TEMPLATE = subdirs # core_gyp_generator.pro is a dummy .pro file that is used by qmake # to generate our main .gyp file core_gyp_generator.file = core_gyp_generator.pro # gyp_configure_host.pro and gyp_configure_target.pro are phony pro files that # extract things like compiler and linker from qmake gyp_configure_host.file = gyp_configure_host.pro gyp_configure_target.file = gyp_configure_target.pro gyp_configure_target.depends = gyp_configure_host # gyp_run.pro calls gyp through gyp_qtwebengine on the qmake step, and ninja on the make step. gyp_run.file = gyp_run.pro gyp_run.depends = core_gyp_generator gyp_configure_host gyp_configure_target SUBDIRS += core_gyp_generator \ gyp_configure_host \ gyp_configure_target \ gyp_run REPACK_DIR = $$getOutDir()/$$getConfigDir()/gen/repack locales.files = $$REPACK_DIR/qtwebengine_locales locales.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS] resources.files = $$REPACK_DIR/qtwebengine_resources.pak resources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA] INSTALLS += locales resources