This is a prototype of allowing embedding Chromium/Blink into Qt. -- Build instructions: (1) Get the Chromium source code, see instructions at Currently this is a bit iffy due to the WebKit -> Blink transition, but this is what worked for me: * git clone * Add depot_tools to your PATH * export GYP_GENERATORS=ninja * fetch --nosvn=True blink * If that didn't do the trick, it should essentially boil down to running "gclient sync" (2) (Re-)generating the ninja build files after changing a gyp file: * set the CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR environment variable to point to /path/to/src/ * Run gyp_blinq (3) build with ninja -C out/Release (or out/Debug depending on the needs) (4) On Linux you may get build errors due to -Werror. Create ~/.gyp/include.gypi with the following contents: { 'variables': { 'werror%': '', }, } So afterwards you have to re-create the ninja files using gyp_blinq