{ "module": "webengine", "depends": [ "printsupport" ], "commandline": { "options": { "alsa": "boolean", "embedded": "boolean", "webengine-icu": { "type": "enum", "name": "system-icu", "values": { "system": "yes", "qt": "no" } }, "ffmpeg": { "type": "enum", "name": "system-ffmpeg", "values": { "system": "yes", "qt": "no" } }, "opus": { "type": "enum", "name": "system-opus", "values": { "system": "yes", "qt": "no" } }, "webp": { "type": "enum", "name": "system-webp", "values": { "system": "yes", "qt": "no" } }, "pepper-plugins": "boolean", "printing-and-pdf": "boolean", "proprietary-codecs": "boolean", "pulseaudio": "boolean", "spellchecker": "boolean", "webrtc": "boolean" } }, "libraries": { "alsa": { "label": "ALSA", "test": "alsa", "sources": [ "-lasound" ] }, "pulseaudio": { "label": "PulseAudio >= 0.9.10", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libpulse >= 0.9.10 libpulse-mainloop-glib" } ] }, "icu": { "label": "icu >= 53", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "icu-uc >= 53 icu-i18n >= 53" } ] }, "ffmpeg": { "label": "libavcodec libavformat libavutil", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libavcodec libavformat libavutil" } ] }, "opus": { "label": "opus", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "opus" } ] }, "webp": { "label": "libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libwebp libwebpmux libwebpdemux" } ] }, "nss": { "label": "nss", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "nss" } ] } }, "tests" : { "python2": { "label": "Python 2", "type": "detectPython2", "log": "location" }, "gperf": { "label": "gperf", "type": "detectGperf" }, "bison": { "label": "bison", "type": "detectBison" }, "flex": { "label": "flex", "type": "detectFlex" }, "ninja": { "label": "system ninja", "type": "detectNinja" }, "gn": { "label": "system gn", "type": "detectGn" }, "embedded": { "label": "embedded", "type": "embedded" }, "re2": { "label": "re2", "test": "re2", "type": "compile" }, "glibc": { "label": "glibc > 2.16", "type": "detectGlibc" } }, "features": { "python2": { "label": "Python 2", "condition": "tests.python2", "output": [ "privateFeature", { "type": "varAssign", "name": "QMAKE_PYTHON2", "value": "tests.python2.location" } ] }, "gperf": { "label": "gperf", "condition": "tests.gperf", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "bison": { "label": "bison", "condition": "tests.bison", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "flex": { "label": "flex", "condition": "tests.flex", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "embedded": { "label": "Embedded build", "purpose": "Enables the embedded build configuration.", "section": "WebEngine", "condition": "config.unix", "autoDetect": "tests.embedded", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "alsa": { "label": "ALSA", "condition": "config.unix && libs.alsa", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "pulseaudio": { "label": "PulseAudio", "autoDetect": "config.unix", "condition": "libs.pulseaudio", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "pepper-plugins": { "label": "Pepper Plugins", "purpose": "Enables use of Pepper Flash and Widevine plugins.", "section": "WebEngine", "autoDetect": "!features.embedded", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "printing-and-pdf": { "label": "Printing and PDF", "purpose": "Provides printing and output to PDF.", "section": "WebEngine", "condition": "module.printsupport && features.printer", "autoDetect": "!features.embedded", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "proprietary-codecs": { "label": "Proprietary Codecs", "purpose": "Enables the use of proprietary codecs such as h.264/h.265 and MP3.", "section": "WebEngine", "autoDetect": false, "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "spellchecker": { "label": "Spellchecker", "purpose": "Provides a spellchecker.", "section": "WebEngine", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "webrtc": { "label": "WebRTC", "purpose": "Provides WebRTC support.", "section": "WebEngine", "autoDetect": "!features.embedded", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-nss": { "label": "nss", "condition": "config.unix && !config.darwin && libs.nss", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-webp": { "label": "libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux", "autoDetect": "config.unix", "condition": "libs.webp", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-opus": { "label": "Opus", "autoDetect": "config.unix", "condition": "libs.opus", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-ffmpeg": { "label": "ffmpeg", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "libs.ffmpeg && features.system-opus && features.system-webp", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-icu": { "label": "ICU", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "libs.icu", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-re2": { "label": "re2", "autoDetect": "config.unix", "condition": "tests.re2", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-ninja": { "label": "Using system ninja", "condition": "tests.ninja", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-gn": { "label": "Using system gn", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "tests.gn", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-glibc": { "label": "glibc", "condition": "config.linux && tests.glibc", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] } }, "report": [ { "type": "warning", "condition": "!features.python2", "message": "Python version 2 (2.7.5 or later) is required to build QtWebEngine." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "!features.gperf", "message": "gperf is required to build QtWebEngine." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "!features.bison", "message": "bison is required to build QtWebEngine." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "!features.flex", "message": "flex is required to build QtWebEngine." } ], "summary": [ { "section": "Qt WebEngine", "entries": [ "embedded", "pepper-plugins", "printing-and-pdf", "proprietary-codecs", "spellchecker", "webrtc", "system-ninja", { "type": "feature", "args": "alsa", "condition": "config.unix" }, { "type": "feature", "args": "pulseaudio", "condition": "config.unix" }, { "section": "System libraries", "condition": "config.unix", "entries": [ "system-re2", "system-icu", "system-webp", "system-opus", "system-ffmpeg" ] } ] } ] }