include(common.pri) gn_args += \ use_sysroot=false \ enable_session_service=false \ ninja_use_custom_environment_files=false \ is_multi_dll_chrome=false \ win_linker_timing=true \ com_init_check_hook_disabled=true clang_cl { clang_full_path = $$system_path($$which($${QMAKE_CXX})) # Remove the "\bin\clang-cl.exe" part: clang_dir = $$dirname(clang_full_path) clang_prefix = $$join(clang_dir,,,"\..") gn_args += \ is_clang=true \ use_ldd=true \ clang_use_chrome_plugins=false \ clang_base_path=\"$$system_path($$clean_path($$clang_prefix))\" } else { gn_args += is_clang=false use_lld=false } isDeveloperBuild() { gn_args += \ is_win_fastlink=true # Incremental linking doesn't work in release developer builds due to usage of /OPT:ICF # by Chromium. CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { gn_args += \ use_incremental_linking=true } else { gn_args += \ use_incremental_linking=false } } else { gn_args += \ is_win_fastlink=false \ use_incremental_linking=false } defineTest(usingMSVC32BitCrossCompiler) { CL_DIR = for(dir, QMAKE_PATH_ENV) { exists($$dir/cl.exe) { CL_DIR = $$dir break() } } isEmpty(CL_DIR): { warning(Cannot determine location of cl.exe.) return(false) } CL_DIR = $$system_path($$CL_DIR) CL_DIR = $$split(CL_DIR, \\) CL_PLATFORM = $$last(CL_DIR) equals(CL_PLATFORM, amd64_x86): return(true) return(false) } msvc:contains(QT_ARCH, "i386"):!usingMSVC32BitCrossCompiler() { # The 32 bit MSVC linker runs out of memory if we do not remove all debug information. force_debug_info: gn_args -= symbol_level=1 gn_args *= symbol_level=0 } msvc { equals(MSVC_VER, 15.0) { MSVS_VERSION = 2017 } else: equals(MSVC_VER, 16.0) { MSVS_VERSION = 2019 } else { error("Visual Studio compiler version \"$$MSVC_VER\" is not supported by Qt WebEngine") } gn_args += visual_studio_version=$$MSVS_VERSION SDK_PATH = $$(WINDOWSSDKDIR) VS_PATH= $$(VSINSTALLDIR) gn_args += visual_studio_path=\"$$clean_path($$VS_PATH)\" gn_args += windows_sdk_path=\"$$clean_path($$SDK_PATH)\" GN_TARGET_CPU = $$gnArch($$QT_ARCH) gn_args += target_cpu=\"$$GN_TARGET_CPU\" } else { error("Qt WebEngine for Windows can only be built with a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compatible compiler") }