TEMPLATE = subdirs # The first three subdirs contain dummy .pro files that are used by qmake # to generate a corresponding .gyp file # Phony pro file that extracts things like compiler and linker from qmake qmake_extras.subdir = build/qmake_extras # Phony pro files that generate gyp files. Will be built by ninja. shared.depends = qmake_extras lib.depends = qmake_extras # API libraries webengine_lib.subdir = lib/quick webengine_lib.target = sub-webengine-lib webengine_lib.depends = build quick_plugin_lib.subdir = lib/quick/plugin quick_plugin_lib.target = sub-quick-plugin-lib quick_plugin_lib.depends = webengine_lib quick_experimental_plugin_lib.subdir = lib/quick/plugin/experimental quick_experimental_plugin_lib.target = sub-quick-experimental-plugin-lib quick_experimental_plugin_lib.depends = webengine_lib widgets_lib.subdir = lib/widgets widgets_lib.target = sub-widgets-lib widgets_lib.depends = build process.depends = build sub_examples.depends = quick_plugin_lib quick_experimental_plugin_lib sub_tests.depends = quick_plugin_lib quick_experimental_plugin_lib # This is where we use the generated gypi files and run gyp_qtwebengine build.depends = resources shared lib SUBDIRS += qmake_extras \ resources \ shared \ lib \ process \ build \ webengine_lib \ quick_plugin_lib \ quick_experimental_plugin_lib qtHaveModule(widgets) { SUBDIRS += widgets_lib sub_examples.depends += widgets_lib sub_tests.depends += widgets_lib } # Ninja executable location needs to be determined early for extra targets. Should be fetched from cache most of the time anyway. NINJA_EXECUTABLE = $$findOrBuildNinja() # Extra targets that invoke ninja on the desired configuration added for convenience release.target = release release.commands = $$NINJA_EXECUTABLE -C $$getOutDir()/Release release.depends: qmake debug.target = debug debug.commands = $$NINJA_EXECUTABLE -C $$getOutDir()/Debug debug.depends: qmake QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += release \ debug # Move this to the beginning of the project file as soon as we moved to the src layout load(qt_parts)