// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example webenginewidgets/html2pdf \examplecategory {Web Technologies} \title WebEngine Widgets Html2Pdf Example \ingroup webengine-widgetexamples \brief Converts web pages to PDF documents using \QWE. \image html2pdf-example.png \e {Html2Pdf} demonstrates how to use \QWE to implement a command-line application for converting web pages into PDF documents. \include examples-run.qdocinc \section1 The Conversion Process In order to convert a web page into a PDF document we need to: \list 1 \li Create a \l QWebEngineView. \li Tell the \l QWebEngineView to begin loading the target URL and wait for it to finish. \li Tell the \l QWebEngineView to begin converting the loaded page into a PDF file and again wait for it to finish. \li Once the conversion is finished, exit the program. \endlist This process is encapsulated in the \e {Html2PdfConverter} class: \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/html2pdf/html2pdf.cpp \skipto #include \printuntil Html2PdfConverter \printuntil /^\};/ In the constructor we create the \l QWebEngineView and connect to its \l QWebEngineView::loadFinished and \l QWebEngineView::pdfPrintingFinished signals: \skipto Html2PdfConverter::Html2PdfConverter \printuntil /^\}/ The \c run() method will trigger the conversion process by asking \l QWebEnginePage to start loading the target URL. We then enter the main event loop: \skipto Html2PdfConverter::run \printuntil /^\}/ After the loading is finished we begin PDF generation. We ask the \l QWebEnginePage::printToPdf method to write the output directly to disk: \skipto Html2PdfConverter::loadFinished \printuntil /^\}/ Once we receive the signal that the PDF conversion has finished, all that remains is to report potential errors and exit the program: \skipto Html2PdfConverter::pdfPrintingFinished \printuntil /^\}/ \section1 The Main Function Our \c main function is responsible for setting up a \l QApplication and parsing command line arguments: \skipto int main \printuntil /^\}/ Note that to use \QWE Widgets we need to create a \l QApplication and not a \l QCoreApplication, even though this is a command line application. */