# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Require the Qt (not WebEngine) minimum supported CMake version. # Another WebEngine-specific version check will be done in configure.cmake # and reported in the configure summary. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) include(.cmake.conf) include(ExternalProject) include(cmake/Functions.cmake) project(QtWebEngineDummy) find_package(Qt6 6.5 CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS BuildInternals Core) project(QtWebEngine VERSION ${Qt6Core_VERSION} DESCRIPTION "QtWebEngine and QtPdf modules" HOMEPAGE_URL "https://qt.io/" LANGUAGES CXX C ) qt_internal_project_setup() find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG QUIET OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Gui Widgets Network OpenGL Quick Qml PrintSupport WebChannel WebChannelQuick Positioning QuickControls2 Test QuickWidgets QuickTest WebSockets Designer JpegPrivate PngPrivate HarfbuzzPrivate FreetypePrivate ZlibPrivate ) if(MATRIX_BUILD AND NOT MATRIX_SUBBUILD AND NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) add_build(webengine_webrtc OFF) add_build(webengine_proprietary_codecs ON) add_build(webengine_printing_and_pdf OFF) add_build(webengine_extensions OFF) add_build(webengine_spellchecker OFF) add_build(qtwebengine_build OFF) return() endif() qt_build_repo()