# This .pro file serves a dual purpose: # 1) invoking gyp through the gyp_qtwebengine script, which in turn makes use of the generated gypi include files # 2) produce a Makefile that will run ninja, and take care of actually building everything. TEMPLATE = aux cross_compile { GYP_ARGS = "-D qt_cross_compile=1" posix: GYP_ARGS += "-D os_posix=1" qnx: include(config/embedded_qnx.pri) linux: include(config/embedded_linux.pri) } else { # !cross_compile GYP_ARGS = "-D qt_cross_compile=0" linux: include(config/desktop_linux.pri) mac: include(config/mac_osx.pri) win32: include(config/windows.pri) } GYP_CONFIG += disable_glibcxx_debug=1 !webcore_debug: GYP_CONFIG += remove_webcore_debug_symbols=1 !v8base_debug: GYP_CONFIG += remove_v8base_debug_symbols=1 linux:contains(QT_CONFIG, separate_debug_info): GYP_CONFIG += linux_dump_symbols=1 force_debug_info { win32: GYP_CONFIG += win_release_extra_cflags=-Zi else: GYP_CONFIG += release_extra_cflags=-g } # Copy this logic from qt_module.prf so that ninja can run according # to the same rules as the final module linking in core_module.pro. !host_build:if(win32|mac):!macx-xcode { contains(QT_CONFIG, debug_and_release):CONFIG += debug_and_release contains(QT_CONFIG, build_all):CONFIG += build_all } cross_compile { TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT = $$[QT_SYSROOT] !isEmpty(TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT): GYP_CONFIG += sysroot=\"$${TOOLCHAIN_SYSROOT}\" # Needed for v8, see chromium/v8/build/toolchain.gypi GYP_CONFIG += CXX=\"$$which($$QMAKE_CXX)\" } contains(QT_ARCH, "arm") { # Chromium will set a default sysroot on arm unless we give it one. !cross_compile: GYP_CONFIG += sysroot=\"\" GYP_CONFIG += target_arch=arm # Extract ARM specific compiler options that we have to pass to gyp, # but let gyp figure out a default if an option is not present. MARCH = $$extractCFlag("-march=.*") !isEmpty(MARCH): GYP_CONFIG += arm_arch=\"$$MARCH\" MTUNE = $$extractCFlag("-mtune=.*") !isEmpty(MTUNE): GYP_CONFIG += arm_tune=\"$$MTUNE\" MFLOAT = $$extractCFlag("-mfloat-abi=.*") !isEmpty(MFLOAT): GYP_CONFIG += arm_float_abi=\"$$MFLOAT\" MARMV = $$replace(MARCH, "armv",) !isEmpty(MARMV) { MARMV = $$split(MARMV,) MARMV = $$member(MARMV, 0) lessThan(MARMV, 6): error("$$MARCH architecture is not supported") GYP_CONFIG += arm_version=\"$$MARMV\" } MFPU = $$extractCFlag("-mfpu=.*") !isEmpty(MFPU) { # If the toolchain does not explicitly specify to use NEON instructions # we use arm_neon_optional for ARMv7 and newer and let chromium decide # about the mfpu option. contains(MFPU, "neon")|contains(MFPU, "neon-vfpv4"): GYP_CONFIG += arm_fpu=\"$$MFPU\" arm_neon=1 else:!lessThan(MARMV, 7): GYP_CONFIG += arm_neon=0 arm_neon_optional=1 else: GYP_CONFIG += arm_fpu=\"$$MFPU\" arm_neon=0 arm_neon_optional=0 } contains(QMAKE_CFLAGS, "-mthumb"): GYP_CONFIG += arm_thumb=1 } contains(QT_ARCH, "x86_64"): GYP_CONFIG += target_arch=x64 contains(QT_ARCH, "i386"): GYP_CONFIG += target_arch=ia32 contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, use_proprietary_codecs): GYP_CONFIG += proprietary_codecs=1 ffmpeg_branding=Chrome !contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework): contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests) { GYP_CONFIG += qt_install_data=\"$$[QT_INSTALL_DATA/get]\" GYP_CONFIG += qt_install_translations=\"$$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS/get]\" } # Append additional platform options defined in GYP_CONFIG for (config, GYP_CONFIG): GYP_ARGS += "-D $$config" !build_pass { message("Running gyp_qtwebengine \"$$OUT_PWD\" $${GYP_ARGS}...") !system("python $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/tools/buildscripts/gyp_qtwebengine \"$$OUT_PWD\" $${GYP_ARGS}"): error("-- running gyp_qtwebengine failed --") } build_pass|!debug_and_release { ninja.target = invoke_ninja ninja.commands = $$findOrBuildNinja() \$\(NINJAFLAGS\) -C "$$OUT_PWD/$$getConfigDir()" QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ninja build_pass:build_all: default_target.target = all else: default_target.target = first default_target.depends = ninja QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += default_target } else { # Special GNU make target for the meta Makefile that ensures that our debug and release Makefiles won't both run ninja in parallel. notParallel.target = .NOTPARALLEL QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += notParallel }