TARGET = $$QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_NAME # Needed to set LSUIElement=1 QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info_mac.plist QT_PRIVATE += core-private webenginecore-private INCLUDEPATH += ../core SOURCES = main.cpp CONFIG -= ltcg # On windows we need to statically link to the windows sandbox code win32 { # The Chromium headers we include are not clean CONFIG -= warnings_are_errors # Look for linking information produced by GN linking_pri = $$OUT_PWD/../core/$$getConfigDir()/qtwebengine_sandbox_win.pri !include($$linking_pri) { error("Could not find the linking information that gn should have generated.") } isEmpty(NINJA_OBJECTS): error("//sandbox/win:sandbox linking changed, update") isEmpty(NINJA_ARCHIVES): error("//sandbox/win:sandbox linking changed, update") LIBS_PRIVATE += $$NINJA_LIB_DIRS $$NINJA_LIBS $$NINJA_ARCHIVES $$NINJA_OBJECTS QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$NINJA_LFLAGS POST_TARGETDEPS += $$NINJA_TARGETDEPS CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR = $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/$$getChromiumSrcDir() INCLUDEPATH += $$CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR \ $$OUT_PWD/../core/$$getConfigDir()/gen SOURCES += \ support_win.cpp msvc: QMAKE_LFLAGS += /MANIFESTINPUT:$$PWD/process.exe.manifest VERSION = $${QT_VERSION}.0 } else { VERSION = $${QT_VERSION} } TEMPLATE = app load(qt_build_paths) !build_pass:qtConfig(debug_and_release): CONFIG += release CONFIG += relative_qt_rpath qtConfig(build_all): CONFIG += build_all qtConfig(framework) { # Deploy the QtWebEngineProcess app bundle into the QtWebEngineCore framework. DESTDIR = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR/lib/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/$$QT_MAJOR_VERSION/Helpers # Deploy the entitlements file so macdeployqt can use it. entitlements.files = QtWebEngineProcess.entitlements entitlements.path = Contents/Resources/ QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += entitlements } else { CONFIG -= app_bundle win32: DESTDIR = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR/bin else: DESTDIR = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR/libexec } msvc: QMAKE_LFLAGS *= /LARGEADDRESSAWARE qtConfig(framework) { target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/$$QT_MAJOR_VERSION/Helpers } else { target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBEXECS] } load(qt_targets) load(qt_common) INSTALLS += target