// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE.Chromium file. // This implementation is based on chromium/ui/touch_selection/touch_handle_drawable_aura.cc #include "render_widget_host_view_qt.h" #include "touch_handle_drawable_client.h" #include "touch_handle_drawable_qt.h" #include "type_conversion.h" #include "web_contents_adapter_client.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/resources/grit/ui_resources.h" namespace QtWebEngineCore { namespace { // The distance by which a handle image is offset from the focal point (i.e. // text baseline) downwards. const int kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset = 2; // The padding around the selection handle image can be used to extend the // handle window so that touch events near the selection handle image are // targeted to the selection handle window. const int kSelectionHandlePadding = 0; // Epsilon value used to compare float values to zero. const float kEpsilon = 1e-8f; bool IsNearlyZero(float value) { return std::abs(value) < kEpsilon; } } // namespace TouchHandleDrawableQt::TouchHandleDrawableQt(TouchHandleDrawableDelegate *delegate) : m_delegate(delegate) , m_enabled(false) , m_alpha(0) , m_orientation(ui::TouchHandleOrientation::UNDEFINED) { } TouchHandleDrawableQt::~TouchHandleDrawableQt() { } void TouchHandleDrawableQt::UpdateBounds() { if (!m_delegate) return; gfx::RectF newBounds = m_relativeBounds; newBounds.Offset(m_originPosition.x(), m_originPosition.y()); m_delegate->setBounds(toQt(gfx::ToEnclosingRect(newBounds))); } bool TouchHandleDrawableQt::IsVisible() const { return m_enabled && !IsNearlyZero(m_alpha); } void TouchHandleDrawableQt::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (!m_delegate) return; if (enabled == m_enabled) return; m_enabled = enabled; m_delegate->setVisible(enabled); } void TouchHandleDrawableQt::SetOrientation(ui::TouchHandleOrientation orientation, bool mirror_vertical, bool mirror_horizontal) { if (!m_delegate) return; // TODO: Implement adaptive handle orientation logic DCHECK(!mirror_vertical); DCHECK(!mirror_horizontal); if (m_orientation == orientation) return; m_orientation = orientation; gfx::Image* image = GetHandleImage(orientation); m_delegate->setImage(static_cast(orientation)); // Calculate the relative bounds. gfx::Size image_size = image->Size(); int window_width = image_size.width() + 2 * kSelectionHandlePadding; int window_height = image_size.height() + 2 * kSelectionHandlePadding; m_relativeBounds = gfx::RectF(-kSelectionHandlePadding, kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset - kSelectionHandlePadding, window_width, window_height); UpdateBounds(); } void TouchHandleDrawableQt::SetOrigin(const gfx::PointF& position) { m_originPosition = position; UpdateBounds(); } void TouchHandleDrawableQt::SetAlpha(float alpha) { if (!m_delegate) return; if (alpha == m_alpha) return; m_alpha = alpha; m_delegate->setOpacity(m_alpha); m_delegate->setVisible(IsVisible()); } gfx::RectF TouchHandleDrawableQt::GetVisibleBounds() const { gfx::RectF bounds = m_relativeBounds; bounds.Offset(m_originPosition.x(), m_originPosition.y()); gfx::RectF visibleBounds(bounds); visibleBounds.Inset(kSelectionHandlePadding, kSelectionHandlePadding + kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset, kSelectionHandlePadding, kSelectionHandlePadding); return visibleBounds; } float TouchHandleDrawableQt::GetDrawableHorizontalPaddingRatio() const { // Qt does not have any transparent padding for its handle drawable. return 0.0; } // Returns the appropriate handle image based on the handle orientation. gfx::Image *TouchHandleDrawableQt::GetHandleImage(ui::TouchHandleOrientation orientation) { int resource_id = 0; switch (orientation) { case ui::TouchHandleOrientation::LEFT: resource_id = IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_LEFT; break; case ui::TouchHandleOrientation::CENTER: resource_id = IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_CENTER; break; case ui::TouchHandleOrientation::RIGHT: resource_id = IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_RIGHT; break; case ui::TouchHandleOrientation::UNDEFINED: NOTREACHED() << "Invalid touch handle bound type."; return nullptr; }; return &ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed(resource_id); } } // namespace QtWebEngineCore