MODULE = webenginecore TARGET = QtWebEngineCore # We depend on libc++ to build chromium so our macosx-version-min has to be 10.7 QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.7 QT += qml quick QT_PRIVATE += qml-private quick-private gui-private core-private # Look for linking information produced by gyp for our target according to core_generated.gyp !include($$OUT_PWD/$$getConfigDir()/$${TARGET}_linking.pri) { error("Could not find the linking information that gyp should have generated.") } # We distribute the module binary but headers are only available in-tree. CONFIG += no_module_headers load(qt_module) # Using -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions seems to confuse the dynamic linker # and doesn't let Chromium get access to libc symbols through dlsym. CONFIG -= bsymbolic_functions contains(QT_CONFIG, egl): CONFIG += egl