// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qtwebengine-features.html \title Qt WebEngine Features \brief Summarizes \QWE features. \QWE supports the following features: \list \li \l{Audio and Video Codecs} \li \l{Chromium DevTools} \li \l{Client Certificates} \li \l{Custom Schemes} \li \l{Drag and Drop} \li \l{Fullscreen} \li \l{HTML5 DRM} \li \l{HTML5 Geolocation} \li \l{HTTP/2 Protocol} \li \l{Native Dialogs} \li \l{Pepper Plugin API} \li \l{PDF File Viewing} \li \l{Page Lifecycle API} \li \l{Print to PDF} \li \l{Process Models} \li \l{Spellchecker} \li \l{Touch} \li \l{View Source} \li \l{webrtc_feature}{WebRTC} \li \l{Web Notifications} \li \l{Favicon Handling} \li \l{HTML5 WebSockets} \endlist \section1 Audio and Video Codecs \QWE supports the MPEG-4 Part 14 (MP4) file format only if the required proprietary audio and video codecs, such as H.264 and MPEG layer-3 (MP3), have been enabled. Proprietary codecs can be enabled by passing the following option to the \c configure tool when configuring Qt: \badcode -webengine-proprietary-codecs \endcode For example, the following option could be passed when configuring Qt for building it at the top level: \badcode configure -webengine-proprietary-codecs \endcode For more information, see \l{Qt Configure Options}. When using cmake to build just the \QWE module, the following command can be used to configure and build (in this example, the \QWE source code is located in \c {C:\qt\qtwebengine}): \badcode qt-configure-module C:\qt\qtwebengine -webengine-proprietary-codecs cmake --build . --parallel \endcode \warning When distributing proprietary codec libraries, you must acquire licenses for them. \l FFmpeg is a cross-platform solution to record, convert, and stream audio and video. It can be configured for use with several codecs, which rises licensing issues during distribution with the codec libraries. For some codecs, open source implementations, such as \l{OpenH264 Project Homepage} {OpenH264}, are available. \section1 Chromium DevTools The Chromium DevTools provide the ability to inspect and debug layout and performance issues of any web content. This feature can be tested by launching a \QWE application with the command line option \c {--remote-debugging-port=[your-port]} or by setting the environment variable \c QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING, and then using a Chromium based browser (such as \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example} {Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser}) to connect to \c {http://localhost:[your-port]}. \note Any WebEngine command line options should be specified after the \c {--webEngineArgs} option, which is used to separate the user's application specific options from the WebEngine's ones. \badcode --webEngineArgs --remote-debugging-port=5000 \endcode The Chromium DevTools page can also be shown within the application. To set this up, you can call either QWebEnginePage::setInspectedPage() to the page to be inspected, which implicitly loads the DevTools into the \c this page, or QWebEnginePage::setDevToolsPage() to let the \c this page be inspected. The respective QML properties are \l{WebEngineView::devToolsView} {WebEngineView.devToolsView} and \l{WebEngineView::inspectedView} {WebEngineView.inspectedView}. For more information, see \l {Qt WebEngine Debugging and Profiling}. \section1 Client Certificates Some web servers, in particular many intranet sites, require the client to authenticate itself with a certificate, called a \e {client certificate}. \QWE will read the client certificates installed in the system settings in macOS and Windows, and on Linux those installed into the NSS database. Certificates can be installed into the NSS database using the \c pk12util tool. By default, \QWE will not offer any client certificates to servers, as doing so uniquely identifies the user and might violate privacy expectations. To activate support for client certificates, an application needs to listen to the QWebEnginePage::selectClientCertificate or \l{WebEngineView::selectClientCertificate}{WebEngineView.selectClientCertificate} signals and select one of the offered certificates. For applications that can navigate to untrusted web sites, it is recommended to always give the user a choice before uniquely identifying them to a remote server. \section1 Custom Schemes \QWE makes it possible for the application to define its own custom URL schemes with specialized security policies and transport mechanisms. Custom schemes can be used to implement alternative network protocols with all the usual web security policies, privileged internal schemes for displaying user interface compoments or debugging information, sandboxed schemes with extra restrictions, and so on. For more information, see \l QWebEngineUrlScheme and \l QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler. \section1 Drag and Drop \QWE supports HTML5 drag and drop. This feature can be tested by opening an HTML5 drag and drop demo, such as \l{HTML5 Demos - Drag and Drop}, \l{HTML5 Demos - Simple Drag and Drop}, or \l{HTML5 Demos - Drag and Drop, Automatic Upload}, in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser} {Nano Browser}. Dragging files into the browser is not actually part of HTML5, but it is supported. It can be tested by opening \l{HTML5 Demos - File API}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.7.0. \section1 Fullscreen \QWE supports viewing web content in fullscreen mode. For more information, see \l{WebEngineSettings::fullscreenSupportEnabled} {WebEngineSettings.fullscreenSupportEnabled}, \l{WebEngineView::fullScreenRequested}{WebEngineView.fullScreenRequested}, QWebEngineSettings::FullScreenSupportEnabled, and QWebEnginePage::fullScreenRequested. This feature can be tested by playing a video from YouTube in \l{WebEngine Widgets Video Player Example}{Video Player} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser} {Nano Browser}, and clicking the full screen icon to go into fullscreen mode. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.6.0. \section1 HTML5 DRM \QWE supports viewing DRM protected videos if the \l{Widevine CDM} plugin has been installed. CDM plugin is a replacement of Flash based plugins for displaying DRM-protected content. It comes only in a binary format, so it can hide DRM decryption implementation details. It can be obtained from a third party or from a Google Chrome installation. \QWE on startup looks for the \l{Widevine CDM} plugin in well know locations, like default Google Chrome installation directory or Linux distro specific paths. However, plugin location can be also passed with \c {QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS} using \c {widevine-path}. On Windows: \badcode set QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS=--widevine-path="C:/some path/widevinecdm.dll" \endcode On Linux: \badcode export QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS=--widevine-path="/some path/libwidevinecdm.so" \endcode On macOS: \badcode export QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS=--widevine-path="/some path/libwidevinecdm.dylib" \endcode The video format most commonly used by DRM services, H.264, requires proprietary audio and video codecs. For more information about enabling the codecs, see \l{Audio and Video Codecs}. This feature can be tested by playing a video in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser} from \l{castLabs}, \l{Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.}, or \l{Bitmovin Player}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.7.0. \section1 HTML5 Geolocation \QWE supports JavaScript Geolocation API with \l {Qt Positioning} as a backend. The application has to explicitly allow the feature by using QWebEnginePage::Geolocation or \l{WebEngineView::Feature} {WebEngineView.Feature}. If Qt Positioning has been built before \QWE then this feature can be tested by using \l{WebEngine Widgets Maps Example}{Maps} and allowing it to find the current position of the user. Note that on Windows an external GPS receiver must be connected to the application. For more information, see \l{Qt Positioning}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.5.0. \section1 HTTP/2 Protocol \QWE supports the Chromium implementation of the \l{HTTP/2} protocol. This feature can be tested by opening an HTTP/2 demo, such as the \l{Akamai HTTP/2 Demo}, in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example} {Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser}. \section1 Native Dialogs A web page might request dialogs for the following functions: \list \li Entering user credentials for HTTP and proxy authentication \li Displaying JavaScript alerts, confirmation dialogs, and prompts \li Picking colors \li Selecting files \li Displaying form validation messages \endlist \QWE provides standard dialogs for these functions. In widget-based applications, the standard dialogs are based on QDialog, whereas in Qt Quick applications, they can be based either on Qt Quick Controls 1 or Qt Quick Controls 2 (since Qt 5.8). The latter are used only on \c eglfs platforms. To explicitly force either dialogs based on Qt Quick Controls 1 or Qt Quick Controls 2, set the \c QTWEBENGINE_DIALOG_SET environment variable to either \c{QtQuickControls1} or \c{QtQuickControls2}. \QWE Widgets dialogs can be customized by reimplementing the QWebEnginePage::chooseFiles(), QWebEnginePage::javaScriptAlert(), QWebEnginePage::javaScriptConfirm(), and QWebEnginePage::javaScriptPrompt() functions. Since Qt 5.8, Qt Quick dialogs can be customized by connecting to the WebEngineView::authenticationDialogRequested(), WebEngineView::javaScriptDialogRequested(), WebEngineView::colorDialogRequested(), WebEngineView::fileDialogRequested(), and WebEngineView::formValidationMessageRequested() signals. For an example, see \l{WebEngine Qt Quick Custom Dialogs Example}. \section1 Pepper Plugin API \QWE supports loading Pepper Plugin API (PPAPI) plugins if WebEngineSettings::pluginsEnabled or QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled is set. The plugins must be loaded manually using the Chromium command line syntax with the \c --register-pepper-plugins argument. The argument value is a list of entries, separated by commas, that contain the file path and one or several MIME types, separated by semicolons: \badcode ;,;; \endcode For example: \badcode --webEngineArgs --register-pepper-plugins="libppapi_example.so;application/x-ppapi-example" \endcode The MIME type is important because it determines which embeds the plugin is used for. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.6.0. \section1 PDF File Viewing \QWE supports viewing PDF documents by navigating to them. This feature uses the Chromium extensions API and PDF viewer plugin to display the PDF documents. It can be tested in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser}. Loading plugins needs to be enabled using QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled or WebEngineSettings::pluginsEnabled in order to use this feature. This feature can be turned on (default) or off via the QWebEngineSettings::PdfViewerEnabled or WebEngineSettings::pdfViewerEnabled setting. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.13.0. \section1 Page Lifecycle API \QWE supports the \l {https://wicg.github.io/page-lifecycle/spec.html}{Page Lifecycle API specification}, a work-in-progress extension to the HTML standard for allowing user agents to reduce their resource consumption by freezing or discarding background pages. The feature is exposed both in the Widgets and QML APIs. For an example of the QML API in use, see the \l {WebEngine Lifecycle Example}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.14.0. \section2 Overview of Lifecycle States Each \l {WebEngineView} item (or \l {QWebEnginePage} object) can be in one of three \e {lifecycle states}: active, frozen, or discarded. These states, like the sleep states of a CPU, control the resource usage of web views. The \e {active} state is the normal, unrestricted state of a web view. All visible web views are always in the active state, as are all web views that have not yet finished loading. Only invisible, idle web views can be transitioned to other lifecycle states. The \e {frozen} state is a low CPU usage state. In this state, most HTML task sources are suspended (frozen) and, as a result, most DOM event processing and JavaScript execution will also be suspended. The web view must be invisible in order to be frozen as rendering is not possible in this state. The \e {discarded} state is an extreme resource-saving state. In this state, the browsing context of the web view will be discarded and the corresponding renderer subprocess shut down. CPU and memory usage in this state is reduced virtually to zero. On exiting this state the web page will be automatically reloaded. The process of entering and exiting the discarded state is similar to serializing the browsing history of the web view and destroying the view, then creating a new view and restoring its history. See also \l {WebEngineView::LifecycleState}. The equivalent in the Widgets API is \l {QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState}. \section2 The \c {lifecycleState} and \c {recommendedState} Properties The \l {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} property of the \l {WebEngineView} type is a read-write property that controls the current lifecycle state of the web view. This property is designed to place as few restrictions as possible on what states can be transitioned to. For example, it is allowed to freeze a web view that is currently playing music in the background, stopping the music. In order to implement a less aggressive resource-saving strategy that avoids interrupting user-visible background activity, the \l {WebEngineView::} {recommendedState} property must be used. The \l {WebEngineView::}{recommendedState} property of the \l {WebEngineView} type is a read-only property that calculates a safe limit on the \l {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} property, taking into account the current activity of the web view. So, in the example of a web view playing music in the background, the recommended state will be \c {Active} since a more aggressive state would stop the music. If the application wants to avoid interrupting background activity, then it should avoid putting the web view into a more aggressively resource-saving lifecycle state than what's given by \l {WebEngineView::}{recommendedState}. See also \l {WebEngineView::lifecycleState} and \l {WebEngineView::recommendedState}. The equivalents in the Widgets API are \l {QWebEnginePage::lifecycleState} and \l {QWebEnginePage::recommendedState}. \section2 The DOM Extensions The \l {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} property is connected to the \l {https://wicg.github.io/page-lifecycle/spec.html}{Page Lifecycle API specification}, which specifies two new DOM events, \c {freeze} and \c {resume}, and adds a new \c {Document.wasDiscarded} boolean property. The \c {freeze} and \c {resume} events are fired when transitioning from the \c {Active} to the \c {Frozen state}, and vice-versa. The \c {Document.wasDiscarded} property is set to \c {true} when transitioning from the \c {Discarded} state to the \c {Active} state. \section1 Print to PDF \QWE supports printing a web page to a PDF file. For more information, see QWebEnginePage::printToPdf() and \l{WebEngineView::printToPdf}{WebEngineView.printToPdf}. This feature can be tested using \l{WebEngine Widgets Html2Pdf Example} {Html2Pdf}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.7.0. \section1 Process Models \QWE uses multiple OS processes to isolate web sites from each other and from the client application, improving security and robustness. The following process models, or ways to divide web sites between OS processes, are supported: \list \li \l{Process per Site Instance} \li \l{Process per Site} \li \l{Single Process} \endlist \section2 Process per Site Instance This is the default model. Pages from separate sites are put into separate processes and separate visits to the same site are also isolated. Two web pages are considered as belonging to the same site if they originate from the same registered domain name (for example, \c wikipedia.org) and scheme (for example, \c https). This is similar to the same-origin policy but subdomains are ignored. For example, both \c{https://en.wikipedia.org/} and \c{https://de.wikipedia.org/} would belong to the same site. A site instance is a collection of web pages belonging to the same site. When the application explicitly loads a URL into \QWE (via \l QWebEnginePage::setUrl, for example), a new site instance is created for the page. However, when the user clicks same-site links on the page, the existing site instance is merely extended with more pages. For instance, in the \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} example, when a user opens two tabs and explicitly enters \c{https://en.wikipedia.org/} into the URL bars, both tabs will have their own separate OS processes (because explicitly entering a URL creates a new site instance). However, when the user then middle-clicks some same-site links to open more tabs, these new tabs will share the same OS process (because user interaction extends the existing site instance). \section2 Process per Site Pages from separate sites are put into separate processes. Unlike Process per Site Instance, all visits to the same site will share an OS process. The benefit of this model is reduced memory consumption, because more web pages will share processes. The drawbacks include reduced security, robustness, and responsiveness. To enable this model, use the command-line argument \c{--process-per-site}. See \l{Using Command-Line Arguments}. \section2 Single Process For debugging purposes only, a single process mode can be enabled using the command-line argument \c{--single-process}. See \l{Using Command-Line Arguments} and \l{Qt WebEngine Debugging and Profiling}. \section1 Spellchecker \QWE supports integrating spellchecking support into HTML forms to enable users to submit spellchecked messages. When the user clicks on an underlined misspelled word, the default context menu displays up to four suggestions. Selecting one will replace the misspelled word. To be able to check the spelling, the spellchecker needs dictionaries. It supports dictionaries from the \l{Hunspell project}, but they have to be compiled into a special binary format. A Hunspell dictionary consists of two files: \list \li A \c .dic file that is a dictionary containing words for the language \li An \c .aff file that defines the meaning of special flags in the dictionary \endlist These two files can be converted into the \c bdic format by using the \c qwebengine_convert_dict tool that is shipped together with Qt. When the \QWE spellchecker initializes, it will try to load the \c bdict dictionaries and to check them for consistency. If \c QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH is set, the spellchecker uses the dictionaries in the specified directory without looking anywere else. Otherwise, it uses the \e qtwebengine_dictionaries directory relative to the executable if it exists. If it does not exist, it will look in \c QT_INSTALL_PREFIX/qtwebengine_dictionaries. On macOS, depending on how \QWE is configured at build time, there are two possibilities how spellchecking data is found: \list \li Hunspell dictionaries (default) - .bdic dictionaries are used, just like on other platforms \li Native dictionaries - the macOS spellchecking APIs are used (which means the results will depend on the installed OS dictionaries) \endlist Thus, in the macOS Hunspell case, \QWE will look in the \e qtwebengine_dictionaries subdirectory located inside the application bundle \c Resources directory, and also in the \c Resources directory located inside the Qt framework bundle. To summarize, in case of Hunspell usage, the following paths are considered: \list \li \c QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH, if set \li QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()/qtwebengine_dictionaries or QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()/../Contents/Resources/qtwebengine_dictionaries (on macOS) \li [QLibraryInfo::DataPath]/qtwebengine_dictionaries or path/to/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Resources/qtwebengine_dictionaries (Qt framework bundle on macOS) \endlist Spellchecking is disabled by default and can be enabled per profile by using the QWebEngineProfile::setSpellCheckEnabled() method in widget-based applications and the \l {QQuickWebEngineProfile::spellCheckEnabled} {WebEngineProfile.spellCheckEnabled} property in Qt Quick applications. The current language used for spellchecking is defined per profile, and can be set using the QWebEngineProfile::setSpellCheckLanguages() method or the \l {QQuickWebEngineProfile::spellCheckLanguages} {WebEngineProfile.spellCheckLanguages} property. This feature can be tested by building and running the \l{WebEngine Widgets Spellchecker Example}{Spellchecker Example}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.8.0. \section1 Touch \QWE supports touch devices for navigating and interacting with web pages. Applications can prohibit the use of touch events in the following ways: \list \li Passing the flag \c --touch-events=disabled on the command line will disable touch event support in JavaScript API (meaning \c ontouchstart and related handlers will not be present in the \c document.window object). Touch events will still be delivered to web pages. \li Installing an event filter object using \l {QObject::installEventFilter} on the WebEngine view focus proxy object, and filtering out all touch events. \endlist \section1 View Source \QWE supports viewing the HTML source of a web page. This feature can be used from custom menus or assigned to custom events. For more information, see WebEngineView::WebAction, and QWebEnginePage::WebAction. This feature can be tested by opening a web page in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser} {Nano Browser}, and then selecting \c{Page Source} in the context menu. The \c{Page Source} context menu entry opens the source view in a new tab. For opening the source view in the current tab, URLs with \l{view-source URI scheme} are also supported. For example, you can type the following URL to the URL bar to view the HTML source of the qt.io web page: \badcode view-source:https://www.qt.io/ \endcode Auto-completion of incomplete URLs with \l{view-source URI scheme} makes the usage of this feature more comfortable. For example, the following incomplete URL also loads the source view of the qt.io web page: \badcode view-source:qt.io \endcode Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.8.0. \target webrtc_feature \section1 WebRTC WebRTC provides browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. For more information, see \l{WebEngineView::Feature} {WebEngineView.Feature} and QWebEnginePage::Feature. This feature can be tested by setting up a webcam or microphone and then opening \c https://test.webrtc.org/ in \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example}{Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser}. \section1 Web Notifications Qt WebEngine supports JavaScript \l{Web Notifications API}. The application has to explicitly allow the feature by using QWebEnginePage::Notifications or \l{WebEngineView::Feature} {WebEngineView.Notifications}. Support for this feature was added in Qt 5.13.0. \section1 Favicon Handling For accessing icons a \c QQuickImageProvider is registered. This provider can be accessed by a special URL where the scheme is "image:" and the host is "favicon". For example, \qml Image { source: "image://favicon/url" } \endqml The \c url can be the URL of the favicon. For example, \qml Image { source: "image://favicon/https://www.qt.io/hubfs/2016_Qt_Logo/qt_logo_green_rgb_16x16.png" } \endqml The \c url also can be a page URL to access its icon. For example, \qml Image { source: "image://favicon/https://www.qt.io/" } \endqml If more than one icon is available, the \l {Image::sourceSize} property can be specified to choose the icon with the desired size. If \l {Image::sourceSize} is not specified or 0, the largest available icon will be chosen. The image provider looks up the requested icon in the existing \l {WebEngineView} instances. First, it tries to match the currently displayed icons. If no match has been found it requests the icon from the database. Each profile has its own icon database and it is stored in the persistent storage thus the stored icons can be accessed without network connection too. The icon must be previously loaded to be stored in the database. \note The icon database is not available for off-the-record profiles. \section1 HTML5 WebSockets \QWE supports the WebSocket JavaScript API to communicate with WebSocket servers using the \c {ws://} or \c {wss://} protocols. Moreover, integration with Qt WebChannel and Qt WebSockets enables communication between JavaScript and the native side of the application. The Qt WebChannel module has a great example for a \l[QtWebChannel]{Qt WebChannel ChatServer Example}{chat server} and its web based \l[QtWebChannel]{Qt WebChannel ChatClient HTML Example}{chat client}. The client works out of the box in the example browsers of \QWE (such as \l{WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example} {Simple Browser} or \l{WebEngine Quick Nano Browser}{Nano Browser}). */