defineReplace(getConfigDir) { CONFIG(release, debug|release):return("release") return("debug") } defineReplace(getChromiumSrcDir) { exists($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/.git): git_chromium_src_dir = $$system("git config qtwebengine.chromiumsrcdir") # Fall back to the snapshot path if git does not know about chromium sources (i.e. has not been used) isEmpty(git_chromium_src_dir): git_chromium_src_dir = "src/3rdparty/chromium" return($$git_chromium_src_dir) } defineReplace(extractCFlag) { CFLAGS = $$QMAKE_CC $$QMAKE_CFLAGS OPTION = $$find(CFLAGS, $$1) OPTION = $$split(OPTION, =) PARAM = $$member(OPTION, 1) !isEmpty(PARAM): return ($$PARAM) return ($$OPTION) } defineReplace(which) { out = $$1 win32 { command = $$split(out, " ") executable = $$first(command) # Return the first match only out = $$system("((for /f \"usebackq delims=\" %i in (`where $$executable 2^> NUL`) do @if not defined _endwhich (@echo %i & set _endwhich=true)) & set _endwhich=)") isEmpty(out) { message($$executable not found) out = $$executable } for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg } else:unix { command = $$split(out, " ") executable = $$first(command) out = $$system("which $$executable 2>/dev/null") isEmpty(out) { message($$executable not found) out = $$executable } for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg } return($$out) } # Returns the unquoted path to the python executable. defineReplace(pythonPath) { isEmpty(QMAKE_PYTHON2) { # Fallback for building QtWebEngine with Qt < 5.8 QMAKE_PYTHON2 = python } return($$QMAKE_PYTHON2) } # Returns the python executable for use with shell / make targets. defineReplace(pythonPathForShell) { return($$shell_quote($$shell_path($$pythonPath()))) } # Returns the python executable for use with $$system() defineReplace(pythonPathForSystem) { return($$system_quote($$system_path($$pythonPath()))) } defineReplace(ninjaPath) { src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT") out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(ninja/ninja, $$src_3rd_party_dir)) win32: out = $${out}.exe return($$out) } defineReplace(gnPath) { src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT") out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(gn/out/Release/gn, $$src_3rd_party_dir)) win32: out = $${out}.exe return($$out) } defineReplace(gnArgs) { linux: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/linux.pri) macos: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/mac_osx.pri) win32: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/windows.pri) isEmpty(gn_args): error(No gn_args found please make sure you have valid configuration.) return($$gn_args) } defineReplace(gnArch) { qtArch = $$1 contains(qtArch, "i386"): return(x86) contains(qtArch, "x86_64"): return(x64) contains(qtArch, "arm"): return(arm) contains(qtArch, "arm64"): return(arm64) contains(qtArch, "mips"): return(mipsel) contains(qtArch, "mips64"): return(mips64el) return(unknown) } defineReplace(gnOS) { macos: return(mac) win32: return(win) linux: return(linux) error(Unsupported platform) return(unknown) } defineTest(isDeveloperBuild) { qtConfig(private_tests): return(true) # enabled for developer-build return(false) } defineTest(skipBuild) { skipBuildReason = "$$skipBuildReason $${EOL}$$1" export(skipBuildReason) } defineReplace(pkgConfigHostExecutable) { wrapper_name = $$OUT_PWD/ wrapper_cmd = $$QMAKE_PKG_CONFIG_HOST isEmpty(wrapper_cmd): wrapper_cmd = pkg-config wrapper_content = \ "$$LITERAL_HASH!/bin/sh" \ "unset PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR" \ "unset PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR" \ "exec $$wrapper_cmd \"$@\"" !build_pass:!write_file($$wrapper_name, wrapper_content, exe): error() QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += $$wrapper_name export(QMAKE_DISTCLEAN) return($$system_quote($$system_path($$wrapper_name))) } defineTest(hasX11Dependencies) { for(package, $$list("libdrm xcomposite xcursor xi xrandr xtst")) { !qtConfig(webengine-system-$$package) { return(false) } } return(true) }