Qt 5.14 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.13.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.14 series is binary compatible with the 5.13.x series. Applications compiled for 5.13 will continue to run with 5.14. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * General * **************************************************************************** Chromium Snapshot ----------------- - Updated the Chromium version to 77.0.3865.129 - Applied security fixes from Chrome up to version 78.0.3904.108 General ------- - [QTBUG-71885] Qt WebEngine will now use the Viz Display Compositor by default when multithreaded OpenGL is available. Can be turned off using the command line flag --disable-viz-display-compositor. - [QTBUG-68448] WebRTC devices now have persistent IDs. - [QTBUG-76173] Support qrc protocol in UrlPattern. - [QTBUG-78280] Fixed permissions preventing Flash from showing. - [QTBUG-79319] Fixed loading script as modules over custom schemes. - [QTBUG-80352] Updated paths to look for Chrome's Widevine plugin. Platforms --------- - [QTBUG-78911] Fixed building with newer system ICU. Minimum is now 64. - [QTBUG-79347] Fixed support for prefers-color-scheme CSS query. - [QTBUG-80055] Re-enabled X11 WebRTC support for desktop sharing. - [QTBUG-77072,QTBUG-78084] Fixed flashing when closing popup on macOS. **************************************************************************** * Libraries * **************************************************************************** QtWebEngineCore ---------------- - [QTBUG-75651] Added the QWebEngineUrlScheme::CorsEnabled flag for enabling cross-origin resource sharing with custom schemes. QtWebEngine + QtWebEngineWidgets -------------------------------- - [QTBUG-55079,QTBUG-74166] Added lifecycle API to WebEngineView and QWebEnginePage that can be used to reduce CPU and memory consumption of non-visible views. - [QTBUG-56978] Added functions and property to get the suggested download file name. - [QTBUG-56978] Added functions and property to change the download directory and file name in QWebEngineDownloadItem and QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem and deprecate the path() and setPath(). - [QTBUG-74490] Redirects now have a separate navigation type. Qt WebEngine (QML) ------------------ - [QTBUG-50420] Introduced findTextFinished signal and FindTextResult type to provide extra information about the result of a text search. Qt WebEngineWidgets ------------------- - QWebEngineCertificateError: * [QTBUG-51176] New method to get the peer's chain of digital certificates. * [QTBUG-55110] New methods for asynchronous decision on certificate error during load. - [QTBUG-78998] Store favicon URL when serializing QWebEngineHistory.