# This is a dummy .pro file used to extract some aspects of the used configuration and feed them to gyp # We want the gyp generation step to happen after all the other config steps. For that we need to prepend # our gyp_generator.prf feature to the CONFIG variable since it is processed backwards CONFIG = gyp_generator $$CONFIG GYPDEPENDENCIES += ../shared/shared.gyp:qtwebengine_shared <(chromium_src_dir)/content/browser/devtools/devtools_resources.gyp:devtools_resources GYPINCLUDES += ../qtwebengine.gypi TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = Qt5WebEngineCore QT += qml quick QT_PRIVATE += qml-private quick-private gui-private core-private qtHaveModule(v8): QT_PRIVATE += v8-private COPY_FILES = <(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/devtools_resources.pak COPY_DESTINATIONS = ../resources/ # Defining keywords such as 'signal' clashes with the chromium code base. DEFINES += QT_NO_KEYWORDS \ Q_FORWARD_DECLARE_OBJC_CLASS=QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS # We need a way to tap into gyp´s Debug vs. Release configuration PER_CONFIG_DEFINES = QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_PATH=\\\"$$getOutDir()/%config/$$QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_NAME\\\" # Keep Skia happy CONFIG(release, debug|release): DEFINES += NDEBUG RESOURCES += lib_resources.qrc devtools.qrc # We need this to find the include files generated for the .pak resource files. INCLUDEPATH += $$absolute_path(../resources, $$PWD) # something fishy with qmake in 5.2 ? INCLUDEPATH += $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS] SOURCES = \ backing_store_qt.cpp \ content_client_qt.cpp \ content_browser_client_qt.cpp \ delegated_frame_node.cpp \ dev_tools_http_handler_delegate_qt.cpp \ download_manager_delegate_qt.cpp \ chromium_gpu_helper.cpp \ javascript_dialog_manager_qt.cpp \ render_widget_host_view_qt.cpp \ resource_context_qt.cpp \ url_request_context_getter_qt.cpp \ web_contents_adapter.cpp \ web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp \ web_contents_view_qt.cpp \ web_engine_context.cpp \ web_event_factory.cpp \ yuv_video_node.cpp HEADERS = \ backing_store_qt.h \ browser_context_qt.h \ content_client_qt.h \ content_browser_client_qt.h \ delegated_frame_node.h \ dev_tools_http_handler_delegate_qt.h \ download_manager_delegate_qt.h \ chromium_gpu_helper.h \ javascript_dialog_manager_qt.h \ render_widget_host_view_qt.h \ render_widget_host_view_qt_delegate.h \ resource_context_qt.h \ url_request_context_getter_qt.h \ web_contents_adapter.h \ web_contents_adapter_client.h \ web_contents_delegate_qt.h \ web_contents_view_qt.h \ web_engine_context.h \ web_event_factory.h \ yuv_video_node.h