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/simple/main.cpp Using QWebView
+ Alternatively, setUrl() can also be used to load a web site. If you have
+ the HTML content readily available, you can use setHtml() instead.
+ The loadStarted() signal is emitted when the view begins loading. The
+ loadProgress() signal, on the other hand, is emitted whenever an element of
+ the web view completes loading, such as an embedded image, a script, etc.
+ Finally, the loadFinished() signal is emitted when the view has loaded
+ completely. It's argument - either \c true or \c false - indicates
+ load success or failure.
+ The page() function returns a pointer to the web page object. See
+ \l{Elements of QWebView} for an explanation of how the web page
+ is related to the view. To modify your web view's settings, you can access
+ the QWebSettings object with the settings() function. With QWebSettings,
+ you can change the default fonts, enable or disable features such as
+ JavaScript and plugins.
+ The title of an HTML document can be accessed with the title() property.
+ Additionally, a web site may also specify an icon, which can be accessed
+ using the icon() property. If the title or the icon changes, the corresponding
+ titleChanged() and iconChanged() signals will be emitted. The
+ textSizeMultiplier() property can be used to change the overall size of
+ the text displayed in the web view.
+ If you require a custom context menu, you can implement it by reimplementing
+ \l{QWidget::}{contextMenuEvent()} and populating your QMenu with the actions
+ obtained from pageAction(). More functionality such as reloading the view,
+ copying selected text to the clipboard, or pasting into the view, is also
+ encapsulated within the QAction objects returned by pageAction(). These
+ actions can be programmatically triggered using triggerPageAction().
+ Alternatively, the actions can be added to a toolbar or a menu directly.
+ QWebView maintains the state of the returned actions but allows
+ modification of action properties such as \l{QAction::}{text} or
+ \l{QAction::}{icon}.
+ A QWebView can be printed onto a QPrinter using the print() function.
+ This function is marked as a slot and can be conveniently connected to
+ \l{QPrintPreviewDialog}'s \l{QPrintPreviewDialog::}{paintRequested()}
+ signal.
+ If you want to provide support for web sites that allow the user to open
+ new windows, such as pop-up windows, you can subclass QWebView and
+ reimplement the createWindow() function.
+ \section1 Elements of QWebView
+ QWebView consists of other objects such as QWebFrame and QWebPage. The
+ flowchart below shows these elements are related.
+ \image qwebview-diagram.png
+ \note It is possible to use QWebPage and QWebFrame, without using QWebView,
+ if you do not require QWidget attributes. Nevertheless, Qt WebKit depends
+ on QtGui, so you should use a QApplication instead of QCoreApplication.
+ \sa {Previewer Example}, {Web Browser}, {Form Extractor Example},
+ {Google Chat Example}, {Fancy Browser Example}
+ \fn QWebView::QWebView(QWidget *parent)
+ Constructs an empty QWebView with parent \a parent.
+ \sa load()
+ \fn QWebView::~QWebView()
+ Destroys the web view.
+ \fn QWebPage *QWebView::page() const
+ Returns a pointer to the underlying web page.
+ \sa setPage()
+ \fn void QWebView::setPage(QWebPage* page)
+ Makes \a page the new web page of the web view.
+ The parent QObject of the provided page remains the owner
+ of the object. If the current page is a child of the web
+ view, it will be deleted.
+ \sa page()
+ \fn void QWebView::load(const QUrl &url)
+ Loads the specified \a url and displays it.
+ \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new \a url.
+ \sa setUrl(), url(), urlChanged(), QUrl::fromUserInput()
+ \fn void QWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest &request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray &body)
+ \fn void QWebView::load(const QNetworkRequest &request, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, const QByteArray &body)
+ Loads a network request, \a request, using the method specified in \a operation.
+ \a body is optional and is only used for POST operations.
+ \note The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new url.
+ \sa url(), urlChanged()
+ \fn void QWebView::setHtml(const QString &html, const QUrl &baseUrl)
+ Sets the content of the web view to the specified \a html.
+ External objects such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML
+ document are located relative to \a baseUrl.
+ The \a html is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.
+ When using this method, WebKit assumes that external resources such as
+ JavaScript programs or style sheets are encoded in UTF-8 unless otherwise
+ specified. For example, the encoding of an external script can be specified
+ through the charset attribute of the HTML script tag. Alternatively, the
+ encoding can also be specified by the web server.
+ This is a convenience function equivalent to setContent(html, "text/html", baseUrl).
+ \warning This function works only for HTML, for other mime types (i.e. XHTML, SVG)
+ setContent() should be used instead.
+ \sa load(), setContent(), QWebFrame::toHtml(), QWebFrame::setContent()
+ \fn void QWebView::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType, const QUrl &baseUrl)
+ Sets the content of the web view to the specified content \a data. If the \a mimeType argument
+ is empty it is currently assumed that the content is HTML but in future versions we may introduce
+ auto-detection.
+ External objects referenced in the content are located relative to \a baseUrl.
+ The \a data is loaded immediately; external objects are loaded asynchronously.
+ \sa load(), setHtml(), QWebFrame::toHtml()
+ \fn QWebHistory *QWebView::history() const
+ Returns a pointer to the view's history of navigated web pages.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 0
+ \fn QWebSettings *QWebView::settings() const
+ Returns a pointer to the view/page specific settings object.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 1
+ \sa QWebSettings::globalSettings()
+ \property QWebView::title
+ \brief the title of the web page currently viewed
+ By default, this property contains an empty string.
+ \sa titleChanged()
+ \property QWebView::url
+ \brief the url of the web page currently viewed
+ Setting this property clears the view and loads the URL.
+ By default, this property contains an empty, invalid URL.
+ \sa load(), urlChanged()
+ \property QWebView::icon
+ \brief the icon associated with the web page currently viewed
+ By default, this property contains a null icon.
+ \sa iconChanged(), QWebSettings::iconForUrl()
+ \property QWebView::hasSelection
+ \brief whether this page contains selected content or not.
+ By default, this property is false.
+ \sa selectionChanged()
+ \property QWebView::selectedText
+ \brief the text currently selected
+ By default, this property contains an empty string.
+ \sa findText(), selectionChanged(), selectedHtml()
+ \since 4.8
+ \property QWebView::selectedHtml
+ \brief the HTML currently selected
+ By default, this property contains an empty string.
+ \sa findText(), selectionChanged(), selectedText()
+ \fn QAction *QWebView::pageAction(QWebPage::WebAction action) const
+ Returns a pointer to a QAction that encapsulates the specified web action \a action.
+ \fn void QWebView::triggerPageAction(QWebPage::WebAction action, bool checked)
+ Triggers the specified \a action. If it is a checkable action the specified
+ \a checked state is assumed.
+ The following example triggers the copy action and therefore copies any
+ selected text to the clipboard.
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 2
+ \sa pageAction()
+ \property QWebView::modified
+ \brief whether the document was modified by the user
+ Parts of HTML documents can be editable for example through the
+ \c{contenteditable} attribute on HTML elements.
+ By default, this property is false.
+ \property QWebView::textInteractionFlags
+ \brief how the view should handle user input
+ Specifies how the user can interact with the text on the page.
+ \property QWebView::zoomFactor
+ \since 4.5
+ \brief the zoom factor for the view
+ \property QWebView::textSizeMultiplier
+ \brief the scaling factor for all text in the frame
+ \obsolete
+ Use setZoomFactor instead, in combination with the
+ ZoomTextOnly attribute in QWebSettings.
+ \note Setting this property also enables the
+ ZoomTextOnly attribute in QWebSettings.
+ By default, this property contains a value of 1.0.
+ \fn void QWebView::setTextSizeMultiplier(qreal factor)
+ Sets the value of the multiplier used to scale the text in a Web page to
+ the \a factor specified.
+ \fn qreal QWebView::textSizeMultiplier() const
+ Returns the value of the multiplier used to scale the text in a Web page.
+ \property QWebView::renderHints
+ \since 4.6
+ \brief the default render hints for the view
+ These hints are used to initialize QPainter before painting the Web page.
+ QPainter::TextAntialiasing and QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform are enabled by default.
+ \sa QPainter::renderHints()
+ \fn QPainter::RenderHints QWebView::renderHints() const
+ \since 4.6
+ Returns the render hints used by the view to render content.
+ \sa QPainter::renderHints()
+ \fn void QWebView::setRenderHints(QPainter::RenderHints hints)
+ \since 4.6
+ Sets the render hints used by the view to the specified \a hints.
+ \sa QPainter::setRenderHints()
+ \fn void QWebView::setRenderHint(QPainter::RenderHint hint, bool enabled)
+ \since 4.6
+ If \a enabled is true, enables the specified render \a hint; otherwise
+ disables it.
+ \sa renderHints, QPainter::renderHints()
+ \fn bool QWebView::findText(const QString &subString, QWebPage::FindFlags options)
+ Finds the specified string, \a subString, in the page, using the given \a options.
+ If the HighlightAllOccurrences flag is passed, the function will highlight all occurrences
+ that exist in the page. All subsequent calls will extend the highlight, rather than
+ replace it, with occurrences of the new string.
+ If the HighlightAllOccurrences flag is not passed, the function will select an occurrence
+ and all subsequent calls will replace the current occurrence with the next one.
+ To clear the selection, just pass an empty string.
+ Returns true if \a subString was found; otherwise returns false.
+ \sa selectedText(), selectionChanged()
+ \fn void QWebView::print(QPrinter *printer) const
+ Prints the main frame to the given \a printer.
+ \sa QWebFrame::print(), QPrintPreviewDialog
+ \fn void QWebView::stop()
+ Convenience slot that stops loading the document.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 3
+ \sa reload(), pageAction(), loadFinished()
+ \fn void QWebView::back()
+ Convenience slot that loads the previous document in the list of documents
+ built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no previous document.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 4
+ \sa forward(), pageAction()
+ \fn void QWebView::forward()
+ Convenience slot that loads the next document in the list of documents
+ built by navigating links. Does nothing if there is no next document.
+ It is equivalent to
+ \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_qwebview_snippet.cpp 5
+ \sa back(), pageAction()
+ \fn void QWebView::reload()
+ Reloads the current document.
+ \sa stop(), pageAction(), loadStarted()
+ \fn QWebView *QWebView::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType type)
+ This function is called from the createWindow() method of the associated QWebPage,
+ each time the page wants to create a new window of the given \a type. This might
+ be the result, for example, of a JavaScript request to open a document in a new window.
+ \note If the createWindow() method of the associated page is reimplemented, this
+ method is not called, unless explicitly done so in the reimplementation.
+ \note In the cases when the window creation is being triggered by JavaScript, apart from
+ reimplementing this method application must also set the JavaScriptCanOpenWindows attribute
+ of QWebSettings to true in order for it to get called.
+ \sa QWebPage::createWindow(), QWebPage::acceptNavigationRequest()
+ \fn void QWebView::titleChanged(const QString &title)
+ This signal is emitted whenever the \a title of the main frame changes.
+ \sa title()
+ \fn void QWebView::urlChanged(const QUrl &url)
+ This signal is emitted when the \a url of the view changes.
+ \sa url(), load()
+ \fn void QWebView::statusBarMessage(const QString& text)
+ This signal is emitted when the status bar \a text is changed by the page.
+ \fn void QWebView::iconChanged()
+ This signal is emitted whenever the icon of the page is loaded or changes.
+ In order for icons to be loaded, you will need to set an icon database path
+ using QWebSettings::setIconDatabasePath().
+ \sa icon(), QWebSettings::setIconDatabasePath()
+ \fn void QWebView::loadStarted()
+ This signal is emitted when a new load of the page is started.
+ \sa loadProgress(), loadFinished()
+ \fn void QWebView::loadFinished(bool ok)
+ This signal is emitted when a load of the page is finished.
+ \a ok will indicate whether the load was successful or any error occurred.
+ \sa loadStarted()
+ \fn void QWebView::selectionChanged()
+ This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
+ \sa selectedText()
+ \fn void QWebView::loadProgress(int progress)
+ This signal is emitted every time an element in the web page
+ completes loading and the overall loading progress advances.
+ This signal tracks the progress of all child frames.
+ The current value is provided by \a progress and scales from 0 to 100,
+ which is the default range of QProgressBar.
+ \sa loadStarted(), loadFinished()
+ \fn void QWebView::linkClicked(const QUrl &url)
+ This signal is emitted whenever the user clicks on a link and the page's linkDelegationPolicy
+ property is set to delegate the link handling for the specified \a url.
+ \sa QWebPage::linkDelegationPolicy()