defineTest(isQtMinimum) { !equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, $$1): return(false) count(ARGS, 1, greaterThan) { lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, $$2): return(false) } return(true) } !isQtMinimum(5, 8) { defineTest(qtConfig) { contains(QT_CONFIG, $$1): return(true) return(false) } } defineTest(isPlatformSupported) { QT_FOR_CONFIG += gui-private linux { if(!gcc:!clang)|intel_icc { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine on Linux requires clang or GCC.") return(false) } gcc:!clang:!isGCCVersionSupported(): return(false) } else:win32 { winrt { skipBuild("WinRT is not supported.") return(false) } isBuildingOnWin32() { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine on Windows must be built on a 64-bit machine.") } !msvc|intel_icl { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine on Windows requires MSVC.") return(false) } !isMinWinSDKVersion(10, 10586): { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine on Windows requires a Windows SDK version 10.0.10586 or newer.") return(false) } } else:osx { !isMinXcodeVersion(5, 1) { skipBuild("Using XCode version $$QMAKE_XCODE_VERSION, but at least version 5.1 is required to build Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } !clang|intel_icc { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine on macOS requires Clang.") return(false) } # We require OS X 10.0 (darwin version 14.0.0) or newer darwin_major_version = $$section(QMAKE_HOST.version, ., 0, 0) lessThan(darwin_major_version, 14) { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine requires OS X version 10.10 or newer.") return(false) } !isMinOSXSDKVersion(10, 10): { skipBuild("Qt WebEngine requires an OS X SDK version of 10.10 or newer. Current version is $${WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION}.") return(false) } } else { skipBuild("Unknown platform. Qt WebEngine only supports Linux, Windows, and OS X.") return(false) } !contains(QT_CONFIG, c++11) { skipBuild("C++11 support is required in order to build chromium.") return(false) } qtConfig(mirclient) { skipBuild("Mir is not yet supported as graphics backend for Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } static { skipBuild("Static builds of QtWebEngine aren't supported.") return(false) } !isArchSupported(): return(false) isSanitizerEnabled():!isSanitizerSupported():!forceSanitizerBuild(): return(false) return(true) } defineTest(isArchSupported) { contains(QT_ARCH, "i386")|contains(QT_ARCH, "x86_64"): return(true) contains(QT_ARCH, "arm")|contains(QT_ARCH, "arm64"): return(true) contains(QT_ARCH, "mips"): return(true) # contains(QT_ARCH, "mips64"): return(true) skipBuild("QtWebEngine can only be built for x86, x86-64, ARM, Aarch64, and MIPSel architectures.") return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerEnabled) { sanitize_address|sanitize_memory|sanitize_undefined|sanitize_thread: return(true) return(false) } defineTest(forceSanitizerBuild) { contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, force_sanitizer_build): return(true) skipBuild("Chosen sanitizer configuration is not supported. Use WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=force_sanitizer_build to force build with the chosen sanitizer configuration.") return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerSupported) { sanitizer_combo_supported = true sanitize_address { asan_supported = false linux-clang-libc++:isSanitizerSupportedOnLinux() { asan_supported = true } else:macos:isSanitizerSupportedOnMacOS() { asan_supported = true } !$$asan_supported { sanitizer_combo_supported = false warning("An address sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine build can only be built on Linux or macOS using Clang and libc++.") } } sanitize_memory { sanitizer_combo_supported = false warning("A memory sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine build is not supported.") } sanitize_undefined { ubsan_supported = false linux-clang-libc++:isSanitizerSupportedOnLinux():CONFIG(release, debug|release):!debug_and_release { ubsan_supported = true } !$$ubsan_supported { sanitizer_combo_supported = false warning("An undefined behavior sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine build can only be built on Linux using Clang and libc++ in release mode.") } } sanitize_thread { tsan_supported = false linux-clang-libc++:isSanitizerSupportedOnLinux() { tsan_supported = true } !$$tsan_supported { sanitizer_combo_supported = false warning("A thread sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine build can only be built on Linux using Clang and libc++.") } } $$sanitizer_combo_supported: return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerSupportedOnLinux) { isSanitizerLinuxClangVersionSupported(): return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerSupportedOnMacOS) { isEmpty(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION) { QTWEBENGINE_CLANG_IS_APPLE = false } else { QTWEBENGINE_CLANG_IS_APPLE = true } $$QTWEBENGINE_CLANG_IS_APPLE:isSanitizerMacOSAppleClangVersionSupported(): return(true) else:isSanitizerMacOSClangVersionSupported(): return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerMacOSAppleClangVersionSupported) { # Clang sanitizer suppression attributes work from Apple Clang version 7.3.0+. greaterThan(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 7): return(true) greaterThan(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION, 2): return(true) warning("Using Apple Clang version $${QT_APPLE_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION}.$${QT_APPLE_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION}.$${QT_APPLE_CLANG_PATCH_VERSION}, but at least Apple Clang version 7.3.0 is required to build a sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerMacOSClangVersionSupported) { # Clang sanitizer suppression attributes work from non-apple Clang version 3.7+. greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 3): return(true) greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION, 6): return(true) warning("Using Clang version $${QT_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION}.$${QT_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION}, but at least Clang version 3.7 is required to build a sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } defineTest(isSanitizerLinuxClangVersionSupported) { # Clang sanitizer suppression attributes work from Clang version 3.7+. greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 3): return(true) greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION, 6): return(true) warning("Using Clang version $${QT_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION}.$${QT_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION}, but at least Clang version 3.7 is required to build a sanitizer-enabled Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } defineTest(isGCCVersionSupported) { # The below will work for gcc 4.7 and up and also match gcc 5 greaterThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION, 6):return(true) greaterThan(QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION, 4):return(true) skipBuild("Using gcc version "$$QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION"."$$QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION", but at least gcc version 4.7 is required to build Qt WebEngine.") return(false) } defineTest(isDeveloperBuild) { qtConfig(private_tests): return(true) # enabled for developer-build return(false) } defineTest(isQMLTestSupportApiEnabled) { isDeveloperBuild(): return(true) contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tests): return(true) contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, testsupport): return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isBuildingOnWin32) { # The check below is ugly, but necessary, as it seems to be the only reliable way to detect if the host # architecture is 32 bit. QMAKE_HOST.arch does not work as it returns the architecture that the toolchain # is building for, not the system's actual architecture. PROGRAM_FILES_X86 = $$(ProgramW6432) isEmpty(PROGRAM_FILES_X86): return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isMinOSXSDKVersion) { requested_major = $$1 requested_minor = $$2 requested_patch = $$3 isEmpty(requested_patch): requested_patch = 0 WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION = $$system("/usr/bin/xcodebuild -sdk $$QMAKE_MAC_SDK -version ProductVersion 2>/dev/null") export(WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION) isEmpty(WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION) { skipBuild("Could not resolve SDK product version for \'$$QMAKE_MAC_SDK\'.") return(false) } major_version = $$section(WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION, ., 0, 0) minor_version = $$section(WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION, ., 1, 1) patch_version = $$section(WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION, ., 2, 2) isEmpty(patch_version): patch_version = 0 greaterThan(major_version, $$requested_major):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):greaterThan(minor_version, $$requested_minor):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):equals(minor_version, $$requested_minor):!lessThan(patch_version, $$requested_patch):return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isMinXcodeVersion) { requested_major = $$1 requested_minor = $$2 requested_patch = $$3 isEmpty(requested_minor): requested_minor = 0 isEmpty(requested_patch): requested_patch = 0 target_var = QMAKE_XCODE_VERSION major_version = $$section($$target_var, ., 0, 0) minor_version = $$section($$target_var, ., 1, 1) patch_version = $$section($$target_var, ., 2, 2) isEmpty(minor_version): minor_version = 0 isEmpty(patch_version): patch_version = 0 greaterThan(major_version, $$requested_major):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):greaterThan(minor_version, $$requested_minor):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):equals(minor_version, $$requested_minor):!lessThan(patch_version, $$requested_patch):return(true) return(false) } defineTest(isMinWinSDKVersion) { requested_major = $$1 requested_minor = $$2 WIN_SDK_VERSION = $$(WindowsSDKVersion) isEmpty(WIN_SDK_VERSION)|equals(WIN_SDK_VERSION, "\\") { skipBuild("Could not detect Windows SDK version (\'WindowsSDKVersion\' environment variable is not set).") return(false) } # major.0.minor major_version = $$section(WIN_SDK_VERSION, ., 0, 0) minor_version = $$section(WIN_SDK_VERSION, ., 2, 2) greaterThan(major_version, $$requested_major):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):greaterThan(minor_version, $$requested_minor):return(true) equals(major_version, $$requested_major):equals(minor_version, $$requested_minor)::return(true) return(false) } # Map to the correct target type for gyp defineReplace(toGypTargetType) { equals(TEMPLATE, "app"):return("executable") equals(TEMPLATE, "lib") { CONFIG(static): return("static_library") return("shared_library") } return("none") } defineReplace(getConfigDir) { win32:contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { CONFIG(release, debug|release):return("Release_x64") return("Debug_x64") } CONFIG(release, debug|release):return("Release") return("Debug") } defineReplace(getChromiumSrcDir) { exists($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/.git): git_chromium_src_dir = $$system("git config qtwebengine.chromiumsrcdir") # Fall back to the snapshot path if git does not know about chromium sources (i.e. has not been used) isEmpty(git_chromium_src_dir): git_chromium_src_dir = "src/3rdparty/chromium" return($$git_chromium_src_dir) } defineReplace(extractCFlag) { CFLAGS = $$QMAKE_CC $$QMAKE_CFLAGS OPTION = $$find(CFLAGS, $$1) OPTION = $$split(OPTION, =) return ($$member(OPTION, 1)) } defineReplace(which) { out = $$1 win32 { command = $$split(out, " ") executable = $$first(command) # Return the first match only out = $$system("((for /f \"usebackq delims=\" %i in (`where $$executable 2^> NUL`) do @if not defined _endwhich (@echo %i & set _endwhich=true)) & set _endwhich=)") isEmpty(out) { message($$executable not found) out = $$executable } for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg } else:unix { command = $$split(out, " ") executable = $$first(command) out = $$system("which $$executable 2>/dev/null") isEmpty(out) { message($$executable not found) out = $$executable } for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg } return($$out) } defineTest(use?) { contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, use_$$lower($$1)): return(true) return(false) } # Returns the unquoted path to the python executable. defineReplace(pythonPath) { isEmpty(QMAKE_PYTHON2) { # Fallback for building QtWebEngine with Qt < 5.8 QMAKE_PYTHON2 = python } return($$QMAKE_PYTHON2) } # Returns the python executable for use with shell / make targets. defineReplace(pythonPathForShell) { return($$shell_quote($$shell_path($$pythonPath()))) } # Returns the python executable for use with $$system() defineReplace(pythonPathForSystem) { return($$system_quote($$system_path($$pythonPath()))) } defineReplace(ninjaPath) { src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT") out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(ninja/ninja, $$src_3rd_party_dir)) win32: out = $${out}.exe return($$out) } defineReplace(gnPath) { src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT") out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(chromium/tools/gn/out/Release/gn, $$src_3rd_party_dir)) win32: out = $${out}.exe return($$out) } defineReplace(gnArgs) { linux { contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build): include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/embedded_linux.pri) else: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/desktop_linux.pri) } macos: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/mac_osx.pri) win32: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/windows.pri) isEmpty(gn_args): error(No gn_args found please make sure you have valid configuration.) return($$gn_args) } defineReplace(gnArch) { qtArch = $$1 contains(qtArch, "i386"): return(x86) contains(qtArch, "x86_64"): return(x64) contains(qtArch, "arm"): return(arm) contains(qtArch, "arm64"): return(arm64) contains(qtArch, "mips"): return(mipsel) contains(qtArch, "mips64"): return(mips64el) return(unknown) } defineReplace(gnOS) { macos: return(mac) win32: return(win) linux: return(linux) error(Unsupported platform) return(unknown) } defineTest(skipBuild) { skipBuildReason = "$$skipBuildReason $${EOL}$$1" export(skipBuildReason) }