GYP_ARGS += "-D qt_os=\"win32\" -I config/windows.gypi" include(common.pri) GYP_CONFIG += \ disable_nacl=1 \ remoting=0 \ use_ash=0 \ enable_widevine=1 \ enable_pdf=1 # Libvpx build needs additional search path on Windows. GYP_ARGS += "-D qtwe_chromium_obj_dir=\"$$OUT_PWD/$$getConfigDir()/obj/$${getChromiumSrcDir()}\"" # Use path from environment for perl, bison and gperf instead of values set in WebKit's core.gypi. GYP_ARGS += "-D perl_exe=\"perl.exe\" -D bison_exe=\"bison.exe\" -D gperf_exe=\"gperf.exe\"" # Gyp's parallel processing is broken on Windows GYP_ARGS += "--no-parallel" qtConfig(angle) { CONFIG(release, debug|release) { GYP_ARGS += "-D qt_egl_library=\"libEGL.lib\" -D qt_glesv2_library=\"libGLESv2.lib\"" } else { GYP_ARGS += "-D qt_egl_library=\"libEGLd.lib\" -D qt_glesv2_library=\"libGLESv2d.lib\"" } GYP_ARGS += "-D qt_gl=\"angle\"" } else { GYP_ARGS += "-D qt_gl=\"opengl\"" } defineTest(usingMSVC32BitCrossCompiler) { CL_DIR = for(dir, QMAKE_PATH_ENV) { exists($$dir/cl.exe) { CL_DIR = $$dir break() } } isEmpty(CL_DIR): { warning(Cannot determine location of cl.exe.) return(false) } CL_DIR = $$system_path($$CL_DIR) CL_DIR = $$split(CL_DIR, \\) CL_PLATFORM = $$last(CL_DIR) equals(CL_PLATFORM, amd64_x86): return(true) return(false) } msvc:contains(QT_ARCH, "i386"):!usingMSVC32BitCrossCompiler() { # The 32 bit MSVC linker runs out of memory if we do not remove all debug information. GYP_CONFIG += fastbuild=2 } else { # Chromium builds with debug info in release by default but Qt doesn't CONFIG(release, debug|release):!force_debug_info: GYP_CONFIG += fastbuild=1 } msvc { equals(MSVC_VER, 14.0) { MSVS_VERSION = 2015 } else { fatal("Visual Studio compiler version \"$$MSVC_VER\" is not supported by Qt WebEngine") } GYP_ARGS += "-G msvs_version=$$MSVS_VERSION" isBuildingOnWin32(): GYP_ARGS += "-D windows_sdk_path=\"C:/Program Files/Windows Kits/10\"" } else { fatal("Qt WebEngine for Windows can only be built with the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler") }