equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows): EXE_SUFFIX = .exe defineTest(isPythonVersionSupported) { python = $$system_quote($$system_path($$1)) python_version = $$system('$$python -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info[0:3])"') python_version ~= s/[()]//g python_version = $$split(python_version, ',') python_major_version = $$first(python_version) greaterThan(python_major_version, 2) { qtLog("Python version 3 is not supported by Chromium.") return(false) } python_minor_version = $$member(python_version, 1) python_patch_version = $$member(python_version, 2) greaterThan(python_major_version, 1): greaterThan(python_minor_version, 6): greaterThan(python_patch_version, 4): return(true) qtLog("Unsupported python version: $${python_major_version}.$${python_minor_version}.$${python_patch_version}.") return(false) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectPython2) { python = $$qtConfFindInPath("python2") isEmpty(python) { qtLog("'python2' not found in PATH. Checking for 'python'.") python = $$qtConfFindInPath("python$$EXE_SUFFIX") } isEmpty(python) { qtLog("'python$$EXE_SUFFIX' not found in PATH. Giving up.") return(false) } !isPythonVersionSupported($$python) { qtLog("A suitable Python 2 executable could not be located.") return(false) } # Make tests.python2.location available in configure.json. $${1}.location = $$clean_path($$python) export($${1}.location) $${1}.cache += location export($${1}.cache) return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectGperf) { gperf = $$qtConfFindInPath("gperf$$EXE_SUFFIX") isEmpty(gperf) { qtLog("Required gperf could not be found.") return(false) } qtLog("Found gperf from path: $$gperf") return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectBison) { bison = $$qtConfFindInPath("bison$$EXE_SUFFIX") isEmpty(bison) { qtLog("Required bison could not be found.") return(false) } qtLog("Found bison from path: $$bison") return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectFlex) { flex = $$qtConfFindInPath("flex$$EXE_SUFFIX") isEmpty(flex) { qtLog("Required flex could not be found.") return(false) } qtLog("Found flex from path: $$flex") return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectGlibc) { ldd = $$qtConfFindInPath("ldd") !isEmpty(ldd) { qtLog("Found ldd from path: $$ldd") qtRunLoggedCommand("$$ldd --version", version)|return(true) version ~= 's/^.*[^0-9]\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$/\1/' version = $$first(version) qtLog("Found libc version: $$version") version = $$split(version,'.') version = $$member(version, 1) greaterThan(version, 16) { return(true) } qtLog("Detected too old version of glibc. Required min 2.17.") return(false) } qtLog("No ldd found. Assuming right version of glibc.") return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectNinja) { ninja = $$qtConfFindInPath("ninja$$EXE_SUFFIX") !isEmpty(ninja) { qtLog("Found ninja from path: $$ninja") qtRunLoggedCommand("$$ninja --version", version)|return(false) contains(version, "1.*"): return(true) qtLog("Ninja version too old") } qtLog("Building own ninja") return(false) } defineTest(qtConfTest_detectGn) { gn = $$qtConfFindInPath("gn$$EXE_SUFFIX") !isEmpty(gn) { qtRunLoggedCommand("$$gn --version", version)|return(false) #accept all for now contains(version, ".*"): return(true) qtLog("Gn version too old") } qtLog("Building own gn") return(false) } defineTest(qtConfTest_embedded) { lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 9) { cross_compile: return(true) return(false) } $$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile"): return(true) return(false) }