// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QPDFDOCUMENT_P_H #define QPDFDOCUMENT_P_H // // W A R N I N G // ------------- // // This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an // implementation detail. This header file may change from version to // version without notice, or even be removed. // // We mean it. // #include "qpdfdocument.h" #include "qtpdfexports.h" #include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdfview.h" #include "third_party/pdfium/public/fpdf_dataavail.h" #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QPdfMutexLocker : public std::unique_lock { public: QPdfMutexLocker(); }; class QPdfPageModel; class Q_PDF_EXPORT QPdfDocumentPrivate: public FPDF_FILEACCESS, public FX_FILEAVAIL, public FX_DOWNLOADHINTS { public: QPdfDocumentPrivate(); ~QPdfDocumentPrivate(); QPdfDocument *q; QPdfPageModel *pageModel = nullptr; FPDF_AVAIL avail; FPDF_DOCUMENT doc; bool loadComplete; QPointer device; QScopedPointer ownDevice; QBuffer asyncBuffer; QPointer sequentialSourceDevice; QByteArray password; QPdfDocument::Status status; QPdfDocument::Error lastError; int pageCount; void clear(); void load(QIODevice *device, bool ownDevice); void loadAsync(QIODevice *device); void _q_tryLoadingWithSizeFromContentHeader(); void initiateAsyncLoadWithTotalSizeKnown(quint64 totalSize); void _q_copyFromSequentialSourceDevice(); void tryLoadDocument(); void checkComplete(); bool checkPageComplete(int page); void setStatus(QPdfDocument::Status status); static FPDF_BOOL fpdf_IsDataAvail(struct _FX_FILEAVAIL* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size); static int fpdf_GetBlock(void* param, unsigned long position, unsigned char* pBuf, unsigned long size); static void fpdf_AddSegment(struct _FX_DOWNLOADHINTS* pThis, size_t offset, size_t size); void updateLastError(); QString getText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE textPage, int startIndex, int count) const; QPointF getCharPosition(FPDF_PAGE pdfPage, FPDF_TEXTPAGE textPage, int charIndex) const; QRectF getCharBox(FPDF_PAGE pdfPage, FPDF_TEXTPAGE textPage, int charIndex) const; QPointF mapPageToView(FPDF_PAGE pdfPage, double x, double y) const; QRectF mapPageToView(FPDF_PAGE pdfPage, double left, double top, double right, double bottom) const; QPointF mapViewToPage(FPDF_PAGE pdfPage, QPointF position) const; // FPDF takes the rotation parameter as an int. // This enum is mapping the int values defined in fpdfview.h:956. // (not using enum class to ensure int convertability) enum QFPDFRotation { Normal = 0, ClockWise90 = 1, ClockWise180 = 2, CounterClockWise90 = 3 }; static constexpr QFPDFRotation toFPDFRotation(QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation rotation) { switch (rotation) { case QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::None: return QFPDFRotation::Normal; case QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise90: return QFPDFRotation::ClockWise90; case QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise180: return QFPDFRotation::ClockWise180; case QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise270: return QFPDFRotation::CounterClockWise90; } Q_UNREACHABLE(); } struct TextPosition { QPointF position; qreal height = 0; int charIndex = -1; }; TextPosition hitTest(int page, QPointF position); }; QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QPDFDOCUMENT_P_H