TEMPLATE = aux option(host_build) !debug_and_release: CONFIG += release include($$QTWEBENGINE_OUT_ROOT/qtwebengine-config.pri) QT_FOR_CONFIG += webengine-private build_pass|!debug_and_release { !qtConfig(system-gn): CONFIG(release, debug|release) { buildgn.target = build_gn gn_args = $$gnArgs() out = $$gnPath() !qtConfig(system-ninja): ninja_path = "--path $$ninjaPath()" # check if it is not already build !exists($$out) { mkpath($$dirname(out)) src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT") gn_bootstrap = $$system_path($$absolute_path(chromium/tools/gn/bootstrap/bootstrap.py, $$src_3rd_party_dir)) gn_args = $$system_quote($$gn_args) win32:isDeveloperBuild() { # GN is always built in release mode, which conflicts with incremental linking when # doing a developer build of WebEngine. gn_args = $$replace(gn_args, "use_incremental_linking=true ", "") } gn_configure = $$system_quote($$gn_bootstrap) --shadow --gn-gen-args=$$gn_args $$ninja_path !system("cd $$system_quote($$system_path($$dirname(out))) && $$pythonPathForSystem() $$gn_configure") { error("GN build error!") } } QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += $$out } }