TEMPLATE = app TARGET = spellchecker QT += webenginewidgets CONFIG += c++11 contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, use_native_spellchecker) { error("Spellcheck example can not be built when using native OS dictionaries.") } HEADERS += \ webview.h SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ webview.cpp RESOURCES += \ data/spellchecker.qrc DISTFILES += \ dict/en/README.txt \ dict/en/en-US.dic \ dict/en/en-US.aff \ dict/de/README.txt \ dict/de/de-DE.dic \ dict/de/de-DE.aff target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/webenginewidgets/spellchecker INSTALLS += target qtPrepareTool(CONVERT_TOOL, qwebengine_convert_dict) debug_and_release { CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DICTIONARIES_DIR = debug/qtwebengine_dictionaries else: DICTIONARIES_DIR = release/qtwebengine_dictionaries } else { DICTIONARIES_DIR = qtwebengine_dictionaries } dict_base_paths = en/en-US de/de-DE for (base_path, dict_base_paths) { dict.files += $$PWD/dict/$${base_path}.dic } dictoolbuild.input = dict.files dictoolbuild.output = $${DICTIONARIES_DIR}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.bdic dictoolbuild.depends = ${QMAKE_FILE_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.aff dictoolbuild.commands = $${CONVERT_TOOL} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} dictoolbuild.name = Build ${QMAKE_FILE_IN_BASE} dictoolbuild.CONFIG = no_link target_predeps QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += dictoolbuild # When the example is compiled as a bundle, WebEngine expects to find the dictionaries in # bundle.app/Contents/Resources/qtwebengine_dictionaries macos:app_bundle { for (base_path, dict_base_paths) { base_path_splitted = $$split(base_path, /) base_name = $$last(base_path_splitted) binary_dict_files.files += $${DICTIONARIES_DIR}/$${base_name}.bdic } binary_dict_files.path = Contents/Resources/$$DICTIONARIES_DIR QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += binary_dict_files }